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Англо-русский биологический словарь - red


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Перевод с английского языка red на русский


1) ихт. красная, нерка (Oncorhynchus nerka)

2) краситель красного цвета

acridine redAlaska redalizarin redbromophenol redcerasine redCongo redcosmos redcotton redcresol reddirect reddurazol redfast redJanus redmedium redmethyl rednaphthyl redneutral redruthenium redscarlet redtoluylene redtrypan red

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См. в других словарях

   1. adj.  1) красный, алый; багряный; red flag/banner - красный флаг  2) багровый; румяный; red cheeks - румяные щеки; red eyes - покрасневшие глаза; get red - покраснеть; to become red in the face - побагроветь; red with anger - побагровевший от гнева  3) (Red) красный, революционный, коммунистический, советский  4) рыжий  5) окровавленный; red hands - окровавленные руки to see red - обезуметь, прийти в ярость, в бешенство  2. noun  1) красный цвет  2) (the Reds) pl. amer. индейцы  3) (Red) красный; революционер, коммунист; the Reds - красные, сторонники революционных идей; коммунисты  4) красный шар (в бильярде); красный (в рулетке)  5) sl. золото - be in the red - be in red - go into the red - go into red RED bilberry брусника RED box красный кожаный ящик для официальных бумаг членов английского правительства RED brass томпак RED cedar можжевельник виргинский RED algae bot. красные или багряные водоросли, багрянки (Rhodophyceae) RED corpuscles physiol. красные кровяные шарики RED currant красная смородина RED deer благородный олень RED ensign английский торговый флаг RED gum  1) сыпь у детей, потница  2) bot. эвкалипт австралийский, красное камедное дерево RED ash ясень пенсильванский (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) RED herring  1) копченая селедка  2) отвлекающий маневр; to draw/track/trail a red herring across the path -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. красный цвет deep red —- темно-красный цвет fiery red —- огненно-красный цвет she was dressed in red —- она была одета в красное the reds and browns of the wood in autumn —- красные и коричневые краски осеннего леса 2. красный предмет; красный шар (в бильярде); "красный" (в рулетке) the red wins —- "красный" выиграл 3. рыжее животное (собака и т. п.) 4. (R.) полит. "красный", революционер the Reds —- революционные элементы, коммунисты; "красные" 5. (the Reds) ам. краснокожие (индейцы) 6. (the red) бухг. профес. задолженность, долг; дефицит, убыток (записываемый красными чернилами) to be in the red —- быть в долгу, иметь задолженность; нести убытки to come out of the red —- выпутаться из долгов; покрыть дефицит; начать давать прибыль 7. разг. красное вино 8. сл. деньга Id: the red, white and blue —- английский флот и армия (по цветам флага) Id: to see red —- обезуметь, прийти в ярость (в бешенство) Id: to paint the town red —- кутить, устроить кутеж (попойку); загулять 9. красный, алый; багровый, багряный red blouse —- красная блузка red leaves —- красные (багряные) листья red flower —- красный (алый) цветок red rose —- красная роза the R. Rose —- ист. Алая роза 10. румяный red cheeks —- румяные щеки 11. покрасневший red with anger —- покрасневший (побагровевший) от гнева eyes red with weeping —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ихт. красная, нерка (Oncorhynchus nerka) 2) краситель красного цвета – acridine red – Alaska red – alizarin red – bromophenol red – cerasine red – Congo red – cresol red – direct red – durazol red – fast red – Janus red – medium red – methyl red – naphthyl red – neutral red – ruthenium red – scarlet red – toluylene red – trypan red ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ.; амер. 1) долг, задолженность 2) дефицит 3) убыток (записываемый красными чернилами) • - be in the red - come out of the red - pull oneself out of the red ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) красный 2) раскрасневшийся 3) червонный bring to red heat — нагревать до красного каления problem of six red disks — задача о шести красных дисках red shift of spectral lines — красное смещение спектральных линий - blood red - in the red - red fume - red graph - red heat - red iron ore - red lead - red light - red mud - red shift - red tape ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  тлв. красный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  красный пигмент красная краска красный toluidine red ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) красный пигмент; красная краска 2) красный 3) красная область спектра - chrome red - Indian red - Spanish red - Tuscan red - Venetian red ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or near the colour seen at the least-refracted end of the visible spectrum, of shades ranging from that of blood to pink or deep orange. 2 flushed in the face with shame, anger, etc. 3 (of the eyes) bloodshot or red-rimmed with weeping. 4 (of the hair) reddish-brown, orange, tawny. 5 involving or having to do with bloodshed, burning, violence, or revolution. 6 colloq. communist or socialist. 7 (Red) Russian, Soviet (the Red Army). 8 (of wine) made from dark grapes and coloured by their skins. --n. 1 a red colour or pigment. 2 red clothes or material (dressed in red). 3 colloq. a communist or socialist. 4 a a red ball, piece, etc., in a game or sport. b the player using such pieces. 5 the debit side of an account (in the red). 6 a red light. Phrases and idioms red admiral a butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, with red bands on each pair of wings. red bark a red kind of cinchona. red biddy colloq. a mixture of cheap wine and methylated spirits. red-blooded virile, vigorous. red-bloodedness vigour, spirit. red card Football a card shown by the referee to a player being sent off the field. red carpet privileged treatment of an eminent visitor. red cedar an American juniper, Juniperus virginiana. red cell (or corpuscle) an erythrocyte. red cent US the smallest (orig. copper) coin; a trivial sum. Red Crescent an organization like the Red Cross in Muslim countries. red cross 1 St George's cross, the national emblem of England. 2 the Christian side in the crusades. Red Cross 1 an international organization (originally medical) bringing relief to victims of war or natural disaster. 2 the emblem of this organization. red deer a deer, Cervus elaphus, with a rich red-brown summer coat turning dull-brown in winter. red duster Brit. colloq. = red ensign. red dwarf an old relatively cool star. red ensign see ENSIGN. red-eye 1 = RUDD. 2 US sl. cheap whisky. red-faced embarrassed, ashamed. red flag 1 the symbol of socialist revolution. 2 a warning of danger. red fox a native British fox, Vulpes vulpes, having a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   geographical name  1. river 1018 miles (1638 kilometers) flowing E on Oklahoma-Texas boundary & into the Atchafalaya & Mississippi in Louisiana  2. river N central United States & S central Canada flowing N on Minnesota-North Dakota boundary & into Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba  3. — see Arctic ~  4. (or Hong) (or (in China) Yuan) river 500 miles (805 kilometers) SE Asia rising in central Yunnan, China, & flowing SE across N Vietnam into Gulf of Tonkin RED  I. adjective  (~der; ~dest)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English read; akin to Old High German rot ~, Latin ruber & rufus, Greek erythros  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. of the color ~  b. having ~ as a distinguishing color  2.  a.  (1) flushed especially with anger or embarrassment  (2) ruddy, florid  (3) being or having skin of a coppery hue  b. bloodshot eyes ~ from crying  c. being in the color range between a moderate orange and russet or bay  d. tinged with ~ ; ~dish  3. heated to ~ness ; glowing  4.  a. inciting or endorsing radical social or political change especially by force  b. often capitalized communist  c. often capitalized of or relating to a communist country and especially to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. a color whose hue resembles that of blood or of the ruby or is that of the long-wave extreme of the visible spectrum  2. ~ clothing the lady in ~  3. one that is of a ~ or ~dish color: as  a. ~ wine  b. an animal with a ~ or ~dish coat  4.  a. a pigment or dye that colors ~  b. a shade or tint of ~  5.  a. one who advocates the violent overthrow of an existing social or political order  b. capitalized communist  6. from the bookkeeping practice of entering debit items in ~ ink the condition of showing a loss — usually used with the in the ~ — compare black  III. abbreviation ~uce; ~uction ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (reds, redder, reddest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is red is the colour of blood or fire. ...a bunch of red roses... COLOUR 2. If you say that someone’s face is red, you mean that it is redder than its normal colour, because they are embarrassed, angry, or out of breath. With a bright red face I was forced to admit that I had no real idea... ADJ 3. You describe someone’s hair as red when it is between red and brown in colour. ...a girl with red hair... ADJ 4. You can refer to red wine as red. The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites. N-MASS 5. If you refer to someone as a red or a Red, you disapprove of the fact that they are a communist, a socialist or have left-wing ideas. (INFORMAL) N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If a person or company is in the red or if their bank account is in the red, they have spent more money than they have in their account and therefore they owe money to the bank. The theatre is ?500,000 in the red... PHRASE: v-link PHR 7. If you see red, you suddenly become very angry. I didn’t mean to break his nose. I just saw red. PHRASE: V inflects 8. like a red rag to a bull: see rag ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj redder, reddest 1 »COLOUR« having the colour of blood or fire  (We painted the door bright red. | a beautiful red rose) 2 »HAIR« hair that is red has an orange-brown colour 3 »SKIN« skin that is red is a bright pink colour, usually only for a short time  (Her cheeks were red with excitement.) 4 »POLITICS« informal communist or extremely left­wing 5 be as red as a beetroot BrE /beet AmE to have a very red face, usually because you are embarrassed 6 like a red rag to a bull BrE very likely to make someone angry or upset  (Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.) 7 roll out the red carpet/give sb the red carpet treatment to give special treatment to someone important who is visiting you  (He's our best customer, so make sure you give him the red carpet treatment.) 8 a red cent (usually in negatives) AmE informal a very small amount of money  (They'll never be able to pay that - they don't have a red cent! | not worth a red cent) - redness n  (- see also paint the town red paint2 (6)) ~2 n 1 the colour of blood or fire  (Red is often used as a danger sign. | the reds and yellows of the fall trees | The corrections were marked in red. (=in red ink)) 2 red wine  (a nice bottle of red) 3 informal a slightly insulting word for someone who has communist or very left­wing ideas or opinions 4 see red to become very angry  (The way he treated that dog just made me see red.) 5 in the red informal owing more money than you have  (These car payments are going to put me into the red again.)  (- compare be in the black black2 (4)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Reduce physiol. abbr. Reduction physiol. abbr. Rnasel Enzyme Dysfunction UN abbr. Communist U.S. gov. abbr. Communist mil. abbr. Communist ocean sc. abbr. Revolution Education And Development network. abbr. Random Early Detection file ext. abbr. Clarion Modula-2 Path information gen. bus. abbr. Retail Entertainment And Dining gen. bus. abbr. Register Of Employees Dismissed int. bus. abbr. Communist ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. read, from P.Gmc. *rauthaz, from PIE base *reudh- (cf. L. rufus, ruber, Gk. erythros, Skt. rudhira-, etc.). The surname Read retains the original O.E. long vowel pronunciation. The red flag was used as a symbol of defiance in battle on land or sea from 1602; as a sign of warning, it dates from 1777. Association in Europe of red with revolutionary politics (on notion of blood and violence) is from at least 1297, but got a boost 1793 with adoption of the red Phrygian cap (Fr. bonnet rouge) as symbol of the Fr. Revolution. First specific political reference in Eng. was 1848, in news reports of the Second French Republic. As a synonym for "bolshevik," first attested 1917, though they had earlier adopted the color themselves. Red light as a sign to stop is from 1849, long before traffic signals. Red cent, obsolete type of copper penny, first recorded 1839. Redcoat "British soldier," from 1520, but especially of Cromwellian troops. Red cross (in Muslim lands, red crescent) adopted as a symbol of ambulance service 1863 by the Geneva Conference. Red-handed is first attested 1819; redhead 1256; redwood for "sequoia" is from 1716. Red-eye "airplane flight which deprives travellers of sleep" is from 1968 (it earlier meant "raw and inferior whiskey," 1819). Red herring is 1884 in metaphoric sense; red from being smoked, supposedly used by fugitives to put bloodhounds off the scent (1686). Red-letter day (c.1385) was originally a saint's day, marked on church calendars in red letters. Red ball signifying "espress" in railroad jargon is 1927, from the red ball mounted on a pole as a controling signal. Redline "deny loans to certain neighborhoods based on ethnicity" is from 1973. Redshirt (v.) is 1955, from the red shirts worn by such athletes. Red tape "excessive bureaucratic rigmarole" first attested 1736, in allusion to the red tape formerly used in Great Britain for binding up legal and other official documents. Red ink "financial losses" is from 1929. Red carpet "sumptuous welcome" is from 1934, but the custom for dignitaries is described as...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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