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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rain


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Перевод с английского языка rain на русский


1) дождь

2) бот. бобовник (Laburnum)

acid rain

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   1. noun  1) дождь; to be caught in the rain - попасть под дождь, быть застигнутым дождем - rain or shine - the rains - keep the rain out  2) потоки; ручьи (слез); град (ударов и т.п.)  3) mining капеж - right as rain  2. v.  1) идти, литься (о дожде); it rains, it is raining - идет дождь; Long after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs. Its raining on one side of the street and not on the other.  2) сыпать(ся); литься; Blows rained (up)on him. - Удары сыпались на него градом. The old woman rained down curses on our heads. Troubles rained down on the city during the war. - rain in - rain off - rain out it rains cats and dogs - дождь льет как из ведра it never rains but it pours prov. - пришла беда отворяй ворота RAIN check noun  1) корешок билета на стадион, дающий право прийти на игру, перенесенную по случаю дождя  2) просьба или обещание принять приглашение как-нибудь в другой раз RAIN in  а) промокать, пропускать дождь  б) проникать в помещение (о дожде); There must be a hole in the roof, its raining in. RAIN off отменить из-за дождя; Two cricket matches were rained off this weekend RAIN or shine при любой погоде; fig. что бы то ни было; при всех условиях; RAIN out = rain off ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. дождь continuous (quiet, steady, widespread) rain —- обложной дождь drizzling rain —- изморось, моросящий дождь pouring (pelting, driving, torrential) rain —- ливень, проливной дождь radioactive rain —- радиоактивный дождь (-ые осадки) it looks like rain —- похоже, что будет дождь to stay out in the rain —- мокнуть под дождем come in out of the rain! —- входите же, не стойте под дождем! to get out of the rain —- укрываться от дождя 2. (the rains) период (тропических) дождей 3. обыкн. sing. поток(и), ручьи a rain of congratulations —- поток поздравлений a rain of sparks —- дождь искр a rain of melody —- водопад звуков a rain of arrows —- туча стрел a rain of fire —- интенсивный огонь 4. кин. "дождь", царапины на изношенных фильмах 5. горн. капеж Id: right as rain —- совершенно здоровый; в полном порядке Id: rain or shine —- в любую погоду; при любых условиях; что бы то ни было Id: we'll be there tomorrow rain or shine —- мы прибудем завтра независимо от погоды Id: he's always a good friend, rain or shine —- при любых обстоятельствах он остается добрым другом 6. идти, литься (о дожде) it rains, it is raining —- идет дождь it rained very hard —- был ливень, шел проливной дождь it has rained itself out —- дождь кончился 7. (часто rain down) сыпать; осыпать; лить to rain blows upon smb. —- осыпать кого-л. ударами to rain arrows —- посылать тучу стрел to rain down shells on the enemy —- воен. обрушивать на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) дождь 2) бот. бобовник (Laburnum) – acid rain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  дождь, дождить - radioactive rain - rain clutter - rain rail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  дождь acid rain ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дождь 2) "дождь" (истирание поверхности фильма в виде царапин) rain and snow — дождь со снегом - rain of fine sand - abundant rain - acid rain - continuous rain - drizzling rain - freezing rain - heavy rain - intermittent rain - mud rain - occasional rain - pouring rain - radioactive rain - showery rain - slight rain - torrential rain - widespread rain ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops. b the fall of such drops. 2 (in pl.) a rainfalls. b (prec. by the) the rainy season in tropical countries. 3 a falling liquid or solid particles or objects. b the rainlike descent of these. c a large or overwhelming quantity (a rain of congratulations). --v. 1 intr. (prec. by it as subject) rain falls (it is raining; if it rains). 2 a intr. fall in showers or like rain (tears rained down their cheeks; blows rain upon him). b tr. (prec. by it as subject) send in large quantities (it rained blood; it is raining invitations). 3 tr. send down like rain; lavishly bestow (rained benefits on us; rained blows upon him). 4 intr. (of the sky, the clouds, etc.) send down rain. Phrases and idioms rain cats and dogs see CAT. rain check US 1 a ticket given for later use when a sporting fixture or other outdoor event is interrupted or postponed by rain. 2 a promise that an offer will be maintained though deferred. rain-cloud a cloud bringing rain. rain forest luxuriant tropical forest with heavy rainfall. rain-gauge an instrument measuring rainfall. rain-making the action of attempting to increase rainfall by artificial means. rain off (or US out) (esp. in passive) cause (an event etc.) to be terminated or cancelled because of rain. rain or shine whether it rains or not. rain-shadow a region shielded from rain by mountains etc. rain-wash 1 loose material carried away by rain. 2 the movement of this. rain-worm the common earthworm. Derivatives rainless adj. raintight adj. Etymology: OE regn, ren, regnian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English reyn, from Old English regn, ren; akin to Old High German regan ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. water falling in drops condensed from vapor in the atmosphere  b. the descent of this water  c. water that has fallen as ~ ; ~water  2.  a. a fall of ~ ; ~storm  b. plural the ~y season  3. ~y weather  4. a heavy fall a ~ of arrows  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to send down ~  2. to fall as water in drops from the clouds  3. to fall like ~ soot and ash ~ed down  transitive verb  1. to pour down  2. to give or administer abundantly ~ed blows on his head ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rains, raining, rained) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Rain is water that falls from the clouds in small drops. I hope you didn’t get soaked standing out in the rain... N-UNCOUNT: also the N 2. In countries where rain only falls in certain seasons, this rain is referred to as the rains. ...the spring, when the rains came... N-PLURAL: usu the N 3. When rain falls, you can say that it is raining. It was raining hard, and she hadn’t an umbrella. VERB: it V 4. If someone rains blows, kicks, or bombs on a person or place, the person or place is attacked by many blows, kicks, or bombs. You can also say that blows, kicks, or bombs rain on a person or place. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park... Rockets, mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings. VERB: V n on n, V on n • Rain down means the same as rain. Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives... Grenades and mortars rained down on Dubrovnik. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V P on n 5. If you say that someone does something rain or shine, you mean that they do it regularly, without being affected by the weather or other circumstances. Frances took her daughter walking every day, rain or shine. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky  (Rain is forecast for tomorrow. | We've had 5 inches of rain in two days! | We got caught in the rain and I'm soaked through. | it looks like rain! spoken (=it is probably going to rain))  (It looks like rain, so let's go inside. | heavy/light rain (=a large or small amount))  (There will be heavy rain in most parts of the country. | pour with rain BrE (=to rain very hard))  (It was pouring with rain as we set off.) 2 the rains a period in the year when there is a lot of rain in tropical countries; monsoon  (The rains have started early this year.) 3 be (as) right as rain spoken to be healthy, especially after you have been ill or had a bad experience 4 (come) rain or shine spoken whatever happens or whatever the weather is like  (Don't worry. We'll be there - rain or shine.) 5 under a rain of arrows/blows etc being hit by many arrows etc at the same time  (- see also acid rain) - rainless adj ~2 v 1 if it rains, drops of water fall from clouds in the sky  (Oh no! It's raining again! | It was raining hard.) 2 be rained off BrE be rained out AmE if an event or activity is rained off or rained out, it has to stop because there is too much rain  (We were supposed to go to a double header but it was rained out.) 3 it never rains but it pours spoken used to say that as soon as one thing goes wrong, a lot of other things go wrong as well 4 it's raining cats and dogs spoken it is raining very hard rain down phr v if something rains down, or is rained down, it falls in large quantities  (Tears rained down her cheeks. | The falling chimney rained down dust and stones.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Riverdweller's Aid Innercity Network univ. abbr. Registration And Academic Information Network food abbr. Run Around In Nachos network. abbr. Redundant Array Of Independent Networks network. abbr. Redundant Array Of Inexpensive Nodes non-prof. org. abbr. Rescuing Animals In Need religion abbr. Regional Aids Interfaith Network religion abbr. Religious Alliance In Nevada NASDAQ abbr. Rainforest Cafe, Inc. pos. abbr. Referral And Information Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. regn, from P.Gmc. *regna-. The verb is O.E. regnian, usually contracted to rinan. Rainbow is O.E. renboga; raindrop is O.E. rendropa; raincheck is from 1884, originally of tickets to rained-out baseball games; raincoat attested from 1830. Rain forest is first attested 1903, apparently a loan-translation of Ger. Regenwald, coined by A.F.W. Schimper for his 1898 work "Pflanzengeographie," and used first in the Eng. translation of it. Phrase to rain cats and dogs is attested from 1738 (variation rain dogs and polecats is from 1652), of unknown origin, despite intense speculation. To rain on (someone's) parade is attested from 1941. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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