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Англо-русский биологический словарь - reflex


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Перевод с английского языка reflex на русский


рефлекс; рефлекторный

reflex of movementabdominal reflexacceleratory reflexacquired reflexactive conditioned reflexarc reflexattitudinal reflexaxon reflexbehavior reflexbending reflexbiceps reflexblink reflexbody-righting reflexbony reflexcardio-acceleratory reflexcardio-inhibitory reflexcarotid-sinus reflexchain conditioned reflexciliary reflexcoeliac-plexus reflexcompound reflexconcealed reflexconditioned reflexcongenital reflexconjunctival reflexcortical conditioned reflexcrossed reflexcutaneous reflexdeep reflexdefensive reflexdeglutition reflexdelayed reflexdepressory reflexdirect reflexdirect conditioned reflexextension reflexeyelid closure reflexflexion reflexfood reflexfood-procuring reflexgag reflexgrasp refleximitating reflexinborn reflexindirect reflexinhibitory reflexinvestigatory reflexiris-contraction reflexiris-dilatation reflexjaw-winking reflexjerk reflexjump reflexlabyrinthine reflexmonosynaptic reflexmonosynaptic Hoffmann reflexmotor reflexmuscular reflexmyotatic reflexnear reflexneck reflexneck-righting reflexocular feeding reflexoculo-cardiac reflexoculocephalogyric reflexophthalmic reflexoptomotor reflexorientative reflexoveractive reflexpain reflexpatellar reflexPavlov's reflexpharyngeal reflexphasic reflexpilomotor reflexpostural reflexpsychogalvanic reflexpupillar reflexpupillary reflexrebound reflexrecessive conditioned reflexreinforced reflexretarded reflexrighting reflexsinus reflexskin reflexskin-muscle reflexsole reflexspinal reflexspreading reflexstatic reflexstretch reflexsucking reflexswallowing reflexswitching reflextendon reflextrace conditioned reflextrained reflextrigemino-facialis reflexunconditioned reflexunlocking reflexvagal reflexvasomotor reflexvasopressor reflexvestibulo-ocular reflexviscero-visceral reflex

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) отражение, образ  2) отсвет; отблеск  3) paint. рефлекс  4) physiol. рефлекс  2. adj.  1) рефлекторный; непроизвольный  2) отраженный; представляющий собой реакцию  3) rare интроспективный REFLEX camera зеркальный фотоаппарат ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. отражение; рефлекс the moon's reflex in the water —- отражение луны в воде 2. изображение, образ 3. редк. отсвет, отблеск 4. иск. рефлекс 5. результат, последствие; внешнее выражение или проявление (чего-л.); реакция (на что-л.) 6. физиол. рефлекс 7. рад. рефлексный приемник 8. зеркальный фотоаппарат; зеркальная съемочная камера, "зеркалка" 9. отраженный 10. физиол. рефлекторный, непроизвольный reflex action (act) —- рефлекторное движение reflex irritability —- рефлекторная возбудимость 11. редк. согнутый, отогнутый; завернутый 12. редк. интроспективный 13. грам. возвратный 14. редк. отогнутый, загнутый 15. рад. рефлексный ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  рефлекс; рефлекторный – reflex of movement – abdominal reflex – acceleratory reflex – acquired reflex – active conditioned reflex – arc reflex – attitudinal reflex – axon reflex – behavior reflex – bending reflex – biceps reflex – blink reflex – body-righting reflex – bony reflex – cardio-acceleratory reflex – cardio-inhibitory reflex – carotid-sinus reflex – chain conditioned reflex – ciliary reflex – coeliac-plexus reflex – compound reflex – concealed reflex – conditioned reflex – congenital reflex – conjunctival reflex – cortical conditioned reflex – crossed reflex – cutaneous reflex – deep reflex – defensive reflex – deglutition reflex – delayed reflex – depressory reflex – direct reflex – direct conditioned reflex – extension reflex – eyelid closure reflex – flexion reflex – food reflex – food-procuring reflex – gag reflex – grasp reflex – imitating reflex – inborn reflex – indirect reflex – inhibitory reflex – investigatory reflex – iris-contraction reflex – iris-dilatation reflex – jaw-winking reflex – jerk reflex – jump reflex – labyrinthine reflex – monosynaptic reflex – monosynaptic Hoffmannn reflex – motor reflex – muscular reflex – myotatic reflex – near reflex – neck reflex – neck-righting reflex – ocular feeding reflex – oculo-cardiac reflex – oculocephalogyric reflex – ophthalmic reflex – optomotor reflex – orientative reflex – overactive reflex – pain reflex – patellar reflex – Pavlov's reflex – pharyngeal reflex – phasic reflex – pilomotor reflex – postural reflex – psychogalvanic reflex – pupillar reflex – rebound reflex – recessive conditioned reflex – reinforced reflex – retarded reflex – righting reflex – sinus reflex – skin reflex – skin-muscle reflex – sole reflex – spinal reflex – spreading reflex – static reflex – stretch reflex – sucking reflex – swallowing reflex – switching reflex – tendon reflex – trace...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  рефлекс – acquired reflex – built-in reflex – conditional reflex – consummatory reflex – drive reflex – triggered negative reflex – unconditional reflex ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) зеркальный 2) образ 3) отражать 4) отражение 5) отраженный 6) отсвет 7) рефлексный 8) рефлектировать 9) рефлекторный two-cavity reflex klystron — пролетно-отражательный клистрон - conditioned reflex - reflex arc - reflex camera - reflex congruence - reflex finder - reflex horn - reflex klystron ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  отражение – optical reflex ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) отражение 2) зеркальный фотоаппарат - roll-film reflex - single-lens reflex - twin-lens reflex ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of an action) independent of the will, as an automatic response to the stimulation of a nerve (e.g. a sneeze). 2 (of an angle) exceeding 180°. 3 bent backwards. 4 (of light) reflected. 5 (of a thought etc.) introspective; directed back upon itself or its own operations. 6 (of an effect or influence) reactive; coming back upon its author or source. --n. 1 a reflex action. 2 a sign or secondary manifestation (law is a reflex of public opinion). 3 reflected light or a reflected image. 4 a word formed by development from an earlier stage of a language. Phrases and idioms reflex arc Anat. the sequence of nerves involved in a reflex action. reflex camera a camera with a ground-glass focusing screen on which the image is formed by a combination of lens and mirror, enabling the scene to be correctly composed and focused. Derivatives reflexly adv. Etymology: L reflexus (as REFLECT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin ~us, past participle of reflectere to reflect  Date: 1508  1.  a. archaic reflected heat, light, or color  b. a mirrored image  c. a copy exact in essential or peculiar features  2.  a. an automatic and often inborn response to a stimulus that involves a nerve impulse passing inward from a receptor to a nerve center and thence outward to an effector (as a muscle or gland) without reaching the level of consciousness — compare habit 7  b. the process that culminates in a ~ and comprises reception, transmission, and reaction — called also ~ action  c. plural the power of acting or responding with adequate speed  d. a way of thinking or behaving  3. a linguistic element (as a word or sound) or system (as writing) that is derived from a prior and especially an older element or system boat is the ~ of Old English bat  II. adjective  Etymology: Latin ~us  Date: 1649  1. directed back on the mind or its operations ; introspective  2. ~ed  3. produced or carried out in reaction, resistance, or return  4. of an angle being between 180° and 360°  5. of, relating to, or produced by a ~ without intervention of consciousness  • ~ly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (reflexes) 1. A reflex or a reflex action is something that you do automatically and without thinking, as a habit or as a reaction to something. Walsh fumbled in his pocket, a reflex from his smoking days... N-COUNT 2. A reflex or a reflex action is a normal, uncontrollable reaction of your body to something that you feel, see, or experience. ...tests for reflexes, like tapping the knee or the heel with a rubber hammer. N-COUNT 3. Your reflexes are your ability to react quickly with your body when something unexpected happens, for example when you are involved in sport or when you are driving a car. It takes great skill, cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete. N-PLURAL ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a sudden movement that your muscles make as a natural reaction to a physical effect  (The doctor checked my reflexes.) 2 reflexes the natural ability to react quickly and well to sudden situations  (A tennis player needs to have good reflexes.) 3 also reflex action something that you do when you react to a situation without thinking  (His hand went to his gun in a reflex action.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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