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Англо-русский биологический словарь - test


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Перевод с английского языка test на русский


1) исследование; испытание; тест, проба; опыт; анализ; исследовать; испытывать; проверять; производить анализ

2) реакция

3) реактив

4) биом. критерий

to put to test — подвергать испытанию

test of additivitytest of goodness of fittest of homogeneitytest of hypothesistest of linearitytest of normalitytest of randomnesstest of significanceabsorption testacetic-acid testacetylene reduction testagglutination testagglutination inhibition testalbumin testallergic testallium testanti-DNA testanti-DNAase testapproximate testassociation testbench testbinomial testbiuret testblank testblind testblood testblood-compatibility testblood-sedimentation testbreath-holding testchi-squared testcis-trans testclosed field testcomplementation testcomplement fixation testconditional testconservative testconsistent testcorner testcreatine testcross-immunization testcross-interference testcross-neutralization testcrude testdirect immunofluorescence testdiscrimination testefficient testenzyme testequal-tails testF testfactor-reversal testfermentation testfixation testflocculation testfragility testfreezing testfunctional testgermination testglucose tolerance testgrouping testheterokaryon testhistoplasmin testhomogeneity testimmunobead testimmunodiffusion testimmunofluorescence testimmunophagocytosis testincest testindirect hemagglutination testindirect immunofluorescence testinoculation testinterfacial precipitin testinvariant testlaboratory testlarge-sample testlatex fixation testlinkage testmirror absorption testmultiple t testmultiwell tray testnitric-acid testodor testomnibus testone-sided testopen field testorthogonal testsorthostatic testover-all testpermutation testprecipitation testprogeny testprotection testprotein testprovocative testrange testratio testring testrosette testrough testroutine testSAFA testsegregational testsensitization testserodiagnostic testserum testsign testsingle testsingle tail testsippage testsolid-phase aggregation of coupled erythrocytes testsoluble antigen fluorescent antibody testSPACE testStudent's testthree-decision testtolerance testtransplantation testtube agglutination testunbiased testvitality testX-ray test

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) испытание - put to test - bear the test - stand the test of time  2) мерило; критерий  3) проверочная, контрольная работа; a test in English - контрольная работа по английскому языку  4) psych. тест  5) med.; chem. исследование, анализ; проверка; a test for the amount of butter in milk - определение жирности молока  6) chem. реактив  7) attr. испытательный, пробный; контрольный, проверочный; test station - контрольная станция - test run Syn: see standard  2. v.  1) подвергать испытанию, проверке; to test smb. s eyesight - проверять чьё-л. зрение; sport to test the apparatus - опробовать снаряд  2) chem. подвергать действию реактива; брать пробу  3) производить опыты  4) проверять, убеждаться  5) обнаруживать определённые свойства в результате испытаний; the water tested pure - вода на поверку оказалась чистой  6) тестировать, проверять с помощью тестов; экзаменовать; to test a class in algebra - дать классу контрольную по алгебре - test for - test out TEST ban запрещение испытаний ядерного оружия TEST for пробоваться (на роль) TEST out проверить, испытать; The model must be tested out before we put the product on sale. Working in the new school gave him a chance to test out some of the latest ideas in education. TEST pilot летчик-испытатель TEST pit geol. пробный шурф, разведочная скважина TEST run  а) испытательный пробег;  б) tech. опытный режим ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. испытание; проба, проверка; опробование nuclear tests —- ядерые испытания strength test —- автономное испытание (отдельного агрегата) on-line test —- комплексное испытание (всей линии и т. п.) preoperational test —- предпусковое испытание engineering evaluation tests —- технические испытания field test —- полевое испытание; испытание в эксплуатационных условиях bench test —- заводские испытания, испытания в заводских условиях control test —- контрольные испытания acceptance test —- приемочные испытания roof test —- рабочие испытания road test —- дорожные испытания standard test —- типовое испытание distance test —- спорт. конный пробег test of patience —- испытание терпения test for colour blindness —- проверка способности различать цвета test by experiment —- проверка на опыте, опытная проверка under test —- испытываемый, испытуемый test data —- данные испытаний, эмпирические данные test flight —- ав. испытательный полет test specimen —- опытный образец test pattern —- спец. испытательная таблица to pass a test —- пройти испытания или проверку, подвергнуться проверке to put smb. to the test —- подвергать кого-л. испытания to stand the test —- выдерживать испытание 2. мерило, пробный камень; серьезное испытание; критерий a severe test of character —- серьезное испытание характера as a test...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) исследование; испытание; тест, проба; опыт; анализ; исследовать; испытывать; проверять; производить анализ 2) реакция 3) реактив 4) биом. критерий to put to test — подвергать испытанию – test of additivity – test of goodness of fit – test of homogeneity – test of hypothesis – test of linearity – test of normality – test of randomness – test of significance – absorption test – acetic-acid test – acetylene reduction test – agglutination test – agglutination inhibition test – albumin test – allergic test – allium test – anti-DNA test – anti-DNAase test – approximate test – association test – bench test – binomial test – biuret test – blank test – blood test – blood-compatibility test – blood-sedimentation test – breath-holding test – chi-squared test – cis-trans test – closed field test – complementation test – complement fixation test – conditional test – conservative test – consistent test – corner test – creatine test – cross-immunization test – cross-interference test – cross-neutralization test – crude test – direct immunofluorescence test – discrimination test – efficient test – enzyme test – equal-tails test – F test – factor-reversal test – fermentation test – fixation test – flocculation test – fragility test – freezing test – functional test – germination test – glucose tolerance test – grouping test – heterokaryon test – histoplasmin test – homogeneity test – immunobead test – immunodiffusion test – immunofluorescence test – immunophagocytosis test – incest test – indirect hemagglutination test – indirect immunofluorescence test – inoculation test – interfacial precipitin test – invariant test – laboratory test – large-sample test – latex fixation test – linkage test – mirror absorption test – multiple t test – multiwell tray test – nitric-acid...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. проба, опробование; анализ 2) тест, испытание, испытания; проверка а) общ. (определение соответствия знаний, компетенции или квалификации установленным требованиям) б) марк. (продвижение на рынок новой продукции или проведение новой рекламной компании в малых масштабах с целью определения реакции потребителей) в) бирж. (исследование приближения цены к точке сопротивления или поддержки; цена проходит тест, если такая точка не проходится, т. е. цена не выходит на новый нижний или верхний уровень) See: resistance level, support level, technical analysis г) фин. (расчет какого-л. финансового коэффициента и сравнение его со стандартным или желаемым значением) See: "acid test 3) мет. показатель; критерий (соответствия требованиям), признак (напр., финансовый показатель, применяемый для оценки кредитоспособности заемщика) 4) общ. дегустация Syn: trial, testing, proof, "probation TEST сущ. 1) общ. проба, опробование; анализ 2) тест, испытание, испытания; проверка а)общ. (определение соответствия знаний, компетенции или квалификации установленным требованиям) б) марк. (продвижение на рынок новой продукции или проведение новой рекламной кампании в малых масштабах с целью...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выверять 2) замер 3) испытание 4) испытательный 5) испытующий 6) испытывать 7) исследовать 8) контрольный 9) критерий 10) обнаружение 11) определение 12) опробование 13) машиностр. опыт 14) признак 15) проба 16) пробный 17) пробовать 18) проверка 19) проверочный 20) проверять 21) тест 22) тестовый 23) эксперимент Abel test for convergence — матем. признак сходимости Абеля alternate bend test — проба на перегиб apply leak test — проверять на плотность asymptotically distribution-free test — асимптотически непараметрический критерий asymptotically efficient test — асимптотически эффективный критерий asymptotically minimax test — асимптотически минимаксный критерий asymptotically most powerful rank test — асимптотически наиболее мощный ранговый критерий asymptotically optimum test — асимптотически оптимальный критерий asymptotically robust test — асимптотически устойчивый критерий asymptotically unbiased test — асимптотически несмещенный критерий best unbiased test — наилучший несмещенный критерий carry out a test — проводить испытание circuit under test — проверяемая ИС closed sequential test — замкнутый последовательный критерий continuous flow test — испытание проточное control median test — критерий контрольной медианы direct oxidation test — испытание прямым окислением distribution-free test of fit — непараметрический...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  испытание, тест; испытывать, тестировать – accelerated test – acceptance test – actual test – ageing test – articulation test – audible test – bad connection test – bit test – bit-error rate test – bump test – busy test – chopped-wave test – circuit-validation test – clock-rate test – commutation test – comparison-listening test – continuity test – definition object test – echo test – efficiency test – engaged test – field test – functional test – free-busy test – high-low bias test – listening test – loopback test – magnetic field immunity test – Murray loop test – no-load test – performance test – pressure test – protection acting test – ringing test – sampling test – shake-table test – verification test – works test ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  испытание; проверка; тест; опыт; проба; анализ; исследование; эксперимент испытывать; проверять; исследовать test by immersion in boiling water test for organic matter to run a test test of time AASHO density test Abbot compaction test Abrams' test abrasion test absorption test accelerated test accelerated test for compressive strength accelerated strength test acceptance test accredited tests acid test aggregate crushing test aggregate impact test air test air content test air entrainment test air filter blackness test air leakage test air permeability test air permeability fineness test alternating bending test anchorage shear test aptitude test Atterberg test attrition test autoclave test baling-out permeability test ball test ball hardness test barium sulphate test beam test bearing test bending test bending tensile test bit wear test blackness air filter test Blain test block shear test blow flexure test boiling test bond test bootstrap test borehole shear test breaking test Brinell hardness test California bearing ratio test cement tests Charpy test Charpy V-notch impact test check test COLE volume change test color test compacting factor test compaction test complience test compression test cone penetration test consistency test consolidated quick test consolidation test constant head permeability test constant rate of penetration test constant rate of uplift test constant volume test control test core test creep test C.R.P. test crushing test cube test cylinder test dehydration test diametral compression test diamond pyramid hardness test dioctylphthalate test direct shear test dispersion test dissipation test DOP test Dorry test drain test drained triaxial test driving test drop-weight test durability test dust spot test Dutch sounding test dynamic penetration test expandable sleeve concrete test exposure tests fast field tests fatigue test field tests field density test field loading test field percolation test field vane test flexure test flow...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) испытание; испытания; опробование испытывать; опробовать 2) контроль; проверка контролировать; проверять 3) тест тестировать 4) метр. поверка 5) признак; критерий 6) исследование; анализ; проба 7) измерение to conduct test on aircraft — проводить испытания на борту воздушного судна; - accelerated aging test - accelerated heat resistance test - accelerated-life test - accelerated light aging test - acceleration test - acceptable-environmental-range test - acceptance test - acid heat test - acid washing test - active oxygen test - activity test - actual test - additive test - adhesion test - blocked rotor test - block-error rate test - Blondel's loading back test - bollard test - bomb oxidation test - dart impact test - deep drawing test - demulsification test - desert exposure test - disruptive test - fleet test of tire - ice test - immersion test - impact test - impact ball hardness test - impedance-drop test - impulse test - mineralogical test - minimal test - minimax test - model test - moisture-resistance test - most powerful test - motor method test - moving-load test - Mullen test - on-line test - open test - open-circuit test - open flow test - open-water propeller test - operating life test - penetrant dye test - penetration test - penetration-fracture test - penetration-fracture grain size test - percent test - performance test - periodic well potential test - rolling test - rolling contact fatigue test - rotorcraft snow and dust test - round-robin tests - Routh-Hurwitz test - solderability test - soldering test - space test - spalling test - spark test - spark-over test - tunnel-clearance test - turbine efficiency test - turn-to-turn test - Tutwiler test - type test - unbiased test - uniaxial hoop test - uniaxial shear test - unsaturation test - use test - validity test - varnish test - vehicle range test - verification test -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   abbreviation ~ament TEST  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, vessel in which metals were assayed, potsherd, from Anglo-French ~, tees pot, Latin ~um earthen vessel; akin to Latin ~a earthen pot, shell  Date: 14th century  1.  a. chiefly British cupel  b.  (1) a critical examination, observation, or evaluation ; trial; specifically the procedure of submitting a statement to such conditions or operations as will lead to its proof or disproof or to its acceptance or rejection a ~ of a statistical hypothesis  (2) a basis for evaluation ; criterion  c. an ordeal or oath required as proof of conformity with a set of beliefs  2.  a. a means of ~ing: as  (1) a procedure, reaction, or reagent used to identify or characterize a substance or constituent  (2) something (as a series of questions or exercises) for measuring the skill, knowledge, intelligence, capacities, or aptitudes of an individual or group  b. a positive result in such a ~  3. a result or value determined by ~ing  4. ~ match  II. adjective  Date: 1687  1. of, relating to, or constituting a ~  2. subjected to, used for, or revealed by ~ing a ~ group ~ data  III. verb  Date: 1748  transitive verb  1. to put to ~ or proof ; try — often used with out  2. to require a doctrinal oath of  intransitive verb  1.  a. to undergo a ~  b. to be assigned a standing or evaluation on the basis of ~s ~ed positive for cocaine the cake ~ed done  2. to apply a ~ as a means of analysis or diagnosis — used with for ~ for mechanical aptitude  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  IV. noun  Etymology: Latin ~a shell  Date: circa 1842 an external hard or firm covering (as a shell) of many invertebrates (as a foraminifer or a mollusk) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tests, testing, tested) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you test something, you try it, for example by touching it or using it for a short time, in order to find out what it is, what condition it is in, or how well it works. The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers. VERB: V n 2. A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works. ...the banning of nuclear tests. N-COUNT 3. If you test someone, you ask them questions or tell them to perform certain actions in order to find out how much they know about a subject or how well they are able to do something. There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing pupils in every subject... She decided to test herself with a training run in London. VERB: V n, V pron-refl 4. A test is a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subject or how well you are able to do something. Out of a total of 2,602 pupils only 922 passed the test... She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car. N-COUNT 5. If you test someone, you deliberately make things difficult for them in order to see how they react. She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out. VERB: V n 6. If an event or situation is a test of a person or thing, it reveals their qualities or effectiveness. It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship... N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 7. If you are tested for a particular disease or medical condition, you are examined or go through various procedures in order to find out whether you have that disease or condition. My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes... Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed for n, be V-ed 8. A medical test is an examination of a part of your body in...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »EXAM« a set of questions, exercises or practical activities to measure someone's skill, ability, or knowledge  (spelling/driving/biology etc test)  (How did you do on your maths test? | pass/fail a test)  (She passed her driving test when she was 17. | do/take/sit a test (=take part in it))  (The thought of taking the test terrifies me.) + on  (We have a test on irregular verbs tomorrow.) test result  (When do you get your test results back?) 2 »MEDICAL« a) a short medical examination on a part of your body, or to find out what is wrong with you  (an eye test | run a test (=do one quickly))  (We'll just run some tests on your blood sample. | test results)  (I'm still waiting for my test results from the hospital.) b) equipment for carrying out a medical test  (a pregnancy test) 3 »FOR CHECKING STH« a process used to find out whether equipment works correctly, or whether something contains a particular substance  (nuclear weapons tests | a test for sth (=a test to find sth))  (a test for chemicals in the water | test site/equipment/procedure)  (We went to the test site in Nevada.) 4 »DIFFICULT SITUATION« a situation in which the qualities of someone or something are clearly shown  (a test of character/strength etc)  (The problems she faced were a real test of character. | put sb/sth to the test (=find out how good someone or something is))  (Living together will soon put their relationship to the test.) 5 stand the test of time to be good enough, strong enough etc to last for a long time  (Our friendship has stood the test of time.) 6 »STANDARD« something that is used as a standard to judge or examine something else  (It's difficult to know what's a good test of love.)  (- see also test case) 7 »SPORT« BrE the short form of test match  (- see also breath test, means test, smear test) ~2 v 1 »EXAM« to ask someone spoken or written questions, or make them do a practical activity, to find out what they know about a subject  (test sb on)  (We're being tested on grammar tomorrow. | test sth)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  comp. assem. abbr. Test ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1395, "small vessel used in assaying precious metals," from O.Fr. test, from L. testum "earthen pot," related to testa "piece of burned clay, earthen pot, shell," and textere "to weave." Sense of "trial or examination to determine the correctness of something" is recorded from 1594. The verb in this sense is from 1748. The connecting notion is "ascertaining the quality of a metal by melting it in a pot." Test-tube is from 1846. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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