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Англо-русский биологический словарь - relay


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  • 1) реле; 2) ретранслятор• передавать ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  station radio ретрансляционная станция RELAY  1. noun  1) смена (особ. лошадей)  2) смена (рабочих); to work in/by relays - работать посменно  3) sport эстафета  4) electr. реле; переключатель  5) attr. relay system - система смен (на предприятии)  6) attr. relay box electr. - коробка реле  2. v.  1) сменять, обеспечивать смену  2) передавать (дальше)  3) radio передавать, транслировать; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. смена, особ лошадей 2. почтовая станция I rode to the next (post) relay —- я поехал до следующей почтовой станции 3. воен. ист. пост летучей почты 4. смена relay system —- система сменной работы (на предприятиях) to work in (by) relays —- работать посменно 5. спорт. эстафета one-way relay —- простая эстафета 6. спорт. этап эстафетного бега или заплыва 7. тех. реле, переключатель 8. тех. серводвигатель 9. сменять, особ. лошадей they were relaid every ten minutes —- их сменяли каждые десять минут 10. сменяться 11. передавать по этапам 12. рад. тлв. передавать, транслировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  переключать (импульс с нейрона на нейрон) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. смена - work by relays - work in relays ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) передавать 2) реле 3) релейный 4) ставить реле 5) транслировать 6) радио трансляционный approach lighting relay — ж.-д. реле предзажигания сигналов communications relay satellite — спутник-ретранслятор drop-out of a relay — отпускание реле mechanically latching relay — машиностр. реле с защелкой microwave relay link — радиорелейная линия связи operate lag of relay — задержка реле при срабатывании polarized neutral relay — компьют. реле комбинированное radio relay link — радио линия релейная relay broadcast station — радиорелейная станция relay pulse generator — релейный генератор relay radio link — релейная радиолиния release lag of relay — задержка реле при отпускании reset factor of a relay — коэффициент отпускания реле television relay system — телевизионная РРЛ система unbiased adjustment of relay — нейтральная настройка реле - acknowledging relay - antenna relay - biased relay - busy relay - cable-radio relay - closing relay - connector relay - copper-slug relay - cutoff relay - dropout relay - engine relay - floater relay - flow relay - guard relay - gulstad relay - hesitating relay - high-impedance relay - holding relay - initiating relay - interlocking relay - keying relay - latching relay - lockout relay - master relay - multi-wound relay - neutral relay - nonmetering relay - nonpolarized relay - operation of relay - overcurrent relay - overfrequency relay - photoemissive relay - photoresistance-cell relay - power-transfer relay - precendence relay - pressure relay - pulsing relay - reclosing relay - reed relay - relay box - relay channel - relay computer - relay housing - relay link - relay pileup - relay selector...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) реле 2) мультивибратор 3) ретрансляция; ретранслировать 4) ретрансляционное оборудование – ac relay – accelerating relay – active relay – actuating relay – air-borne radio relay – all-or-nothing relay – all-to-all relay – amateur relay – armature relay – automating reclosing relay – balanced relay – bimetallic relay – blocking relay – break-in relay – burglar alarm device relay – bypass relay – calling relay – capacitance relay – cell relay – center-zero relay – clearing relay – clock relay – closing relay – coaxial relay – conductance relay – connector relay – corner relay – current relay – cut-in relay – cut-off relay – data-transmission relay – dc relay – delay relay – differential relay – digital relay – directional relay – disconnecting link relay – distance relay – double-pole relay – double-wound relay – dry-reed relay – electric relay – electromagnetic relay – electromechanical relay – electronic relay – executive relay – fast-release relay – fast-speed relay – flat-type relay – frame relay – frequency relay – functional relay – gas-filled relay – group-selector relay – guard relay – heat relay – homing relay – inductive relay – impulse relay – indicating relay – indirect acting relay – induction relay – initiating relay – instantaneous relay – instrument-type relay – interlock relay – intermediate relay – Kipp relay – L-armature relay – latch-in relay – lock-up relay – low-voltage relay – magnetic locking relay – marginal relay – maximum-current relay – metering relay – microwave relay – minimal relay – network master relay – neutral relay – normally-closed relay – normally-open relay – no-voltage relay – ohm relay – optical-electronic relay – output relay – overload relay – overpower relay – overtemperature relay – overvoltage relay – peak relay – phase relay – phase-balance...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  реле, переключатель; серводвигатель, запасной агрегат смена (рабочая) сменять, сменяться averaging relay gas relay magnetic overload relay protective relay reversing relay sequencing relay thermal relay thermal overload relay time delay relay ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) реле ставить реле 2) снабжать релейной защитой; ставить релейную защиту 3) радиорелейная линия 4) трансляция; передача (сигнала) транслировать; передавать (сигнал) 5) ретрансляция; переприём ретранслировать 6) тлв ретранслятор to relay out — ставить релейную защиту - ac relay - accelerating relay - acoustic relay - ac system relays - actuating relay - alarm relay - allotter relay - all-to-all relay - amplitude comparison relay - angle armature relay - annunciation relay - antifailure automatics relay - armature relay - automatic reclosing relay - back-current relay - backup relay - balance beam relay - balanced relay - banked relay - biased relay - bimetallic-strip relay - bistable relay - blocking relay - block relay - brake application relay - brake release relay - braking relay - Buchholi relay - calling relay - call relay - capacitance relay - carrier-actuated relay - center-stable polarized relay - center-stable polar relay - central disconnection relay - change-of-current relay - charging rate relay - circuit-control relay - clappers-type relay - clappers relay - clearing relay - clock relay - closing relay - code relay - compelling relay - conductance relay - contact relay - contactless relay - continuous-duty relay - control relay - crossing relay - current relay - current-balance relay - current-overload relay - cut-in relay - cut-off relay - dc relay - definite minimum time-limit relay - definite-time-lag relay - delay relay - dependent-time-lag relay - dependent-time measuring relay - differential relay - digital relay - digital radio relay - direct-action relay - directional relay - directional impedance relay - directional-overcurrent relay - directional power relay - disriminating relay - distance relay - double-acting relay - draw-out relay - dry-feed relay - earth-fault relay - earthing relay - electrical relay -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a fresh set of people or horses substituted for tired ones. 2 a gang of workers, supply of material, etc., deployed on the same basis (operated in relays). 3 = relay race. 4 a device activating changes in an electric circuit etc. in response to other changes affecting itself. 5 a a device to receive, reinforce, and transmit a telegraph message, broadcast programme, etc. b a relayed message or transmission. --v.tr. 1 receive (a message, broadcast, etc.) and transmit it to others. 2 a arrange in relays. b provide with or replace by relays. Phrases and idioms relay race a race between teams of which each member in turn covers part of the distance. Etymology: ME f. OF relai (n.), relayer (v.) (as RE-, laier ult. f. L laxare): cf. RELAX ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, set of fresh hounds, from ~en  Date: 1651  1.  a. a supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for successive relief  b. a number of persons who relieve others in some work worked in ~s around the clock  2.  a. a race between teams in which each team member successively covers a specified portion of the course  b. one of the divisions of a ~  3. an electromagnetic device for remote or automatic control that is actuated by variation in conditions of an electric circuit and that operates in turn other devices (as switches) in the same or a different circuit  4. servomotor  5. the act of passing along (as a message or ball) by stages; also one of such stages  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, to release a set of fresh hounds, take a fresh horse, from Middle French relaier, from re- + laier to let go, leave — more at delay  Date: 1788  1.  a. to place or dispose in ~s  b. to provide with ~s  2. to pass along by ~s news was ~ed to distant points  3. to control or operate by a ~  III. transitive verb  (relaid; -laying)  Etymology: re- + 1lay  Date: 1757 to lay again ~ track ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (relayed) 1. A relay or a relay race is a race between two or more teams, for example teams of runners or swimmers. Each member of the team runs or swims one section of the race. Britain’s prospects of beating the United States in the relay looked poor. N-COUNT 2. To relay television or radio signals means to send them or broadcast them. The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes... This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer... VERB: V n, V n to/from n 3. If you relay something that has been said to you, you repeat it to another person. (FORMAL) She relayed the message, then frowned... = pass on VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 in relays if people do something in relays, several small groups of them do it, one group after another, so that the activity is continuous 2 a relay race 3 a piece of electrical equipment that receives radio or television signals and sends them on ~2 v past tense and past participle relayed 1 to pass a message from one person or place to another  (relay sth to sb)  (He quickly relayed this news to the other members of staff.) 2 to send out radio or television signals by relay  (The concert will be relayed at 9 p m.) ~3 v past tense and past participle relaid, to lay something such as a carpet1 (1) again ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., "hounds placed along a line of chase," from M.Fr. relai "reserve pack of hounds or other animals," from O.Fr. relaier "to exchange tired animals for fresh," lit. "leave behind," from re- "back" + laier "to leave." Of horses, 1659. Electromagnetic sense first recorded 1860. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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