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Англо-русский биологический словарь - pulp


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Перевод с английского языка pulp на русский


пульпа; мякоть

fruit pulpred pulp of spleentooth pulpwhite pulp of spleen

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   2. v.  1) превращать(ся) в мягкую массу  2) очищать от шелухи (кофейные зерна и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. мякость (плода и т. п.) 2. анат. пульпа 3. мягкая бесформенная масса, кашица; протертая масса, мезга paper pulp —- бумажная масса 4. тех. пульпа, шлам 5. древесная масса, волокнистая масса, целлюлоза 6. жом (сахара) beet pulp —- свекловичный жом; свекловичная пульпа 7. ам. разг. журналы, напечатанные на дешевой бумаге, публикующие сенсационные материалы 8. ам. разг. сенсационный материал 9. ам. разг. чепуха; халтура; сентиментальщина pulp fiction —- дешевые романы Id: to beat smb. to a pulp —- избить кого-либо до полусмерти, исколошматить кого-либо; сделать из кого-либо котлету Id: to be reduced to a pulp —- быть совершенно измочаленным, обессилеть 10. превращать в мягкую массу, в пульпу; протирать, измельчать 11. превращаться в мягкую массу 12. очищать от шелухи (кофейные зерна) 13. сдавать на переработку в бумажную массу ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (pulp (magazine)) дешевый (низкопробный) журнал Журнал, печатающийся на низкосортной, газетной бумаге (от pulp = бумага низшего сорта). Такие журналы обычно специализируются на публикации сенсационной информации, приключенческих романов с продолжением и т. п. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  пульпа; мякоть – fruit pulp – red pulp of spleen – tooth pulp – white pulp of spleen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) волокнистая масса 2) гидропульпа 3) мезга 4) мезговый 5) мякиш 6) мякотный 7) суспензия pulp beating stage — размол бумажной массы pulp cooking degree — степень делигнификации wetness of paper pulp — жирность бумажной массы - cotton pulp - feed pulp - flushing pulp - ground-wood pulp - ore pulp - rag pulp - refuse pulp - stowing pulp - straw pulp ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пульпа wood pulp ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пульпа; суспензия; шлам 2) (техническая) целлюлоза; древесная масса; целлюлозная масса; волокнистая масса превращать в волокнистую массу 3) мякоть (плодов) - acetylation pulp - acid sulfite pulp - beaten pulp - bisulfite pulp - bleached pulp - broken pulp - chemical wood pulp - cord rayon pulp - cord pulp - dense pulp - dissolving pulp - fast-beaten pulp - high-yield pulp - kraft pulp - low-yield pulp - mechanical wood pulp - neutral sulfite pulp - oil pulp - oxygen-soda pulp - paper pulp - rag pulp - rayon grade pulp - rayon pulp - refined pulp - refiner pulp - roll pulp - semichemical pulp - slime pulp - soda pulp - sulfate pulp - sulfite pulp - thermomechanical pulp - thin pulp - unbleached pulp - undercooked pulp - viscose pulp ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the soft fleshy part of fruit etc. 2 any soft thick wet mass. 3 a soft shapeless mass derived from rags, wood, etc., used in paper-making. 4 (often attrib.) poor quality (often sensational) writing orig. printed on rough paper (pulp fiction). 5 vascular tissue filling the interior cavity and root canals of a tooth. 6 Mining pulverized ore mixed with water. --v. 1 tr. reduce to pulp. 2 tr. withdraw (a publication) from the market, usu. recycling the paper. 3 tr. remove pulp from. 4 intr. become pulp. Derivatives pulper n. pulpless adj. pulpy adj. pulpiness n. Etymology: L pulpa ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Latin ~a flesh, ~  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) the soft, succulent part of a fruit usually composed of mesocarp  (2) stem pith when soft and spongy  b. a soft mass of vegetable matter (as of apples) from which most of the water has been extracted by pressure  c. the soft sensitive tissue that fills the central cavity of a tooth — see tooth illustration  d. a material prepared by chemical or mechanical means from various materials (as wood or rags) for use in making paper and cellulose products  2. pulverized ore mixed with water  3.  a. ~y condition or character  b. something in such a condition or having such a character  4. a magazine or book printed on cheap paper (as newsprint) and often dealing with sensational material; also sensational or tabloid writing — often used attributively ~ fiction  • ~iness noun  • ~y adjective  II. verb  Date: 1683  transitive verb  1. to reduce to ~ ~ed unsold copies of the book  2. to cause to appear ~y  3. to deprive of the ~  intransitive verb to become ~ or ~y  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pulps, pulping, pulped) 1. If an object is pressed into a pulp, it is crushed or beaten until it is soft, smooth, and wet. The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers. N-SING: also no det 2. In fruit or vegetables, the pulp is the soft part inside the skin. Make maximum use of the whole fruit, including the pulp which is high in fibre. N-SING: the N, also no det 3. Wood pulp is material made from crushed wood. It is used to make paper. N-UNCOUNT 4. People refer to stories or novels as pulp fiction when they consider them to be of poor quality and intentionally shocking or sensational. ...lurid ’50s pulp novels. ADJ: ADJ n 5. If paper, vegetables, or fruit are pulped, they are crushed into a smooth, wet paste. Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree. ...creamed or pulped tomatoes. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 6. If money or documents are pulped, they are destroyed. This is done to stop the money being used or to stop the documents being seen by the public. 25 million pounds worth of five pound notes have been pulped because the designers made a mistake. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 7. If someone is beaten to a pulp or beaten to pulp, they are hit repeatedly until they are very badly injured. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a very soft substance that is almost liquid  (boil/cook sth to a pulp)  (First, boil the vegetables to a pulp.) 2 the soft inside part of a fruit or vegetable  (Halve the melon and scoop out the seeds and pulp.) 3 wood or other substances from plants that are used for making paper 4 books, magazines, films etc that are of poor quality or are badly written 5 beat sb to a pulp informal to hit someone until they are seriously injured 6 part of the inside of a tooth - pulpy adj ~2 adj only before noun pulp magazines, stories etc are of poor quality and are often about sex and violence  (pulp novels | pulp fiction) ~3 v 1 to beat or crush something until it becomes so soft that it is almost liquid  (pulped apples) 2 to make books or newspapers into paper ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from L. pulpa "animal or plant pulp, pith of wood." The adjective meaning "sensational" is from pulp magazine (1931), so called from pulp in sense of "the type of rough paper used in cheaply made magazines and books" (1727). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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