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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rank


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Перевод с английского языка rank на русский


1) ранг, разряд; распределять по рангу

2) таксономический ранг, таксономический уровень

basic rankdependent ranksocial rank

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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) ряд  2) звание, чин; служебное положение; of higher rank - выше чином, вышестоящий; honorary rank - почетное звание; to hold rank - занимать должность, иметь чин  3) категория, ранг, разряд, степень, класс; a poet of the highest rank - первоклассный поэт; to take rank with - быть в одной категории с  4) высокое социальное положение; - persons of rank - rank and fashion  5) mil. шеренга; to break ranks - выйти из строя, нарушить строй; to fall into rank - построиться (о солдатах и т.п.) - the ranks - the rank and file - rise from the ranks - reduce to the ranks Syn: see position  2. v.  1) строить(ся) в шеренгу, выстраивать(ся) в ряд, в линию  2) классифицировать; давать определенную оценку; I rank his abilities very high - я высоко ценю его способности. Would you rank this car among the fastest?  3) занимать какое-л. место; he ranks high as a lawyer (scholar) - он видный адвокат (ученый); a general ranks with an admiral - генерал по чину (званию) равняется адмиралу Toms book ranks among the most important to be printed this year. She ranks as the finest teacher we have.  4) amer. занимать более высокое положение, быть старшим; a captain ranks a lieutenant - капитан по чину (званию) выше лейтенанта II adj.  1) роскошный, буйный (о растительности)  2) заросший; a garden rank with weeds - сад, заросший сорными травами  3) жирный, плодородный (о почве)  4) прогорклый (о масле)  5) отвратительный,...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ряд a rank of shelves —- ряд полок the ranks of the unemployed —- ряды безработных 2. воен. шеренга to break the ranks —- выходить из строя; расходиться (после построения) to close ranks —- смыкать шеренги, смыкаться to join the ranks —- встать в строй 3. воен. (the ranks) армия; военная служба to join the ranks —- поступать на военную службу to return to the ranks —- возвращать или возвращаться в строй 4. рядовой и сержантский состав (также other ranks) to be commissioned from the ranks —- быть произведенным в офицеры из рядовых to reduce to the ranks —- разжаловать в рядовые to rise from the ranks —- пройти путь от рядового до офицера 5. порядок, стройное расположение to form a crowd into rank —- построить толпу (в ряды, шеренги) 6. звание; чин; достоинство; должность, служебное положение; ранг (дипломатический и т. п.) rank badge —- воен. знак различия the rank of admiral —- звание адмирала; адмиральский чин the rank of marquis —- титул маркиза all ranks —- воен. уст. весь личный состав; все офицеры и солдаты; все без исключения minister of State with Cabinet rank —- государственный министр, член кабинета (в Великобритании) to take rank with smb. —- воен. быть равным по званию с кем-л.; быть в одной категории с кем-л. to advance in rank —- воен. получать или присваивать очередное звание to take rank immediately after the Ambassador...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ранг, разряд; распределять по рангу 2) таксономический ранг, таксономический уровень – basic rank – dependent rank – social rank ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  I 1. сущ. 1) ряд 2) класс, разряд, категория 3) чин • - even rank - rank and file - rank with - ranks of the unemployed - split the ranks 2. гл. 1) перечислять 2) классифицировать, относить к какой-л. категории 3) занимать место (ряд) 4) иметь то же значение как и (with) Syn: range, order II прил.; с.-х. плодородный, жирный (о почве) RANK ряд; порядок; ранг; разряд; класс – birth rank – equal rank – higher rank – lower rank – social rank ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) категория 2) класс 3) отвратительный 4) прогорклый 5) ранг 6) ранговый 7) ранжировать 8) резкий 9) удушливый 10) упорядоченность 11) упорядочивать 12) чин algebra of finite rank — алгебра конечного ранга algebra of infinite rank — алгебра бесконечного ранга asymptotically most powerful rank test — асимптотически наиболее мощный ранговый критерий average rank correlation — средняя ранговая корреляция coefficient of rank correlation — коэффициент ранговой корреляции finite rank operator — оператор конечного ранга general rank correlation — общая ранговая корреляция group of finite rank — группа конечного ранга group of infinite rank — группа бесконечного ранга many-sample rank test — многовыборочный ранговый критерий maximal term rank — максимальный граничный ранг most probable rank — наиболее вероятный ранг n-th rank interval — интервал n-го ранга process with maximal rank — процесс с памятью rank correlation coefficient — коэффициент порядковой корреляции rank of differential equation — ранг дифференциального уравнения rank of quadratic form — ранг квадратичной формы recursion of higher rank — рекурсия высшей ступени tensor of rank one — тензор первого ранга, вектор tensor of zero rank — тензор нулевого ранга - absolute rank - average rank - axiom rank - basis rank - circuit rank - cocyclic rank - column rank - completed rank - connected rank - countable rank - deference to rank - determinant rank - dimensional rank -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) матем. ранг 2) порядок ранжировать, располагать и определённом порядке; устанавливать очерёдность - rankof tensor - coal rank - matrix rank - priority rank - type rank ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a position in a hierarchy, a grade of advancement. b a distinct social class, a grade of dignity or achievement (people of all ranks; in the top rank of performers). c high social position (persons of rank). d a place in a scale. 2 a row or line. 3 a single line of soldiers drawn up abreast. 4 Brit. a place where taxis stand to await customers. 5 order, array. 6 Chess a row of squares across the board (cf. FILE(2)). --v. 1 intr. have rank or place (ranks next to the king). 2 tr. classify, give a certain grade to. 3 tr. arrange (esp. soldiers) in a rank or ranks. 4 US a tr. take precedence of (a person) in respect to rank. b intr. have the senior position among the members of a hierarchy etc. Phrases and idioms break rank fail to remain in line. close ranks maintain solidarity. keep rank remain in line. other ranks soldiers other than commissioned officers. rank and fashion high society. rank and file ordinary undistinguished people (orig. = the ranks). the ranks the common soldiers, i.e. privates and corporals. rise from the ranks 1 (of a private or a non-commissioned officer) receive a commission. 2 (of a self-made man or woman) advance by one's own exertions. Etymology: OF ranc, renc, f. Gmc, rel. to RING(1) 2. adj. 1 too luxuriant, coarse; choked with or apt to produce weeds or excessive foliage. 2 a foul-smelling, offensive. b loathsome, indecent, corrupt. 3 flagrant, virulent, gross, complete, unmistakable, strongly marked (rank outsider). Derivatives rankly adv. rankness n. Etymology: OE ranc f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ranc overbearing, strong; akin to Old Norse rakkr erect and perhaps to Old English riht right — more at right  Date: 13th century  1. luxuriantly or excessively vigorous in growth  2. offensively gross or coarse ; foul  3. obsolete grown too large  4.  a. shockingly conspicuous must lecture him on his ~ disloyalty — David Walden  b. outright — used as an intensive ~ beginners  5. archaic lustful, ruttish  6. offensive in odor or flavor; especially rancid  7. putrid, festering  8. high in amount or degree ; fraught  Synonyms: see malodorous, flagrant  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French renc, reng, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German hring ring — more at ring  Date: 14th century  1.  a. row, series  b. a row of people  c.  (1) a line of soldiers ranged side by side in close order  (2) plural armed forces  (3) plural the body of enlisted personnel  d. any of the rows of squares that extend across a chessboard perpendicular to the files  e. British stand 6  2.  a. relative standing or position  b. a degree or position of dignity, eminence, or excellence ; distinction soon took ~ as a leading attorney — J. D. Hicks  c. high social position the privileges of ~  d. a grade of official standing in a hierarchy  3. an orderly arrangement ; formation  4. an aggregate of individuals classed together — usually used in plural  5. the order according to some statistical characteristic (as the score on a test)  6. any of a series of classes of coal based on increasing alteration of the parent vegetable matter, increasing carbon content, and increasing fuel value  7. the number of linearly independent rows or columns in a matrix  III. verb  Date: 1573  transitive verb  1. to arrange in lines or in a regular formation  2. to determine the relative position of ; rate a highly ~ed prospect  3. to take precedence of  intransitive verb  1. to form or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ranks, ranking, ranked, ranker rankest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Someone’s rank is the position or grade that they have in an organization. He eventually rose to the rank of captain... The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges. N-VAR: with supp 2. Someone’s rank is the social class, especially the high social class, that they belong to. (FORMAL) He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner. N-VAR: usu with supp 3. If an official organization ranks someone or something 1st, 5th, or 50th, for example, they calculate that the person or thing has that position on a scale. You can also say that someone or something ranks 1st, 5th, or 50th, for example. The report ranks the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations... ...the only British woman to be ranked in the top 50 of the women’s world rankings... Mr Short does not even rank in the world’s top ten. VERB: V n ord in/out of n, be V-ed in n, V in/among n 4. If you say that someone or something ranks high or low on a scale or if you rank them high or low, you are saying how good or important you think they are. His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers... Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations... St Petersburg’s night life ranks as more exciting than the capital’s... 18 per cent of women ranked sex as very important in their lives... The Ritz-Carlton in Aspen has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever been to... VERB: V adj among n, V n adj among n, V as adj, V n as adj, V as n 5. The ranks of a group or organization are the people who belong to it. There were some misgivings within the ranks of the media too... N-PLURAL: with supp 6. The ranks are the ordinary members of an organization, especially of the armed forces. Most store managers have worked their way up through the ranks. N-PLURAL: the N, oft prep N 7. A rank of people or things is a row...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »POSITION IN ARMY/ORGANIZATION« the position or level that someone holds in an organization, especially in the police or armed forces  (promotion to the rank of General | high/senior/low/junior rank)  (Bates is very young to hold such a senior rank.) 2 the ranks a) all the members of the armed forces who are not officers  (be reduced to the ranks (=be punished by no longer being an officer) | rise from the ranks (=become an officer after being an ordinary soldier)) b) the people who belong to an organization or to a group  (The pay freeze led to a lot of discontent in the ranks. | The Christian Democrats now face opposition from within their own ranks. | join the ranks of (=become a member of a group))  (She was forced to join the ranks of the self-employed.) 3 close ranks if the people in a group close ranks, they join together to support each other against other people  (At the first hint of trouble their family closes ranks.) 4 break ranks a) to stop supporting a group that you are a member of b) if soldiers break ranks, they do not stay in line  (the police broke ranks and used their batons indiscriminately) 5 pull rank (on) informal to use your authority over someone to make them do what you want, especially unfairly  (You may just have to pull rank and tell them they have to do it.) 6 »LINE« a) a line of people or things  (rank after rank/rank upon rank)  (On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles.) b) a line of soldiers, police officers etc, standing side by side 7 of the first rank of the highest quality  (Emily Dickinson is a poet of the first rank.) 8 »SOCIAL CLASS« someone's position in society  (people of all ranks in society) 9 »TAXI« a place where taxis wait in a line to be hired; taxi rank ~2 v 1 a) I always + adv/prep, not in progressive) to have a particular position in a list of people or things that are put in order of quality or importance + among/as/with  (This recession ranks as one of the worst in recent times.) b) T often passive to decide the position of someone or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Receptor Activator Of Nf Kappa ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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