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Англо-русский биологический словарь - plate


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Перевод с английского языка plate на русский


1) пластина

2) зоол. пластинка; чешуйка

3) бляшка

4) чашка; высевать на чашки

5) планшет, плашка

agar platealar plateambital plateambulacral plateanal plateassay plateaxial platebasal plateblood platecatch platecell plateclinoid plateclosing platecluster plateconnecting platescooling platecounting platecribriform platecrowded plateculture plateEbner's granular plateend plateEndo plateequatorial platefrontal plategenial plategenovertical plategill plategill-shaped plategradient plateharvester platehemolytic gel plateimmunodiffusion plateinterambulacral platelateral platemedullary platemetaphase platemicrotiter platemotor platemotor end platemultiwell plateneural platenuclear plateocular plateoral platepaddle plateplaquing platepole platespore plateprechordal plateprimitive plateseptal platesieve plateslide platesport platestreak platestreaked plateswimming platethin layer platewax plateyolk plate

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См. в других словарях

  glass зеркальное стекло PLATE noun = La Plata PLATE  1. noun  1) пластинка; дощечка  2) тарелка  3) столовое серебро; металлическая (преим. серебряная или золотая) посуда  4) фотопластинка  5) плита, лист, полоса (металла); листовая сталь  6) гравюра, эстамп  7) вклейка, иллюстрация на отдельном листе  8) экслибрис  9) typ. печатная форма; гальваноклише; стереотип  10) призовой кубок  11) скачки на приз  12) вставная челюсть  13) electr. анод (лампы)  14) constr. мауэрлат to have enough on ones plate - быть сытым по горло  2. v.  1) обшивать металлическим листом; накладывать серебро, золото; лудить; The knives and forks have been plated with silver.  2) typ. изготовлять гальваноклише или стереотип  3) плющить (металл), расковывать в листы  4) tech. плакировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. тарелка dinner plate —- мелкая тарелка plate of soup —- тарелка супу 2. блюдо fruit plate —- фрукты (десерт) fish plate —- рыбное блюдо cold plate —- холодное блюдо 3. полная тарелка 4. еда на одного человека (на банкете, званом обеде и т. п.) the dinner will cost $10 a plate —- ужин обойдется по 10 долларов с человека we cooked enough for six plates of spaghetti —- мы приготовили спагетти на шестерых 5. тарелка для сбора пожертвований (в церкви; также church plate) to put a shilling in(to) the plate —- пожертвовать шиллинг to pass (to take) round the plate —- собирать пожертвования 6. разг. пожертвованные деньги 7. столовое серебро; металлическая посуда (преим. серебряная или золотая) the family plate included... —- среди фамильного серебра были... 8. посеребренная или позолоченная посуда the knives are plate, not solid silver —- это не серебряные, а посеребренные ножи 9. плита, лист, полоса (металла); листовая сталь base (bed, foundation) plate —- опорная (фундаментная) плита plate iron —- (толсто)листовая сталь plate slab —- сляб 10. воен. броня, обшивка the steel plates of a ship —- стальная обшивка (броня) корабля 11. листовое или зеркальное стекло 12. пластинка, дощечка plate an inch thick —- пластинка в дюйм толщиной name plate —- дверная пластинка с фамилией; указатель, пластинка с названием улицы; заводская...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. грудина При разделе говяжьей туши для оптовой продажи. См. wholesale cuts of beef 2. кул. грудинка См. retail cuts of beef ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) пластина 2) зоол. пластинка; чешуйка 3) бляшка 4) чашка; высевать на чашки 5) планшет, плашка – agar plate – alar plate – ambital plate – ambulacral plate – anal plate – assay plate – axial plate – basal plate – blood plate – catch plate – cell plate – clinoid plate – closing plate – cluster plate – connecting plates – cooling plate – counting plate – cribriform plate – crowded plate – culture plate – Ebner's granular plate – end plate – Endo plate – equatorial plate – frontal plate – genial plate – genovertical plate – gill plate – gill-shaped plate – gradient plate – harvester plate – hemolytic gel plate – immunodiffusion plate – interambulacral plate – lateral plate – medullary plate – metaphase plate – microtiter plate – motor plate – motor end plate – multiwell plate – neural plate – nuclear plate – ocular plate – oral plate – paddle plate – plaquing plate – pole plates – pore plate – prechordal plate – primitive plate – septal plate – sieve plate – slide plate – sport plate – streak plate – swimming plate – thin layer plate – wax plate – yolk plate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  – rating plate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) анод радиолампы 2) анодный 3) витринный 4) диск 5) дисковый 6) жесть 7) метал. лист 8) листовой 9) монтажная плата 10) обкладка 11) пластина 12) пластинка 13) пластиночный 14) пластинчатый 15) плата 16) плита 17) плитный 18) покрывать металлом 19) покрыть 20) таблица 21) тарелка 22) толстолистовый 23) толстый 24) фотопластинка 25) штамп to roll up plate — закатывать печатную форму - accessory plate - anchor plate - aperture plate - apron plate - ballasting plate - battery plate - bench plate - bending plate - boiler plate - bottom plate - boundary plate - breaker plate - bubble cap plate - bumper plate - buttock plate - cam plate - capacitor plate - chyck plate - clamp plate - clamping plate - clutch drive plate - clutch plate - collar plate - collotype plate - continuous plate - copper plate - core plate - corner plate - coveler plate - cover plate - crank plate - dash plate - deck plate - detachable plate - distribution plate - duplicate plate - embossing plate - face plate - feed index plate - feed plate - ferrite plate - finger plate - flange plate - floating tube plate - floor plate - foot plate - gage plate - gripping plate - guard plate - gusset plate - half-wave plate - halftone plate - hot plate - hull plate - impingement plate - index plate - ink plate - intaglio plate - jaw plate - jig plate - joint plate - lantern plate - lifting plate - lining plate - link plate - master plate - number plate - offset plate - orifice plate - original plate - paper master plate - parallel-sided plate - pasted plate - pattern plate - pavement plate - pelletizing plate - pole plate - poling plate - pressure clutch plate - printing plate - punch a plate - quarter-wave plate - quartz plate - ramp plate - rapping plate - reinforced concrete plate - relief plate - rigidity of plate - sandwich plate - scale...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) амер. анод 2) обкладка конденсатора 3) табличка с паспортными данными 4) плита; пластина – back plate – circular zone plate – horizontal deflection plate – identification plate – image plate – matching plate – minor deflection plates – quarter-wave plate – rating plate – reverberation plate – signal plate – storage plate – vertical deflection plate – X-plates – Y-plates ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  пластина; пластинка; плита лист, листовой материал опорный деревянный брус; мауэрлат; верхний брус обвязки толстолистовая сталь электролитическое покрытие металлизировать; плакировать plate thickened under column plate with pedestals absorber plate access plate air diffuser plate aluminum plate anchor plate angle plate armor plate articulated plate back plate baffle plate base plate batten plate beam bearing plate beams-to-glulam-column T plate beams-to-glulam-column U plate bearing plate bed plate bottom plate bottom chord junction plate brake plate canted tie plate capacity plate cast-iron plate ceiling plate cheek plate chequer plate chord plate clamping plate compaction plate corner plate cover plate crawler plate curb plate curved plate deck plate diaphragm plate diffuser plate door plate earth plate eaves plate edge plate eliminator plate filler plate finger plate flat plate flexible plate floor plate folded plates foundation plate glass plate grid plate ground plate gusset plate head plate hinged plate hot rolled steel plate infinite plate jack plate junction plate key plate kick plate letter-box plate liner plate lining plate masonry plate mop plate nail plate one-way vibrating plate orifice plate orthotropic plate outside studding plate partial cover plate perforated plate porous diffuser plate rating plate reversible vibration plate ribbed plate ridge plate rigid plate saddle plate sandwich plate semi-infinite plate shear plate shell plate sill plate sliding plate sole plate splice plate stay plate steel plate stressed plate switch plate tie plate top plate tube plate valve plate vibrating plate vibrating tamping plate walk-behind compacting plate wall plate web plate wing plate zinc plate ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) плита; пластин(к)а 2) сланцевая горная порода 3) (толстый) лист; толстолистовая сталь 4) жесть 5) пластинчатый порошок 6) гальваническое [электролитическое] покрытие наносить гальваническое [электролитическое] покрытие; осаждать [выделять] на электроде 7) наносить покрытие 8) металлизировать; плакировать 9) гидр. стенка 10) гидр., мор. обшивка 11) обшивать геод. алидада теодолита 12) тарелка (ректификационной колонны) 13) обкладка (конденсатора) 14) амер. анод 15) электрон. плата 16) электрон. фотошаблон 17) решётка (волчка или мясорубки) 18) шайба 19) печатная форма; клише; стереотип 20) полигр. формная пластина 21) гравюра; эстамп 22) вкладная иллюстрация 23) бтх плоская чашка; планшет (для клонирования, титрования и т. п.) 24) табличка 25) номерной знак - plate of shoe - absorber plate - accumulator plate - adapter plate - additive plate - adjustable angle cam plate - advance plate - aluminum plate - anchor plate - anodic plate - anodized plate - antifiring plate - aperture plate - apron plate - aqueous-developed plate - armor plate - autochromatic plate - back plate - backed plate - background plate - backing plate - backing brake plate - baffle plate - barrier plate - base plate - bath plate - batten plate - battery plate - battery bottom plate - bearing plate - bed plate - bench plate - bimetal plate - bit breaker plate - black plate - black-edged plate - blade moldboard plate - blade retaining plate - blank plate - body bolster bottom cover plate - body bolster top cover...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a shallow vessel, usu. circular and of earthenware or china, from which food is eaten or served. b the contents of this (ate a plate of sandwiches). 2 a similar vessel usu. of metal or wood, used esp. for making a collection in a church etc. 3 US a main course of a meal, served on one plate. 4 Austral. & NZ a contribution of cakes, sandwiches, etc., to a social gathering. 5 (collect.) a utensils of silver, gold, or other metal. b objects of plated metal. 6 a piece of metal with a name or inscription for affixing to a door, container, etc. 7 an illustration on special paper in a book. 8 a thin sheet of metal, glass, etc., coated with a sensitive film for photography. 9 a flat thin usu. rigid sheet of metal etc. with an even surface and uniform thickness, often as part of a mechanism. 10 a a smooth piece of metal etc. for engraving. b an impression made from this. 11 a a silver or gold cup as a prize for a horse-race etc. b a race with this as a prize. 12 a a thin piece of plastic material, moulded to the shape of the mouth and gums, to which artificial teeth or another orthodontic appliance are attached. b colloq. a complete denture or orthodontic appliance. 13 Geol. each of several rigid sheets of rock thought to form the earth's outer crust. 14 Biol. a thin flat organic structure or formation. 15 a light shoe for a racehorse. 16 a stereotype, electrotype, or plastic cast of a page of composed movable types, or a metal or plastic copy of filmset matter, from which sheets are printed. 17 US Baseball a flat piece of whitened rubber marking the station of a batter or pitcher. 18 US the anode of a thermionic valve. 19 a horizontal timber laid along the top of a wall to support the ends of joists or rafters (window-plate). --v.tr. 1 apply a thin coat esp. of silver, gold, or tin to (another metal). 2 cover (esp. a ship) with plates of metal, esp. for protection. 3 make a plate of (type etc.) for printing. Phrases and idioms on a plate colloq. available with little trouble to the recipient. on one's plate for one to deal...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~, feminine of plat flat, from Vulgar Latin *plattus, probably from Greek platys broad, flat — more at place  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a smooth flat thin piece of material  b.  (1) forged, rolled, or cast metal in sheets usually thicker than 1/4 inch (6 millimeters)  (2) a very thin layer of metal deposited on a surface of base metal by plating  c. one of the broad metal pieces used in armor; also armor of such ~s  d.  (1) a thin relatively flat anatomical part (as a lamina of bone) of an animal body; especially scute  (2) the thin under portion of the forequarter of beef; especially the fatty back part — see beef illustration  e. home ~  f. any of the large movable segments into which the earth's lithosphere is divided according to the theory of ~ tectonics  2. Middle English; partly from Anglo-French ~ ~, bullion; partly from Old Spanish plata silver, from Vulgar Latin *platta metal ~, from feminine of plattus flat  a. obsolete a silver coin  b. precious metal; especially silver bullion  3. Middle English, from Anglo-French plat, ~ dish, ~, from plat flat  a. domestic hollowware made of or ~d with gold, silver, or base metals  b. a shallow usually circular vessel from which food is eaten or served  c.  (1) a quantity to fill a ~ ; ~ful  (2) a main course served on a ~  (3) food and service supplied to one person a dinner at $10 a ~  d.  (1) a prize given to the winner in a contest  (2) British a horse race in which the contestants compete for a prize of fixed value rather than stakes  e. a dish or pouch passed during collections  f. a flat glass or plastic dish used chiefly for culturing microorganisms  4.  a. a prepared surface from which printing is done  b. a sheet of material (as glass or plastic) coated with a light-sensitive photographic emulsion  c. a metallic grid with its interstices filled with active material that forms one of the structural units of a battery  d. license ~  5. a horizontal...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (plates) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A plate is a round or oval flat dish that is used to hold food. Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing. N-COUNT • A plate of food is the amount of food on the plate. ...a huge plate of bacon and eggs. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A plate is a flat piece of metal, especially on machinery or a building. N-COUNT 3. A plate is a small, flat piece of metal with someone’s name written on it, which you usually find beside the front door of an office or house. N-COUNT 4. On a road vehicle, the plates are the panels at the front and back which display the license number in the United States, and the registration number in Britain. ...dusty-looking cars with New Jersey plates. N-PLURAL see also number plate, license plate 5. Plate is dishes, bowls, and cups that are made of precious metal, especially silver or gold. ...gold and silver plate, jewellery, and roomfuls of antique furniture. N-UNCOUNT 6. A plate in a book is a picture or photograph which takes up a whole page and is usually printed on better quality paper than the rest of the book. Fermor’s book has 55 colour plates. N-COUNT 7. In geology, a plate is a large piece of the earth’s surface, perhaps as large as a continent, which moves very slowly. (TECHNICAL) N-COUNT 8. If you have enough on your plate or have a lot on your plate, you have a lot of work to do or a lot of things to deal with. We have enough on our plate. There is plenty of work to be done on what we have. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you say that someone has things handed to them on a plate, you disapprove of them because they get good things easily. (mainly BRIT) Even the presidency was handed to him on a plate. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]disapproval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOOD« a) a flat and usually round dish that you eat from or serve food from  (The plates were piled high with rice. | a dinner plate | clear/empty your plate (=eat everything on your plate)) b) also plateful the amount of food that is on a plate + of  (He's eaten a whole plate of french fries.) 2 »SIGN« a) a flat piece of metal with words or numbers on it, for example on a door or a car  (The plate on the door said `Dr Rackman'. | A plate below the statue indicated that it had been donated by the artist. | number/licence/registration plate (=on a car))  (Did anyone see the car's license plate?)  (- see also L­plate, nameplate) b) plates the flat pieces of metal on a car which give information about who the car belongs to or which country it is from 3 have a lot on your plate informal to have a lot of problems to deal with or a lot of things to worry about 4 hand sth to sb on a plate informal to let someone have what they want without making them work to achieve it  (Liverpool virtually handed the game to United on a plate.) 5 »PROTECTIVE COVERING« a) technical one of the thin sheets of bone, horn etc that covers and protects the outside of an animal  (The reptile's body is covered with horny protective plates.) b) a thin sheet of metal used to protect something  (steel plates used in the construction of ships) 6 »EARTH'S SURFACE« technical one of the very large sheets of rock that form the surface of the Earth  (- see also plate tectonics) 7 »GOLD/SILVER ETC« a) gold/silver etc plate ordinary metal with a thin covering of gold, silver etc b) articles such as plates, cups, forks or knives made of gold or silver 8 »FOR COOKING« especially BrE a metal ring on an electric cooker that you put pans on when cooking 9 »PICTURES/PHOTOS« a) a sheet of metal that has been cut or treated in some way so that words or pictures can be printed from its surface b) a picture in a book, printed on good-quality paper and usually coloured c) technical a thin sheet of glass used especially in the past in photography,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: HOME PLATE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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