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Англо-русский биологический словарь - waste


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Перевод с английского языка waste на русский


1) пустыня; пустошь; пустынный

2) отходы, отбросы

3) выделения (организма)

domestic wasteindustrial wastesintestinal wasteslivestock wastelogging wastetrade wastetree waste

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См. в других словарях

  products отходы WASTE breath говорить на ветер, попусту тратить слова WASTE ground пустырь, пустошь WASTE land пустырь, пустошь WASTE paper макулатура WASTE  1. noun  1) пустыня  2) потери; убыль, ущерб, убыток, порча  3) излишняя трата; oil waste - перерасход масла - run to waste - go to waste  4) отбросы, отходы, угар, обрезки, лом  5) leg. разорение, порча; небрежное отношение (особ. арендатора к чужому имуществу)  6) mining пустая порода Syn: debris, garbage, junk, pollutants, refuse, rubbish, trash  2. adj.  1) пустынный, незаселенный; невозделанный; опустошенный - waste land - waste ground - lay waste - lie waste  2) лишний, ненужный; waste effort - напрасное усилие - waste products - waste paper  3) tech. отработанный; waste steam - отработанный пар  4) негодный, бракованный  3. v.  1) расточать (деньги, энергию и т.п.); терять (время); тратить впустую; to waste money - бросать деньги на ветер; to waste words - говорить на ветер; тратить слова попусту; my joke was wasted upon him - он не понял моей шутки  2) портить; to be entirely wasteed - стать полностью непригодным к употреблению  3) опустошать  4) изнурять; he was wasted by disease - болезнь изнурила его  5) чахнуть; истощаться, приходить к концу (тж. waste away); Since my aunts operation, she has simply been wasting away and may not last long. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. растрачивание, ненужная или излишняя трата; расточительство waste of time —- напрасная трата времени waste of fuel —- перерасход топлива what a waste of energy! —- какая пустая (бессмысленная) трата сил! to go (to run) to waste —- тратиться непроизводительно; оставаться неиспользованным; идти в отходы to cut to waste —- кроить (ткань) нерасчетливо (неэкономно); сл. напрасно тратить (время) 2. потери, убыль; ущерб, убыток 3. юр. повреждение, порча; небрежное отношение (арендатора к нанятому имуществу и т. п.) 4. отходы (также waste products); обрезки, обрывки (бумаги и т. п.); выжимки 5. концы, обтирочный материал 6. текст. угар; очески; рвань thread (yarn) waste —- путанка, рвань пряжи cotton waste —- пакля waste of flax —- кострика 7. металлический лом, скрап 8. полигр. макулатура; лишние листы (оставшиеся после изготовления тиража) 9. утиль 10. мусор; отбросы 11. pl. сточные воды 12. физиол. выделения (организма) 13. износ, изнашивание 14. потеря веса, исхудание 15. уменьшение (энергии и т. п.) упадок (сил и т. п.) 16. пустыня 17. пустынное пространство a waste of waters —- пустыня моря; морской простор 18. пустошь, пустынь; бросовая земля 19. юр. бесхозная земля 20. горн. пустая порода 21. геол. материал, уносимый потоком в море 22....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) пустыня; пустошь; пустынный 2) отходы, отбросы 3) выделения (организма) – domestic waste – industrial wastes – intestinal wastes – livestock waste – logging waste – trade waste – tree waste ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. растрачивание, расточительство (излишняя трата, непроизводительная затрата) to cut to waste — напрасно тратить (время) waste of time — напрасная трата времени What a waste of energy! — Какая пустая бессмысленная трата сил! Syn: squander, squandering dissipation 2) общ. потери; убыток; убыль; ущерб waste of potential revenue — потеря потенциальных доходов Syn: "loss See: "abnormal waste 3) юр. порча (повреждение и обесценивание арендованного имущества в результате небрежного обращения с ним арендатора) Syn: injury 4) эк. отходы (производства), отбросы, обрезки; обрывки (бумаги и т. п.), выжимки, обтирочный материал Syn: junk, refuse See: "defective goods, "spoilage 5) общ. нечистоты; сточные воды Syn: sewage, effluent 6) общ. бесхозная земля; пустошь, пустырь 7) общ. пустыня; пустынное пространство waste of waters, watery waste — пустыня моря; морской простор wastes of snow — снежные просторы waste of heaven — небесные просторы icy wastes of Antarctica — ледяные пустыни Антарктики Syn: expanse 8) доб. (очень мелкий уголь или угольная пыль) WASTE 1. сущ. 1) отходы производства, отбросы, утиль 2) ущерб, потеря, убыль, убыток 3) напрасная трата 4) брак • - allowance for waste - ameliorating waste - chloride-bearing wastes - conspicuous waste - cotton waste - degradable waste - domestic waste - equitable waste - farm waste - idleness waste - industrial waste - invisible waste -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) (неоправданные) потери времени и средств (в производстве) 2) ёмкость для отходов ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) бракован 2) бракованный 3) бросовый 4) канализационный 5) конденсационный 6) лом 7) макулатурный 8) обрезки 9) опустошать 10) отбросный 11) отбросы 12) отработавший 13) отработанный 14) отходы 15) очес 16) портить 17) потери 18) потеря 19) горн. пространство выработанное 20) пустая трата 21) разбазаривание 22) расточительность 23) расточительство 24) спускной 25) сточный 26) убыток 27) угар 28) угарный 29) угароочищающий 30) угары 31) утилизатор 32) ущерб burial of radioactive waste — захоронение радиоактивных отходов dump waste product — отвальный продукт filling by waste rock — закладка попутной породы radioactive waste storage — хранилище радиоактивных отходов recover waste heat — рекуперировать отбросное тепло tailings go to waste — хвосты идут в отвал - brewing waste - comber waste - go to waste - industrial waste - nonutilizable waste - radioactive waste - raw waste lumber - waste a neutron - waste acid - waste disposal - waste gas flue - waste gas heating - waste gas - waste heat - waste product - waste sheet - waste spinning - waste steam - waste water ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  бытовые сточные воды (тж. мн.ч.[/p]) отбросы, отходы строительный мусор сброс воды потери воды (в водоснабжении) слив (санитарного прибора) неиспользованный грунт bulky waste energy waste hazardous wastes heat waste municipal waste operational waste organic wastes process wastes quarry waste raw waste solid wastes standing waste trade wastes urban waste ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) отходы; мусор; отбросы 2) скрап, лом 3) горн. пустая порода 4) горн. выработанное пространство 5) лесн. обрезки 6) цел.-бум. срыв бумаги 7) сточные воды (промышленные и коммунальные) 8) сброс (воды) сбрасывать воду 9) порча портить (материал); бесполезно расходовать (материал) 10) потеря; потери; убыток; (неисправимый) брак 11) обтирочный материал, ветошь 12) ж.-д. буксовая подбивка to flow to waste — идти в отвал; идти в брак - abiotic waste - acidic waste - acid waste - alkali waste - animal waste - aqueous waste - bioconcentrative waste - black-ash waste - blast-furnace waste - caved waste - city waste - cold waste - colliery waste - combustible waste - commercial waste - condensate waste - construction waste - corrosive waste - cutting waste - dewatered radioactive waste - domestic waste - dry radioactive waste - farm waste - felling waste - fission-product waste - food waste - foundry waste - fuel cycle waste - gaseous waste - green waste - hard waste - heat waste - high-level waste - high-level liquid waste - high-level solidified waste - hot waste - incompatible wastes - industrial waste - iron-and-steel waste - iron-foundry waste - journal box waste - leather waste - livestock waste - logging waste - low-activity waste - lumber waste - manufacturing waste - mine waste - municipal waste - noncombustible waste - nonferrous waste - nonutilizable waste - nuclear waste - oily waste - operation waste - packing house waste - paper waste - paper punch waste - pathological waste - photographic processing waste - power waste - process condensate waste - processing waste - radioactive waste - refinery waste - rejectable waste - sanitary waste - society's waste - solid waste - start-up waste - steelmaking waste - sulfur waste - toxic waste -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. use to no purpose or for inadequate result or extravagantly (waste time). 2 tr. fail to use (esp. an opportunity). 3 tr. (often foll. by on) give (advice etc.), utter (words etc.), without effect. 4 tr. & intr. wear gradually away; make or become weak; wither. 5 tr. ravage, devastate. 6 tr. treat as wasted or valueless. 7 intr. be expended without useful effect. --adj. 1 superfluous; no longer serving a purpose. 2 (of a district etc.) not inhabited or cultivated; desolate (waste ground). 3 presenting no features of interest. --n. 1 the act or an instance of wasting; extravagant or ineffectual use of an asset, of time, etc. 2 waste material or food; refuse; useless remains or by-products. 3 a waste region; a desert etc. 4 the state of being used up; diminution by wear and tear. 5 Law damage to an estate caused by an act or by neglect, esp. by a life-tenant. 6 = waste pipe. Phrases and idioms go (or run) to waste be wasted. lay waste ravage, devastate. waste-basket esp. US = waste-paper basket. waste one's breath see BREATH. waste not, want not extravagance leads to poverty. waste paper spoiled or valueless paper. waste-paper basket esp. Brit. a receptacle for waste paper. waste pipe a pipe to carry off waste material, e.g. from a sink. waste products useless by-products of manufacture or of an organism or organisms. waste words see WORD. Derivatives wastable adj. wasteless adj. Etymology: ME f. ONF wast(e), var. of OF g(u)ast(e), f. L vastus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~, wast; in sense 1, from Anglo-French wast, from wast, gast, guast, adjective, desolate, ~, from Latin vastus; in other senses, from Middle English ~n to ~ — more at vast  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a sparsely settled or barren region ; desert  b. uncultivated land  c. a broad and empty expanse (as of water)  2. the act or an instance of wasting ; the state of being ~d  3.  a. loss through breaking down of bodily tissue  b. gradual loss or decrease by use, wear, or decay  4.  a. damaged, defective, or superfluous material produced by a manufacturing process: as  (1) material rejected during a textile manufacturing process and used usually for wiping away dirt and oil cotton ~  (2) scrap  (3) an unwanted by-product of a manufacturing process, chemical laboratory, or nuclear reactor toxic ~ hazardous ~ nuclear ~  b. refuse from places of human or animal habitation: as  (1) garbage, rubbish  (2) excrement — often used in plural  (3) sewage  c. material derived by mechanical and chemical weathering of the land and moved down sloping surfaces or carried by streams to the sea  II. verb  (~d; wasting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, gaster, from Latin vastare, from vastus desolate, ~  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to lay ~; especially to damage or destroy gradually and progressively reclaiming land ~d by strip-mining  2. to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength ; emaciate, enfeeble a body ~d by disease  3. to wear away or diminish gradually ; consume  4.  a. to spend or use carelessly ; squander ~ valuable resources  b. to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated a writer wasting her talent  5. kill; also to injure severely  intransitive verb  1. to lose weight, strength, or vitality — often used with away was wasting away from illness  2.  a. to become diminished in bulk or substance  b. to become consumed  3. to spend money or consume property extravagantly or improvidently...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wastes, wasting, wasted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you waste something such as time, money, or energy, you use too much of it doing something that is not important or necessary, or is unlikely to succeed. There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them... I resolved not to waste money on a hotel... The system wastes a large amount of water. VERB: V n -ing, V n on n, V n • Waste is also a noun. It is a waste of time going to the doctor with most mild complaints... I think that is a total waste of money. N-SING: a N of n 2. Waste is the use of money or other resources on things that do not need it. The packets are measured to reduce waste... I hate waste. N-UNCOUNT 3. Waste is material which has been used and is no longer wanted, for example because the valuable or useful part of it has been taken out. Congress passed a law that regulates the disposal of waste... Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK. ...the process of eliminating body waste. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 4. If you waste an opportunity for something, you do not take advantage of it when it is available. Let’s not waste an opportunity to see the children... It was a wasted opportunity. VERB: V n, V-ed 5. Waste land is land, especially in or near a city, which is not used or looked after by anyone, and so is covered by wild plants and rubbish. Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground. ADJ: usu ADJ n 6. Wastes are a large area of land, for example a desert, in which there are very few people, plants, or animals. ...the barren wastes of the Sahara. N-PLURAL: adj N, N of n 7. see also wasted 8. If something goes to waste, it remains unused or has to be thrown away. Mexican cookery is economical, she says. Nothing goes to waste. PHRASE: V inflects 9. to waste no time: see time ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BAD USE« things such as money or skills that should be used and are not, or that are not used effectively  (waste in government departments) + of  (Being unemployed is such a waste of your talents.) 2 be a waste of time/money/effort etc to be not worth the time, money etc that you use because there is little or no result  (We should never have gone - it was a total waste of time.) 3 go to waste to be wasted  (Don't let all this food go to waste.) 4 »UNWANTED MATERIALS« unwanted materials or substances that are left after you have used something  (It's a good idea to recycle household waste. | industrial/chemical etc waste)  (Industrial waste has found its way into the water supply.) 5 a waste of space spoken someone who has no good qualities  (That woman is a complete waste of space!) 6 »LAND« C usually plural especially literary a large empty or useless area of land  (the icy wastes of Antarctica)  (- see also wasteland) ~2 v 1 »NOT USE SENSIBLY« to use more money, time, energy etc than you should, or use it in a way that is not useful or sensible  (Leaving the heating on all the time wastes electricity. | waste sth on)  (Don't waste your money on that junk!) 2 waste your breath spoken to say something that has no effect  (Don't try to reason with Paul - you're wasting your breath..) 3 waste no time (in) doing sth to do something as quickly as you can because it will help you  (Sandy wasted no time in getting to know the boss's daughter.) 4 be wasted on sb if something is wasted on someone they are too stupid or unsuitable to be able to use or enjoy it  (Her words of advice were wasted on me.) 5 be wasted in sth if someone is wasted in a job etc, they are not using all of their abilities  (Hannah's wasted in that clerical job.) 6 »BECAUSE OF ILLNESS« if an illness wastes someone, they become thinner and weaker  (- see also wasted (3), wasting) 7 waste not, want not spoken used to say that if you use what you have carefully, you will not be left with nothing later 8 »HARM SB« slang especially AmE to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. We Await Silent Tristero's Empire ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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