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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rose


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Перевод с английского языка rose на русский


роза (Rosa)

Alpine roseanemone roseArkansas rosebarbstem rosebay roseBengal rosebrier roseburnet rosecabbage rosecanker roseCherokee roseChina roseChristmas rosecinnamon roseclimbing rosecopper rosecorn rosecorymb rosecotton rosedog roseeglantineeglantine roseEgyptian roseerectprickle roseevergreen rosefield roseFrench roseguelder rosegypsy rosehedge rosekitchen roseLenten roselow roseMacartney rosemaple rosemarsh holy roseMay rosemeadow rosememorial roseMexican roseMichigan rosemoss rosemusk rosenoble rosenodfruit rosepale rosepasture rosepolyantha roseprairie roseramanas roseremontant roseScotch roseSharon rosesmooth rosesnowdon rosesulphur roseswamp rosetea rosewild rosewind rose

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См. в других словарях

  (личн. имена) - Роуз; Роза ROSE noun Роуз; Роза ROSE  1. noun  1) роза (тж. как эмблема Англии)  2) pl. румянец; she has roses in her cheeks - румянец играет на ее щеках, она пышет здоровьем  3) розовый цвет  4) розетка  5) сетка (душа или лейки); разбрызгиватель  6) = rose window  7) (the rose) coll. рожа, рожистое воспаление path strewn with roses - легкая, приятная жизнь life is not all roses - в жизни не одни только удовольствия - under the rose - born under the rose  2. adj. розовый  3. v.; rare делать розовым, придавать розовый оттенок ROSE window archit. круглое окно-розетка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. бот. роза (Rosa gen.) 2. розовый куст rose house —- розарий (оранжерея) the roses in the garden have grown green —- кусты роз в саду уже зазеленели 3. ист. пятилепестковая роза (эмблема Англии) Red R. —- Алая роза (эмблема династии Ланкастеров) White R. —- Белая роза (эмблема династии Йорков) Wars of the Roses —- войны Алой и Белой розы 4. цветок, напоминающий розу 5. образец совершенства; цвет (чего-л.) rose of Sharon —- библ. нарцисс саронский 6. красавица, розан she was the rose of the ball —- она была королевой бала 7. розетка (бант) 8. муз. розетка (у струнных инструментов) 9. сетка (душа, насоса); разбрызгивающая насадка 10. духи с запахом розы 11. розовый цвет old rose —- темно-розовый цвет the rose of sunset —- розовый закат 12. pl. румянец (преим. у женщин) to lose one's roses —- поблекнуть, увянуть she has roses in her cheeks —- румянец играет на ее щеках, она пышет здоровьем 13. розовое яблоко, розовая груша и т. п. 14. (the rose) разг. рожа, рожистое воспаление 15. архит. круглое окно-розетка 16. бриллиант, ограненный в виде розочки, алмаз "розочка" 17. гранение "розочкой" (драгоценных камней) 18. очень мелкий драгоценный камень Id: path strewn with roses —- жизнь, полная удовольствий Id: her life with him was no bed of roses —- ее жизнь с ним была далеко не легкой Id: not all roses —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  роза Цветок-символ state flower штата Нью-Йорк ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  роза (Rosa) – Alpine rose – anemone rose – Arkansas rose – barbstem rose – bay rose – Bengal rose – brier rose – burnet rose – cabbage rose – canker rose – Cherokee rose – China rose – Christmas rose – cinnamon rose – climbing rose – copper rose – corn rose – corymb rose – cotton rose – dog rose – eglantine rose – Egyptian rose – erectprickle rose – evergreen rose – field rose – French rose – guelder rose – gypsy rose – hedge rose – kitchen rose – Lenten rose – low rose – Macartney rose – maple rose – marsh holy rose – May rose – meadow rose – memorial rose – Mexican rose – Michigan rose – moss rose – musk rose – noble rose – nodfruit rose – pale rose – pasture rose – polyantha rose – prairie rose – ramanas rose – remontant rose – Scotch rose – Sharon rose – smooth rose – snowdon rose – sulphur rose – swamp rose – tea rose – wild rose – wind rose ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) всасывающая сетка (насоса) 2) круглая насадка 3) разбрызгиватель, дождевая насадка 4) (электрическая) розетка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  роза, венечный - four-leafed rose - four-leaved rose - n-leafed rose - rose curve - rose cut - three-leafed rose ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  розетка (архитектурное украшение) разбрызгиватель; разбрызгивающая головка сетчатый фильтр роза ветров ceiling rose shower rose wind rose ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) роза ветров 2) матем. роза 3) лимб (картушки компаса) 4) перфорированная насадка, разбрызгиватель 5) сетчатый фильтр (на всасывающей линии) 6) (электрическая) розетка - ceiling rose - compass rose - current rose - pollution rose - wave rose - wind rose ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n., adj., & v. --n. 1 any prickly bush or shrub of the genus Rosa, bearing usu. fragrant flowers generally of a red, pink, yellow, or white colour. 2 this flower. 3 any flowering plant resembling this (Christmas rose; rock rose). 4 a a light crimson colour, pink. b (usu. in pl.) a rosy complexion (roses in her cheeks). 5 a a representation of the flower in heraldry or decoration (esp. as the national emblem of England). b a rose-shaped design, e.g. on a compass card or on the sound-hole of a lute etc. 6 the sprinkling-nozzle of a watering-can or hose. 7 a circular mounting on a ceiling through which the wiring of an electric light passes. 8 a a rose diamond. b a rose-window. 9 (in pl.) used in various phrases to express favourable circumstances, ease, success, etc. (roses all the way; everything's roses). 10 an excellent person or thing, esp. a beautiful woman (English rose; rose between two thorns; not the rose but near it). --adj. = rose-coloured 1. --v.tr. (esp. as rosed adj.) make (one's face, a snow-slope, etc.) rosy. Phrases and idioms rose-apple 1 a tropical tree of the genus Eugenia, cultivated for its foliage and fragrant fruit. 2 this fruit. rose-bush a rose plant. rose-chafer a green or copper-coloured beetle, Cetonia aurata, frequenting roses. rose-colour the colour of a pale red rose, warm pink. rose-coloured 1 of rose-colour. 2 optimistic, sanguine, cheerful (takes rose-coloured views). rose comb a flat fleshy comb of a fowl. rose-cut cut as a rose diamond. rose diamond a hemispherical diamond with the curved part cut in triangular facets. rose-engine an appendage to a lathe for engraving curved patterns. rose-fish a bright red food fish, Sebastes marinus, of the N. Atlantic. rose geranium a pink-flowered sweet-scented pelargonium, Pelargonium graveolus. rose-hip = HIP(2). rose-leaf (pl. -leaves) 1 a petal of a rose. 2 a leaf of a rose. rose madder a pale pink pigment. rose-mallow = HIBISCUS. rose nail a nail with a head shaped like a rose diamond. rose of Jericho a resurrection plant, Anastatica...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. past of rise  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin rosa; akin to Greek rhodon ~, Persian gul  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. any of a genus (Rosa of the family Rosaceae, the ~ family) of usually prickly shrubs with pinnate leaves and showy flowers having five petals in the wild state but being often double or partly double under cultivation  b. the flower of a ~  2. something resembling a ~ in form: as  a.  (1) compass card  (2) a circular card with radiating lines used in other instruments  b. a ~tte especially on a shoe  c. ~ cut  3. plural an easy or pleasant situation or task it was not all sunshine and ~s — Anthony Lewis  4. a moderate purplish red  5. a plane curve which consists of three or more loops meeting at the origin and whose equation in polar coordinates is of the form ? = a sin n? or ? = a cos n? where n is an integer greater than zero  • ~like adjective  III. adjective  Date: 14th century  1.  a. containing or used for ~s  b. of or relating to a ~  c. flavored, scented, or colored with or like ~s  2. of the color ~ ROSE  noun  Etymology: French  Date: 1897 a light pink table wine made from red grapes by removing the skins after fermentation has begun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (roses) Rose is wine which is pink in colour. The vast majority of wines produced in this area are reds or roses. N-MASS ROSE (roses) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Rose is the past tense of rise. 2. A rose is a flower, often with a pleasant smell, which grows on a bush with stems that have sharp points called thorns on them. ...a bunch of yellow roses. N-COUNT 3. A rose is bush that roses grow on. Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded. N-COUNT 4. Something that is rose is reddish-pink in colour. (LITERARY) ...the rose and violet hues of a twilight sky. COLOUR 5. If you say that a situation is not a bed of roses, you mean that it is not as pleasant as it seems, and that there are some unpleasant aspects to it. We all knew that life was unlikely to be a bed of roses back in England. PHRASE: v-link PHR, usu with brd-neg ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FLOWER« a flower that has a pleasant smell, and is usually red, pink, white, or yellow, or the bush that this grows on 2 »COLOUR« a pink colour 3 not all roses also not a bed of roses informal if a job or situation is not all roses, it is not always pleasant and there are often difficult things to deal with 4 put the roses back in sb's cheeks informal to make someone look healthy again 5 be coming up roses informal be happening or developing in the best possible way 6 not come out of sth smelling of roses informal to have been involved in a situation that makes you seem dishonest, so that people stop trusting you 7 »FOR WATER« a circular piece of metal with holes in it, that is fitted to the end of a pipe or watering can so that liquid comes out in several thin streams 8 »LIGHT« technical the circular object from which an electric ceiling light hangs ~2 adj having a pink colour ~3 the past tense of rise1 ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  ocean sc. abbr. Rural Oxidants in the Southern Environment univ. abbr. Research Opportunities Scholarships And Enrichment univ. abbr. Recognition Of Superior Effort telec. abbr. Remote Operations Service Element non-prof. org. abbr. Regaining One's Self Esteem gen. bus. abbr. Reengineering Of Software Evolution ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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