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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rattle


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Перевод с английского языка rattle на русский


дробь; стук; треск

bull rattlepenny rattlered rattletail rattleyellow rattle

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  off  а) coll. отбарабанить; выпалить одним духом (стихи, список и т.п.); to rattle off ones lesson отбарабанить урок to rattle off a piece of music отбарабанить музыкальную пьесу  б) отъехать, откатиться с грохотом (об экипаже и т.п.) RATTLE  1. noun  1) треск, грохот; дребезжание; стук  2) шумная болтовня, веселье, суматоха  3) детская погремушка  4) трещотка (ночного сторожа и т.п.)  5) кольца на хвосте гремучей змеи  6) coll. трещотка, болтун, пустомеля  7) хрипение; death rattle - предсмертный хрип  2. v.  1) трещать, грохотать; греметь (посудой, ключами и т.п.); дребезжать; сильно стучать; Small stones rattled on the underside of the car as we drove along the rough road.  2) двигаться, мчаться или падать с грохотом (обыкн. rattle down, rattle over, rattle along, rattle past); The train rattled past. - Поезд с грохотом промчался мимо. Is your old car still rattling along?  3) говорить быстро, громко; болтать (обыкн. rattle on, rattle away, rattle along);  4) coll. смущать, волновать, пугать; to get rattled - терять спокойствие, нервничать  5) hunt. преследовать, гнать (лису и т.п.) - rattle away - rattle off - rattle on - rattle through - rattle up Syn: see shame RATTLE away coll. работать с шумом, грохотом; The printing machines were rattling away so loudly that we could hardly hear each other speak. RATTLE on coll.  а) двигаться с грохотом без остановки (об автомобиле); I believe that old car would rattle on...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. треск; грохот; дребезжание; перестук the rattle of hail on the roof —- стук града по крыше 2. трескотня, болтовня; суматоха 3. погремушка (детская) 4. трещотка (сторожа, болельщика) 5. гремушка (гремучей змеи) 6. трещотка, болтун (о человеке); пустомеля 7. хрип, хрипение; предсмертный хрип 8. (the rattles) разг. круп (болезнь) 9. ам. сл. отношение, обращение to give smb. a square rattle —- обойтись с кем-л. по-честному 10. горн. грохот 11. барабанная мельница 12. трещать; грохотать; греметь (посудой, ключами и т. п.); дребезжать; бренчать, бряцать; громко стучать to rattle the sabre —- образ. бряцать оружием the wind rattled the windows, the windows rattled in the wind —- окна дребезжали от ветра he rattled the handle —- он загремел дверной ручкой somebody rattled at the door —- кто-то загремел (брякнул) дверью the hail rattled on the roof —- град барабанил по крыше 13. двигаться с грохотом (также rattle along) the wagon rattled over the stones —- тележка загрохотала по камням the train rattled past (by) —- поезд (с грохотом) промчался мимо the crockery came rattling down —- посуда загремела на пол the tractor rattled out —- с грохотом выкатился трактор 14. мчаться, нестись (также rattle along) we rattled along the road at a great rate —- мы мчались по дороге с огромной скоростью 15. трясти to rattle the dice in a box —- встряхнуть коробку с...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  дробь; стук; треск – bull rattle – penny rattle – red rattle – tail rattle – yellow rattle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  грохотать - chain rattle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. give out a rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds. b tr. make (a chair, window, crockery, etc.) do this. c intr. cause such sounds by shaking something (rattled at the door). 2 a intr. move with a rattling noise. b intr. drive a vehicle or ride or run briskly. c tr. cause to move quickly (the bill was rattled through Parliament). 3 a tr. (usu. foll. by off) say or recite rapidly. b intr. (usu. foll. by on) talk in a lively thoughtless way. 4 tr. colloq. disconcert, alarm, fluster, make nervous, frighten. --n. 1 a rattling sound. 2 an instrument or plaything made to rattle esp. in order to amuse babies or to give an alarm. 3 the set of horny rings in a rattlesnake's tail. 4 a plant with seeds that rattle in their cases when ripe (red rattle; yellow rattle). 5 uproar, bustle, noisy gaiety, racket. 6 a a noisy flow of words. b empty chatter, trivial talk. 7 archaic a lively or thoughtless incessant talker. Phrases and idioms rattle the sabre threaten war. Derivatives rattly adj. Etymology: ME, prob. f. MDu. & LG ratelen (imit.) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; rattling)  Etymology: Middle English ratelen; akin to Middle Dutch ratel ~  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises the windows ~d in the wind  2. to chatter incessantly and aimlessly  3. to move with a clatter or ~; also to be or move about in a place or station too large or grand ~d around the big old house  transitive verb  1. to say, perform, or affect in a brisk lively fashion ~d off four magnificent backhands — Kim Chapin  2. to cause to make a rattling sound  3. rouse; specifically to beat (a cover) for game  4. to upset especially to the point of loss of poise and composure ; disturb  Synonyms: see embarrass  II. noun  Date: 1519  1.  a. a device that produces a ~; specifically a case containing pellets used as a baby's toy  b. the sound-producing organ on a ~snake's tail  2.  a. a rapid succession of sharp clattering sounds  b. noise, racket  3. death ~  III. transitive verb  (~d; rattling)  Etymology: irregular from ratline  Date: 1729 to furnish with ratlines ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rattles, rattling, rattled) 1. When something rattles or when you rattle it, it makes short sharp knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard. She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle... He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary... VERB: V, V n • Rattle is also a noun. There was a rattle of rifle-fire. N-COUNT • rattling At that moment, there was a rattling at the door. N-SING 2. A rattle is a baby’s toy with loose bits inside which make a noise when the baby shakes it. N-COUNT 3. A rattle is a wooden instrument that people shake to make a loud knocking noise at football matches or tribal ceremonies. N-COUNT 4. If something or someone rattles you, they make you nervous. She refused to be rattled by his ?3,000-a-day lawyer. = unnerve VERB: V n • rattled He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 5. You can say that a bus, train or car rattles somewhere when it moves noisily from one place to another. The bus from Odense rattled into a dusty village called Pozo Almonte... VERB: V prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to shake, or make something shake, with quick repeated knocking noises  (The windows rattled in the wind. | The beggar was rattling coins in an old mug.) 2 to move quickly, making a rattling noise + along/past/over etc  (The cart rattled along the stony road.) 3 informal to make someone lose confidence or become nervous  (Keep calm - don't let yourself get rattled. | It was an old trick of his - rattling people by getting their names wrong.) 4 rattle sb's cage spoken humorous to make someone feel angry or annoyed  (Who rattled your cage?)  (- see also sabre­rattling) rattle around phr v informal to be in a house, office etc that is bigger then you need it to be  (We rattle around a bit now that the children have all left.) rattle sth off phr v to say something quickly and easily, from memory  (He rattled off the poem.) rattle on phr v informal to talk quickly for a long time, about things that are not interesting  (Nancy would rattle on for hours about her grandchildren.) rattle through sth phr v informal to do something very quickly because you want to finish it as soon as possible  (She rattled through her speech in five minutes.) ~2 n 1 the noise that you hear when the parts of something knock against each other + of  (the rattle of chains) 2 a baby's toy that makes this noise 3 a wooden instrument that makes a loud knocking noise, used by people watching football games  (- see also death rattle) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., perhaps in O.E., but not recorded; if not, from M.Du. ratelen, probably of imitative origin. Sense of "fluster" is first recorded 1869. The noun is first recorded 1500. Rattlesnake is from 1630; shortened form rattler is from 1827. Rattletrap is from 1766. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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