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Англо-русский биологический словарь - ride


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Перевод с английского языка ride на русский


1) просека

2) верховая езда

3) верховая лоошадь

4) отбивать животное от стада

5) ездить на спине (напр. матери; о детёнышах некоторых животных)

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) прогулка, поездка, езда (верхом, на машине, на велосипеде и т.п.); to go for a ride - прокатиться  2) дорога, аллея (особ. для верховой езды)  3) аттракцион для катания (колесо обозрения, карусель и т.п.) - take for a ride  2. v.  1) ехать верхом; сидеть верхом (на чем-л.); to ride full speed - скакать во весь опор; to ride a race - участвовать в скачках; to ride a horse to death - загнать лошадь; to ride a joke to death joc. - заездить шутку  2) ехать (в автобусе, в трамвае, на велосипеде, в поезде и т.п.)  3) катать(ся), качать(ся); to ride a child on ones foot - качать ребенка на ноге; The children loved to ride on Fathers back. Will you ride the baby on your knee?  4) парить; плыть; скользить; the moon was riding high - луна плыла высоко; the ship rides the waves - судно скользит по волнам  5) стоять на якоре; the ship rides (at anchor) - корабль стоит на якоре  6) управлять; подавлять; терроризировать  7) угнетать; одолевать (о чувствах, сомнениях и т.п.)  8) быть пригодным для верховой езды (о грунте)  9) весить (о жокее)  10) coll. издеваться, дразнить, изводить  11) coll. жестоко критиковать  12) пускать на самотек; не вмешиваться; let it ride - пусть будет как будет  13) быть обусловленным (чем-л.); зависеть от (on); The committees decision often rides on the chairmans vote.  14) импровизировать (о джазе) - ride at - ride away - ride off -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. прогулка (на велосипеде, автомобиле, верхом и т. п.); езда, поездка a ride in a bus —- поездка на автобусе a ride at a gallop —- скачка галопом a ride by rail —- поездка по железной дороге to have (to take) a ride, to go for a ride —- выйти или выехать на прогулку to give a child a ride on one's back —- покатать ребенка на закорках 2. продолжительность поездки two hours ride —- двухчасовая поездка 3. дорога, аллея для верховой езды 4. группа всадников 5. верховая лошадь 6. разг. скачки; бега 7. разг. автогонки 8. сл. прием наркотика, особ. ЛСД Id: to take smb. for a ride —- обмануть, провести кого-л.; прикончить (укокошить) кого-л.; высмеять кого-л., поднять кого-л. на смех; подшутить над кем-л.; разыграть кого-л. 9. ехать, ездить верхом; скакать to ride hard (full speed, full tilt) —- мчаться во весь опор to ride a good seat —- хорошо ездить верхом; иметь хорошую посадку, цепко сидеть в седле to ride the prairies —- ехать по прериям to ride and tie —- попеременно ехать верхом и идти пешком (о нескольких путниках, имеющих одну лошадь) 10. ездить верхом; заниматься верховой ездой he can't ride —- он не умеет ездить верхом 11. ездить верхом (на чем-л.) to ride a donkey —- ехать верхом на осле to ride a broomstick —- лететь верхом на помеле (о ведьме) 12. заниматься конным спортом;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) просека 2) верховая езда 3) верховая лоошадь 4) отбивать животное от стада 5) ездить на спине (напр. матери; о детёнышах некоторых животных) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  езда - ride on step - ride the beam ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) езда; проезд 2) лесн. просека 3) плыть, идти (о судне) ride between compartments — квартальная просека cross ride — поперечная просека - free ride - main ride - minor ride ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past rode; past part. ridden) 1 tr. travel or be carried on (a bicycle etc.) or esp. US in (a vehicle). 2 intr. (often foll. by on, in) travel or be conveyed (on a bicycle or in a vehicle). 3 tr. sit on and control or be carried by (a horse etc.). 4 intr. (often foll. by on) be carried (on a horse etc.). 5 tr. be carried or supported by (the ship rides the waves). 6 tr. a traverse on horseback etc., ride over or through (ride 50 miles; rode the prairie). b compete or take part in on horseback etc. (rode a good race). 7 intr. a lie at anchor; float buoyantly. b (of the moon) seem to float. 8 intr. (foll. by in, on) rest in or on while moving. 9 tr. yield to (a blow) so as to reduce its impact. 10 tr. give a ride to; cause to ride (rode the child on his back). 11 tr. (of a rider) cause (a horse etc.) to move forward (rode their horses at the fence). 12 tr. a (in passive; foll. by by, with) be oppressed or dominated by; be infested with (was ridden with guilt). b (as ridden adj.) infested or afflicted (usu. in comb.: a rat-ridden cellar). 13 intr. (of a thing normally level or even) project or overlap. 14 tr. mount (a female) in copulation. 15 tr. US annoy or seek to annoy. --n. 1 an act or period of travel in a vehicle. 2 a spell of riding on a horse, bicycle, person's back, etc. 3 a path (esp. through woods) for riding on. 4 the quality of sensations when riding (gives a bumpy ride). Phrases and idioms let a thing ride leave it alone; let it take its natural course. ride again reappear, esp. unexpectedly and reinvigorated. ride down overtake or trample on horseback. ride for a fall act recklessly risking defeat or failure. ride herd on see HERD. ride high be elated or successful. ride out come safely through (a storm etc., or a danger or difficulty). ride roughshod over see ROUGHSHOD. ride to hounds see HOUND. ride up (of a garment, carpet, etc.) work or move out of its proper position. take for a ride colloq. hoax or deceive. Derivatives ridable adj. Etymology: OE ridan ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (rode or chiefly dialect rid; ridden or chiefly dialect rid or rode; riding)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ridan; akin to Old High German ritan to ~, Middle Irish reidid he ~s  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to sit and travel on the back of an animal that one directs  b. to travel in or on a conveyance  2. to travel as if on a conveyance ; be borne rode on a wave of popularity  3.  a. to lie moored or anchored a ship ~s at anchor  b. sail  c. to move like a floating object the moon rode in the sky  4. to become supported on a point or surface  5.  a. to travel over a surface the car ~s well  b. to move on the body shorts that ~ up  6. to continue without interference let it ~  7.  a. to be contingent ; depend plans on which the future ~s  b. to become bet a lot of money riding on the favorite  transitive verb  1.  a. to travel on ~ a bike ~ the bus  b. to move with like a ~r ~ the waves  2.  a. to traverse by conveyance rode 500 miles  b. to ~ a horse in ~ a race  3. survive, outlast — usually used with out rode out the gale  4. to traverse on horseback to inspect or maintain ~ fence  5. to mount in copulation — used of a male animal  6.  a. obsess, oppress ridden by anxiety  b. to harass persistently ; nag  c. tease, rib  7. carry, convey  8. to project over ; overlap  9. to give with (a punch) to soften the impact  10. to keep in partial engagement by resting a foot continuously on the pedal ~ the brakes  • ~able also ridable adjective  II. noun  Date: 1759  1. an act of riding; especially a trip on horseback or by vehicle  2. a way (as a road or path) suitable for riding  3. any of various mechanical devices (as at an amusement park) for riding on  4.  a. a trip on which gangsters take a victim to murder him  b. something likened to such a trip take the taxpayers for a ~  5. a means of transportation  6. the qualities of travel comfort in a vehicle RIDE  biographical name Sally...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rides, riding, rode, ridden) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you ride a horse, you sit on it and control its movements. I saw a girl riding a horse... Can you ride?... He was riding on his horse looking for the castle... They still ride around on horses. VERB: V n, V, V on n, V adv/prep 2. When you ride a bicycle or a motorcycle, you sit on it, control it, and travel along on it. Riding a bike is great exercise... Two men riding on motorcycles opened fire on him... He rode to work on a bicycle. VERB: V n, V on n, V prep/adv 3. When you ride in a vehicle such as a car, you travel in it. He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine... I remember the village full of American servicemen riding around in jeeps... VERB: V in/on n, V adv/prep 4. A ride is a journey on a horse or bicycle, or in a vehicle. Would you like to go for a ride?... N-COUNT 5. In a fairground, a ride is a large machine that people ride on for fun. N-COUNT 6. If you say that one thing is riding on another, you mean that the first thing depends on the second thing. Billions of pounds are riding on the outcome of the election... = depend VERB: oft cont, V on n 7. see also riding 8. If you say that someone or something is riding high, you mean that they are popular or successful at the present time. He was riding high in the public opinion polls... PHRASE: V inflects, usu cont 9. If you say that someone faces a rough ride, you mean that things are going to be difficult for them because people will criticize them a lot or treat them badly. (INFORMAL) The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works... PHRASE: usu PHR after v 10. If you say that someone has been taken for a ride, you mean that they have been deceived or cheated. (INFORMAL) When he had not returned with my money an hour later I realized that I had been taken for a ride. PHRASE: V inflects 11. to ride roughshod over: see roughshod ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense rode past participle ridden 1 »ANIMAL« to sit on an animal, especially a horse, and make it move along  (She learnt to ride when she was seven. | ride away/across/back etc)  (He rode away across the marshes. | ride sth)  (I've never ridden a horse. | ride on sth)  (She arrived riding on a white horse. | go riding)  (I go riding every Saturday. | ride a race)  (I rode a good number of races last season. | ride a winner (=ride a horse that wins a race))  (I rode my first winner last year. | ride the countryside/range AmE (=to travel on a horse across the countryside))  (They rode the countryside in search of her.) 2 »BICYCLE/MOTORBIKE« I always + adv/prep, to travel on a bicycle or motorbike  (ride away/down/back etc)  (They mounted their bikes and rode off. | ride sth)  (She rode her bicycle to school every day. | ride on sth)  (Can I ride on your bike?) 3 »VEHICLE« I always + adv/prep, especially AmE to travel in a bus, car, or other vehicle  (ride in/on sth)  (It was the first time they had ridden in a train. | I ride in cabs whenever I can. | ride to/into/back etc)  (We got onto the bus and rode into San Francisco. | ride a bus AmE)  (Ann rode a bus for the rest of the distance.) 4 ride on sb's shoulders/back if a child rides on someone's shoulders or back, they are carried in that way  (He was tired so he rode on his father's shoulders.) 5 »IN A LIFT« I always + adv/prep, especially AmE to travel up or down in a lift  (ride up/down)  (I walked to the elevator and rode back down. | ride sth)  (When the elevator arrived he rode it down to his floor.) 6 »IN WATER« a) to move or float on the water  (The smaller boat was lighter and rode higher in the water. | ride at anchor)  (There was a large ship riding at anchor in the bay.) b) ride a wave to float on a wave and move forward with it  (The sea was full of surfboarders riding the waves.) 7 be riding high to feel very happy and confident  (They were riding high on their election victory.) 8 let sth ride spoken to take no action about...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere gen. comp. abbr. Recycled Information Display Extension non-prof. org. abbr. Rural Institute for Development Education sport abbr. Rehabilitative Instruction For Disabled Equestrians law abbr. Resistance In Drug Education ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. ridan "ride" (as on horseback), "move forward, rock" (class I strong verb; past tense rad, pp. riden), from P.Gmc. *ridanan. Meaning "heckle" is from 1912; that of "have sex with (a woman)" is from 1250; that of "dominate cruelly" is from 1583. The noun is first recorded 1779. To ride out "sustain (a storm, etc.) without great damage" is from 1529. To ride shotgun is 1963, from Old West stagecoach custom in the movies. To ride shank's mare "walk" is from 1846. Rider "one who rides" is from O.E. ridere; meaning "clause tacked on to a document after first draft" is from 1669. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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