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Англо-русский биологический словарь - principle


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Перевод с английского языка principle на русский


active principleall-or-nothing principleBergmann's principlecompetitive exclusion principlefounder principleGause's principleminimax principletransforming principle

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  noun  1) принцип; правило; закон; as a matter of principle - в принципе; unanimity principle - принцип единогласия; in principle - в принципе; on principle - из принципа; on the principle that - исходя из того, что; of principle - принципиальный; a question of principle - принципиальный вопрос; man of high(est) principle - высокопринципиальный человек; a man of no principles - беспринципный человек  2) первопричина; причина, источник  3) chem. составная часть, элемент  4) принцип устройства (машины, механизма и т.п.) Syn: assumption, axiom, theorem ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. принцип, основа, закон Archimedes' principle, buoyancy principle —- закон Архимеда principles of war —- принципы военного искусства principles of biology —- основы биологии principle of action and reaction —- закон равенства действия и противодействия principle of universal gravitation —- закон всемирного тяготения 2. норма, основное правило (поведения); принцип unanimity principle, principle of unanimity —- принцип единогласия on principle —- из принципа; в соответствии с правилом, нормой, привычкой и т. п. he drank hot milk every night on principle —- у него было правилом (он имел обыкновение) каждый вечер пить горячее молоко in principle —- в принципе a man of principle —- принципиальный человек a man of no principles —- беспринципный человек to stick to one's principles —- придерживаться своих принципов the principles of a political party —- принципы политической партии I make it a principle never to lend money —- я взял за правило, никому не давать взаймы 3. принцип (работы); основа (действия, устройства) step principle —- ступенчатый принцип конструирования (ракеты) to work on principle —- работать (действовать) по какому-л. принципу in all these instruments the principle is the same —- все эти инструменты действуют по одному и тому-же принципу 4. специфика действия, действующее начало лекарственного вещества 5. источник, первопричина,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – active principle – all-or-nothing principle – Bergmann's principle – competitive exclusion principle – founder principle – Gause's principle – minimax principle – transforming principle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  принцип; правило; норма; первопричина – principle of independence – principle of machine – principle of novelty – principle of operation – principle of priority – principle of reciprocity – principle of unity of invention – active principle – competitive exclusion principle – duality principle – guiding principle – operating principle – scientific principles – unitary principle PRINCIPLE 1. сущ. 1) принцип 2) основа 3) закон, норма • - accounting principles - adhering to principles - agreement in principle - based on principles - basic principle - business principle - control principle - decision as to principle - decision in principle - economic principle - in principle - man of principle - on principle - on the industrial principle - principle of choice - principle of comparability - principle of delegated authorities - principle of duality - principle of equal likelihood - principle of harmony - principle of material incentive - principle of operation - principle of optimality - principle of parity - principle of sufficiency - principle of unbiasedness - principles of management - reciprocity principle - matter of principle Syn: concept, approach 2. прил. принципиальный Syn: basic, key, schematic, conceptual ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) закон 2) начало 3) правило 4) принцип change of measure principle — принцип замены меры complementary slackness principle — принцип дополнительной нежесткости continuous maximum principle — принцип непрерывного максимума discrete maximum principle — принцип дискретного максимума distributed maximum principle — принцип распределенного максимума generalized principle of induction — обобщенный принцип индукции least curvature principle — принцип наименьшей кривизны least number principle — принцип наименьшего числа logical correspondence principle — принцип логического соответствия Pauli exclusion principle — принцип запрета Паули principle of action and reaction — принцип действия и противодействия principle of adiabatic invariance — принцип адиабатической инвариантности principle of analytic continuation — принцип аналитического продолжения principle of bounding solutions — принцип граничных решений principle of complete induction — принцип полной индукции principle of condensation of singularities — теорема о сгущении особенностей principle of contracting mappings — принцип сжатых отображений principle of contraction mapping — принцип сжатых отображений principle of detailed balance — физ. принцип детального равновесия principle of excluded middle — принцип исключенного третьего principle of extension of identities — принцип продолжения тождеств principle of extension of inequalities — принцип продолжения...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  принцип – principle of pattern multiplication principle – amplitude principle – code-pulse principle – combined principle – continuity principle – coordinate link principle – direct communication principle – frequency principle – group principle – Hartley principle – Huygens principle – interpolation principle – open circuit principle – network-decomposition principle – pulsations multiplying principle – pulse-amplitude principle – radial principle – radio wiring principle – reciprocity principle – station-by-station principle – time-pulse principle – voltage-compensation principle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) принцип; закон; правило 2) первооснова, источник 3) составная часть, элемент - principle of argument - principle of boxes - principle of duality - principle of harmonic measure - principle of least action - principle of minimax - principle of negative strip - principle of optimality - principle of superposition - principle of the maximum - Ackerman principle - air bleed principle - Archimedean principle - building-block principle - catalyst downflow principle - catalyst upflow principle - constant luminance principle - drawer principle - duality principle - Duhamel's principle - Duhamel principle - extremum principle - GT principle - heat-transfer principles - image principle - Junghans principle - local principle - maximum modulus principle - on-off principle - reciprocity principle - regenerative principle - uncertainty principle - unit construction principle - variational principle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a fundamental truth or law as the basis of reasoning or action (arguing from first principles; moral principles). 2 a a personal code of conduct (a person of high principle). b (in pl.) such rules of conduct (has no principles). 3 a general law in physics etc. (the uncertainty principle). 4 a law of nature forming the basis for the construction or working of a machine etc. 5 a fundamental source; a primary element (held water to be the first principle of all things). 6 Chem. a constituent of a substance, esp. one giving rise to some quality, etc. Phrases and idioms in principle as regards fundamentals but not necessarily in detail. on principle on the basis of a moral attitude (I refuse on principle). Etymology: ME f. OF principe f. L principium source, (in pl.) foundations (as PRINCE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French principe, ~, from Old French, from Latin principium beginning, from princip-, princeps initiator — more at prince  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption  b.  (1) a rule or code of conduct  (2) habitual devotion to right ~s a man of ~  c. the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device  2. a primary source ; origin  3.  a. an underlying faculty or endowment such ~s of human nature as greed and curiosity  b. an ingredient (as a chemical) that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality  4. capitalized, Christian Science a divine ~ ; god Usage:  Although nearly every handbook and many dictionaries warn against confusing ~ and principal, many people still do. Principle is only a noun; principal is both adjective and noun. If you are unsure which noun you want, read the definitions in this dictionary. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (principles) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A principle is a general belief that you have about the way you should behave, which influences your behaviour. Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles... It’s not just a matter of principle. ...a man of principle. N-VAR: usu poss N, adj N, prep N 2. The principles of a particular theory or philosophy are its basic rules or laws. ...a violation of the basic principles of Marxism... N-COUNT: usu N of n, adj N 3. Scientific principles are general scientific laws which explain how something happens or works. These people lack all understanding of scientific principles. N-COUNT: usu adj N, N of n 4. If you agree with something in principle, you agree in general terms to the idea of it, although you do yet know the details or know if it will be possible. I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice. PHRASE: usu PHR after v 5. If something is possible in principle, there is no known reason why it should not happen, even though it has not happened before. Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon. PHRASE 6. If you refuse to do something on principle, you refuse to do it because of a particular belief that you have. He would vote against it on principle... PHRASE: usu with brd-neg, PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »MORAL RULE« a) a moral rule or set of ideas which makes you behave in a particular way  (She resigned on a matter of principle. | the principle of the thing spoken)  (You shouldn't just take the car without asking, it's the principle of the thing. | on principle (=because of a moral rule you follow))  (I don't eat meat on principle. | on the principle that)  (We charge no fees on the principle that education should be available for all.) b) strong ideas about what is morally right or wrong, that you try to follow in everything you do  (He has no principles; he'll do anything, as long as it's profitable. | against sb's principles (=morally wrong to that person)) 2 »RULES OF A PROCESS« a) a rule which explains the way something such as a machine works, or which explains a natural force in the universe  (the principle of the internal combustion engine | Archimedes' principle) b) principles plural the general rules on which a skill, science etc is based  (Einstein's theories form the basic principles of modern physics. | first principles (=the most important and basic rules)) 3 »BELIEF« a belief that is accepted as a reason for an action, way of thinking etc  (the principle of free markets) 4 man/woman of principle someone who has strong ideas about what is morally right or wrong 5 in principle a) if something is possible in principle, there is no good reason why it should not happen, but it has not actually happened yet  (In principle you are entitled to a financial grant, but they're difficult to claim.) b) if you agree in principle, you agree about a general plan or idea without the details  (The scheme seems O.K. in principle, but I'd like to know more details.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1380, "origin, source," from Anglo-Norm. principle, from O.Fr. principe, from L. principium (pl. principia) "a beginning, first part," from princeps (see prince). Used absolutely for (good or moral) principle from 1653. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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