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Англо-русский биологический словарь - range


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1) ряд

2) сфера, зона, область

3) размах; диапазон, интервал; биом. вариационный размах

4) ареал; область распространения (растения); район обитания (животного)

5) пастбище

6) период существования на Земле (растения, животного); амер. водиться, встречаться (напр. в каком-л. ареале)

range of humidityrange of populationactivity rangeadjacent rangesalpine rangeantibacterial rangebiokinetic range of temperaturesconfidence rangecontinuous rangedaily rangediscontinuous rangeecological rangeenvironmental rangegeographic rangehome rangehost rangemean rangepresent rangerestricted rangetolerance rangevariation range

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  • дальность полета• относ бомбы ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  table таблица дальностей и прицелов RANGE elevation установка прицела RANGE of vision кругозор, поле зрени RANGE  1. noun  1) ряд, линия (домов); цепь (гор и т.п.)  2) линия, направление  3) обширное пастбище  4) ареал, область распространения (растения, животного); сфера, зона  5) предел, амплитуда; диапазон (голоса)  6) сфера, область, круг; that is out of my range - это не по моей части; в этой области я не специалист  7) протяжение, пространство; радиус действия; - be in range of. - range of vision  8) кухонная плита (тж. kitchen range)  9) стрельбище, полигон, тир  10) naut. створ  11) mil. дальность; дальнобойность; досягаемость  12) radio дальность передачи  13) aeron. дальность полета  14) aeron. относ бомбы  15) attr.; mil. - range elevation - range table Syn: see plain  2. v.  1) выстраивать(ся) в ряд; ставить, располагать в порядке; All the enemys guns were ranged against us from both sides.  2) классифицировать  3) refl. примыкать, присоединяться; Im surprised to hear that he has ranged himself with the workers.  4) бродить; странствовать, скитаться; рыскать (обыкн. range over, range through); The cattle range over many miles in search of food.  5) колебаться в известных пределах; prices range from a shilling to a pound - цены колеблются от шиллинга до фунта; His feelings on the matter have ranged from bitterness to hope.  6) плыть (обыкн. range along, range with)  7)...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ряд, линия (зданий и т. п.); цепь, вереница range work —- стр. рядовая кладка a range of mountains —- горная цепь a long range of arches and bridges —- длинная вереница арок и мостов a fine range of cliffs —- величественная гряда утесов 2. серия, ряд the whole range of events —- целая цепь (весь ход) событий 3. редк. строй, шеренга (людей, животных) 4. линия; направление the tree is in range with the house —- дерево стоит на одной линии с домом the range of the strata is east and west —- пласты простираются на восток и запад 5. сфера, зона; область, круг; поле, арена range of use —- область применения range of influence —- сфера влияния range of activity —- размах деятельности the range of a science —- предмет (область) какой-л. науки a vast range of knowledge —- огромный круг знаний a wide range of interests —- разнообразные интересы; широкий круг интересов Latin is out of my range —- латынь - это не по моей части the thorniest question in the whole range of politics —- самый острый вопрос всей политической жизни his reading is of very wide range —- он начитан во многих областях a piece that is not within my range —- (музыкальная) пьеса, выходящая за пределы моих возможностей a task well within his range —- задача ему по плечу 6. пределы (особ. колебаний, изменений) 7. эк. изменение, колебание, движение (курсов, цен) price range —- движение (колебание) цен (курсов) a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ряд 2) сфера, зона, область 3) размах; диапазон, интервал; биом. вариационный размах 4) ареал; область распространения (растения); район обитания (животного) 5) пастбище 6) период существования на Земле (растения, животного); амер. водиться, встречаться (напр. в каком-л. ареале) – range of humidity – range of population – activity range – adjacent ranges – alpine range – antibacterial range – biokinetic range of temperatures – confidence range – continuous range – daily range – discontinuous range – ecological range – environmental range – geographic range – home range – host range – mean range – present range – restricted range – tolerance range – variation range ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) ряд, цепь, линия 2) группа 3) собрание, коллекция, ассортимент, номенклатура 4) область распространения, зона, круг; диапазон 5) предел 6) изменение, колебание 7) движение (цен, курсов) • - a wide range of prices - beyond the range of smth. - closing range - out of the range of smth. - price range - production range - range of activity - range of application - range of commodities - range of deviation - range of discretion - range of goods - range of patterns - range of variation - trading range - within the range - narrow range of choice - wide range of choice 2. гл. классифицировать, распределять по классам/категориям, варьировать; колебаться в пределах - prices ranged between...and... RANGE 1) сфера, область 2) диапазон; объем (охраны) 3) классифицировать – range of application – range of equivalents – range of patent RANGE See: сущ. 1) общ. сфера, зона, область; пояс narrow range of research - узкая область исследований 2) торг. ассортимент; номенклатура You'll inevitably see something in the shop's range of goods. - Вы обязательно что-нибудь найдете среди ассортимента товаров магазина. Syn: assortment 1) 3) эк. пределы (напр., колебания цен., т. е., низшая и высшая цены финансового инструмента, контракта, товара в течение определенного периода) 4) эк. изменение, колебание, движение (цен, курсов) price range - колебание цен 5) общ. ареал, область распространения (растений, животных) 6) с.-х. пастбище,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  размер выборки; область замеряемых значений ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) амплитуда 2) дальнобойность 3) дальность 4) диапазон 5) дистанция 6) досягаемость 7) зона 8) измерять 9) интервал 10) область 11) пределы измерения 12) пробег 13) простираться 14) радиус 15) разброс 16) размах 17) ранг 18) ранжировать 19) серийный 20) сфера 21) удаление 22) широта выборки 23) шкала aural radio range — звуковой маяк automatic range finder — тех. автодальномер average range method — метод среднего размаха center of gravity range — физ. диапазон центровок closed range theorem — теорема об операторах с замкнутой областью значений (в функциональном анализе) coefficient of variation of range — коэффициент изменчивости размаха coincidence range finder — монокулярный дальномер coupled range finder — сопряженный дальномер extend range of voltmeter — расширить диапазон вольтметр extend range of wattmeter — расширять предел ваттметра greatest diurnal range — геогр. амплитуда максимальная средняя суточная laser range to satellite — дальность least significant range — наименьший значимый размах limiting range of visibility — предельная дальность видимости operation frequency range — рабочий диапазон частот прибора СВЧ radar range finder — радиодальномер radial of radio range — азимут радиомаяка range energy relation — соотношение пробег-энергия range finder control — геод. метод дальномерно-базисный range from a to b — заключаться...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) диапазон; интервал 2) класс 3) (антенный) полигон – address range – adjustment range – amplitude range – audio-frequency range – compact antenna range – controlled dynamic range – correcting range – decameter range – dynamic range – effective range – far-field range – frequency range – given range – hold-in frequency range – hyper range – input range – instrument range – intermodulation range – lock range – millimeter range – myriameter range – night visual range – oblique-visual range – operative range – optical range – optimum range – penetration range – pull-in frequency range – radio range – radio-horizon range – readout range – scanning range – scattering range – sensor range – stable communication range – total range – transmitter central-wavelength range – tuning range – volume range – working frequency range – working voltage range ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  дальность; радиус действия область, сфера, диапазон, интервал; амплитуда, размах; пределы (напр. измерения) ряд (напр. кладки) range of colors range of linearity range of products range of sizes range of speeds range of stress adjustment range annual range of temperature apparent elastic range audibility range bore range broken range control range cooling range diurnal temperature range elastic range explosive range extended concrete product range frequency range gas range horizontal range inelastic range jet range limiting range of stress maximum range mean range operating range payload range plastic range of stress plastic range pressure range runway visual range shear range shooting range size range speed range strain-hardening range strength range stress range temperature range throttling range tolerance range velocity range visibility range voltage range wide range work-hardening range working range yield range ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) диапазон; интервал; пределы 2) зона; область 3) амплитуда, размах (колебаний) колебаться в пределах 4) вчт. семейство; множество значений; область значений 5) рлк дальность измерять дальность 6) дальность [радиус] действия 7) геофиз. дистанция 8) дальность плавания 9) ряд располагать в ряд 10) строит. ряд кладки 11) метал. батарея (печей) 12) мор. створ 13) класс классифицировать; систематизировать 14) курсовой радиомаяк 15) полигон 16) направление 17) (кухонная) плита 18) экол. ареал, область обитания 19) геод. провешивать линию 20) простираться; иметь указанную дальность действия to adjust over a limited range — регулировать в ограниченных пределах; to extend flight range — увеличивать дальность полёта; to extend the measurement range — расширять диапазон [пределы] измерений - range of application - range of audibility - range of definition - range of motion - range of products - range of sea level - range of sensitivity - range of stability - range of stress - range of warp knitting machine - adhesive tack range - adjustment range - aileron range - aircraft range - aircraft capacity range - aircraft operational range - altitude range - angle-of-attack range - angular range - annealing range - annual range - antenna range - aperture range - austenitic range - ball center range - blind range - blue brittle temperature range - blue brittle range - boiling range - boring range - built-in range - calibration range - capacitance range - capacity range - capture range - carrier-frequency range - category...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the region between limits of variation, esp. as representing a scope of effective operation (a voice of astonishing range; the whole range of politics). b such limits. c a limited scale or series (the range of the thermometer readings is about 10 degrees). 2 the area included in or concerned with something. 3 a the distance attainable by a gun or projectile (the enemy are out of range). b the distance between a gun or projectile and its objective. 4 a row, series, line, or tier, esp. of mountains or buildings. 5 a an open or enclosed area with targets for shooting. b a testing-ground for military equipment. 6 a a fireplace with ovens and hotplates for cooking. b US an electric or gas cooker. 7 the area over which a thing, esp. a plant or animal, is distributed (gives the ranges of all species). 8 the distance that can be covered by a vehicle or aircraft without refuelling. 9 the distance between a camera and the subject to be photographed. 10 the extent of time covered by a forecast etc. 11 a a large area of open land for grazing or hunting. b a tract over which one wanders. 12 lie, direction (the range of the strata is east and west). --v. 1 intr. a reach; lie spread out; extend; be found or occur over a specified district; vary between limits (ages ranging from twenty to sixty). b run in a line (ranges north and south). 2 tr. (usu. in passive or refl.) place or arrange in a row or ranks or in a specified situation or order or company (ranged their troops; ranged themselves with the majority party; trees ranged in ascending order of height). 3 intr. rove, wander (ranged through the woods; his thoughts range over past, present, and future). 4 tr. traverse in all directions (ranging the woods). 5 Printing a tr. Brit. make (type) lie flush at the ends of successive lines. b intr. (of type) lie flush. 6 intr. a (often foll. by with) be level. b (foll. by with, among) rank; find one's right place (ranges with the great writers). 7 intr. a (of a gun) send a projectile over a specified distance (ranges over a mile). b...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, row of persons, from Anglo-French ~, renge, from renger to ~  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a series of things in a line ; row  (2) a series of mountains  (3) one of the north-south rows of townships in a United States public-land survey that are numbered east and west from the principal meridian of the survey  b. an aggregate of individuals in one order  c. a direction line  2. a cooking stove that has an oven and a flat top with burners or heating elements  3.  a. a place that may be ~d over  b. an open region over which animals (as livestock) may roam and feed  c. the region throughout which a kind of organism or ecological community naturally lives or occurs  4. the act of ranging about  5.  a.  (1) the horizontal distance to which a projectile can be propelled  (2) the horizontal distance between a weapon and target  b. the maximum distance a vehicle or craft can travel without refueling  c.  (1) a place where shooting is practiced  (2) driving ~  6.  a. the space or extent included, covered, or used ; scope  b. the extent of pitch covered by a melody or lying within the capacity of a voice or instrument  7.  a. a sequence, series, or scale between limits a wide ~ of patterns  b. the limits of a series ; the distance or extent between possible extremes  c. the difference between the least and greatest values of an attribute or of the variable of a frequency distribution  8.  a. the set of values a function may take on  b. the class of admissible values of a variable  9. line 11 Synonyms:  ~, gamut, compass, sweep, scope, orbit mean the extent that lies within the powers of something (as to cover or control). ~ is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capacities, or possibilities the entire ~ of human experience. gamut suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another a performance that ran the gamut of emotions. compass implies a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ranges, ranging, ranged) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A range of things is a number of different things of the same general kind. A wide range of colours and patterns are available... The two men discussed a range of issues... N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. A range is the complete group that is included between two points on a scale of measurement or quality. The average age range is between 35 and 55. ...properties available in the price range they are looking for. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft n N 3. The range of something is the maximum area in which it can reach things or detect things. The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If things range between two points or range from one point to another, they vary within these points on a scale of measurement or quality. They range in price from $3 to $15. ...offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric. ...temperatures ranging between 5°C and 20°C. VERB: V from amount to amount, V from n to n, V between pl-amount 5. A range of mountains or hills is a line of them. ...the massive mountain ranges to the north. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. A rifle range or a shooting range is a place where people can practise shooting at targets. It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam. N-COUNT: usu supp N 7. A range or kitchen range is an old-fashioned metal cooker. (BRIT) N-COUNT: usu with supp 8. A range or kitchen range is a large metal device for cooking food using gas or electricity. A range consists of a grill, an oven, and some gas or electric rings. (AM; in BRIT, usually use cooker) N-COUNT 9. see also free-range 10. If something is in range or within range, it is near enough to be reached or detected. If it is out of range, it is too far away to be reached or detected. Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range. ...a base within range of enemy missiles... The fish stayed...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »GROUP« a number of things which are all different but of the same general type + of  (an interesting range of books and videos | The drug is effective against a range of bacteria. | We teach the full range of ballroom dances.) wide/broad/whole range of  (We have students from a wide range of backgrounds.) 2 »LIMITS/AMOUNTS« the limits within which amounts, quantities, ages etc can vary  (age/price etc range)  (toys suitable for children in the pre-school age range | in the range (of))  (I would expect a salary in the range of $25,000 to $30,000. | beyond/out of sb's range (=more than someone's limit on price, age etc))  (The price of the house is well beyond our range.) 3 »POWER/RESPONSIBILTY ETC« the area of power, responsibility, or activities that a person or organization has; scope  (the range of)  (The range of his power was immense. | within/outside the range of)  (These issues fall outside the range of the enquiry.) 4 »PRODUCTS« a set of similar products made by a particular company or available in a particular shop  (The coconut shampoo is the best in the range.) + of  (a new range of kitchenware) top of the range (=best)  (a new top of the range racing bike) 5 »DISTANCE« a) the distance within which something can be seen or heard + of  (The transmitter has a range of 10,000 miles.) within range (=near enough to reach, hear etc)  (By now the ship was within range of enemy radar.) out of range (=too far away to reach, hear etc)  (He was relieved that the others were out of range of his mother's penetrating voice.) at close range (=very near)  (You can see the animals at very close range.) b) the distance over which a particular weapon can hit things  (the gun's range) + of  (missiles with a range of 500 miles) within range (=near enough to hit) | out of range (=too far away to hit)  (I ducked down to get out of range of the gunshots. | at close/short/point-blank range (=from very close))  (Both men had been shot at point-blank range. | long/short range missile)  (The destroyer...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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