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Англо-русский биологический словарь - risk


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Bayes riskecological riskgenetic risk

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   1. noun риск; at ones own risk - на свой страх и риск; at the risk of ones life - рискуя жизнью; to take/run risks - рисковать; at owners risk comm. - на риск владельца Syn: see danger  2. v.  1) рисковать (чем-л.); to risk ones health - рисковать здоровьем; He risked $50 on the horse race and lost it all.  2) отваживаться (на что-л.); to risk a stab in the back - подставлять спину под удар - risk failure Syn: see venture RISK failure не бояться поражения RISKINESS noun рискованность, опасность ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. риск risk appraisal (analysis) —- оценка степени риска risk assets —- неликвидные активы let's try, it's not much of a risk —- попробуем, риск невелик there is no risk of your catching cold —- вы не рискуете простудится to run a (the) risk, to take risks —- рисковать I'll take the risk —- я рискну at one's own risk —- на свой страх и риск at the risk of one's life —- рискуя жизнью at owner's risk —- ком. на риск владельца it was a risk of a thousand to one in my favour —- мои шансы составляли девятьсот девяносто девять из тысячи 2. опасность, угроза fire risk —- пожарная опасность to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war —- уменьшить опасность возникновения ядерной войны at risk —- в опасности, под ударом that policy is now at risk —- эта политика находится сейчас под угрозой 3. объект риска (о человеке) poor risk —- ненадежный человек good risk —- человек, на которого можно положиться (делать ставку и т. п.) security risk —- неблагонадежный человек 4. страховая сумма 5. застрахованное лицо; застрахованная вещь 6. рисковать (чем-л.) to risk one's life —- рисковать жизнью I'd risk my life on his honesty —- за его порядочность я ручаюсь головой 7. отваживаться (на что-л.) to risk a battle —- отваживаться на битву I can't risk failure —- я не могу идти на (заведомый) провал he risked breaking his neck —- он чуть не сломал шею, он вполне мог сломать шею ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – Bayes risk – ecological risk – genetic risk ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) риск 2) страховая сумма • - Financial Risk - accept risk - accident risk - additional risk - allocation of risk - apportionment of risk - assigned risk - assignment of risk - assume a risk - at our risk - at risk - at your own risk - audit risk - avoid the risk - balance sheet risk - basis risk - business risk - call risk - carry a risk - consumer's risk - contractor's risk - control risk - counterparty risk - country risk - cover the risk - covering of risk - credit risk insurance - credit risk - currency risk - decrease of risk - degree of risk - delivery risk - economic risk - element of risk - entail risk - environmental risk - equal risk - equilibrium market price of risk - evaluation of risk - event risk - exchange rate risk - foreeable risk - limited risk - minimize the risk - reduce the risk - risk analysis - risk assessment - risk assets - risk averse - risk business - risk constraints - risk data applications - risk deflection - risk estimate - risk estimate - risk evaluation - risk factor - risk identification - risk level - risk management - risk mitigation - risk of currency depreciation - risk of loss - risk of nonpersuasion - risk parameter - risk premium - risk profile - risk response planning - risk response system - risk tolerance - run a risk - run the risk - take risks - uninsurable risk 2. гл. рисковать 3. прил. рискованный, опасный - risky job RISK 1. сущ. 1) общ. риск, опасность 2) общ. степень неопределенности, вероятность, возможность 3) страх. застрахованное лицо; застрахованная вещь 4) эк. риск (ситуация, когда результат какого-либо экономического выбора имеет случайный характер, но при этом известно вероятностное распределение значений этого результата) See: uncertainty, risk management, accounting...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  риск, опасность a posterior risk function — функция апостериорного риска admissible allowed risk — допустимый риск collective risk theory — теория коллективного риска conditional risk function — функция условного риска decision making under risk — принятие решений в условиях риска decision problem under risk — проблема принятия решений в условиях риска decision under risk — принятие решения в условиях риска locally averaged risk — локально усредненный риск maximum consumer risk — максимальный риск потребителя, ошибка второго рода maximum producer risk — максимальный риск производителя, ошибка первого рода maximum risk pattern — образец наибольшего риска minimum risk estimator — оценка минимального риска programming under risk — программирование в условиях риска risk of making incorrect decision — риск принятия неправильного решения theory of mathematical risk — теория математического риска uniformly best constant risk estimator — оценка с равномерно наилучшим риском uniformly minimum risk — равномерно минимальный риск uniformly minimum risk estimator — оценка с равномерно минимальным риском - a posteriori risk - acceptable risk - alpha risk - approximate risk - average risk - aversion of risk - beta risk - calculated risk - collection risk - completing risk - conditional risk - constant risk - consumer risk - consumer's risk - contingent risk - cost of risk - customer risk - defined risk - degree of risk - direct risk - double risk - estimated risk - exact risk - fire risk - individual...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  риск fire risk health risks from chemicals ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  риск; опасность - Bayes risk - explosive risk - fire risk - nuclear risk - spillage risk ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a chance or possibility of danger, loss, injury, or other adverse consequences (a health risk; a risk of fire). 2 a person or thing causing a risk or regarded in relation to risk (is a poor risk). --v.tr. 1 expose to risk. 2 accept the chance of (could not risk getting wet). 3 venture on. Phrases and idioms at risk exposed to danger. at one's (own) risk accepting responsibility, agreeing to make no claims. at the risk of with the possibility of (an adverse consequence). put at risk expose to danger. risk capital money put up for speculative business investment. risk one's neck put one's own life in danger. run a (or the) risk (often foll. by of) expose oneself to danger or loss etc. take (or run) a risk chance the possibility of danger etc. Etymology: F risque, risquer f. It. risco danger, riscare run into danger ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: French risque, from Italian risco  Date: circa 1661  1. possibility of loss or injury ; peril  2. someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard  3.  a. the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract; also the degree of probability of such loss  b. a person or thing that is a specified hazard to an insurer a poor ~ for insurance  c. an insurance hazard from a specified cause or source war ~  4. the chance that an investment (as a stock or commodity) will lose value  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: circa 1687  1. to expose to hazard or danger ~ed her life  2. to incur the ~ or danger of ~ed breaking his neck  • ~er noun RISKER  noun see risk II ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (risks, risking, risked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If there is a risk of something unpleasant, there is a possibility that it will happen. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure... In all the confusion, there’s a serious risk that the main issues will be forgotten. N-VAR: oft N of n, N that 2. If something that you do is a risk, it might have unpleasant or undesirable results. You’re taking a big risk showing this to Kravis... N-COUNT 3. If you say that something or someone is a risk, you mean they are likely to cause harm. It’s being overfat that constitutes a health risk... The restaurant has been refurbished–it was found to be a fire risk... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If you are considered a good risk, a bank or shop thinks that it is safe to lend you money or let you have goods without paying for them at the time. Before providing the cash, they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk... N-COUNT: supp N 5. If you risk something unpleasant, you do something which might result in that thing happening or affecting you. Those who fail to register risk severe penalties... VERB: V n/-ing 6. If you risk doing something, you do it, even though you know that it might have undesirable consequences. The captain was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits in such bad weather. VERB: V -ing/n 7. If you risk your life or something else important, you behave in a way that might result in it being lost or harmed. She risked her own life to help a disabled woman... VERB: V n 8. To be at risk means to be in a situation where something unpleasant might happen. Up to 25,000 jobs are still at risk... PHRASE: v-link PHR, oft PHR of n 9. If you do something at the risk of something unpleasant happening, you do it even though you know that the unpleasant thing might happen as a result. At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide... PHRASE: PHR...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »POSSIBILITY OF BAD RESULT« the possibility that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen  (If you're considering starting a business, think carefully about the risks involved.) + of  (the risk of serious injury) reduce/increase the risk of  (Wear rubber gloves to reduce the risk of infection.) + tha  (There was some risk that fire would break out again.) a calculated risk (=a risk you think will have a good result)  (It was a calculated risk to appoint a man without management experience to such a senior post. | an element of risk (=some risk, but not much))  (There's an element of risk in any kind of investment. | it's worth the risk)  (I never walk home alone at night - it's not worth the risk.) 2 take a risk to decide to do something even though you know it may have bad results  (The fuel tank could blow up, but that's a risk we'll have to take.) 3 at risk be in a situation where you may be harmed  (We must stop these rumours; the firm's reputation is at risk. | be at risk of)  (People with fair skins are more at risk of skin cancer. | put sb/sth at risk)  (I've no respect for a man who would put his children at risk like that.) 4 run a risk to be in a situation where there is a risk of something bad happening to you  (Anyone travelling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested.) 5 at the risk of doing sth used when you think that what you are going to say or do may have a bad result, may offend or annoy people etc  (At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask a simple question?) 6 at your own risk if you do something at your own risk, you do it even though you understand the possible dangers and have been warned about them  (You leave valuables in the classroom at your own risk.) 7 »CAUSE OF DANGER« something or someone that is likely to cause harm or danger  (Polluted water supplies are a risk to public health.) health risk (=something likely to harm people's health)  (Meat from the infected animals is regarded as a serious health risk. | fire risk (=something that could cause a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Recruitment In Schools Kit religion abbr. Random Incidents Of Sacrificial Kindness ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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