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Англо-русский биологический словарь - travel


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переселение, миграция

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  agency = travel bureau TRAVEL agent агент бюро путешествий TRAVEL abroad путешествовать за границей TRAVEL bureau бюро путешествий TRAVEL express ехать экспрессом TRAVEL light путешествовать налегке; TRAVEL sickness морская болезнь; тошнота, возникающая при езде или в полёте TRAVEL  1. noun  1) путешествие  2) pl. описание путешествия; a book of travels - книга о путешествиях  3) движение; продвижение  4) движение (снаряда по каналу ствола)  5) tech. подача, ход; длина хода  2. v.  1) путешествовать  2) двигаться, передвигаться  3) перемещаться; распространяться; light travels faster than sound - скорость света превышает скорость звука  4) перебирать (в памяти); переходить от предмета к предмету (о взгляде); his eyes travelled over the picture - он рассматривал картину  5) ездить в качестве коммивояжера - travel over Syn: see migrate TRAVEL over  а) перебирать (в памяти); his mind travelled over recent events он перебирал в памяти недавние события;  б) переходить от предмета к предмету (о взгляде); his eyes travelled over the enemy lines он рассматривал вражеские позиции TRAVEL bodkin ехать втиснутым между двумя соседями ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. путешествие means of travel —- средства передвижения sea travel, travel by boat —- морские путешествия space travel —- космические путешествия tropical travel —- путешествие в тропики travel writing (books) —- книги о путешествиях travel writer —- автор книг о путешествиях travel companion —- спутник to set out on travels —- отправиться в путешествие travel was slow and dangerous in olden days —- в старое время путешествие совершалось медленно и было сопряжено с опасностями 2. pl. поездки; (дальние) странствия travels abroad —- заграничные поездки back from one's travels —- возвратившийся из странствий is he still on his travels? —- он все еще путешествует?, он еще не вернулся из своей поездки? 3. описание путешествий a book of travels —- книга о путешествиях to enjoy reading travels —- любить читать (книги) о путешествиях 4. движение; продвижение the travel of satellites around the Earth —- движение спутников вокруг Земли 5. распространение (волн) shock (wave) travel —- распространение ударной волны 6. скорость (бега) travel and nose are the most necessary qualifications of a dog —- у собаки важнее всего скорость бега и чутье 7. движение, продвижение 8. ам. уличное движение 9. воен. перемещение цели 10. воен. движение (снаряда по каналу ствола) 11. спец. подача; ход; длина хода 12. физ. пройденный путь 13. путешествовать to...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  переселение, миграция ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) путешествие 2) рейс 3) движение 4) амер. уличное движение • - air travel - business travels - essential travels - intercity travels - means of travel - surface travel - travel advance 2. гл. 1) путешествовать 2) передвигаться 3) распространяться - travel for a firm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) движение 2) передвигать 3) перемещать 4) перемещение 5) проезд 6) путевой 7) путь 8) ход амортизатора 9) ход рабочий travel tourist class — ездить туристским классом - contact travel - free travel - plough travel - travel North - travel as tourists - travel by air - travel by rail - travel by sea - travel by water - travel clock - travel off roads - travel time ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) перемещение 2) рабочий ход – contact travel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  поездка; путешествие перемещение; рабочий ход; подача travel of jack bridge travel downward travel of jib dredge working travel feed travel road travel upward travel of hook valve travel work travel ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) перемещение перемещаться 2) проезд; поездка 3) рабочий ход 4) шаг 5) величина перемещения; величина хода 6) пропуск через (прокатные) валки - travel of contact - brake pedal travel - carriage travel - center of gravity travel - channel travel - contact travel - door-extraction travel - draft gear travel - effective electrical travel - electrode travel - film travel - flame travel - flashing travel - fraudulent travel - free travel - full-scale travel - indicator travel - joint travel - level travel - long-range travel - quench-car travel - rail travel - rotational travel - shock strut impact travel - sliding-sill travel - ticketless travel - total buff-and-pull travel - total electrical travel - total mechanical travel - upper-class travel - upset travel ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.intr. & tr. (travelled, travelling; US traveled, traveling) 1 intr. go from one place to another; make a journey esp. of some length or abroad. 2 tr. a journey along or through (a country). b cover (a distance) in travelling. 3 intr. colloq. withstand a long journey (wines that do not travel). 4 intr. go from place to place as a salesman. 5 intr. move or proceed in a specified manner or at a specified rate (light travels faster than sound). 6 intr. colloq. move quickly. 7 intr. pass esp. in a deliberate or systematic manner from point to point (the photographer's eye travelled over the scene). 8 intr. (of a machine or part) move or operate in a specified way. 9 intr. (of deer etc.) move onwards in feeding. --n. 1 a the act of travelling, esp. in foreign countries. b (often in pl.) a spell of this (have returned from their travels). 2 the range, rate, or mode of motion of a part in machinery. Phrases and idioms travel agency (or bureau) an agency that makes the necessary arrangements for travellers. travel agent a person or firm acting as a travel agency. travelling crane a crane able to move on rails, esp. along an overhead support. travelling-rug a rug used for warmth on a journey. travelling wave Physics a wave in which the medium moves in the direction of propagation. travel-sick suffering from nausea caused by motion in travelling. travel-sickness the condition of being travel-sick. Etymology: ME, orig. = TRAVAIL ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (-eled or -elled; -eling or ~ling)  Etymology: Middle English travailen, ~en to torment, labor, strive, journey, from Anglo-French travailler  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go on or as if on a trip or tour ; journey  b.  (1) to go as if by ~ing ; pass the news ~ed fast  (2) associate ~s with a sophisticated crowd  c. to go from place to place as a sales representative or business agent  2.  a.  (1) to move or undergo transmission from one place to another goods ~ing by plane  (2) to withstand relocation successfully a dish that ~s well  b. to move in a given direction or path or through a given distance the stylus ~s in a groove  c. to move rapidly a car that can really ~  3. to take more steps while holding a basketball than the rules allow  transitive verb  1.  a. to journey through or over  b. to follow (a course or path) as if by ~ing  2. to traverse (a specified distance)  3. to cover (an area) as a commercial ~er  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act of ~ing ; passage  b. a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place ; tour, trip — often used in plural  2. plural an account of one's ~s  3. the number ~ing ; traffic  4.  a. movement, progression the ~ of satellites around the earth  b. the motion of a piece of machinery; especially reciprocating motion ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (travels, travelling, travelled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'traveling', 'traveled' 1. If you travel, you go from one place to another, often to a place that is far away. You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow... I’ve been traveling all day... Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here... I had been travelling at 150 kilometres an hour... He was a charming travelling companion. VERB: V prep/adv, V, V amount/n, V at amount, V-ing • travelling I love travelling... N-UNCOUNT 2. Travel is the activity of travelling. He detested air travel. ...a writer of travel books. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you travel the world, the country, or the area, you go to many different places in the world or in a particular country or area. Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book... VERB: V n 4. When light or sound from one place reaches another, you say that it travels to the other place. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen... Light travels at around 300,000,000 metres per second. VERB: V prep/adv, V at amount 5. When news becomes known by people in different places, you can say that it travels to them. News of his work traveled all the way to Asia... VERB: V adv/prep 6. Someone’s travels are the journeys that they make to places a long way from their home. He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad. N-PLURAL: with poss, usu poss N 7. see also travelling, much-travelled, well-travelled 8. If you travel light, you travel without taking much luggage. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v travelled, travelling BrE, traveled, traveling AmE 1 »JOURNEY« a) to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially to distant places  (If I had a lot of money I'd travel. | They're travelling down from Edinburgh on Monday. | travel by train/car etc)  (We travelled by train across Eastern Europe. | travel widely (=go to many different places) | travel around (=go to different places over a period of time))  (I met Tim while I was travelling around. | travel light (=without taking many bags)) b) travel the world/country to go to most parts of the world or most parts of a particular country 2 well-travelled/widely travelled having travelled to many different countries 3 »DISTANCE« to go a particular distance or at a particular speed  (The train was travelling at 100 mph. | They travelled 200 miles on the first day.) 4 »FOOD/WINE« travel well to remain in good condition when taken long distances 5 »LIGHT/SOUND« to move at a particular speed or in a particular direction  (Light travels faster than sound.) 6 »FOR BUSINESS« to go from place to place to sell and take orders for your company's products + for  (My wife travels for a London firm.) 7 »MOVE QUICKLY« informal to go very fast  (That motorbike was really travelling..) 8 »NEWS« to be passed quickly from one place to another  (News travels fast.) 9 »SPORT« technical to run while you are holding the ball in basketball  ( USAGE NOTE: TRAVEL WORD CHOICE travel (n,v), sb's travels, journey, trip, voyage, flight Travel is only used for the general activity of moving from place to place He came home after years of foreign travel. The -ing form of the verb travel is also used widely with a similar meaning I do a bit of travelling abroad (NOT travel (s)).| travel/travelling expenses | air travel/travelling by air If someone moves from place to place over a period of time, you talk about their travels Did you go to Rome during your travels? | He's on his travels again. A particular time spent and distance covered when you go somewhere is a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1375, "to journey," from travailen (1300), originally "to toil, labor" (see travail). The semantic development may have been via the notion of "go on a difficult journey," but it may also reflect the difficulty of going anywhere in the Middle Ages. Replaced O.E. faran. Traveled "experienced in travel" is from 1413. Travelogue first attested 1903. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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