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Англо-русский биологический словарь - pole


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abembryonal poleanimal polevegetative pole

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  полюс ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I Pole noun поляк; полька; the poles pl.; collect. - поляки II  1. noun  1) столб, шест, жердь; кол, веха  2) багор  3) дышло  4) мера длины (= 5,029 м) - under bare poles - up the pole  2. v.  1) подпирать шестами  2) отталкивать(ся) шестом или веслами III noun  1) полюс; unlike poles phys. - разноименные полюсы  2) attr. полюсный; pole extension electr. - полюсный наконечник, полюсный башмак - be poles asunder as wide as the poles apart диаметрально противоположные POLE jump = pole vault POLE vault прыжок с шестом ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. поляк, полька the Poles —- собир. поляки pole 1. столб; шест, жердь; кол; веха; рейка telegraph pole —- телеграфный столб anchoring pole —- анкерная опора, натяжной столб lattice (trussed) pole —- решетчатая мачта pole drill —- штанговый бур pole climbers —- когти для залезания на столбы 2. лыжная палка (также ski pole) 3. спорт. шест для прыжков (также vaulting pole) 4. дышло 5. багор 6. мор. мачта under (with) bare poles —- без парусов 7. рангоутное дерево; стеньга 8. мерная рейка 9. поль (мера длины = 5,029 м) 10. поль (мера площади = 25,289 м в квадрате) 11. крайняя внутренняя дорожка (легкая атлетика); внутренняя сторона скакового круга (конный спорт) 12. редк. хвост (животного) Id: up the pole —- в тяжелом или затруднительном положении; помешавшийся, не в своем уме; пьяный, "под мухой"; воен. в почете, в уважении Id: under bare poles —- голый, раздетый Id: to slide down a greasy pole —- стремительно катиться вниз Id: the pound is sliding down a greasy pole —- фунт неудержимо падает Id: wouldn't (won't) touch smb., smth. with a ten-foot pole —- обходить кого-л. за версту 13. забивать сваи или колья; устанавливать столбы 14. отталкивать (судно) шестами или веслами 15. отталкиваться шестами или веслами 16. двигать (судно) баграми 17. переносить на шестах 18. дразнить (расплавленную массу) 19. спорт....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  полюс – abembryonal pole – animal pole – vegetative pole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) полюс 2) столб; стойка; шест; мачта; (одностоечная) опора (напр. линии передач) 3) опорная точка (в компьютерной графике) 4) тяга 5) электрод (источника тока) 6) пик (значений) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) водило 2) дразнить 3) дышло 4) жердевой 5) жердь 6) коловый 7) круглолежневой 8) мачта 9) опора 10) полюс 11) полюсник 12) слега 13) стойка 14) столб 15) шест 16) шестовина clearance of a pole line — высота провода наименьшая pole and line fishing — лов крючковыми орудиями pole copper for density — дразнить медь для плотности pole copper for toughness — дразнить медь для ковкости pole of algebraic function — полюс алгебраической функции pole of analytic function — полюс аналитической функции pole of meromorphic function — полюс мероморфной функции pole of order n — полюс n-го порядка pole of quadric surface — полюс поверхности второго порядка pole of singular integral — полюс сингулярного интеграла pole of stereographic projection — полюс стереографической проекции pole of system of coordinates — полюс (полярной) системы координат pole tram road — круглолежневая дорога rake of a pole — наклон опоры shear pole derrick — двуногий деррик single pole filter — однозвенный фильтр trihedral strutted pole — опора строенная - absolute pole - anchor pole - anchoring pole - celestial pole - commutating pole - contact pole - false pole - field pole - geographic pole - geomagnetic pole - gin pole - harmonical pole - isolated pole - like pole - logarithmic pole - main pole - multiple pole - multiplicity of pole - n-tuple pole - non-salient pole - north pole - order of pole - pole attachments - pole changer - pole copper - pole derrick - pole expansion - pole fender - pole figure - pole gap - pole guy - pole hook - pole horn - pole line - pole of circle...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) полюс 2) столб, опора (низковольтной ЛЭП) – magnetic pole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  столб, столбчатая (стоечная) опора полюс, полюсная точка A pole aerial cable pole A-frame poles anchor pole angle pole attraction pole brace pole concrete pole coupled pole dead-end pole gin pole girder pole guyed pole ledger pole luminaire pole medium pole prestressed pole range pole scaffolding pole stout pole street-lighting pole telegraph pole telephone pole terminal pole transformer pole tubular pole twin poles ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) полюс (1. Земли 2. вывод, контакт 3. особая точка функции) 2) столб; стойка; свая 3) мачта; (одностоечная) опора (ЛЭП) 4) ограждать [крепить] котлован 5) багор 6) метал. дразнилка (расплавленной массы) дразнить (расплавленную массу) 7) электрод (электрохимического источника тока) pole in a network — полюс сети - pole of function - pole of polar system - pole of relative inaccessibility - analogous poles - anchor pole - angle pole - auxiliary pole - catenary pole - cold pole - commutating pole - complex pole - concentrated poles - concrete pole - conjugate poles - converter station pole - corner dead-end pole - crossing pole - dead-end pole - definite poles - derrick pole - earthed pole - earth magnetic pole - caves pole - electric pole - field pole - geographic pole - geomagnetic pole - gin pole - grounded pole - guyed pole - hoosier pole - input pole - intermediate pole - interrupter pole - joint-ownership poles - junction pole - laminated pole - lamp pole - lattice pole - leveling pole - like poles - line pole - loading pole - magnet pole - magnetic pole - main poles - mope pole - negative pole - negative real pole - nonsalient poles - north magnetic pole - opposite poles - output pole - paleomagnetic pole - positive pole - post pole - power transmission pole - projecting poles - range pole - reciprocal pole - reinforced concrete pole - reversing pole - ridge pole - salient poles - scaffold pole - screened pole - self-supporting pole - shaded pole - shading pole - shielded pole - shooting pole - simple pole - slotted pole - smooth poles - south magnetic pole - span pole - stayed pole - storey pole - straddle pole - strutted pole - surveyor's pole - terminal pole - terrestrial magnetic pole - tide pole - transposition pole - trolley pole - trussed pole - tubular pole - valve pole - wave height pole - wave pole - wood pole ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a native or national of Poland. 2 a person of Polish descent. Etymology: G f. Pol. Polanie, lit. field-dwellers f. pole field POLE 1. n. & v. --n. 1 a long slender rounded piece of wood or metal, esp. with the end placed in the ground as a support etc. 2 a wooden shaft fitted to the front of a vehicle and attached to the yokes or collars of the draught animals. 3 = PERCH(1). --v.tr. 1 provide with poles. 2 (usu. foll. by off) push off (a punt etc.) with a pole. Phrases and idioms pole position the most favourable position at the start of a motor race (orig. next to the inside boundary-fence). pole-vault (or -jump) n. the athletic sport of vaulting over a high bar with the aid of a long flexible pole held in the hands and giving extra spring. --v.intr. take part in this sport. pole-vaulter a person who pole-vaults. under bare poles Naut. with no sail set. up the pole sl. 1 crazy, eccentric. 2 in difficulty. Etymology: OE pal ult. f. L palus stake 2. n. 1 (in full north pole, south pole) a each of the two points in the celestial sphere about which the stars appear to revolve. b each of the extremities of the axis of rotation of the earth or another body. c see magnetic pole. Usage The spelling is North Pole and South Pole when used as geographical designations. 2 each of the two opposite points on the surface of a magnet at which magnetic forces are strongest. 3 each of two terminals (positive and negative) of an electric cell or battery etc. 4 each of two opposed principles or ideas. 5 Geom. each of two points in which the axis of a circle cuts the surface of a sphere. 6 a fixed point to which others are referred. 7 Biol. an extremity of the main axis of any spherical or oval organ. Phrases and idioms be poles apart differ greatly, esp. in nature or opinion. Derivatives poleward adj. polewards adj. & adv. Etymology: ME f. L polus f. Gk polos pivot, axis, sky ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: German, of Slavic origin; akin to Polish Polak ~, Polska Poland, pole field  Date: 1535  1. a native or inhabitant of Poland  2. a person of Polish descent  II. biographical name Reginald 1500-1558 English cardinal; archbishop of Canterbury (1556-58) POLE  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pal stake, ~, from Latin palus stake; akin to Latin pangere to fix — more at pact  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a long slender usually cylindrical object (as a length of wood)  b. a shaft which extends from the front axle of a wagon between wheelhorses and by which the wagon is drawn ; tongue  c. a long staff of wood, metal, or fiberglass used in the ~ vault  2. a varying unit of length; especially one equal to a rod (16 1/2 feet or about 5 meters)  3. a tree with a breast-high diameter of from 4 to 12 inches (10 to 30 centimeters)  4. the inside front row position on the starting line for a race  II. verb  (~d; poling)  Date: 1573  transitive verb  1. to act upon with a ~  2. to impel or push with a ~  intransitive verb  1. to propel a boat with a ~  2. to use ski ~s to gain speed  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin polus, from Greek polos pivot, ~; akin to Greek pelesthai to become, Sanskrit carati he moves, wanders — more at wheel  Date: 14th century  1. either extremity of an axis of a sphere and especially of the earth's axis  2.  a. either of two related opposites  b. a point of guidance or attraction  3.  a. either of the two terminals of an electric cell, battery, generator, or motor  b. one of two or more regions in a magnetized body at which the magnetic flux density is concentrated  4. either of two morphologically or physiologically differentiated areas at opposite ends of an axis in an organism or cell — see blastula illustration  5.  a. the fixed point in a system of polar coordinates that serves as the origin  b. the point of origin of two tangents to a conic section that determine a polar ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (poles) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pole is a long thin piece of wood or metal, used especially for supporting things. The truck crashed into a telegraph pole... He reached up with a hooked pole to roll down the metal shutter. N-COUNT 2. The earth’s poles are the two opposite ends of its axis, its most northern and southern points. For six months of the year, there is hardly any light at the poles. N-COUNT see also North Pole, South Pole 3. The two poles of a range of qualities, opinions, or beliefs are the completely opposite qualities, opinions, or beliefs at either end of the range. The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum. N-COUNT 4. If you say that two people or things are poles apart, you mean that they have completely different beliefs, opinions, or qualities. PHRASE: v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis POLE (Poles) A Pole is a Polish citizen, or a person of Polish origin. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »STICK/POST« a long stick or post usually made of wood or metal, often set upright in the ground to support something  (a telephone pole | a flagpole | The dusty curtains hung from unpolished brass poles.) 2 »NORTH/SOUTH POLE« the most northern or most southern point on a planet, especially the Earth  (Amundsen's expedition was the first to reach the pole.) 3 be poles apart two people or things that are poles apart are as different from each other as it is possible to be  (Both brilliant pianists, Powell and Monk are poles apart in style.) 4 »OPPOSITE IDEAS/BELIEFS« one of two situations, ideas, or opinions that are the complete opposite of each other  (We have the accumulation of wealth at one pole and poverty and misery at the other.) 5 »ELECTRICAL« a) one of two points at the ends of a magnet where its power is the strongest b) one of the two points at which wires can be fixed onto a battery (1) in order to use its electricity 6 »IN THE SKY« one of the two points in the sky, one to the north of the Earth and one to the south, around which the stars appear to turn ~2 n someone who comes from Poland ~3 v to push a boat along in the water using a pole ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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