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Англо-русский биологический словарь - ratio


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Перевод с английского языка ratio на русский


1) отношение; соотношение

2) степень; коэффициент

age ratiobackcross ratiosbase ratiobenefit/cost ratiocoding ratiocorrelation ratiodispersion ratioF2 ratiosfeeding ratioforage ratiogrowth ratiokaryoplasmatic ratioleaf area ratiolikelihood ratioMendelian rationucleocytoplasmic rationucleonucleolar rationucleoplasmic ratioprecipitation-evaporation ratiosaturation ratiosex ratioshoot/root ratiosurvival ratiovariance ratiozygotic ratio

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См. в других словарях

  of exchange econ. (количественное) меновое отношение; RATIO noun  1) math. отношение, пропорция; коэффициент, соотношение; - ratio of exchange - in direct ratio - in inverse ratio  2) tech. передаточное число ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. отношение, коэффициент; пропорция; соотношение net profit ratio —- эк. коэффициент рентабельности ratio of exchange —- эк. меновое отношение in direct ratio —- мат. прямо пропорционально in the ratio of one to six —- в отношении один к шести the population contains a very high ratio of young people —- очень большой процент населения составляет молодежь 2. тех. передаточное число 3. эк. коэффициент покрытия, норма обеспечения 4. устанавливать отношение, соотношение, пропорцию 5. фот. увеличивать или уменьшать снимок в определенной кратности ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) отношение; соотношение 2) степень; коэффициент – age ratio – backcross ratios – base ratio – benefit/cost ratio – coding ratio – correlation ratio – dispersion ratio – F2 ratios – feeding ratio – forage ratio – growth ratio – karyoplasmatic ratio – leaf area ratio – likelihood ratio – Mendelian ratio – nucleocytoplasmic ratio – nucleonucleolar ratio – nucleoplasmic ratio – precipitation-evaporation ratio – saturation ratio – sex ratio – shoot/root ratio – survival ratio – variance ratio – zygotic ratio ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) пропорция, соотношение 2) коэффициент, отношение • - Reserve Ratio - acid test ratio - acid test ratio - asset equity ratio - benefit-cost ratio - capital ratio - capital-output ratio - capitalization ratio - compulsory reserve ratio - concentration ratio - constant-cost ratio - conversion ratio - cost ratio - cover ratio - current ratio - debt to equity ratio - debt-to-equity ratio - debt-to-income ratio - dividend payout ratio - earnings-price ratio - exchange ratio - export ratio - financial ratios - gold-silver ratio - income-expense ratio - labour-output ratio - legal reserve ratio - loan ratio - loan-to-value ratio - net profit ratio - numerical ratio - parity ratio - percentage ratio - price ratio - price-earnings ratio - quick asset ratio - quick ratio - ratio delay study - ratio of capital turnover - ratio of current assets to current liabilities - ratio of current assets to total liabilities - ratio of exchange - ratio of fixed assets to net worth - requirement ratio - saving-to-income ratio - turnover ratio RATIO пропорция; коэффициент; (со)отношение – concentration ratio – coverage ratio – direct ratio – frequency ratio – inverse ratio – net profit ratio – recognition ratio ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) знаменатель 2) коэффициент 3) коэффициент распределения 4) отношение 5) передаточное число 6) пропорциональный 7) пропорция 8) соотношение affine ratio of three points — простое отношение трех точек aspect ratio of wing — относительное удлинение крыла capital output ratio — коэффициент производства cross ratio of four points — сложное ангармоническое отношение четырех точек depth/width weld ratio — тех. кинжальность, степень кинжальности excess oxidant ratio — машиностр. коэффициент избытка окислителя fineness ratio of fuselage — относительное удлинение фюзеляжа high thrust-to-weight ratio — машиностр. избыток тяги image interference ratio — радио коэффициент зеркальных помех image-frequency rejection ratio — радио селективность по зеркальному каналу inversion level ratio — коэффициент инверсии likelihood ratio criterion — критерий отношения правдоподобий likelihood ratio test — критерий отношения правдоподобия linear deformation ratio — коэффициент линейного искажения maximum likelihood ratio — отношение максимального правдоподобия nozzle area ratio — уширение сопла over-all aperture ratio — ограничение апертуры preventive maintenance ratio — коэффициент профилактики probability ratio sequential test — последовательный критерий отношения вероятностей probability ratio test — критерий отношения вероятностей pulse scaling...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) отношение 2) коэффициент – access-success ratio – acoustic ratio – activity ratio – annual charge ratio – aperture/focal length ratio – aperture occupation ratio – arms ratio – aspect ratio – attenuation ratio – back-to-front ratio – Berg ratio – blocking ratio – chrominance format ratio – co-channel protection ratio – compression ratio – conduction ratio – control ratio – conversion ratio – damage ratio – damping ratio – decimation ratio – decoupling ratio – desired-to-undesired ratio – deviation ratio – ear-to-mouth ratio – feedback ratio – fixed-division ratio – focal ratio – frequency ratio – friction ratio – front-to-back ratio – image rejection ratio – in-band noise power ratio – incident ratio – intelligible-crosstalk ratio – intermediate-frequency response ratio – inverse ratio – isolation ratio – jamming-to-signal ratio – justification ratio – likelihood ratio – line-extension ratio – line-use ratio – load ratio – magnetic coupling ratio – magnetoresistive ratio – magnification ratio – mark-to-space ratio – modulation ratio – mutual induction ratio – operating ratio – overdrive ratio – output-input ratio – noise ratio – noise-to-signal ratio – peak-to-average ratio – plausibility ratio – power-loss ratio – power-to-noise ratio – precipitation ratio – prediction-aspect ratio – protection ratio – radio field-to-noise ratio – read-around ratio – recombination ratio – refraction ratio – residual-error ratio – response ratio – reversion ratio – shielding ratio – signal-plus-noise-to-noise ratio – signal-to-crosstalk ratio – signal-to-distortion ratio – signal-to-interference ratio – signal-to-noise ratio – spectrum transforming ratio – standing wave ratio – throghput improvement ratio – transfer ratio – uniformity ratio – utilization ratio – variable-division ratio – vertical-chroma ratio – weight ratio – zoom ratio ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  коэффициент ratio of slope aggregate-cement ratio air circulation ratio air entrainment ratio air space ratio air void ratio appearance ratio area ratio aspect ratio authority ratio bending moment ratio cement-aggregate ratio cement/water ratio circulation ratio column slenderness ratio compression ratio conjugate ratio consolidation ratio correlation ratio critical void ratio cutoff ratio damping ratio day-light area ratio depth-to-span ratio dilution ratio drowning ratio economic ratio endurance ratio enthalpy-humidity difference ratio entrainment ratio fatigue ratio free area ratio free water-cement ratio gypsum-sand ratio heat-to-humidity ratio humidity ratio hydrostatic pressure ratio induction ratio inside clearance ratio land-to-building ratio livability space ratio mixing ratio modular ratio overconsolidation ratio parking ratio performance energy ratio plot ratio Poisson ratio radius to thickness ratio recirculation ratio recovery ratio recreation space ratio reinforcement ratio rib ratio sand/coarse aggregate ratio saturation ratio sensible heat ratio settlement ratio of pile group slenderness ratio slope ratio sludge loading ratio span-depth ratio specific heat ratio stiffness ratio storage ratio strength-density ratio strength-weight ratio submergence ratio swelling ratio thaw-consolidation ratio total water/cement ratio turndown ratio void/cement ratio voids ratio water/binder ratio water/cement ratio water cementitious ratio water-to-air ratio water-to-earth ratio width-thickness ratio worker-area ratio ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) отношение; соотношение; пропорция 2) коэффициент; степень; кратность 3) передаточное отношение 4) передаточное число 5) матем. частное - ratio of break to reduction - ratio of enrichment - ratio of flow - ratio of foreshortening - ratio of similitude - ratio of slope - ratio of specific heats - abundance ratio - activity ratio - adjacent-channel protection ratio - advance ratio - air-fuel ratio - air/oil ratio - alumina ratio - amplitude ratio - anamorphic ratio - anode-to-cathode ratio - aperture ratio - apparent slip ratio - aspect ratio - atomic ratio - attenuation ratio - augmentation ratio - availability ratio - axial ratio - axle ratio - balance ratio - balanced steel ratio - beam aspect ratio - beam-depth ratio - beam-draft ratio - bearing ratio - best power mixture ratio - blade-area ratio - blade aspect ratio - blending ratio - blip-scan ratio - blocking-to-forward resistance ratio - blowup ratio - boilup-feed ratio - boosting ratio - boost pressure ratio - boss-diameter ratio - boss ratio - braking ratio - breeding ratio - brush coverage ratio - burnout ratio - by-pass ratio - cancellation ratio - capacity/deadweight ratio - capture ratio - carbon ratio - carrier-to-interference ratio - carrier-to-noise ratio - cascade pitch-chord ratio - catalyst-oil ratio - catalyst ratio - C/B ratio - cement-aggregate ratio - cetane ratio - charge ratio - charge-to-mass ratio - circulation ratio - coal-to-coke replacement ratio - coherence ratio - common ratio - common-mode rejection ratio - compression ratio - contact ratio - continuous casting ratio - contrast ratio - control ratio - convergence ratio - conversion ratio - copper-to-superconductor ratio - correlation ratio - cost/performance ratio - critical power ratio - cross-ratio - crown diameter ratio - cumulative fatigue ratio - current ratio - current instability ratio - current transfer ratio - current unbalance ratio - cutoff ratio - damping ratio - deadweight-displacement ratio...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -os) the quantitative relation between two similar magnitudes determined by the number of times one contains the other integrally or fractionally (in the ratio of three to two; the ratios 1:5 and 20:100 are the same). Etymology: L (as RATE(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Latin, computation, reason — more at reason  Date: 1660  1.  a. the indicated quotient of two mathematical expressions  b. the relationship in quantity, amount, or size between two or more things ; proportion  2. the expression of the relative values of gold and silver as determined by a country's currency laws ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ratios) A ratio is a relationship between two things when it is expressed in numbers or amounts. For example, if there are ten boys and thirty girls in a room, the ratio of boys to girls is 1:3, or one to three. The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n to n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural ratios a relationship between two amounts that is represented by a pair of numbers showing how much greater one amount is than the other  (the ratio of sth to sth)  (The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1.)  (- compare proportion1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1636, from L. ratio "reckoning, calculation," also "reason," from rat-, pp. stem of reri "to reckon, calculate," also "think." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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