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Англо-русский биологический словарь - tree


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Перевод с английского языка tree на русский


1) дерево

2) загнать на дерево

3) взбираться на дерево, влезать на дерево

tree of evil fametree of heavenallied treeallspice treeAmerican treeAmerican plane treeAmoor cork treeapple treeargan treeash treebay treebay-rum treebeam treebean treebeaver treebergamot treeblack-damar canary treebo treeborder treebottle treebox treebranching treeBrasil nut treebreadfruit treebuckwheat treebushy treesbutter treebutton treecabbage treecajeput treeCalifornia big treecamphor treecandle treecandleberry treecanopy treescaoutchouc treecarob treecarrot treecassia-bark treecastor-bean treecat treechaste treechecker treecherry treeChina treechinaberry treeChina wood oil treeChinese angelica treeChinese scholar treeChinese tallow treechinquapin treecider treeclearing nut treeclove treecoffee treecola-nut treecommon calabash treecommon smoke treeconsensus treecoral treecork treecoro treecotton-seed treecow treecranberry treecucumber treecurrant treecurry-leaf treedead standing treesdecoy treedefective treesdogberry treedove treedragon treedrumstick treeelemi canary treeelfin treesepaulette treefan-trained treesfever treeflag-shaped treeflame treefoliage treefringe treefruit treegenealogic treegenealogical treegnarly treegoldenrain treegoldenrod treegourd treegrass treegroundsel treegum treegum Arabic treegutta-percha treehaw treeheath treehollow treehop treehorseradish treehuanuco cocaine treeincense treejack treeJamaica birch treeJapanese angelica treeJapanese pagoda treeJapan wood-oil treeJoshua treeJudas treekamala treekatsura treekidney-bean treeking treekusso treelaburnum treelacquer treelarge-leaved treelate treelettuce treelimburger treelime treelodged treelotus treemaidenhair treemammoth treemangle treemastic treemealy treemelon treemignonette treemilk treemole treemonkey-bread treemonkey-nut treemonkey-puzzle treemonocormic treesmother treemyrrh treemyrtle treeneem treenettle treeNew Zealand fuchsia treenickar treenitta treenut treesnytmed treeopossum treeorange treeorange-flower treeordeal treeornamental treepagoda treeparadise treeparent treepecan treepepper treePhoenix treephylogenetic treepick treepigeon treepincushion treepipe treepipperidge treeplanet treepoison treepomegranate treepunk treepurslane treequince treequinine treerain treered-bark devil's treered water treeresin treerespiratory treesrowan treerubber treesalad treesalt treesandal treesandpaper treesausage treesawara treescrew treeseed treeservice treeshaped treessilk treesilk-tassel treesilver treesilver-bell treesingle treeslipper treesmoke treesnag treesnakewood treesnowdrop treesnow-flower treesoapbark treesoapberry treesorrel treespikenard treespindle treestaff treestag-headed treestar treestrawberry treestrychnine treestunted treesubordinate treessugar treesugar-plum treesuppressed treestea treethree-leaved hop treetolu treetoothache treeTower-of-Pisa treetrap treetraveller's treetreap treetrumpet treetufted treestulip treetung treeturkeyberry treeturpentine treeumbrella treeunlucky treeupas treevarnish treevinegar treewax treewayfaring treeweed treeweeping treeswhitebeam treewild China treewilding treewild service treewindfallen treeswindthrown treeswinged spindle treeWinter's bark treewolf treesyew tree

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) дерево  2) родословное дерево (тж. family tree)  3) древо; the tree of knowledge - древо познания  4) sl. виселица (тж. Tyburn tree)  5) распорка для обуви  6) tech. стойка, подпорка  7) tech. вал; ось to be at the top of the tree - стоять во главе; занимать видное положение up a tree coll. - в безвыходном положении  2. v.  1) загнать на дерево  2) влезть на дерево  3) поставить в безвыходное положение  4) растягивать, расправлять обувь (на колодке) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. дерево hollow tree —- дуплистое дерево fruit tree —- фруктовое дерево to climb a tree —- взбираться (влезать) на дерево to cut (to fell) a tree —- срубить (повалить) дерево  —- (также T.) рождественское дерево, елка gifts clustered under the tree —- подарки, сложенные под елкой 2. родословное дерево, родословная (также family tree, genealogical tree, tree of consanguinity) 3. дерево the tree of knowledge —- древо познания добра и зла; познание, знания the tree of knowledge of good and evil —- древо познания добра и зла the tree of life —- древо жизни 4. что-л. напоминающее дерево clothes tree —- вешалка-стойка 5. сеть (кровеносных сосудов и т. п.) the vascular tree —- сосудистая сеть 6. (также T.) уст. распятие 7. виселица (также Tyburn tree) 8. спец. дерево, древовидная схема dependency trees —- деревья зависимостей deduction tree —- лог. дерево логического вывода tree of operations —- комп. дерево вычислительных операций 9. колодка (сапожная) 10. стр. стойка, подпорка 11. тех. вал; ось Id: as trees walking —- неясно, нечетко, туманно Id: up a tree —- попавший в ловушку, в тяжелом (безвыходном) положении Id: to be up a (gum) tree —- ам. быть в очень затруднительном положении Id: to bark up the wrong tree —- напасть на ложный след, ошибиться; обратиться не по адресу; обвинять не того, кого следует Id: to be at the top of the tree —- быть во...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) дерево 2) загнать на дерево 3) взбираться влезать на дерево – tree of evil fame – tree of heaven – allied tree – allspice tree – American tree – American plane tree – Amoor cork tree – apple tree – argan tree – ash tree – bay tree – bay-rum tree – beam tree – bean tree – beaver tree – bergamot tree – black-damar canary tree – bo tree – border tree – bottle tree – box tree – branching tree – Brasil nut tree – breadfruit tree – buckwheat tree – bushy trees – butter tree – button tree – cabbage tree – cajeput tree – California big tree – camphor tree – candle tree – candleberry tree – canopy trees – caoutchouc tree – carob tree – carrot tree – cassia-bark tree – castor-bean tree – cat tree – chaste tree – checker tree – cherry tree – China tree – China wood oil tree – Chinese angelica tree – Chinese scholar tree – Chinese tallow tree – chinquapin tree – cider tree – clearing nut tree – clove tree – coffee tree – cola-nut tree – common calabash tree – common smoke tree – consensus tree – coral tree – cork tree – coro tree – cotton-seed tree – cow tree – cranberry tree – cucumber tree – currant tree – curry-leaf tree – dead standing trees – decoy tree – defective trees – dogberry tree – dove tree – dragon tree – drumstick tree – elemi canary tree – elfin trees – epaulette tree – fan-trained trees – fever tree – flag-shaped tree – flame tree – foliage tree – fringe tree – fruit tree – genealogic tree – gnarly tree – goldenrain tree – goldenrod tree – gourd tree – grass tree – groundsel tree – gum tree – gum Arabic tree – gutta-percha tree – haw tree – heath tree – hollow tree – hop tree – horseradish tree – huanuco cocaine tree – incense tree – jack tree – Jamaica birch tree – Japanese angelica tree – Japanese pagoda tree – Japan wood-oil tree – Joshua tree – Judas tree – kamala tree...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. древовидная схема - organization tree - outcome tree - relevance tree - resource tree - tree diagram - tree of objectives •• fruits of the poisonous tree — плоды ядовитого дерева (доказательства, полученные с нарушением прав личности, гарантированных конституцией) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дерево 2) древо 3) древовидный 4) лесовалочный absolute of rooted tree — т. граф. абсолют корневого дерева binary search tree — дерево двоичного поиска completely balanced tree — вполне сбалансированное дерево finite rooted directed tree — конечное корневое ориентированное дерево height of rooted tree — высота корневого дерева homeomorphically irreducible tree — гомеоморфно несводимое дерево late binding tree — дерево, связанное в конце loose-planted tree windbreak — с.-х. полоса лесная ажурная minimal spanning tree — минимальное связывающее дерево minimum length tree — дерево минимальной длины mission outcome tree — дерево исходов при выполнении задачи mixed star tree — смешанное звездчатое дерево optimal solution tree — дерево оптимального решения planar plane tree — плоское дерево potential solution tree — потенциальное дерево решения root of a tree — корень дерева shortest spanning tree — кратчайший остов strongly recursive tree — строго рекурсивное дерево tree form proof — доказательство в виде дерева tree from point — дерево из точки tree planting machine — лесопосадочная машина tree searching game — игра поиск на дереве tree with labeled nodes — дерево с помеченными вершинами tree with ordered vertices — дерево с упорядоченными вершинами upside down tree — инвертированное дерево weight of point of tree — вес вершины дерева - Cayley tree - acyclic tree - alternating...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – code tree – inverted tree – transfer tree ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  дерево; бревно стойка; подпорка древовидная структура (схема) Christmas tree ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дерево 2) бревно 3) стойка, подпорка 4) дерево (в теории графов) 5) древовидная структура; древовидная схема 6) древовидный дешифратор 7) мн. ч. дендритные образования (напр. на пластинах аккумулятора) - balanced tree - binary tree - Boolean tree - branching tree - Christmas tree - code tree - decision tree - derivation tree - document tree - dormant tree - dual completion Christmas tree - flange-type Christmas tree - game tree - garment tree - graph tree - head tree - informational tree - loose-valve Christmas tree - marine Christmas tree - multiple completion Christmas tree - oriented tree - overlay tree - plane tree - platform Christmas tree - production tree - random tree - rooted tree - root tree - searching tree - search tree - selection tree - sink tree - solid-block valve Christmas tree - spanning tree - subsea test tree - thread-type Christmas tree - underwater Christmas tree ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. 1 a a perennial plant with a woody self-supporting main stem or trunk when mature and usu. unbranched for some distance above the ground (cf. SHRUB(1)). b any similar plant having a tall erect usu. single stem, e.g. palm tree. 2 a piece or frame of wood etc. for various purposes (shoe-tree). 3 archaic or poet. a a gibbet. b a cross, esp. the one used for Christ's crucifixion. 4 (in full tree diagram) Math. a diagram with a structure of branching connecting lines. 5 = family tree. --v.tr. 1 force to take refuge in a tree. 2 esp. US put into a difficult position. 3 stretch on a shoe-tree. Phrases and idioms grow on trees (usu. with neg.) be plentiful. tree agate agate with treelike markings. tree calf a calf binding for books stained with a treelike design. tree-fern a large fern, esp. of the family Cyatheaceae, with an upright trunklike stem. tree frog any arboreal tailless amphibian, esp. of the family Hylidae, climbing by means of adhesive discs on its digits. tree hopper any insect of the family Membracidae, living in trees. tree house a structure in a tree for children to play in. tree line = TIMBERLINE. tree of heaven an ornamental Asian tree, Ailanthus altissima, with evil-smelling flowers. tree of knowledge the branches of knowledge as a whole. tree of life = ARBOR VITAE. tree ring a ring in a cross section of a tree, from one year's growth. tree shrew any small insect-eating arboreal mammal of the family Tupaiidae having a pointed nose and bushy tail. tree sparrow 1 Brit. a sparrow, Passer montanus, inhabiting woodland areas. 2 US a N. American finch, Spizella arborea, inhabiting grassland areas. tree surgeon a person who treats decayed trees in order to preserve them. tree surgery the art or practice of such treatment. tree toad = tree frog. tree tomato a South American shrub, Cyphomandra betacea, with egg-shaped red fruit. tree-trunk the trunk of a tree. up a tree esp. US cornered; nonplussed. Derivatives treeless adj. treelessness n. tree-like adj. Etymology: OE treow f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English treow; akin to Old Norse tre ~, Greek drys, Sanskrit daru wood  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower part  b. a shrub or herb of arborescent form rose ~s a banana ~  2.  a.  (1) a piece of wood (as a post or pole) usually adapted to a particular use or forming part of a structure or implement  (2) archaic the cross on which Jesus was crucified  b. archaic gallows  3. something in the form of or resembling a ~: as  a. a diagram or graph that branches usually from a simple stem or vertex without forming loops or polygons a genealogical ~ phylogenetic ~s  b. a much-branched system of channels especially in an animal body the vascular ~  4. saddle~  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; ~ing)  Date: 1575  1.  a. to drive to or up a ~ ~d by a bull dogs ~ing game  b. to put into a position of extreme disadvantage ; corner; especially to bring to bay  2. to furnish or fit (as a shoe) with a ~ TREE  biographical name Sir Herbert (Draper) Beerbohm 1853-1917 English actor-manager ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (trees) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A tree is a tall plant that has a hard trunk, branches, and leaves. I planted those apple trees. ...a variety of shrubs and trees. N-COUNT: oft n N see also Christmas tree, family tree 2. If you say that someone is barking up the wrong tree, you mean that they are following the wrong course of action because their beliefs or ideas about something are incorrect. (INFORMAL) Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree. PHRASE: V inflects, usu cont 3. If someone can’t see the wood for the trees in British English, or can’t see the forest for the trees in American English, they are very involved in the details of something and so they do not notice what is important about the thing as a whole. PHRASE: V inflects 4. the top of the tree: see top ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a very tall plant that has a wooden trunk, branches, and leaves, and lives for many years  (We planted an orange tree in the backyard. | Children love to climb trees.) 2 a drawing with many branching lines that shows how several things are related to each other  (- see also family tree) 3 be out of your tree informal to not be thinking in a sensible or practical way  (- see also Christmas tree, top of the tree top1 (3), it doesn't grow on trees grow (9), be up a gum tree gum tree (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  ocean sc. abbr. Tropical Rainforest Ecology Experiment NASDAQ abbr. Lending Tree, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. treo, treow "tree" (also "wood"), from P.Gmc. *trewan, from PIE *deru-/*doru- "oak." Importance of the oak in mythology is reflected in the recurring use of words for "oak" to mean "tree" (cf. Skt. dru, Rus. drevo). In O.E. and M.E., also "thing made of wood," especially the cross of the Crucifixion and a gallows (cf. Tyburn tree, gallows mentioned 12c. at Tyburn, at junction of Oxford Street and Edgware Road, place of public execution for Middlesex until 1783). Sense in family tree first attested 1706; verb meaning "to chase up a tree" is from 1700. Tree-hugger, contemptuous for "environmentalist" is from late 1980s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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