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Англо-русский биологический словарь - twist


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Перевод с английского языка twist на русский


1) фтп. закрученность (возбудитель гриб Dilophospora alopecuri)

2) энт. листовёртка

bog-myrtle twistcurrant twistgreat brown twistoak red-barred twistpea-green oak twistpine hook-tipped twistplain yellow twiststraw oblique-barred twistsummer fruit twistthicket twist

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) изгиб, поворот  2) веревка; шнурок  3) кручение, крутка; скручивание, сучение  4) что-л. свернутое, напр., скрученный бумажный пакет, фунтик  5) витой хлеб; хала, плетенка  6) искажение, искривление; twist of the tongue - косноязычие  7) вывих  8) характерная особенность; отличительная черта (ума, характера и т.п.; часто неодобр.)  9) sl. смешанный напиток  10) твист (танец)  11) трюк, уловка  12) coll. аппетит  13) tech. ход (витка) twist of the wrist - ловкость рук; ловкость, сноровка  2. v.  1) крутить, сучить, сплетать(ся)  2) виться; изгибать(ся); the road twists a good deal - дорога петляет  3) скручивать (руки); выжимать (белье)  4) вертеть; поворачивать(ся)  5) искажать, искривлять  6) coll. обманывать - twist about - twist around - twist into - twist off - twist up Syn: see bend TWIST about  а) корчиться; he twisted about in pain он извивался от боли;  б) ёрзать; to twist about ones chair ёрзать на стуле TWIST (a)round  а) оборачивать, поворачивать;  б) вертеться, ёрзать; юлить TWIST into  а) придавать скручиванием или сгибанием определённую форму; скручивать, сворачивать, сгибать; to twist a piece of wire into a loop согнуть кусок проволоки в петлю;  б) превращать, обращать; to twist many things into laughing matter сделать многое предметом насмешек; TWIST off отламывать,...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. кручение; крутка; скручивание; сучение to give a twist —- крутить, скручивать 2. изгиб, поворот a twist in a road —- изгиб дороги 3. изгиб, кривизна 4. крученая веревка; шнурок, жгут; крученая нить 5. петля; узел; скрутка (проволок в жиле кабеля) 6. система нарезов (в канале ствола пистолета, орудия) a rifle with great twist —- ружье с крутой нарезкой 7. скрученный бумажный пакет, фунтик 8. грубый сорт табака (получаемый из скрученных сухих листьев) 9. витой хлеб a bread twist, a twist of bread —- витая булочка 10. цедра, выжимаемая в напиток 11. хвост завитком (у свиньи) 12. поворот в сторону; отклонение the twist of a billiard ball —- отклонение бильярдного шара 13. неожиданный или причудливый поворот; зигзаг the twists of history —- зигзаги истории 14. особенность to give the classics a modern twist —- придавать классикам современное звучание 15. предрасположенность, склонность a criminal twist —- преступные наклонности 16. прием; трюк, фокус 17. искажение (смысла) to give the facts an imperceptible twist —- слегка исказить факты 18. искажение (лица), гримаса with a twist of the mouth —- с гримасой на лице 19. отклонение от нормы 20. вывих to give one's knee a bad twist —- сильно вывихнуть ногу 21. растяжение 22. обман a twist in one's nature —- неискренность, нечестность; испорченность...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  твист Вид поп-музыки и парный танец. Получили распространение в начале 1960-х после выступлений Чабби Чекера Checker, Chubby (Evans, Ernest) (р. 1941). В течение примерно десятилетия пользовались огромной популярностью ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) фтп. закрученность (возбудитель гриб Dilophospora alopecuri) 2) энт. листовёртка – bog-myrtle twist – currant twist – great brown twist – oak red-barred twist – pea-green oak twist – pine hook-tipped twist – plain yellow twist – straw oblique-barred twist – summer fruit twist – thicket twist ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) поворот, отклонение 2) обман 2. гл. 1) отклонять 2) обманывать 3) искажать - twist the curve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) докручивать 2) закручивание 3) закручивать 4) извиваться 5) искоробить 6) искривление 7) искривляться 8) кручение 9) навертный 10) перегиб 11) перекручивать 12) поворот 13) свивать 14) скручивание 15) скручивать 16) шаг винта 17) машиностр. шир - aerodynamic twist - blade twist - center of twist - coefficient of twist - congruence twist - false twist - final twist - hard twist - hot twist test - left twist - permanent twist - right twist - soft twist - twist angle - twist bit - twist boundary - twist factor - twist joint - twist the blade - twist vector - twist wheel - zero twist ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) кручение; закручивание; скручивание крутить; закручивать; скручивать 2) крутка (напр. нити), скрутка (проводов) 3) крутящий момент 4) угол закручивания 5) ротация (рабочего органа) 6) коробление 7) лесн. крыловатость - aerodynamic twist - buttonhole twist - machine twist - track twist - turbine blade twist - Wing twist - wing geometric twist ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. change the form of by rotating one end and not the other or the two ends in opposite directions. b intr. undergo such a change; take a twisted position (twisted round in his seat). c tr. wrench or pull out of shape with a twisting action (twisted my ankle). 2 tr. a wind (strands etc.) about each other. b form (a rope etc.) by winding the strands. c (foll. by with, in with) interweave. d form by interweaving or twining. 3 a tr. give a spiral form to (a rod, column, cord, etc.) as by rotating the ends in opposite directions. b intr. take a spiral form. 4 tr. (foll. by off) break off or separate by twisting. 5 tr. distort or misrepresent the meaning of (words). 6 a intr. take a curved course. b tr. make (one's way) in a winding manner. 7 tr. Brit. colloq. cheat (twisted me out of {pound}20). 8 tr. cause (the ball, esp. in billiards) to rotate while following a curved path. 9 tr. (as twisted adj.) (of a person or mind) emotionally unbalanced. 10 intr. dance the twist. --n. 1 the act or an instance of twisting. 2 a a twisted state. b the manner or degree in which a thing is twisted. 3 a thing formed by or as by twisting, esp. a thread or rope etc. made by winding strands together. 4 the point at which a thing twists or bends. 5 usu. derog. a peculiar tendency of mind or character etc. 6 an unexpected development of events, esp. in a story etc. 7 a fine strong silk thread used by tailors etc. 8 a roll of bread, tobacco, etc., in the form of a twist. 9 Brit. a paper packet with screwed-up ends. 10 a curled piece of lemon etc. peel to flavour a drink. 11 a spinning motion given to a ball in cricket etc. to make it take a special curve. 12 a a twisting strain. b the amount of twisting of a rod etc., or the angle showing this. c forward motion combined with rotation about an axis. 13 Brit. a drink made of two ingredients mixed together. 14 Brit. colloq. a swindle. 15 (prec. by the) a dance with a twisting movement of the body, popular in the 1960s. Phrases and idioms round the twist Brit. sl. crazy. twist a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch ~en, from ~ twine, discord, quarrel; akin to Old English -~ (in candel~ candlesnuffers, m?st~ twin support for a mast), Middle English ~en to be forked, Middle High German zwist quarrel, Old English twi- twi-  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to unite by winding ~ing strands together  b. to make by ~ing strands together ~ thread from yarn  c. to mingle by interlacing  2. twine, coil  3.  a. to wring or wrench so as to dislocate or distort; especially sprain ~ed my ankle  b. to alter the meaning of ; distort, pervert ~ed the facts  c. contort ~ed his face into a grin  d. to pull off, turn, or break by torsion ~ the nut off the bolt  e. to cause to move with a turning motion ~ed her chair to face the fire  f. to form into a spiral shape  g. to cause to take on moral, mental, or emotional deformity celebrity has ~ed their sense of decorum  h. to make (one's way) in a winding or devious manner to a destination or objective  intransitive verb  1. to follow a winding course ; snake  2.  a. to turn or change shape under torsion  b. to assume a spiral shape  c. squirm, writhe  d. to dance the ~  3. of a ball to rotate while taking a curving path or direction  4. turn 3a ~ed around to see behind him  II. noun  Date: 1555  1. something formed by ~ing or winding: as  a. a thread, yarn, or cord formed by ~ing two or more strands together  b. a strong tightly ~ed sewing silk  c. a baked piece of ~ed dough  d. tobacco leaves ~ed into a thick roll  e. a strip of citrus peel used to flavor a drink  2.  a. an act of ~ing ; the state of being ~ed  b. a dance performed with strenuous gyrations especially of the hips  c. the spin given the ball in any of various games  d. a spiral turn or curve  e.  (1) torque or torsional stress applied to a body (as a rod or shaft)  (2) torsional strain  (3) the angle through which a thing is ~ed  3.  a. a turning off a straight course  b. eccentricity,...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (twists, twisting, twisted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you twist something, you turn it to make a spiral shape, for example by turning the two ends of it in opposite directions. Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried... Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand... VERB: V n, V n adv/prep 2. If you twist something, especially a part of your body, or if it twists, it moves into an unusual, uncomfortable, or bent position, for example because of being hit or pushed, or because you are upset. He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists... Sophia’s face twisted in pain... The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle... VERB: V n prep, V, V-ed 3. If you twist part of your body such as your head or your shoulders, you turn that part while keeping the rest of your body still. She twisted her head sideways and looked towards the door... Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her... VERB: V n adv, V adv/prep 4. If you twist a part of your body such as your ankle or wrist, you injure it by turning it too sharply, or in an unusual direction. He fell and twisted his ankle... Rupert Moon is out of today’s session with a twisted knee. VERB: V n, V-ed 5. If you twist something, you turn it so that it moves around in a circular direction. She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger... Reaching up to a cupboard he takes out a jar and twists the lid off. VERB: V n, V n with adv • Twist is also a noun. The bag is resealed with a simple twist of the valve. N-COUNT: oft N of n 6. If a road or river twists, it has a lot of sudden changes of direction in it. The roads twist round hairpin bends... The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages. VERB: V prep, V • Twist is also a noun. It allows the train to maintain a constant speed through the twists and turns...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »BEND« to bend and turn something several times, especially in order to make something or to tie it to something  (twist sth into/around etc)  (She twisted the wire into the shape of a star.) 2 »MOVE« to turn a part of your body around or change your position by turning  (He twisted to try and get free of the ropes.) 3 »TURN« to turn something using your hand  (twist sth off)  (Jack twisted the cap off the bottle.) 4 »WIND« T always + adv/prep to wind something in a particular way  (twist sth round/around)  (She twisted the streamers round the banisters. | twist sth together)  (Twist the two ends of the wire together.) 5 »ROAD/RIVER« if a road, river etc twists, it changes direction in a series of curves  (The track twisted into the hills.) 6 »WORDS« to change the true or intended meaning of a statement, especially in order to get some advantage for yourself; distort; distort  (Every time I try to discuss the situation, he twists what I say.) 7 twist your wrist/ankle/knee to hurt your wrist etc by pulling or turning it too suddenly while you are moving 8 twist and turn a) if a path, road, stream etc twists and turns, it has a lot of bends in it b) if a person or animal twists and turns, they make twisting movements  (The snake twisted and turned through the mud.) 9 twist sb's arm a) informal to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do  (I'm sure he'll come to the party if you twist his arm.) b) to bend someone's arm upwards behind their back in order to hurt them c) twist my arm! spoken used humorously to accept an invitation, a drink etc  (Oh, go on, twist my arm! I'll have a red wine.)  (- see also twist/wrap sb around your little finger finger1 (13), twist/turn the knife knife1 (4)) ~2 n 1 a twisting action or movement  (Give that lid a twist - it's coming loose.) 2 a bend in a river or road 3 an unexpected change in the meaning of a situation or in the progress of a series of events  (The story ends with a strange twist - the detective turns out to be the murderer. | a twist of...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. -twist (in mжsttwist "mast rope, stay"), from twi- "two." Original senses suggest "dividing in two," but later ones are of "combining two into one." The verb is 12c.; the popular dance craze is from 1961. Twister "tornado" is from 1897. Twisty "attractively feminine" (1970s) is from twist "girl" (1928), apparently from rhyming slang twist and twirl. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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