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Англо-русский биологический словарь - treatment


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Перевод с английского языка treatment на русский


1) обработка

2) лечение

anthelminthic treatmentbiological treatmentcameral treatmenteffluent treatmentheat treatmentmathematical treatmentphotoperiodic treatmentradiation treatmentseed treatmentsewage treatment

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) обращение  2) обработка (чем-л.)  3) лечение, уход; to take treatments - проходить курс лечения; manipulation treatment - лечебные процедуры  4) пропитка, пропитывание  5) mining обогащение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. обращение, обхождение hard treatment —- жестокое обращение most favoured nation treatment —- эк. режим наиболее благоприятствуемой нации, режим наибольшего благоприятствования to accord favourable treatment —- предоставить благоприятный режим 2. жестокое обращение the new recruit got the treatment from a brutal sergeant —- новобранцу здорово досталось от зверя-сержанта; сержант зверски обращался с новобранцами 3. трактовка, обсуждение; исследование; освещение several treatments of economic integration policies —- несколько исследований политики экономической интеграции the level of treatment of these topics —- уровень обсуждения этих тем his treatment of the age-old problem of freedom and authority —- его освещение извечной проблемы свободы и власти to give a subject full treatment —- дать всестороннюю трактовку предмета 4. трактовка, исполнение (произведения искусства) architectural treatment —- архитектурная трактовка 5. лечение; уход surgical treatment —- хирургическое лечение early treatment —- своевременное лечение penicillin treatment —- лечение пенициллином treatment by exercises —- врачебная (лечебная) гимнастика a new treatment for (of) consumption —- новый способ лечения туберкулеза patients under treatment —- пациенты, находящие на излечении to go to a nursing home for treatment —- ложиться в клинику на лечение to try many treatments for...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) обработка 2) лечение – anthelminthic treatment – biological treatment – cameral treatment – effluent treatment – heat treatment – mathematical treatment – photoperiodic treatment – radiation treatment – seed treatment – sewage treatment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  – national treatment under the Paris Convention – tax treatment TREATMENT сущ. 1) обращение, обхождение 2) режим 3) обработка 4) трактовка (вопроса и т.п.) 5) с.-х. протравливание (семян) • - Conditional Most-Favored-Nation Treatment - Most favored nation treatment - accord favourable treatment - accounting treatment - analytical treatment - biological sewage treatment - chemical treatment - disparate treatment - duty-free treatment - empirical treatment - equal treatment - equality of treatment - mathematical treatment - most favoured nation treatment - most-favored nation treatment - national treatment - preferential tariff treatment - preferential tax treatment - preferential treatment - residential treatment - statistical treatment - tax treatment - theoretical treatment - undergo treatment - waste treatment - water treatment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) активирование 2) обработка 3) обращение 4) очистка 5) машиностр. пропитка 6) решение 7) трактовка between treatment combinations — стат. между комбинациями условий between treatment sum of squares — сумма квадратов между условиями испытаний (в факторном эксперименте) give fire-retarding treatment — обрабатывать антипиреном preserve wood by treatment — защищать древесину от гниения treatment combination group — группа комбинаций условий (факторного эксперимента) treatment mean square — средний квадрат для комбинации условий zero-discharge treatment technology — экол. технология безотходная - algebraic treatment - analytic treatment - coherent treatment - deductive treatment - dummy treatment - empirical treatment - exhaustive treatment - experimental treatment - finishing treatment - forcing treatment - formal treatment - gear treatment - heat treatment - heuristic treatment - internal treatment - level of treatment - mathematical treatment - sewage treatment - sewer treatment - statistical treatment - sub-zero treatment - treatment arrangement - treatment combination - treatment contrast - treatment effect - treatment mean - water treatment - wet treatment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  обработка; очистка; пропитка (древесины) acid treatment acoustical treatment aerobic treatment A/O treatment architectural treatment biochemical sewage treatment biological sewage treatment chemical sewage treatment chemical water treatment final treatment flame treatment GAC treatment heat treatment in ground treatment land treatment mechanical treatment mechanical treatment of sewage mixed-in-place surface treatment monolithic surface treatment open-tank treatment oxidation treatment ozone treatment penetration treatment preliminary treatment primary treatment of wastes primary sewage treatment secondary treatment sewage treatment sludge treatment soil treatment stress relief heat treatment surface treatment tertiary treatment thermal treatment thermal sludge treatment UV water treatment vacuum treatment of concrete water treatment wood fire-retardant treatment ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (технологическая) обработка 2) очистка 3) горн. обогащение 4) пропитка (древесины) 5) протравливание (семян) - acid treatment - acoustic treatment - activated sludge treatment - advanced treatment - aerobic treatment - aging treatment - agitator treatment - alkali treatment - all-polymer feedwater treatment - ammonia treatment - anaerobic treatment - anodic treatment - antistatic treatment - autoclave treatment - bias-heat-stress treatment - bias-heat treatment - biological treatment - bituminous treatment - bottom-hole zone treatment - beta-phase heat treatment - carbon treatment - carbon restoration treatment - catalytic thermal treatment - centrifuge treatment - chemical treatment - cooling water treatment - crude acid treatment - degasifying treatment - desizing treatment - divided treatment - dry treatment - dry-bed treatment - effluent treatment - electrostatic/ultrasonic water treatment - electrostatic water treatment - end-of-the-pipe treatment - etching treatment - film treatment - flame treatment - formation treatment - full heat treatment - gas treatment - glycerine treatment - head-end treatment - heat treatment - hot-doctor treatment - integrated treatment - intelligent treatment - intermediate treatment - Iridite treatment - ladle-degassing treatment - land treatment - laser treatment - low-temperature precipitation treatment - magnetic water treatment - mechanical treatment - mechanical-thermal treatment - negative-bias-stress treatment - negative-bias treatment - nonchemical water treatment - odor-control treatment - ore-dressing treatment - oxidation treatment - ozone treatment - passivating treatment - percolation treatment - photographic treatment - plasma treatment - plasmachemical treatment - plate treatment - polishing treatment - positive-bias-stress treatment - positive-bias treatment - post-implantation treatment - post logging treatment - preliminary treatment - progressive heat treatment - radiation treatment - reheat treatment -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a process or manner of behaving towards or dealing with a person or thing (received rough treatment). 2 the application of medical care or attention to a patient. 3 a manner of treating a subject in literature or art. 4 (prec. by the) colloq. the customary way of dealing with a person, situation, etc. (got the full treatment). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: circa 1560  1.  a. the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something ; handling, usage the star requires careful ~  b. the techniques or actions customarily applied in a specified situation  2.  a. a substance or technique used in treating  b. an experimental condition ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (treatments) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Treatment is medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal. Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need. ...an effective treatment for eczema. N-VAR: oft supp N, N of/for n 2. Your treatment of someone is the way you behave towards them or deal with them. We don’t want any special treatment... N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N, N of n 3. Treatment of something involves putting a particular substance onto or into it, in order to clean it, to protect it, or to give it special properties. There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged... As with all oily hair treatments, shampoo needs to be applied first. N-VAR: usu N of n, supp N 4. If you say that someone is given the full treatment, you mean either that they are treated extremely well or that they are treated extremely severely. (INFORMAL) If you’ve got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving them the full treatment... PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »MEDICAL« a method that is intended to cure an injury or illness + for  (The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.) give sb treatment  (She was given emergency treatment by paramedics. | receive treatment)  (receiving treatment for skin cancer | respond to treatment (=get better when you are treated)) 2 »BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS SB« a particular way of behaving towards someone or of dealing with them + of  (Henchard's cruel treatment of his wife) special/preferential treatment (=when one person is treated better than another)  (The two young princes were not singled out for special treatment at school. | give sb the full treatment informal especially BrE (=treat someone in a very special way and give them a lot of attention)) 3 »OF A SUBJECT« a particular way of dealing with or talking about a subject  (I didn't think the film gave the issue serious enough treatment.) 4 »CLEAN/PROTECT« a process by which something is cleaned, protected etc  (the treatment of waste oils and solvents) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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