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Англо-русский биологический словарь - raise


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выращивать; разводить; выводить

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   1. v.  1) поднимать; to raise anchor - сниматься с якоря; to raise pastry/dough - ставить тесто на дрожжах; to raise the eyebrows - (удивленно) поднимать брови; Raise your hands up straight so that I can count them.  2) ставить, поднимать (вопрос); to raise a question - поставить вопрос; to raise objections - выдвигать возражения; to raise a claim - предъявить претензию; I should like to raise another question with this committee.  3) будить; воскрешать; to raise from the dead - воскресить из мертвых Jesus was able to raise many sick people from the dead.  4) воздвигать (здание и т.п.)  5) выращивать (растения); разводить (птицу, скот);  6) растить, воспитывать (детей); I should know my own son, Ive raised him from a baby.  7) повышать (в звании, должности); to raise a man to the peerage - пожаловать кому-л. титул пэра; Any worker who makes a useful suggestion to the firm will be raised to a higher position.  8) поднимать (на защиту и т.п.)  9) вызывать (смех, сомнение, тревогу)  10) собирать (налоги и т.п.); to raise money - добывать деньги; to raise troops - набирать войска; to raise a unit mil. - сформировать часть  11) запеть, начать (песню); издать (крик)  12) text. ворсовать, начесывать  13) mining добывать, выдавать на-гора to raise ones glass to smb., smth. - поднять бокал за кого-л., что-л.; провозгласить тост - raise hell - to raise a big smoke - raise a check - raise a ghost Syn: elevate, hoist, lift, uplift Ant: depress, descend, lower  2. noun  1) подъем  2)...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. повышение, поднятие, увеличение 2. ам. прибавка (к зарплате) to ask for a raise —- просить о повышении зарплаты he got a raise —- ему повысили зарплату 3. подъем; дорога в гору 4. горн. восстающая выработка 5. поднимать (также raise up) to raise a weight from the ground —- поднять тяжесть с земли to raise the blind —- поднять жалюзи to raise the earth around a plant —- с-х. окучивать растение to raise one's hat to —- приподнять шляпу, приветствовать кого-л.; снять шляпу (в знак одобрения) that was a fine gesture: something worth raising one's hat to —- это благородный поступок, перед которым я преклоняюсь 6. поднимать; повышать to raise one's eyes —- поднять глаза (на кого-л.); возвести очи к небу to raise one's eyebrows —- поднять брови (в знак изумления и т. п.) to raise one's voice —- повысить голос to raise one's voice at smb. —- говорить с кем-л. в повышенном тоне; повышать голос на кого-л. 7. подняться he raised himself —- он поднялся (встал) 8. помочь подняться to raise smb. from his knees —- поднять коленопреклоненного 9. взметать; вздымать to raise a cloud of dust —- поднять облако пыли to raise the waves —- вздымать волны to raise steam —- тех. поднять пары в котле 10. извергать; поднимать (пыль и т. п.) to raise smoke —- извергать дым 11. поднимать; будить, воскрешать to raise smb. at midnight —- поднять кого-л. посреди ночи to raise memories...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  выращивать; разводить; выводить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  общ., амер. =rise RAISE – to raise an objection RAISE 1. сущ. 1) повышение, поднятие, увеличение 2) амер. прибавка к зарплате • - Raise Capital - annual-improvement-factor raise - demand for cost of living raise - demand for no-selling cost of living raise - raise objection - wage raise 2. гл. 1) поднимать (производство, цены и т.п.), повышать 2) выдвигать 3) возбуждать 4) выращивать 5) подделывать 6) добывать (деньги), занимать (деньги) 7) собирать (налоги) 8) надбавить цену - raise a claim - raise a demand - raise a loan - raise a point - raise an embargo on smth. - raise cattle - raise corn - raise difficulties - raise money - raise objections - raise prices - raise rent - raise taxes - raise the market - raise wages - to raise a question - to raise rates ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) возводить в степень 2) восстающий 3) выхаживать 4) надсыпать 5) повысить 6) повышать 7) поднимать 8) подъем 9) увеличивать 10) штамповать raise a cable to poles — прокладывать кабель на опорах raise cattle for meat — выращивать скот на мясо raise choppy sea — поднять волну raise sunken vessel — поднимать затонувшее судно raise to the third power — возводить в третью степень rock fill raise — закладочный восстающий - air raise - ore-pass raise - pilot raise - raise ailerons - raise face - raise frames - raise plough - raise steam - raise the scale - raise to power - raise vessel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  подъём восстающая выработка штольня; гезенк поднимать; возводить (сооружение) to raise to power ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) подъём поднимать 2) восстающий, восстающая выработка проходить восстающий 3) штольня (при проходке туннеля); гезенк 4) возводить (сооружение) 5) матем. возводить в степень 6) формовать (из металлического листа) 7) устанавливать радиосвязь 8) вчт. возбуждение исключительной [особой] ситуации; возбуждение исключения (в языке Ада) 9) текст. ворсовать, начёсывать to raise a fraction to higher terms — умножить числитель и знаменатель дроби на одно и то же натуральное число; to raise an index — поднимать индекс; to raise to a power — возводить в степень - air raise - blind raise - development raise - draw raise - exploratory raise - filling raise - finger raise - fresh-air raise - muck raise - pillar raise - return-air raise ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 put or take into a higher position. 2 (often foll. by up) cause to rise or stand up or be vertical; set upright. 3 increase the amount or value or strength of (raised their prices). 4 (often foll. by up) construct or build up. 5 levy or collect or bring together (raise money; raise an army). 6 cause to be heard or considered (raise a shout; raise an objection). 7 set going or bring into being; rouse (raise a protest; raise hopes). 8 bring up; educate. 9 breed or grow (raise one's own vegetables). 10 promote to a higher rank. 11 (foll. by to) Math. multiply a quantity to a specified power. 12 cause (bread) to rise with yeast. 13 Cards a bet more than (another player). b increase (a stake). c Bridge make a bid contracting for more tricks in the same suit as (one's partner); increase (a bid) in this way. 14 abandon or force an enemy to abandon (a siege or blockade). 15 remove (a barrier or embargo). 16 cause (a ghost etc.) to appear (opp. LAY(1) 6b). 17 colloq. find (a person etc. wanted). 18 establish contact with (a person etc.) by radio or telephone. 19 (usu. as raised adj.) cause (pastry etc.) to stand without support (a raised pie). 20 Naut. come in sight of (land, a ship, etc.). 21 make a nap on (cloth). 22 extract from the earth. --n. 1 Cards an increase in a stake or bid (cf. sense 13 of v.). 2 esp. US an increase in salary. Phrases and idioms raise Cain see CAIN. raised beach Geol. a beach lying above water level owing to changes since its formation. raise the devil colloq. make a disturbance. raise a dust 1 cause turmoil. 2 obscure the truth. raise one's eyebrows see EYEBROW. raise one's eyes see EYE. raise from the dead restore to life. raise one's glass to drink the health of. raise one's hand to make as if to strike (a person). raise one's hat (often foll. by to) remove it momentarily as a gesture of courtesy or respect. raise hell colloq. make a disturbance. raise a laugh cause others to laugh. raise a person's spirits give him or her new courage or cheerfulness. raise one's voice speak, esp....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; raising)  Etymology: Middle English reisen, ~n, from Old Norse reisa — more at rear  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to cause or help to rise to a standing position  2.  a. awaken, arouse  b. to stir up ; incite ~ a rebellion  c. to flush (game) from cover  d. to recall from or as if from death  3.  a. to set upright by lifting or building ~ a monument  b. to lift up ~ your hand ~ sunken treasure  c. to place higher in rank or dignity ; elevate  d. heighten, invigorate ~ the spirits  e. to end or suspend the operation or validity of ~ a siege  4. to get together for a purpose ; collect ~ funds  5.  a. grow, cultivate ~ cotton  b. to bring to maturity ; rear ~ a child  c. to breed and bring (an animal) to maturity  6.  a. to give rise to ; provoke ~ a commotion  b. to give voice to ~ a cheer  7. to bring up for consideration or debate ~ an issue  8.  a. to increase the strength, intensity, or pitch of don't ~ your voice  b. to increase the degree of  c. to cause to rise in level or amount ~ the rent  d.  (1) to increase the amount of (a poker bet)  (2) to bet more than (a previous bettor)  e.  (1) to make a higher bridge bid in (a partner's suit)  (2) to increase the bid of (one's partner)  9. to make light and porous ~ dough  10. to cause to ascend ~ the dust  11. to multiply (a quantity) by itself a specified number of times ~ two to the fourth power  12. to bring in sight on the horizon by approaching ~ land  13.  a. to bring up the nap of (cloth)  b. to cause (as a blister) to form on the skin  14. to increase the nominal value of fraudulently ~ a check  15. to articulate (a sound) with the tongue in a higher position  16. to establish radio communication with  intransitive verb  1. dialect rise  2. to increase a bet or bid  Synonyms: see lift  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1538  1. an act of raising or lifting  2. a rising stretch of road ; an upward grade ; rise  3. an increase in amount: as...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (raises, raising, raised) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you raise something, you move it so that it is in a higher position. He raised his hand to wave... Milton raised the glass to his lips. ...a small raised platform. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv, V-ed 2. If you raise a flag, you display it by moving it up a pole or into a high place where it can be seen. They had raised the white flag in surrender... VERB: V n 3. If you raise yourself, you lift your body so that you are standing up straight, or so that you are no longer lying flat. He raised himself into a sitting position... = lift VERB: V pron-refl 4. If you raise the rate or level of something, you increase it. The Republic of Ireland is expected to raise interest rates... ...a raised body temperature. = increase VERB: V n, V-ed 5. To raise the standard of something means to improve it. ...a new drive to raise standards of literacy in Britain’s schools. = improve VERB: V n 6. If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly, usually because you are angry. Don’t you raise your voice to me, Henry Rollins!... VERB: V n 7. A raise is an increase in your wages or salary. (AM; in BRIT, use rise) Within two months Kelly got a raise. N-COUNT 8. If you raise money for a charity or an institution, you ask people for money which you collect on its behalf. ...events held to raise money for Help the Aged... VERB: V n for n 9. If a person or company raises money that they need, they manage to get it, for example by selling their property or by borrowing. They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of grounds. VERB: V n 10. If an event raises a particular emotion or question, it makes people feel the emotion or consider the question. The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon... The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant. VERB: V n, V n 11. If you raise a subject, an objection, or a question, you mention it...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MOVE« a) to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level  (Can you raise your arm above your head? | They're thinking of raising the ceiling in the kitchen. | The teacher raised his finger to his lips for silence.) b) to move or lift something into an upright position  (The bridge can be raised in the middle to allow ships through.) c) to move your eyes or face so that you are looking upwards  (She raised her eyes from the newspaper when he came in.) d) also raise up to lift the upper part of your body from a lying position  (She raised herself up on her arms and looked around sleepily.) 2 »INCREASE« to increase an amount, number, or level  (We have no plans to raise taxes at present. | The reaction is started by raising the temperature to 140°C.) 3 »IMPROVE« to improve the quality or standard of something  (Better training will raise the efficiency of the workforce.) 4 »CHILDREN« especially AmE to look after your children and help them grow; bring up BrE  (Many women return to work after raising their families. | raise sb (as) a Catholic/Muslim etc)  (His parents raised him as a Protestant. | born and raised)  (She was born and raised a country girl. | be raised on)  (These kids are raised on a diet of junk food.) 5 »FARMING« to grow plants or keep cows, pigs etc so that they can be used as food  (raise wheat/pigs) 6 raise hopes/consciousness/awareness etc to make people more hopeful etc  (The peace talks have raised hopes for the hostages' release. | The conference is intended to raise people's awareness of AIDS.) 7 »EMOTION/REACTION« a) to cause a particular emotion or reaction  (His long absence is beginning to raise fears for his safety. | His jokes barely raised a laugh.) b) to try to show a particular feeling or emotion although you do not really feel it  (She felt so sad, she couldn't even raise a smile.) 8 raise a question/objection/point etc to begin to talk or write about a question etc that you want to be considered  (A number of objections were raised at the meeting. | This...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering U.S. gov. abbr. Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering softw. abbr. Rigorous Approach To Industrial Software Engineering softw. abbr. Reusable Agent Intelligence Software Environment gen. bus. abbr. Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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