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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rubber


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Перевод с английского языка rubber на русский


Assam rubberhevea rubberLagos rubberPanama rubberPara rubber

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См. в других словарях

  1. резина; каучук natural rubber —- натуральный каучук hard rubber —- ам. эбонит liquid rubber —- латекс India rubber —- резина 2. резинка, ластик 3. аптечная резинка; резиновое кольцо для скрепления бумаг и т. п. 4. pl. резиновые сапоги; резиновый плащ; ам. галоши 5. pl. ком. акции или облигации каучуковых компаний 6. шайба (хоккей) 7. (резиновая) шина; автопокрышка 8. комплект шин, "резина" 9. разг. презерватив 10. резиновый rubber bulb —- резиновый баллон rubber drain —- резиновая дренажная трубка rubber gloves —- резиновые перчатки rubber nipple —- резиновая соска rubber hot-water bottle —- резиновая грелка rubber syringe —- спринцовка для клизмы rubber tyre —- резиновая шина 11. жесткий (о мясе) 12. покрывать резиной, прорезинивать 13. собирать каучук 14. массажист; массажистка 15. банщик; банщица 16. банное полотенце 17. едкое замечание, язвительная насмешка 18. наждачная бумага 19. драчевый напильник 20. диал. точильный камень 21. карт. роббер 22. ам. сл. наемный убийца; убийца-профессионал ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – Assam rubber – hevea rubber – Lagos rubber – Panama rubber – Para rubber ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) губка 2) гуммиластик 3) каучук 4) каучуковый 5) обрезиненный 6) резина 7) резиновый carbon black rubber — сажевый каучук molded rubber strip — резиновый профиль rubber regeneration process — способ регенерации резины sheet of a rubber mix — лист резиновой смеси whole latex rubber — цельный каучук - alpha rubber - butadiene rubber - butadiene-nitrile rubber - butadiene-styrene rubber - chlorinated rubber - chloroprene rubber - commercial rubber - copolymer rubber - crude rubber - cyclized rubber - estate rubber - fluorine rubber - foam the rubber - fractionate the rubber - granulate the rubber - hard rubber - hull rubber - hydrogenate the rubber - initial rubber - insulating rubber - latex rubber - low-quality rubber - mechanical rubber - microporous rubber - natural rubber - off-grade rubber - oil-extended rubber - peptize the rubber - plasticize the rubber - polychloroprene rubber - powder rubber - process the rubber - pure rubber - purify the rubber - raw rubber - reclaiming of rubber - refine the rubber - regular rubber - reinforce the rubber - resin-filled rubber - rod rubber - rubber antioxidant - rubber band - rubber coating - rubber containing - rubber cover - rubber crumb - rubber elasticity - rubber interlayer - rubber latex - rubber linoleum - rubber oil - rubber roller - rubber seal - rubber sheet - rubber sole - rubber sponge - rubber tire - rubber tree - scum rubber - sheet rubber - slab rubber - soft rubber - soften the rubber - sol rubber - solid rubber - synthetic rubber - tyre rubber - urethane rubber - vulcanize the rubber - vulcanized rubber - wild rubber ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  резина, каучук мн.ч.резиновые изделия air-foam rubber expanded rubber foam rubber hard rubber laminated rubber neoprene rubber sheet rubber synthetic rubber ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) каучук 2) резина 3) резиновая смесь 4) эластомер 5) плоское точило, точильный брусок; оселок 6) наждачная бумага 7) сил. полировальник 8) слабообожжённый кирпич из кремнезёмистой глины rubber and blaster — швейн. приспособление для вымётывания с устройством для выправления канта; rubber for lubricating oils — вязкостная присадка из синтетического каучука к смазочным маслам - acetic acid rubber - acid rubber - acrylic rubber - air-foam rubber - alfine rubber - artificial rubber - base rubber - brominated butyl rubber - bump rubber - butadiene rubber - butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber - butadiene-styrene rubber - butyl rubber - cellular rubber - chloroprene rubber - closed cell expanded rubber - cold rubber - commercial rubber - compounded rubber - conductive rubber - crude rubber - cushion rubber - cut-resistant rubber - cyclized rubber - devulcanized rubber - dimethylbutadiene rubber - dimethylsiloxane rubber - epichlorhydrin rubber - erasing rubber - ethylene-propylene rubber - expanded rubber - fluorine rubber - foam rubber - gum rubber - half-hard rubber - hard rubber - interply rubber - isoprene rubber - latex-foamed rubber - latex-foam rubber - liquid rubber - magnetic rubber - methyl rubber - mineral rubber - natural rubber - nervy rubber - oil rubber - oil-extended rubber - open cell sponge rubber - padding rubber - para rubber - perished rubber - plant rubber - plasticated rubber - polysulfide rubber - polyurethane rubber - porous rubber - powder rubber - powdered vulcanized rubber - radiation rubber - rebound rubber - reclaimed rubber - scrap rubber - sheet rubber - shredded rubber - silicon rubber - siloxane rubber - smoked-sheets rubber - sodium rubber - special rubber - sponge rubber - strained rubber - thermoplastic rubber - tread rubber ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of plants or synthetically. 2 esp. Brit. a piece of this or another substance for erasing pencil or ink marks. 3 colloq. a condom. 4 (in pl.) US galoshes. 5 a person who rubs; a masseur or masseuse. 6 a an implement used for rubbing. b part of a machine operating by rubbing. Phrases and idioms rubber band a loop of rubber for holding papers etc. together. rubber plant 1 an evergreen plant, Ficus elastica, with dark-green shiny leaves, often cultivated as a house-plant. 2 (also rubber tree) any of various tropical trees yielding latex, esp. Hevea brasiliensis. rubber solution a liquid drying to a rubber-like material, used esp. as an adhesive in mending rubber articles. rubber stamp 1 a device for inking and imprinting on a surface. 2 a a person who mechanically copies or agrees to others' actions. b an indication of such agreement. rubber-stamp v.tr. approve automatically without proper consideration. Derivatives rubbery adj. rubberiness n. Etymology: RUB(1) + -ER(1), from its early use to rub out pencil marks 2. n. 1 a match of three or five successive games between the same sides or persons at whist, bridge, cricket, lawn tennis, etc. 2 (prec. by the) a the act of winning two games in a rubber. b a third game when each side has won one. Etymology: orig. unkn.: used as a term in bowls from c. 1600 ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 1536  1.  a. one that rubs  b. an instrument or object (as a ~ eraser) used in rubbing, polishing, scraping, or cleaning  c. something that prevents rubbing or chafing  2. from its use in erasers  a. an elastic substance that is obtained by coagulating the milky juice of any of various tropical plants (as of the genera Hevea and Ficus), is essentially a polymer of isoprene, and is prepared as sheets and then dried — called also caoutchouc, india ~  b. any of various synthetic ~like substances  c. natural or synthetic ~ modified by chemical treatment to increase its useful properties (as toughness and resistance to wear) and used especially in tires, electrical insulation, and waterproof materials  3. something made of or resembling ~: as  a. a ~ overshoe  b.  (1) a ~ tire  (2) the set of tires on a vehicle  c. a rectangular slab of white ~ in the middle of a baseball infield on which a pitcher stands while pitching  d. condom 1  • ~ adjective  II. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1599  1. a contest consisting of an odd number of games won by the side that takes a majority (as two out of three)  2. an odd game played to determine the winner of a tie ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rubbers) 1. Rubber is a strong, waterproof, elastic substance made from the juice of a tropical tree or produced chemically. It is used for making tyres, boots, and other products. ...the smell of burning rubber. N-UNCOUNT 2. Rubber things are made of rubber. ...rubber gloves. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. A rubber is a small piece of rubber or other material that is used to remove mistakes that you have made while writing, drawing, or typing. (BRIT; in AM, use eraser) N-COUNT 4. A rubber is a condom. (AM INFORMAL) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »MATERIAL« a substance used to make tyres, gloves, boots etc, which is made from the juice of a tropical tree or artificially  (a rubber ball) 2 »FOR REMOVING MARKS« BrE a) a thing you use for removing pencil marks; eraser b) a thing you use for cleaning marks from a blackboard  (eraser) 3 »SEX« AmE informal a condom 4 »SHOE« C usually plural AmE old-fashioned a rubber shoe that you wear over an ordinary shoe when it rains or snows; galosh BrE 5 »SERIES OF GAMES« a series of games of bridge (=a card game) or cricket (2) 6 »FOR STANDING ON/IN« the piece of white rubber where the pitcher (=person who throws the ball) stands in a baseball game ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - "thing that rubs," 1536, from rub. The meaning "elastic substance from tropical plants" (introduced to Europe 1744 by Charles Marie de la Condamine) first recorded 1788, so called because it was originally used as an eraser. Meaning "overshoes made of rubber" is 1859, Amer.Eng.; slang sense of "condom" is from 1930s. Sense of "deciding match" in a game or contest is 1599, of unknown origin. Rubberneck (n.) is attested from 1896. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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