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Англо-русский биологический словарь - running


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Перевод с английского языка running на русский


1) этол. побежка

2) текучий (о воде); проточный (о водоёме)

wheel running

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См. в других словарях

  mate  1) человек, которого часто видят в компании другого  2) amer. кандидат на пост вице-президента RUNNING rigging naut. бегучий такелаж RUNNING title typ. колонтитул RUNNING knot затяжной узел, удавка RUNNING  1. noun  1) беганье; бег(а), беготня  2) ход, работа (машины, мотора и т.п.) to make good ones running - не отставать; преуспевать - be in the running - be out of the running - make the running - take up the running  2. adj.  1) бегущий  2) беговой; running track/path - беговая дорожка  3) текущий; running account - текущий счет  4) последовательный, непрерывный; - running commentary - running fire - running hand  5) плавный  6) текучий  7) running eyes - слезящиеся глаза; running sore - гноящаяся рана  8) ползучий, вьющийся (о растении)  9) подвижной, работающий; - running rigging  10) predic. последовательный, идущий подряд; four days running - четыре дня подряд RUNNING commentary  а) (радио)репортаж  б) подстрочный комментарий RUNNING fight отступление с боями RUNNING fire беглый огонь; fig. град критических замечаний RUNNING hand беглый почерк RUNNING jump прыжок с разбега ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. беганье pattering type of running —- спорт. "ударный" способ бега 2. пробег, рейс 3. ход (машины) 4. управление an efficient running of economy —- рациональное руководство экономикой 5. тех. работа или эксплуатация (машины) 6. комп. прогон (программы) Id: to be in the running —- иметь шансы на выигрыш Id: to be out of the running —- не иметь шансов на выигрыш; выйти из игры Id: to make the running —- спорт. задавать темп, вести бег; показывать пример, задавать тон Id: to take up the running —- спорт. вести; выходить вперед; брать инициативу в свои руки 7. бегущий running dive —- воен. погружение на ходу; спорт. ныряние с разбега running jump —- прыжок с разбега running landing —- посадка вертолета с пробегом running take off —- взлет вертолета с разбегом running fight —- отход с боями; бой на отходе; упорное отстаивание своих позиций 8. беговой running track (path) —- беговая дорожка 9. текущий, текучий running water —- проточная вода a bedroom with running water —- комната с умывальником (в гостинице) 10. сыпучий running soil —- сыпучий грунт running ground —- плывун 11. гноящийся; слезящийся running sore —- гноящаяся болячка (рана) running eyes —- слезящиеся глаза running cold —- насморк; нос течет 12. скользящий a running knot —- затяжной узел; удавка 13. плавный running metre —- плавный размер (стиха) 14. подвижной;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) этол. побежка 2) текучий (о воде); проточный (о водоёме) – wheel running ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) текущий 2) постоянный 3) непрерывный, сплошной 4) последовательный four times running — четыре раза подряд - running account - running expenses - running repairs ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бег 2) бегущий 3) водопроводный 4) дорожный 5) идущий 6) обкатывание 7) переменный 8) пробегающий 9) прокладка 10) проточный 11) текущий 12) ход 13) эксплуатационный adjust while running — регулировать на ходу engine is running rough — двигатель работает жестко running board mat — обкладка подножки side running light — аэро огонь бортовой time is running out — время выходит - free running - idle running - irregular running - machine running - noisy running - quiet running - running around - running average - running away - running block - running coordinates - running down - running expenses - running fit - running gear - running index - running light - running lights - running mean - running meter - running rigging - running service - running shed - running sum - running surface - running take-off - running term - running time - running total - running trim - running value - running water - running wheel - silent running - smooth running ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) работа, функционирование 2) режим – asynchronous running – continuous running – idle running – step running – unstable running ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  движение (автомобиля); пробег нивелирный ход running a painting line overslung running top running underslung running ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) работа; функционирование 2) эксплуатация 3) ход; прогон; вращение 4) перегонка 5) перекачка; налив (нефтепродуктов) 6) фракция, погон 7) ведение плавки 8) паровое дутьё (газогенератора) 9) рейс; пробег 10) выполнение, прогон (программы) - running of film in reverse - running of gum - anchor line running - asynchronous running - backward running - balanced running - continuous running - double-direct running - dry running - easy running - empty running - first running - forward running - free running - high-speed running - idle running - irregular running - last running - left-hand running - no-load running - rich running - right-hand running - roof running - scheduled running - ship running - shunt running - side running - single-direction running - single-track running - slow running - smooth running - stable running - stitches running - synchronous running - train running - unmanned running - unstable running ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 the action of runners in a race etc. 2 the way a race etc. proceeds. --adj. 1 continuing on an essentially continuous basis though changing in detail (a running battle). 2 consecutive; one after another (three days running). 3 done with a run (a running jump). Phrases and idioms in (or out of) the running (of a competitor) with a good (or poor) chance of winning. make (or take up) the running take the lead; set the pace. running account a current account. running-board a footboard on either side of a vehicle. running commentary an oral description of events as they occur. running fire successive shots from a line of troops etc. running gear the moving or running parts of a machine, esp. the wheels and suspension of a vehicle. running hand writing in which the pen etc. is not lifted after each letter. running head (or headline) a heading printed at the top of a number of consecutive pages of a book etc. running knot a knot that slips along the rope etc. and changes the size of a noose. running light 1 = navigation light. 2 each of a small set of lights on a motor vehicle that remain illuminated while the vehicle is running. running mate US 1 a candidate for a secondary position in an election. 2 a horse entered in a race in order to set the pace for another horse from the same stable which is intended to win. running repairs minor or temporary repairs etc. to machinery while in use. running rope a rope that is freely movable through a pulley etc. running sore a suppurating sore. running stitch 1 a line of small non-overlapping stitches for gathering etc. 2 one of these stitches. running water water flowing in a stream or from a tap etc. take a running jump (esp. as int.) sl. go away. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the action of ~  b. race  2. physical condition for ~  3. management, care  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. cursive, flowing  2. fluid, runny  3.  a. incessant, continuous a ~ battle  b. made during the course of a process or activity a ~ commentary on the game  4. measured in a straight line cost of lumber per ~ foot  5.  a. initiated or performed while ~ or with a ~ start a ~ catch a ~ jump  b. of, relating to, or being a football play in which the ball is advanced by ~ rather than by passing their ~ game was off  c. designed for use by runners a ~ track ~ shoes  6. fitted or trained for ~ rather than walking, trotting, or jumping a ~ horse  III. adverb  Date: 1719 in succession ; consecutively three days ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Running is the activity of moving fast on foot, especially as a sport. We chose to do cross-country running. ...running shoes. N-UNCOUNT 2. The running of something such as a business is the managing or organizing of it. ...the committee in charge of the day-to-day running of the party. N-SING: the N of n 3. You use running to describe things that continue or keep occurring over a period of time. He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson... = ongoing ADJ: ADJ n 4. A running total is a total which changes because numbers keep being added to it as something progresses. He kept a running tally of who had called him, who had visited, who had sent flowers... ADJ: ADJ n 5. You can use running when indicating that something keeps happening. For example, if something has happened every day for three days, you can say that it has happened for the third day running or for three days running. He said drought had led to severe crop failure for the second year running... ADV: n ADV 6. Running water is water that is flowing rather than standing still. The forest was filled with the sound of running water... ADJ: ADJ n 7. If a house has running water, water is supplied to the house through pipes and taps. ...a house without electricity or running water in a tiny African village. ADJ: ADJ n 8. If someone is in the running for something, they have a good chance of winning or obtaining it. If they are out of the running for something, they have no chance of winning or obtaining it. Until this week he appeared to have ruled himself out of the running because of his age. PHRASE 9. If someone is making the running in a situation, they are more active than the other people involved. (mainly BRIT) Republicans are furious that the Democrats currently seem to be making all the running. PHRASE: V inflects 10. If something such as a system or place is up and running, it is operating normally. We’re trying to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the act or sport of running  (running shoes/track etc)  (New facilities including a pool and a running track.) 2 the running of the way in which a business, home, organization etc is managed or organized  (Brian took over the running of the company while his father was away.) 3 be in the running/out of the running to have some hope or no hope of winning a race or competition  (Bruno is still in the running for the world title.) 4 make (all) the running BrE informal a) to be the person who makes most of the suggestions in a relationship, plan, activity etc b) to be in a competition, race, election etc ~2 adj only before noun 1 running water a) water that comes from a tap1 (1)  (Disease spreads fast in villages where there is no running water.) b) water that is flowing or moving  (Many fish prefer running water.) 2 running repairs small repairs that you do to a machine to keep it working 3 running total a total that is continually increased as new costs, amounts etc are added  (Keep a running total of your expenses as you go along.) 4 running commentary a spoken description of an event, especially a race or game, made while the event is happening  (a running commentary on the basketball game) 5 running battle/argument an argument that continues or is repeated over a long period of time 6 running sore a sore area on your skin, that has liquid coming out of it 7 in running order a machine that is in running order is working correctly 8 the running order the order in which the different parts of an event have been arranged to take place  (changes in the running order for the teachers' conference) ~3 adv three years/five times etc running for three years etc without a change or interruption  (Sylvie has won the poetry prize for the fourth year running.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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