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Англо-русский биологический словарь - reduce


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка reduce на русский


1) восстанавливать

2) снижать, понижать; уменьшать; ослаблять; редуцировать

3) сокращать

4) похудеть

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  to the ranks разжаловать в рядовые REDUCE v.  1) понижать, ослаблять, уменьшать, сокращать; to reduce ones expenditure - сокращать свои расходы; to reduce prices - снижать цены; to reduce the length of a skirt - укоротить юбку; to reduce the term of imprisonment - сократить срок тюремного заключения; to reduce the temperature - снизить температуру; to reduce the vitality - понижать жизнеспособность; We have been able to reduce our tax bill by 10%.  2) превращать, обращать; переводить (в другие, более мелкие меры, единицы и т.п.); The whole town was reduced to ashes in the bombing. To calculate the cost, reduce the prices to pence from pounds and pence.  3) понижать в должности и т.п.; to reduce to a lower rank mil. - понизить в звании; The officer was reduced in rank, for dishonourable action. For frequent absences from committee meetings, the chairman was reduced to ordinary membership.  4) доводить (до какого-л. состояния); to reduce to begging - довести до нищеты; I was sorry to hear that the family had been reduced to such a humble standard of living.  5) сводить, приводить (to - к чему-л.); to reduce to an absurdity - доводить до абсурда; The facts may all be reduced to three headings.  6) ослабить; вызвать похудение; he is greatly reduced by illness - во время болезни он очень похудел; to be reduced to a shadow/skeleton - превратиться в тень (в скелет). Hunger had reduced the poor dog to skin and bone.  7) худеть; соблюдать диету для похудения; She has been reducing for six weeks.  8) заставлять, вынуждать; to reduce to silence - заставить...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (обыкн. to) снижать; сбавлять, уменьшать; сокращать to reduce expenditure —- сокращать расходы to reduce taxes —- снижать налоги to reduce vitality —- понижать жизнеспособность to reduce speed —- уменьшать (сбавлять) скорость to reduce the likelihood of war —- уменьшить опасность возникновения войны to reduce the term of imprisonment —- сократить срок тюремного заключения reduce that passage to half the number of words —- сократите это место (текста) наполовину 2. ослаблять, уменьшать to reduce pain —- облегчать боль to reduce one's sight —- вызвать ослабление зрения old age reduces one's power to remember names and figures —- в старости память на имена и цифры слабеет 3. худеть; соблюдать диету для похудения to reduce in weight —- терять в весе to reduce by 10 pounds —- похудеть на 10 фунтов, сбросить 10 фунтов to reduce from 160 pounds to 120 pounds —- весить 120 фунтов вместо прежних 160 she has been reducing for six weeks —- она шесть недель сидит на диете, чтобы похудеть 4. вызывать похудение, истощать to be greatly reduced by illness —- исхудать во время болезни to be reduced to a shadow —- превратиться в тень reduced almost to nothing —- кожа да кости exercise reduces stout people —- от моциона полные люди худеют 5. превращать, обращать to reduce to powder —- истолочь to reduce to its elements (components) —- разложить на части to reduce to ashes —- сжечь дотла to reduce to dust —- стереть в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) восстанавливать 2) снижать, понижать; уменьшать; ослаблять; редуцировать 3) сокращать 4) похудеть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) уменьшать, снижать, сокращать 2) приводить в определенное состояние 3) сводить, приводить 4) осуществлять (изобретение) 5) восстанавливать (о химической реакции) – to reduce an invention to practice – to reduce to REDUCE гл. 1) уменьшать, снижать 2) понижать (в должности) 3) сокращать 4) переводить, превращать 5) доводить до (to) • - do not reduce - reduce a price - reduce costs - reduce expenditure - reduce production - reduce staff - reduce the establishment - reduce the risk Syn: decrease, cut down ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) восстанавливать 2) измельчать 3) испергировать 4) концентрировать 5) понижать 6) приводить 7) редуцировать 8) сводить 9) сокращать 10) уменьшать reduce ... to an identity — матем. обращать в тождество reduce an invention to practice — внедрять изобретение reduce common fraction to decimal — превращать простую дробь в десятичную reduce equation to form — приводить уравнение к виду reduce equation to identity — превращать уравнение в тождество reduce fraction by a factor — приводить дробь к общему знаменателю, сокращать дробь на некоторый множитель reduce fraction by factor of — сокращать дробь на reduce fraction to its lowest terms — приводить дробь к несократимому виду reduce fractions to a common denominator — приводить дроби к общему знаменателю reduce fractions to common denominator — приводить дробь к общему знаменателю reduce switching time — форсировать переключение reduce to an identity — обращать в тождество reduce to common denominator — приводить к общему знаменателю reduce to normal conditions — приводить к нормальным условиям reduce to sea level — приводить к уровню моря - reduce a negative - reduce directly - reduce fraction - reduce price - reduce the image - reduce the scrap - reduce throttle - reduce to zero - reduce to - reduce unit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) уменьшать; снижать 2) преобразовывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) уменьшать, снижать; понижать; сокращать; редуцировать 2) обжимать 3) восстанавливать; раскислять 4) дробить; измельчать 5) отгонять лёгкие фракции, отбензинивать 6) лесн. лущить, строгать 7) ослаблять 8) матем. приводить; сводить; упрощать 9) сжимать (информацию) 10) вчт. предварительно обрабатывать, предварительно преобразовывать (данные) to reduce a fraction to lower terms — сокращать дробь; to reduce a fraction to lowest terms — приводить дробь к несократимому виду; to reduce to canonical form — приводить к каноническому виду ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become smaller or less. 2 tr. (foll. by to) bring by force or necessity (to some undesirable state or action) (reduced them to tears; were reduced to begging). 3 tr. convert to another (esp. simpler) form (reduced it to a powder). 4 tr. convert (a fraction) to the form with the lowest terms. 5 tr. (foll. by to) bring or simplify or adapt by classification or analysis (the dispute may be reduced to three issues). 6 tr. make lower in status or rank. 7 tr. lower the price of. 8 intr. lessen one's weight or size. 9 tr. weaken (is in a very reduced state). 10 tr. impoverish. 11 tr. subdue; bring back to obedience. 12 Chem. intr. & tr. a combine or cause to combine with hydrogen. b undergo or cause to undergo addition of electrons. 13 tr. Chem. convert (oxide etc.) to metal. 14 tr. a (in surgery) restore (a dislocated etc. part) to its proper position. b remedy (a dislocation etc.) in this way. 15 tr. Photog. make (a negative or print) less dense. 16 tr. Cookery boil off excess liquid from. Phrases and idioms reduced circumstances poverty after relative prosperity. reduce to the ranks demote (an NCO) to the rank of private. reducing agent Chem. a substance that brings about reduction by oxidation and losing electrons. Derivatives reducer n. reducible adj. reducibility n. Etymology: ME in sense 'restore to original or proper position', f. L reducere reduct- (as RE-, ducere bring) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; reducing)  Etymology: Middle English, to lead back, from Latin ~re, from re- + ducere to lead — more at tow  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to draw together or cause to converge ; consolidate ~ all the questions to one  b.  (1) to diminish in size, amount, extent, or number ~ taxes ~ the likelihood of war  (2) to decrease the volume and concentrate the flavor of by boiling add the wine and ~ the sauce for two minutes  c. to narrow down ; restrict the Indians were ~d to small reservations  d. to make shorter ; abridge  2. archaic to restore to righteousness ; save  3. to bring to a specified state or condition the impact of the movie ~d them to tears  4.  a. to force to capitulate  b. force, compel  5.  a. to bring to a systematic form or character ~ natural events to laws  b. to put down in written or printed form ~ an agreement to writing  6. to correct (as a fracture) by bringing displaced or broken parts back into their normal positions  7.  a. to lower in grade or rank ; demote  b. to lower in condition or status ; downgrade  8.  a. to diminish in strength or density  b. to diminish in value  9.  a.  (1) to change the denominations or form of without changing the value  (2) to construct a geometrical figure similar to but smaller than (a given figure)  b. to transpose from one form into another ; convert  c. to change (an expression) to an equivalent but more fundamental expression ~ a fraction  10. to break down (as by crushing or grinding) ; pulverize  11.  a. to bring to the metallic state by removal of nonmetallic elements ~ an ore by heat  b. deoxidize  c. to combine with or subject to the action of hydrogen  d.  (1) to change (an element or ion) from a higher to a lower oxidation state  (2) to add one or more electrons to (an atom or ion or molecule)  12. to change (a stressed vowel) to an unstressed vowel  intransitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to become diminished or lessened; especially to lose weight by dieting...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (reduces, reducing, reduced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you reduce something, you make it smaller in size or amount, or less in degree. It reduces the risks of heart disease... The reduced consumer demand is also affecting company profits. ? increase VERB: V n, V-ed 2. If someone is reduced to a weaker or inferior state, they become weaker or inferior as a result of something that happens to them. They were reduced to extreme poverty... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n 3. If you say that someone is reduced to doing something, you mean that they have to do it, although it is unpleasant or embarrassing. He was reduced to begging for a living. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n/-ing 4. If something is changed to a different or less complicated form, you can say that it is reduced to that form. All the buildings in the town have been reduced to rubble... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n 5. If you reduce liquid when you are cooking, or if it reduces, it is boiled in order to make it less in quantity and thicker. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half... Simmer until mixture reduces. VERB: V n, V 6. If someone or something reduces you to tears, they make you feel so unhappy that you cry. The attentions of the media reduced her to tears. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price  (We were hoping that they would reduce the rent a little. | reduce sth by half/ten percent etc)  (The workforce has been reduced by half.)  (All the shirts were reduced to -10.)  (- see also reduction) 2 especially AmE to become thinner by losing weight 3 to boil a liquid so that there is less of it 4 in reduced circumstances old-fashioned poorer than you were before 5 old use to take control of a place by using military force reduce sb/sth to sth phr v 1 reduce sb to tears/silence etc to make someone cry, be silent etc  (David's extraordinary reply reduced me to silence.) 2 reduce sb to doing sth to force someone into a particular kind of behaviour or way of life  (Eventually Charlotte was reduced to begging on the streets.) 3 to change something into a shorter simpler form  (The report can be reduced to three main points.) 4 reduce sth to rubble/ashes etc to destroy something, especially a building, completely 5 reduce sb to the ranks to make an army officer an ordinary soldier ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1375, "bring back," from O.Fr. reducer, from L. reducere, from re- "back" + ducere "bring, lead." Sense of "to lower, diminish, lessen" is from 1787. Etymological sense preserved in military reduce to ranks. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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