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Англо-русский биологический словарь - white


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Перевод с английского языка white на русский


1) белок (яйца)

2) склера, белочная оболочка (глаза)

3) бот. заболонь

4) энт. белянка; pl белянки (Pieridae)

5) pl бот. бухарник шерстистый (Holcus lanatus)

6) белый; седой

7) прозрачный, бесцветный

bath whiteblack-veined whitecabbage whitegarden whitegray-veined whitegreen-veined whitelarge whitemarbled whitemustard whiteorange-tip whitepeak whitesmall cabbage whitewood white

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См. в других словарях

   1. adj.  1) белый; white heat - белое каление  2) бледный; to turn white - побледнеть, побелеть  3) седой; серебристый  4) прозрачный; бесцветный  5) невинный, незапятнанный, чистый  6) безвредный; без злого умысла  7) coll. честный, прямой, благородный - white man  8) белый, реакционный  9) белый (человек) - white fury - white light - white night - white sheet - white slave - white crow - white squall  2. noun  1) белый цвет; белизна  2) белая краска, белила  3) белый материал; белое платье и т.п.  4) белок (яйца; тж. white of the egg)  5) белок (глаза; тж. white of the eye)  6) белый (человек); белокожий  7) typ. пробел  8) bot. заболонь  9) чистота, непорочность  10) chess белые фигуры; игрок, играющий белыми WHITE ant термит WHITE ash ясень белый (Fraxinus alba) WHITE beet сахарная свекла WHITE Christmas noun белое Рождество (когда на Рождество выпадает снег) WHITE coal белый уголь, гидроэнергия WHITE coffee кофе с молоком WHITE corpuscles physiol. белые кровяные шарики WHITE crow белая ворона, редкость WHITE elephant обременительное имущество; подарок, который неизвестно куда девать WHITE ensign английский военно-морской флаг WHITE frost иней WHITE fury неистовство, бешенство, ярость (тж. white heat) WHITE goods noun; pl.  1) text. бельевой товар  2) постельное и столовое бельё  3) холодильники, плиты и др....
Англо-русский словарь
  1. белый цвет; белизна 2. чистота, непорочность 3. белая краска, белила 4. белок (яйца) the whites of three eggs —- три яичных белка 5. белок (глаза; также white of the eye) to turn up the whites of one's eyes —- закатывать глаза 6. белый (человек); белокожий 7. полит. белый (ультраконсерватор или реакционер) 8. (часто W.) белогвардеец 9. белая одежда woman in white —- женщина в белом 10. pl. белые брюки 11. pl. мор. белое летнее обмундирование 12. белая ткань in the white —- некрашеный (о ткани); неотделанный, неготовый; в виде полуфабриката 13. текст. белый товар; бельевой товар 14. белые (в шахматах, шашках) 15. игрок, играющий белыми 16. белое мясо (курицы и т. п.) 17. белое вино 18. разг. белая бабочка; капустница 19. полигр. пробел 20. полигр. пробельный материал 21. бот. заболонь 22. pl. мед. бели 23. деревья с белой древесиной 24. с-х. белая порода (свиней) 25. pl. с-х. высшие сорта пшеничной муки Id: to call white black, to turn white into black —- называть белое черным, утверждать что-л. вопреки очевидным фактам 26. белый white as snow —- белоснежный to paint white —- окрашивать в белый цвет, белить white vegetables —- белые коренья white rice —- шлифованный рис white salt —- столовая соль white hands —- белые руки; белоручка; чистые руки; честность, незапятнанность;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) белок (яйца) 2) склера, белочная оболочка (глаза) 3) бот. заболонь 4) энт. белянка; pl белянки (Pieridae) 5) pl бот. бухарник шерстистый (Holcus lanatus) 6) белый; седой 7) прозрачный, бесцветный – bath white – black-veined white – cabbage white – gray-veined white – large white – marbled white – mustard white – orange-tip white – peak white – small cabbage white – wood white ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. белый (человек) - White House - in the white - poor whites - white coal 2. прил. 1) белый 2) честный, прямой - white list - white paper - white slavery - white supremacy - white war ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) белый 2) вазелиновый 3) несмоленый 4) пшеничный 5) светлый bring to white heat — нагревать до белого каления white noise generator — генератор белого шума - white arsenic - white black - white bread - white current - white diagonals - white factice - white hot - white laser - white lead - white level - white light - white line - white metal - white node - white noise - white oakum - white oil - white phosphorus - white pickling - white pigment - white source - white spot - white tin - white transmission - zinc white ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) тлв. белый 2) сигнал белого поля (в факсимильной связи) – bleeding whites – following whites – noisy white – peak white – picture white – reference white – trailings white ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  белила белый пигмент белый dead white titanium white zinc white ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) белый пигмент; белила; белая краска 2) белый 3) сигнал белого поля (в факсимильной связи) - base white - bleeding white whites - carbon white - China white - dyedwhite - French white - lake white - lime white - mineral white - Paris white - peak white - process white - satin white - silver white - titanium white - zinc white ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 resembling a surface reflecting sunlight without absorbing any of the visible rays; of the colour of milk or fresh snow. 2 approaching such a colour; pale esp. in the face (turned as white as a sheet). 3 less dark than other things of the same kind. 4 (White) a of the human group having light-coloured skin. b of or relating to White people. 5 albino (white mouse). 6 a (of hair) having lost its colour esp. in old age. b (of a person) white-haired. 7 colloq. innocent, untainted. 8 (in comb.) (of esp. animals) having some white on the body (white-throated). 9 a (of a plant) having white flowers or pale-coloured fruit etc. (white hyacinth; white cauliflower). b (of a tree) having light-coloured bark etc. (white ash; white poplar). 10 (of wine) made from white grapes or dark grapes with the skins removed. 11 (of coffee) with milk or cream added. 12 transparent, colourless (white glass). 13 hist. counter-revolutionary or reactionary (white guard; white army). --n. 1 a white colour or pigment. 2 a white clothes or material (dressed in white). b (in pl.) white garments as worn in cricket, tennis, etc. 3 a (in a game or sport) a white piece, ball, etc. b the player using such pieces. 4 the white part or albumen round the yolk of an egg. 5 the visible part of the eyeball round the iris. 6 (White) a member of a light-skinned race. 7 a white butterfly. 8 a blank space in printing. --v.tr. archaic make white. Phrases and idioms bleed white drain (a person, country, etc.) of wealth etc. white admiral a butterfly, Limenitis camilla, with a white band across its wings. white ant a termite. white cell (or corpuscle) a leucocyte. white Christmas Christmas with snow on the ground. white coal water as a source of power. white-collar (of a worker) engaged in clerical or administrative rather than manual work. white currant a cultivar of redcurrant with pale edible berries. whited sepulchre see SEPULCHRE. white dwarf a small very dense star. white elephant a useless and troublesome possession or thing. white ensign see...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwit; akin to Old High German hwiz ~ and probably to Old Church Slavic svetu light, Sanskrit sveta ~, bright  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. free from color  b. of the color of new snow or milk; specifically of the color ~  c. light or pallid in color ~ hair lips ~ with fear  d. lustrous pale gray ; silvery; also made of silver  2.  a. being a member of a group or race characterized by light pigmentation of the skin  b. of, relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of ~ people or their culture  c. from the former stereotypical association of good character with northern European descent marked by upright fairness that's mighty ~ of you  3. free from spot or blemish: as  a.  (1) free from moral impurity ; innocent  (2) marked by the wearing of ~ by the woman as a symbol of purity a ~ wedding  b. unmarked by writing or printing  c. not intended to cause harm a ~ lie ~ magic  d. favorable, fortunate one of the ~ days of his life — Sir Walter Scott  4.  a. wearing or habited in ~  b. marked by the presence of snow ; snowy a ~ Christmas  5.  a. heated to the point of ~ness  b. notably ardent ; passionate ~ fury  6.  a. conservative or reactionary in political outlook and action  b. instigated or carried out by reactionary forces as a counterrevolutionary measure a ~ terror  7. of, relating to, or constituting a musical tone quality characterized by a controlled pure sound, a lack of warmth and color, and a lack of resonance  8. consisting of a wide range of frequencies — used of light, sound, and electromagnetic radiation  • whitish adjective  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. the achromatic object color of greatest lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that reflect diffusely nearly all incident energy throughout the visible spectrum  2.  a. a ~ or light-colored part of something: as  (1) a mass of albuminous material surrounding the yolk of an egg  (2) the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (whiter, whitest, whites) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is white is the colour of snow or milk. He had nice square white teeth... He was dressed in white from head to toe. COLOUR • whiteness Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth. N-UNCOUNT 2. A white person has a pale skin and belongs to a race which is of European origin. He was white, with brown shoulder-length hair and a moustache. ADJ • Whites are white people. It’s a school that’s brought blacks and whites and Hispanics together. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. If someone goes white, the skin on their face becomes very pale, for example because of fear, shock, anger, or illness. Richard had gone very white, but he stood his ground... His face was white with fury. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ • If someone looks white as a sheet or as white as a sheet, they look very frightened, shocked, or ill. He appeared in the doorway, white as a sheet, eyes wide with horror. PHRASE: v-link PHR 4. White wine is pale yellow in colour. Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom. ADJ • You can refer to white wine as white. I bought a bottle of Californian white. N-MASS 5. White coffee has had milk or cream added to it. (BRIT) Wayne has a large white coffee in front of him. ADJ 6. White blood cells are the cells in your blood which your body uses to fight infection. ADJ: ADJ n 7. The white of an egg is the transparent liquid that surrounds the yellow part called the yolk. N-VAR 8. The white of someone’s eye is the white part that surrounds the coloured part called the iris. N-COUNT: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 having the colour of milk, salt or snow  (white paint) 2 looking pale, because of illness, strong emotion etc  (white with anger/fear etc)  (Her face was white with fear. | white as a sheet (=extremely pale because you are frightened, ill etc)) 3 a) belonging to a race with pale skin b) of or for white people  (a white neighborhood) 4 white coffee has milk or cream in it  (- opposite black1 (3)) 5 white wine is a very pale yellow or pale green colour - whiteness n ~2 n 1 the colour of milk, salt, and snow 2 someone who belongs to a pale-skinned race  (The party got a lot of support from South Africa's whites.) 3 C + of the white part of your eye 4 the transparent part of an egg that surrounds the yolk (=yellow part) 5 whites plural a) white clothes, sheets etc, which are separated from dark colours when they are washed b) especially BrE white clothes that are worn for some sports, such as tennis ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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