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Англо-русский биологический словарь - twin


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Перевод с английского языка twin на русский


1) близнец; близнецовый

2) двойной; спаренный, сдвоенный

3) pl близнецы, двойня

biovular twinsdioval twinsdizygotic twinsenzygotic twinsfraternal twinsidentical twinsmonoval twinsmonozygotic twinsuniovular twins

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) usu. pl. близнецы; двойня  2) двойник  3) парная вещь  2. adj.  1) двойной; сдвоенный, спаренный; состоящий из двух однородных частей; составляющий пару, являющийся близнецом; twin soul joc. - родственная душа; twin set - гарнитур, состоящий из жакета и джемпера (одинакового цвета или гармонирующих цветов)  2) одинаковый, похожий; twin tasks - одинаковые задачи  3. v.  1) родить двойню  2) соединять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. близнецы; двойняшки a pair of twins —- разг. близнецы Siamese twins —- сиамские близнецы 2. уст. диал. двойня 3. близнец; двойняшка 4. двойник; точная копия 5. парная вещь body and spirit are twins —- тело и дух связаны воедино 6. (The Twins) pl. Близнецы (созвездие и знак зодиака) 7. являющийся близнецом twin brother —- брат-близнец 8. двойной, спаренный, сдвоенный twin barrel —- воен. спаренная установка 9. двойниковый (о кристаллах) 10. состоящий из двух однородных частей; составляющий пару twin set —- гарнитур, состоящий из жакета и джемпера (одного цвета или гармонирующих цветов) 11. близкий (по духу, мыслям) 12. однотипный, похожий, одинаковый twin tasks —- одинаковые задачи 13. родить двойню 14. (with) быть (чьим-либо) близнецом he twins with me —- он мой брат-близнец 15. соединять your name will always remain twinned with John's —- ваше имя навсегда связано с именем Джона; вспомнят Джона - вспомнят и вас 16. быть точной копией; быть двойником 17. образовывать двойниковые кристаллы 18. шотл. разделять, отделять 19. шотл. различать 20. шотл. расставаться, разлучаться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) близнец; близнецовый 2) двойной; спаренный, сдвоенный 3) pl близнецы, двойня – biovular twins – enzygotic twins – fraternal twins – identical twins ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) близнец 2) двойник 3) двойниковать 4) двойниковый 5) двойной 6) двужильный 7) образовывать зеркально-симметричную структуру 8) парный 9) сдвоенный 10) спаренный twin pulley block — сдвоенный блок twin ramjet engine — машиностр. двигатель прямоточнный спаренный twin wire control — двухпроводное управление - annealing twin - growth twin - juxtaposition twin - mechanical twin - penetration twin - recrystallization twin - twin antenna - twin boundary - twin cable - twin condenser - twin crank - twin crystal - twin feeder - twin locks - twin pair - twin pentode - twin primes - twin propeller - twin triode ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) двойник двойниковать(ся) 2) электрон. пара Гото - annealing twin - crystal twin - growth twins - interpenetration twin - simple twin - stellar twin - tunnel diode twin ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 each of a closely related or associated pair, esp. of children or animals born at a birth. 2 the exact counterpart of a person or thing. 3 a compound crystal one part of which is in a reversed position with reference to the other. 4 (the Twins) the zodiacal sign or constellation Gemini. --adj. 1 forming, or being one of, such a pair (twin brothers). 2 Bot. growing in pairs. 3 consisting of two closely connected and similar parts. --v. (twinned, twinning) 1 tr. & intr. a join intimately together. b (foll. by with) pair. 2 intr. bear twins. 3 intr. grow as a twin crystal. 4 intr. & tr. Brit. link or cause (a town) to link with one in a different country, for the purposes of friendship and cultural exchange. Phrases and idioms twin bed each of a pair of single beds. twin-engined having two engines. twin-screw (of a ship) having two propellers on separate shafts with opposite twists. twin set esp. Brit. a woman's matching cardigan and jumper. twin town Brit. a town which is twinned with another. Derivatives twinning n. Etymology: OE twinn double, f. twi- two: cf. ON tvinnr ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from ~ twofold  Date: 14th century  1.  a. either of two offspring produced at a birth  b. plural, capitalized Gemini  2. one of two persons or things closely related to or resembling each other  3. a compound crystal composed of two adjoining crystals or parts of crystals of the same kind that share a common plane of atoms  • ~ship noun  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to bring together in close association ; couple  2. duplicate, match  intransitive verb  1. to bring forth ~s  2. to grow as a ~ crystal  III. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, twofold, double, from Old English ~n; akin to Old Norse tvinnr two by two, Old English twa two  Date: 1593  1. born with one other or as a pair at one birth my ~ brother ~ girls  2.  a. made up of two similar, related, or connected members or parts ; double  b. paired in a close or necessary relationship ; matching  c. having or consisting of two identical units  d. being one of a pair ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (twins, twinning, twinned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If two people are twins, they have the same mother and were born on the same day. Sarah was looking after the twins... She had a twin brother and a younger brother. N-COUNT: oft N n 2. Twin is used to describe a pair of things that look the same and are close together. ...the twin spires of the cathedral. ...the world’s largest twin-engined aircraft. ADJ: ADJ n 3. Twin is used to describe two things or ideas that are similar or connected in some way. ...the twin concepts of liberty and equality... ADJ: ADJ n 4. When a place or organization in one country is twinned with a place or organization in another country, a special relationship is formally established between them. (BRIT) Five Polish banks are to be twinned with counterparts in Western Europe... The borough is twinned with Kasel in Germany. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n, V-ed 5. Twin towns or cities are twinned with each other. (BRIT; in AM, use sister cities) This led Zagreb’s twin town, Mainz, to donate ?70,000-worth of high-quality equipment. ADJ: ADJ n 6. see also identical twin, Siamese twin ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n one of two children born at the same time to the same mother  (My brother and I look so alike that people often think we are twins. | twin sister/brother/daughters etc)  (Meet my twin sister.)  (- see also identical twin, Siamese twin) ~2 adj only before noun 1 twin problems/goals etc happening at the same time and related to each other  (a policy to combat the twin problems of poverty and unemployment) 2 twin beds/engines etc two similar things that are intended to be used as a pair  (- see also twinset, twin town, twin tub) ~3 v T usually passive BrE to form a relationship between two similar towns in different countries in order to encourage visits between them  (Harlow in England is twinned with Stavanger in Norway.)  (- see also twin town) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Twin City Bancorp, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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