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Англо-русский биологический словарь - thread


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chromosome thread

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  • нарезать резьбу• нить ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) нитка; нить (тж. перен.); the thread of the story - основная нить, линия рассказа; to lose the thread of - потерять нить (рассказа и т.п.); to resume (или to take up) the thread (of) - возобновить (беседу, рассказ); the thread of life - нить жизни; to pick up the thread (of acquaintance with smb.) - возобновить (знакомство с кем-л.)  2) tech. резьба, нарезка; шаг (винта)  3) electr. жила провода  4) geol. прожилок  5) attr. нитяный; нитевидный thread and thrum - все вместе - и хорошее и плохое worn to the thread - потертый, изношенный; потрепанный  2. v.  1) продевать нитку (в иголку)  2) нанизывать (бусы и т.п.)  3) пробираться; прокладывать путь; to thread ones way through the crowd - пробираться сквозь толпу  4) пронизывать, проходить красной нитью  5) заправлять нитью (ткацкий станок, швейную машину и т.п.)  6) to thread a film into the camera cin. - заряжать аппарат кинолентой  7) tech. нарезать (резьбу)  8) вплетать, переплетать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. нитка, нить strong thread —- крепкая нитка gold thread —- золотая нить sewing thread —- швейная нитка thread gloves —- нитяные перчатки 2. связующая линия; связь the thread of a story —- нить рассказа the thread of an argument —- цепь (ход) рассуждений, нить аргументации the thread of one's thoughts —- ход мыслей to lose the thread of smth. —- потерять нить (рассказа, рассуждений и т. п.) to resume (to take up, to pick up) the thread of a conversation —- возобновить (прерванный) разговор to gather up the threads —- резюмировать тему 3. паутинка, волосок; тонкая струйка и т. п. grey threads of hair —- серебряные нити волос, проступающая седина threads of a cobweb —- нити паутины a thread of light —- тонкий луч(ик); узкая полоска света a thread of sand —- тонкая струйка песка a thread of sound —- тонкий звук; писк threads of humour —- проблески юмора 4. тех. (винтовая) резьба 5. тех. нитка (резьбы) 6. тех. шаг (винта) 7. эл. жила (кабеля) 8. геол. прожилок Id: the thread of life —- нить жизни, жизнь Id: thread and thrum —- все вместе; и хорошее и дурное Id: to hang by (on) a thread —- висеть на волоске, держаться на ниточке Id: to pick up the threads —- вернуться к прерванной работе или прежней жизни (после длительного перерыва); снова приспособиться (к мирной жизни после войны и т. п.) Id: worn to the last thread —- изношенный; потертый, истрепанный Id: not to have a dry...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  нить – chromosome thread ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) цепочка поток, последовательность команд; цепочка (выполняемых) задач 2) жила; проводник 3) поток сообщений 4) дискуссия 5) прошивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) ввинчиваться 2) вдевать 3) волокно 4) машиностр. надеваемый 5) нарезка 6) нитка 7) нить 8) нитяный 9) продевать 10) пряжа 11) резьба 12) резьбовой 13) резьбоуплотняющий 14) столбик 15) шлеечный 16) шпагатный lead of screw thread — шаг средней винтовой линии national standard thread — резьба американская стандартная thread guide eye — глазок нитеводителя thread guide rail — направляющий брус thread milling cutter — резьбовая фреза thread of a screw — нитка резьбы thread of projective spectrum — нить проекционного спектра thread of reduction system — нить системы сведения - acme thread - analytical thread - angle of thread - base of thread - capron thread - carrying thread - cord thread - crest of thread - elastic thread - ideal thread - idempotent thread - identification thread - left thread - local thread - nil thread - pitch of thread - proof thread - right thread - root of thread - special thread - standard thread - strip thread - texturing of thread - thread bottom - thread bushing - thread chaser - thread extractor - thread film - thread gage - thread gauge - thread in - thread line - thread paper - thread piece - thread rolling - thread tape - thread yarn - unit thread ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  цепочка взаимосвязанных программ ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  резьба (напр. на трубе) American pipe thread male thread ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) нить; нитка; волосок 2) комплексная нить 3) одно сложение кручёной нити 4) волокно 5) гидр. линия тока 6) горн. тонкий прожилок 7) нитевидная свиль (порок стекла) 8) резьба нарезать резьбу 9) жила (провода) 10) "зашивать" (в память) 11) связь (программ) 12) цепочка (малых) программных модулей 13) материал, удаляемый резцом (при механической звукозаписи) 14) пробирать нити (в гребёнку основовязальной машины) to chase threads — очищать резьбу (перед свинчиванием); to hide thread — затягивать резьбовое соединение до отказа - thread of current - acme thread - acrylonitrile synthetic rubber thread - air textured continuous filament threads - basting thread - binder thread - bonded thread - broken warp thread - bulked continuous filament threads - bulked spun threads - cable thread - coarse thread - continuous filament thread - cord thread - corded thread - core thread - corespun thread - core-twisted thread - cotton floss thread - covered rubber thread - double thread - draw thread - drunken thread - external thread - filling thread - fine thread - flattened thread - flossy thread - floss thread - galled thread - guide thread - harness thread - high-volume thread - inch thread - internal thread - ISO metric thread - latex rubber thread - left-handed thread - left-hand thread - locking thread - long-length thread - looper thread - metric thread - monocord thread - monofilament thread - multifilament thread - multistart thread - napless thread - needle thread - pipe thread - plasma thread - ply thread - protocord thread - reinforcement thread - right-handed thread - right-hand thread - round thread - schappe-spun threads - screw thread - separation thread - simple twist thread -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a spun-out filament of cotton, silk, or glass etc.; yarn. b a length of this. 2 a thin cord of twisted yarns used esp. in sewing and weaving. 3 anything regarded as threadlike with reference to its continuity or connectedness (the thread of life; lost the thread of his argument). 4 the spiral ridge of a screw. 5 (in pl.) sl. clothes. 6 a thin seam or vein of ore. --v.tr. 1 pass a thread through the eye of (a needle). 2 put (beads) on a thread. 3 arrange (material in a strip form, e.g. film or magnetic tape) in the proper position on equipment. 4 make (one's way) carefully through a crowded place, over a difficult route, etc. 5 streak (hair etc.) as with threads. 6 form a screw-thread on. Phrases and idioms hang by a thread be in a precarious state, position, etc. thread mark a mark in the form of a thin line made in banknote paper with highly coloured silk fibres to prevent photographic counterfeiting. Derivatives threader n. threadlike adj. Etymology: OE thr{aelig}d f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English thred, from Old English thr?d; akin to Old High German drat wire, Old English thrawan to cause to twist or turn — more at throw  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a filament, a group of filaments twisted together, or a filamentous length formed by spinning and twisting short textile fibers into a continuous strand  b. a piece of ~  2.  a. any of various natural filaments the ~s of a spiderweb  b. a slender stream (as of water)  c. a projecting helical rib (as in a fitting or on a pipe) by which parts can be screwed together ; screw ~  3. something continuous or drawn out: as  a. a line of reasoning or train of thought that connects the parts in a sequence (as of ideas or events) lost the ~ of the story  b. a continuing element a ~ of melancholy marked all his writing  c. a series of newsgroup messages following a single topic  4. a tenuous or feeble support hung on by a ~  5. plural clothing  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to pass a ~ through the eye of (a needle)  b. to arrange a ~, yarn, or lead-in piece in working position for use in (a machine)  2.  a.  (1) to pass something through in the manner of a ~ ~ a pipe with wire  (2) to pass (as a tape, line, or film) into or through something ~ed a fresh roll of film into the camera  b. to make one's way through or between ~ing narrow alleys; also to make one's way usually cautiously through a hazardous situation  3. to put together on or as if on a ~ ; string ~ beads  4. to interweave with or as if with ~s ; intersperse dark hair ~ed with silver  5. to form a screw ~ on or in  intransitive verb  1. weave 2 the car ~ed through traffic  2. to form a ~  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »COTTON/SILK ETC« a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth  (Have you got a needle and thread?) 2 »IDEAS« the connection between the different parts of an explanation, story etc  (a common thread running through all the poems | lose the thread (=stop understanding how ideas or events are connected))  (I'm sorry, I've lost the thread of your argument.) 3 pick up the threads to begin something again after a long period, especially a relationship or way of life  (It's difficult to pick up the threads when you've been travelling for so long.) 4 »LIGHT/SMOKE ETC« literary a long thin line of something + of  (The Colorado River is just a thread of silver, 4000 feet below.) 5 »ON A SCREW« a continuous raised line of metal that winds around the curved surface of a screw 6 threads old fashioned, especially AmE clothes  (- see also hang by a thread hang1 (5)) ~2 v 1 to put a thread or string through a hole  (Williams threaded the rope through the karabiner and attached it to the safety point. | thread a needle (=push a thread through the hole in a needle)) 2 to put a film, tape etc correctly through parts of a camera, projector or tape recorder 3 to connect objects by pushing a string through a hole in them  (Thread the beads on a string and make a necklace.) 4 thread your way through/into etc to move through a place by carefully going around things that are blocking your way  (She came towards me, threading her way through the traffic.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: HANG BY A THREAD. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. юrжd "fine cord, especially when twisted" (related to юrawan "to twist"), from P.Gmc. *thrжdus, from base *thrж- "twist" (see throw). Meaning "spiral ridge of a screw" is from 1674. The verb was in late M.E. Threads, slang for "clothes" is 1926, Amer.Eng. Threadbare is 14c., from the notion of "having the nap worn off," leaving bare the threads. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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