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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rush


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Перевод с английского языка rush на русский


1) стремительное движение; бросок; бросаться; мчаться

2) бот. ситник (Juncus)

beak rushblunt-flowered rushbog rushclub rushflowering rushmat rushscouring rushsea club rushshore rushsmooth rushspike rushstout rushtwig rushwood rush

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См. в других словарях

  of armaments гонка вооружений RUSH candle = rushlight  1) RUSH I noun  1) bot. тростник; камыш; ситник  2) совершенный пустяк, мелочь; its not worth a rush - гроша ломаного не стоит - not to care a rush - not to give a rush ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. стремительное движение, натиск, напор a rush of wind —- сильный порыв ветра a rush of customers —- наплыв покупателей the Christmas rush —- предрождественская давка (в магазинах) the rush of the river —- стремнина; быстрое течение реки to make a rush at smb. —- наброситься на кого-л. with one rush they were up the hill —- стремительный бросок, и они очутились на вершине холма 2. прилив (крови и т. п.) a rush of blood to the head —- прилив крови к голове a rush of indignation —- волна негодования 3. погоня (за чем-л.), усиленное стремление (к чему-л.) a rush for wealth —- погоня за богатством a rush for gold, gold rush —- золотая лихорадка rush of armaments —- гонка вооружений 4. (for, on) большой спрос there was a rush for the papers —- газеты покупались нарасхват 5. напряжение; спешка rush order —- срочное требование rush period (season) —- страдная (горячая) пора rush work (job) —- срочная (спешная) работа in a rush —- в спешке; впопыхах the rush of city life —- напряженный темп городской жизни what is all this rush? —- к чему вся эта спешка (все это волнение, вся эта суматоха)? 6. ам. унив. соревнование, состязание 7. воен. спорт. стремительная атака rush tactics —- воен. тактика внезапных ударов 8. воен. перебежка 9. воен. прорыв 10. горн. прорыв (воды или слабой породы в выработке); внезапная осадка (кровли) 11. pl. кин....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) стремительное движение; бросок; бросаться; мчаться 2) бот. ситник (Juncus) – beak rush – blunt-flowered rush – bog rush – club rush – flowering rush – mat rush – scouring rush – sea club rush – shore rush – smooth rush – spike rush – stout rush – twig rush – wood rush ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) натиск, напор 2) наплыв 3) погоня (за чем-л.) 4) большой спрос на что-л. (for/on) - rush hours - rush order - rush period - rush work - rush for gold, gold rush - rush for profits - rush for wealth - rush of customers 2. гл. 1) стремиться 2) бросаться, нестись 3) тащить 4) протаскивать 5) торопить, заставлять быстро делать (что-л.) - rush a bill through Parliament - rush a law - rush an order ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) беготня 2) электр. бросок тока 3) мчаться 4) порыв 5) ситниковый 6) стремительное движение 7) торопиться 8) устремлять - last-minute rush - rush to conclusion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) стремительное действие 2) горн. прорыв (напр. воды); внезапное обрушение 3) текущий съёмочный материал; материал съёмочного дня - rush of water - current rush ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. go, move, or act precipitately or with great speed. 2 tr. move or transport with great haste (was rushed to hospital). 3 intr. (foll. by at) a move suddenly and quickly towards. b begin impetuously. 4 tr. perform or deal with hurriedly (don't rush your dinner; the bill was rushed through Parliament). 5 tr. force (a person) to act hastily. 6 tr. attack or capture by sudden assault. 7 tr. sl. overcharge (a customer). 8 tr. US pay attentions to (a person) with a view to securing acceptance of a proposal. 9 tr. pass (an obstacle) with a rapid dash. 10 intr. flow, fall, spread, or roll impetuously or fast (felt the blood rush to my face; the river rushes past). --n. 1 an act of rushing; a violent advance or attack. 2 a period of great activity. 3 (attrib.) done with great haste or speed (a rush job). 4 a sudden migration of large numbers. 5 (foll. by on, for) a sudden strong demand for a commodity. 6 (in pl.) colloq. the first prints of a film after a period of shooting. 7 Football a a combined dash by several players with the ball. b US the act of carrying the ball. Phrases and idioms rush one's fences act with undue haste. rush hour a time each day when traffic is at its heaviest. Derivatives rusher n. rushingly adv. Etymology: ME f. AF russher, = OF ruser, russer: see RUSE 2. n. 1 a any marsh or waterside plant of the family Juncaceae, with naked slender tapering pith-filled stems (properly leaves) formerly used for strewing floors and still used for making chair-bottoms and plaiting baskets etc. b a stem of this. c (collect.) rushes as a material. 2 archaic a thing of no value (not worth a rush). Phrases and idioms rush candle a candle made by dipping the pith of a rush in tallow. Derivatives rushlike adv. rushy adj. Etymology: OE rysc, rysce, corresp. to MLG, MHG rusch ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rysc; akin to Middle High German rusch ~, Lithuanian regzti to knit  Date: before 12th century any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera Juncus and Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the ~ family) with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats  • ~y adjective  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English russhen, from Anglo-French reuser, ruser, russher to drive back, repulse, from Latin recusare to oppose — more at recusant  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation  2. to advance a football by running plays ~ed for a total of 150 yards  transitive verb  1. to push or impel on or forward with speed, impetuosity, or violence  2. to perform in a short time or at high speed  3. to urge to an unnatural or extreme speed don't ~ me  4. to run toward or against in attack ; charge  5.  a. to carry (a ball) forward in a running play  b. to move in quickly on (a kicker or passer) to hinder, prevent, or block a kick or pass — used especially of defensive linemen  6.  a. to lavish attention on ; court  b. to try to secure a pledge of membership (as in a fraternity) from  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a violent forward motion  b. attack, onset  c. a surging of emotion  2.  a. a burst of activity, productivity, or speed  b. a sudden insistent demand  3. a thronging of people usually to a new place in search of wealth a gold ~  4.  a. the act of carrying a football during a game ; running play  b. the action or an instance of ~ing a passer or kicker in football a pass ~  5.  a. a round of attention usually involving extensive social activity  b. a drive by a fraternity or sorority to recruit new members  6. a print of a motion-picture scene processed directly after the shooting for review by the director or producer — usually used in plural  7.  a. the immediate...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rushes, rushing, rushed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you rush somewhere, you go there quickly. A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a man’s life... I’ve got to rush. Got a meeting in a few minutes... Shop staff rushed to get help. VERB: V prep/adv, V, V to-inf 2. If people rush to do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it. Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could... VERB: V to-inf 3. A rush is a situation in which you need to go somewhere or do something very quickly. The men left in a rush... It was all rather a rush... N-SING 4. If there is a rush for something, many people suddenly try to get it or do it. Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single. N-SING: usu N for n 5. The rush is a period of time when many people go somewhere or do something. The shop’s opening coincided with the Christmas rush... N-SING: the N, oft supp N 6. If you rush something, you do it in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care. You can’t rush a search... Instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful. VERB: V n, V at n • rushed The report had all the hallmarks of a rushed job. ADJ 7. If you rush someone or something to a place, you take them there quickly. We got an ambulance and rushed her to hospital... We’ll rush it round today if possible. VERB: V n prep, V n with adv 8. If you rush into something or are rushed into it, you do it without thinking about it for long enough. He will not rush into any decisions... They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task... Ministers won’t be rushed into a response... Don’t rush him or he’ll become confused. VERB: V into n, V in, be V-ed into n, V n • rushed At no time did I feel rushed or under pressure. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 9. If you rush something or someone, you move quickly and forcefully at them, often in order to attack them. They...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MOVE QUICKLY« to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon + out/past/through/along etc  (We rushed home to find out what had happened to Julie. | One of the pipes burst and water came rushing out.) 2 »DO STH QUICKLY« to do something too quickly, especially so that you do not have time to do it carefully or well  (There's plenty of time - we don't need to rush. | rush sth)  (You shouldn't rush this sort of work.) 3 rush to do sth to do something eagerly and without delay  (Fans rushed to buy tickets as soon as they went on sale.) 4 »TAKE/SEND URGENTLY« T always + adv/prep to take or send something somewhere very quickly, especially because of an unexpected problem  (The Red Cross rushed medical supplies to the war zone. | rush sb somewhere)  (Dan was rushed to the hospital with serious head injuries.) 5 »MAKE SB HURRY« to try to make someone do something more quickly than they want to  (I'm sorry to rush you, but we need a decision by Friday. | rush sb into doing sth)  (Don't let them rush you into signing the contract.) 6 »ATTACK« to attack someone suddenly and in a group  (They rushed the guard and stole his keys.) 7 »AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES« AmE a) to give parties for students, have meetings etc, in order to decide whether to let them join a fraternity or sorority (=type of club) b) to go through the process of trying to be accepted into these clubs 8 »AMERICAN FOOTBALL« to carry the ball forward  (- see also rushed) rush about/around phr v to try to do a lot of things in a short period of time  (I was rushing around all morning trying to get everything ready for the trip.) rush into sth phr v spoken to get involved in something without taking enough time to think carefully about it  (rush into things spoken)  (He's asked me to marry him, but I don't want to rush into things.) rush sth out phr v to make a new product, book etc available for sale very quickly rush sth through phr v to deal with official or government business, more quickly than usual  (The...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Royal University Of Scir Havoc religion abbr. Ruin Under Satans Hand religion abbr. Reaching Unlimited Spiritual Heights religion abbr. Rulers Under Satan's Hand religion abbr. Ruling Under Satans Hand religion abbr. Rest Under Satans Hand religion abbr. Runners Under Satans Hand NASDAQ abbr. Rush Enterprises, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: BUM'S RUSH. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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