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Англо-русский биологический словарь - plant


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Перевод с английского языка plant на русский


1) растение; расти

2) сажать; засевать, сеять

3) установка, оборудование

abased alpine plantsabstract plantaccent plantaccumulator plantadornment plantadventitious plantaerial plantalpigenous plantamphibious plantannual plantaquatic plantaromatic plantartillery plantautochorous plantautotrophic plantbasiphilous plantbastard sensitive plantbee plantbeef-steak plantberry plantbinding plantblue plantbulbotuberiferous plantburr plantC3 plantC3 pathway plantC4 plantC4 pathway plantcalciphilous plantcalciphobous plantCAM plantcandle plantcarnivorous plantcarpet plantcarpostrate plantcastor-oil plantcentury plantchalicad plantchalk plantcharacter plantchasmophilous plantchemozoophobic plantchimochlorous plantChinese silk plantchiropterophilous plantchlorophyll-containing plantclimbing plantclinging plantcompass plantcoral plantcorkscrew plantcotton plantcover plantcreeping plantculm plantcultivated plantcup plantcushion plantday-neutral plantdeep-rooted plantdeserving plantdew plantdiageic plantdicotyledonous plantdisease-resistant plantdrought-enduring plantdrought-escaping plantdrought-evading plantdrug plantdye plantearth plantedible plantemergent plantentomophilous plantequinoctial plantessential oil plantetiolated planteurythermic planteurytopic planteutrophic plantfastidious plantfever plantfiber plantfitroot plantflowering plantfood plantforage plantfossil plantfragrant plantfreshwater plantfrog plantfruit-bearing plantgamostaminate plantgas plantginger plantgopher plantgraminifolious plantgrass-cloth plantgum plantgutta-percha plantgypsophilous planthalf-awned planthay plantherbaceous plantheterotrophic planthigher planthoney planthopkoop planthost planthouse planthumble planthumus planthydrocarpic planthydrophytic plantice plantindicator plantinferior plantinsectivorous plantland plantlead plantleggy plantlong-day plantlower plantlowered alpine plantsmacrophytic plantsmaternal plantmatrimony plantmedicinal plantmegatrophic plantmeliferous plantmesotrophic plantmilkweed plantmole plantmoney plantmonocotyledonous plantmonoecious plantmosquito plantmoss plantmultiple-headed plantmusk plantmycotrophic plantmyrmecochorous plantmyrmecotrophic plantmyrmecoxenous plantmysterious plantneedless plantnitrogen-loving plantnitrophilous plantnoxious plantnut plantobedient plantoil plantoligopetric plantoligopsammic plantoligorhizous plantomum plantornamental plantornitophilous plantoverwintering plantoyster plantpapilionaceous plantsparadise plantparent plantpearl plantpepper plantperennial plantphanerogamic plantpilot plantpioneer plantpipe plantpistillate plantpitcher plantpodded plantpoikilohydric plantpolar plantpolster plantpoverty plantprometatropic plantprostrate plantpulse plantpurification plantpyramid plantred-ink plantresurrection plantrhizome plantrice-paper plantroadside-growing plantrock plantrod-shaped plantRoman plantroot-sucker plantrosette plantrosin plantrouge plantrubber plantrupicolous plantsalt marsh plantsalt-sensitive plantsalt-tolerant plantsand-binding plantsandpaper plantsaxicolous plantsclerophyllous plantscrofula plantseed plantseed-bearing plantsensitive plantshade-enduring plantshade-requiring plantshort-day plantshrunken plantsiliciphilous plantsilk plantskeet plantskeleton plantslipper plantsmallpox plantsmallseeded plantsnow plantsnow-favored plantsocial plantssolute plantspice plantspider plantspore-bearing plantstaminate plantstenocoenose plantstenothermic plantstenotrophic plantstiff-leaved plantstove plantsubmaritime plantsucculent plantsugar plantsummer plantsun plantsurface plantswitch plantsylvestral plantsymbiotrophic planttachysporous planttall aerial planttanniferous planttea planttelegraph planttendril-climber plantterrestrial planttest planttextile plantthunder planttortoise planttrailer planttrap planttuberous plantturf-forming plantumbrella plantundesirable plantunicorn plantvanilla plantvascular plantvelvet plantwarmhouse plantwater plantwater-indicating plantwater-stressed plantwax plantwild plantwinter plantwishbone plantwoody plantzoophobous plant

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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) растение; саженец; in plant - растущий; в соку  2) collect. урожай  3) поза, позиция  4) sl. сыщик  5) sl. полицейская засада  2. v.  1) сажать, сеять; засаживать (with); насаждать (сад); Id like to plant vegetables in this half of the garden. Most of the land is planted with wheat.  2) пускать (рыбу) для разведения  3) прочно ставить, устанавливать (in, on); - plant a standard - plant oneself Planting his case on the table, he looked at us expectantly.  4) всаживать, втыкать  5) основывать (колонию и т.п.); заселять; поселять  6) внедрять, насаждать (in)  7) приставить (кого-л., особ. как шпиона)  8) внушать (мысль); Whatever planted that idea in/into your head?  9) наносить удар; ударять с силой; The young fighter planted a blow on his opponents chin that seemed to hurt him.  10) sl. прятать (краденое);  11) coll. подбрасывать; I didnt steal these jewels, theyve been planted on me.  12) sl. подстраивать (махинацию)  13) бросать, покидать - plant on - plant out II noun  1) завод, фабрика; - plant and equipment  2) оборудование, установка; комплект машин  3) агрегат PLANT a standard водрузить знамя; PLANT and equipment econ. основной капитал (в промышленности) PLANT on подсовывать, сбывать PLANT oneself стать, занять позицию; PLANT out высаживать в грунт; When the seeds have grown in their small box, plant them out in the garden. PLANT pathology фитопатология ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. растение garden plants —- садовые растения herbaceous plant —- травянистое растение pot plant —- горшечное растение hothouse (warmhouse) plant —- тепличное растение wild plant —- дикорастущее растение summer plant —- яровое растение plant protection —- с-х. защита растений 2. саженец; сеянец; (посаженный) черенок, отводок cabbage plants —- саженцы капусты 3. отпрыск 4. молодой человек; юнец; новичок 5. дубина 6. собир. урожай promising plant of wheat —- многообещающий урожай пшеницы very full plant of swedes —- прекрасный урожай брюквы 7. рост in plant —- растущий, в соку to lose plant —- хиреть, умирать to fail in (to miss) plant —- не прорастать, не давать всходов 8. поза; позиция plant of figures —- расположение фигур to obtain a firm plant on the ground —- прочно стоять на земле 9. подошва (ноги) 10. ам. устричная банка; рыбный садик 11. сл. сыщик, шпик 12. осведомитель, подсаженный в камеру, проникший в организацию и т. п.; "подсадная утка" 13. полицейская засада, ловушка 14. жарг. укрытие, убежище; "хата" 15. склад краденого 16. краденое 17. обман, мошенничество, надувательство; подвох regular plant —- типичное мошенничество (надувательство) to put up a plant on smb. —- надуть кого-л. to be on a plant —- быть обманутым 18. приманка 19. подставное лицо (делающее первую ставку в азартной игре,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  полит. 1. подсадная утка 1) Репортер, задающий заранее согласованный вопрос в ходе пресс-конференции 2) Лицо, внедренное в лагерь политического противника 2. эксклюзивная информация Информация, переданная одному журналисту для публикации в интересах того, кто ее передал ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) растение; расти 2) сажать; засевать, сеять 3) установка, оборудование – abased alpine plants – abstract plant – accent plant – accumulator plant – adornment plant – adventitious plant – aerial plant – alpigenous plant – amphibious plant – annual plant – aquatic plant – aromatic plant – artillery plant – autochorous plant – autotrophic plant – basiphilous plant – bastard sensitive plant – bee plant – beef-steak plant – berry plant – binding plant – blue plant – bulbotuberiferous plant – burr plant – C3 plant – C4 plant – calciphilous plant – calciphobous plant – CAM plant – candle plant – carnivorous plant – carpet plant – carpostrate plant – castor-oil plant – century plant – chalicad plant – chalk plant – character plant – chasmophilous plant – chemozoophobic plant – chimochlorous plant – Chinese silk plant – chiropterophilous plant – chlorophyll-containing plant – climbing plant – clinging plant – compass plant – coral plant – corkscrew plant – cotton plant – cover plant – creeping plant – culm plant – cultivated plant – cup plant – cushion plant – day-neutral plant – deep-rooted plant – deserving plant – dew plant – diageic plant – dicotyledonous plant – disease-resistant plant – drought-enduring plant – drought-escaping plant – drug plant – dye plant – earth plant – edible plant – emergent plant – entomophilous plant – equinoctial plant – essential oil plant – etiolated plant – eurythermic plant – eurytopic plant – eutrophic plant – fastidious plant – fever plant – fiber plant – fitroot plant – flowering plant – food plant – forage plant – fossil plant – fragrant plant – freshwater plant – frog plant – fruit-bearing plant – gamostaminate plant – gas plant – ginger plant – gopher plant – graminifolious plant – grass-cloth plant – gum plant – gutta-percha plant – gypsophilous plant –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) установка, агрегат 2) капитал 3) растение (патентоспособный объект) 4) рост 5) сажать; устанавливать; внедрять – intellectual plant – pilot plant PLANT сущ. 1) эк. завод, фабрика, предприятие gas-plant — газовый завод manufacturing plant — производственное предприятие They built a large plant to manufacture automobiles. — Они построили большой завод по производству автомобилей. Sierra Pacific is seeking investors to construct a plant and manufacture blocks for the building industry. — "Сьерра Пасифик" ищет инвесторов для строительства завода и производства блоков для строительной промышленности. Syn: "factory, mill See: "plant agreement 2) эк. оборудование, установка, механизм; комплект машин оборудования a manufacturing plant — производственное оборудование the heating plant for a home — оборудование для обогрева дома 3) эк., учет = fixed assets See: "equipment 4) общ. капитал, багаж (знаний и т. п.) PLANT 1. сущ. 1) предприятие; завод, фабрика 2) станция 3) оборудование 4) установка 5) комплект машин 6) амер. здания и оборудование (статья баланса) 7) урожай 8) растение • - assembly plant - by-product coke plant - coking plant - complete plant - computer-controlled plant - cultivated plant - district heating plant - fail in plant - farming plant - garden plants - heat and power plant - high-capacity plant - high-productivity plant - machine-tool plant - meat-packing plant - miss plant - obsolete plant - plant and equipment - plant bargaining - plant capacity - plant design...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) агрегат 2) машиностр. завод 3) насаживать 4) поджимный 5) растение 6) сажать 7) станция 8) установка 9) фабрика aircraft power plant — винтомоторная группа chemical engineering plant — химико-технологическая установка coal-burning power plant — электростанция на твердом топливе coal-tar processing plant — смолоперегонный завод concrete placing plant — бетонирующий комбайн concrete product plant — завод железобетонных изделий continuous casting plant — установка непрерывной разливки electric power plant — силовая электроустановка, машиностр. электростанция engine-propeller power plant — винтомоторная силовая установка flax processing plant — льнообрабатывающий агрегат fruit juice plant — завод плодовых соков heat-electric generating plant — теплофикационная электростанция heating-water converter plant — бойлерная установка industrial power plant — промышленная электростанция integrated industrial plant — промышленный комбинат integrated metallurgical plant — метал. завод с законченным металлургическим циклом integrated steel plant — метал. комбинат металлургический locomobile power plant — локомобильная электростанция nitrogen fertilizer plant — с.-х. завод азотно-туковый peat plant block — торфоперегнойный горшок plant blocker wheel — защитный диск plant growth stimulant — стимулятор роста растений power plant topping — машиностр. надстройка...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) автоматическая телефонная станция, АТС 2) (электроэнергетическая) установка 3) завод; фабрика – inside plant – local plant – outside plant ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  оборудование инженерных систем здания строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ) установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка (система) (в инженерных системах зданий) электростанция завод, фабрика; мастерская acetylene producing plant activated sludge plant aeration plant aeration-degassing plant aggregate batching plant aggregate preparation plant air conditioning plant air handling plant air supply plant all-dry cement plant all-wet cement plant augering plant automatic batching plant bank-filtered river water plant barge-mounted concrete plant batch plant batch mixing plant biological treatment plant block plant boiler plant booster pumping plant builder's plant builder's small powered plant cement plant central plant central air conditioning plant central air-handling plant central boiler plant central heating plant central refrigerating plant chemical feed plant chlorination plant civil-engineering plant coating plant cold-storage plant compressor plant computerized plant concentrating plant concrete plant concrete production plant concrete spouting plant concreting plant construction plant contact stabilization plant continuous-mix plant conveying plant cooling plant crushing plant desalination plant desalting plant disposal plant diversion power plant drying plant dust arrestor plant dust extracting plant earth moving plant electric plant exhaust plant extended aeration plant filter plant filtration plant floating concrete plant floating pile-driving plant flotation plant freezing plant gas plant gas-distribution plant gas washing plant generating plant grading plant heat generation plant heating plant heating water converter plant high-pressure air conditioning plant hydro-electric plant incineration plant indoor power plant industrial plant...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) завод; фабрика; предприятие 2) установка; агрегат 3) электрическая станция, электростанция, ЭС (см. тж station) 4) энергоблок 5) цех; отделение; мастерская 6) установка сейсмоприёмника в грунте устанавливать сейсмоприёмник в грунт 7) растение сажать (растения) - A-plant - absorption plant - absorption refrigerating plant - accumulator plant - acetylene compressing plant - acid recovery acid restoring plant - acid recovery plant - adsorption plant - aerodrome accumulator plant - agglomeration plant - air-cooled refrigerating plant - aircraft plant - aircraft development plant - aircraft manufacturing plant - aircraft overhaul plant - aircraft washing plant - air separation plant - aip-storage gas turbine plant - air-storage power plant - alkylation plant - arc-furnace plant - arc-welding plant - asphalt plant - assembly plant - atomic marine plant - atomic power plant - automatic flour handling plant - auto-shredding plant - auxiliary gas turbine power plant - back-pressure heat generation plant - bakery plant - baling plant - basic arc-furnace plant - basic slag-grinding plant - batching plant - batch-weighing plant - Bessemer plant - biogas producing plant - blackout plant - blast-furnace plant - blending plant - bob-tail plant - boiler plant - bow-type plant - box plant - bread-making plant - breaking plant - brick-making plant - brine refrigerating plant - bulk plant - butter-making plant - by-product coke plant - by-product recovery plant - by-products plant - can-making plant - canning plant - captive plant - car assembly plant - carbon plant - carbon dioxide refrigerating plant - car-repair plant - casinghead gasoline plant - casting plant - CDQ plant - cell plant - centralized photovoltaic power plant - central-mixing plant - centrifugal refrigerating plant - centrifuge isotope separation plant - charge preparation plant - cheese-making...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a any living organism of the kingdom Plantae, usu. containing chlorophyll enabling it to live wholly on inorganic substances and lacking specialized sense organs and the power of voluntary movement. b a small organism of this kind, as distinguished from a shrub or tree. 2 a machinery, fixtures, etc., used in industrial processes. b a factory. 3 colloq. something, esp. incriminating or compromising, positioned or concealed so as to be discovered later. --v.tr. 1 place (a seed, bulb, or growing thing) in the ground so that it may take root and flourish. 2 (often foll. by in, on, etc.) put or fix in position. 3 deposit (young fish, spawn, oysters, etc.) in a river or lake. 4 station (a person etc.), esp. as a spy or source of information. 5 refl. take up a position (planted myself by the door). 6 cause (an idea etc.) to be established esp. in another person's mind. 7 deliver (a blow, kiss, etc.) with a deliberate aim. 8 sl. position or conceal (something incriminating or compromising) for later discovery. 9 a settle or people (a colony etc.). b found or establish (a city, community, etc.). 10 bury. Phrases and idioms plant-louse a small insect that infests plants, esp. an aphis. plant out transfer (a plant) from a pot or frame to the open ground; set out (seedlings) at intervals. Derivatives plantable adj. plantlet n. plantlike adj. Etymology: OE plante & F plante f. L planta sprout, slip, cutting ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~ian, from Late Latin ~are to ~, fix in place, from Latin, to ~, from ~a ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to put or set in the ground for growth ~ seeds  b. to set or sow with seeds or ~s  c. im~  2.  a. establish, institute  b. colonize, settle  c. to place (animals) in a new locality  d. to stock with animals  3.  a. to place in or on the ground  b. to place firmly or forcibly ~ed a hard blow on his chin  4.  a. conceal  b. to covertly place for discovery, publication, or dissemination  intransitive verb to ~ something  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English, from Latin ~a  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a young tree, vine, shrub, or herb ~ed or suitable for ~ing  b. any of a kingdom (Plantae) of multicellular eukaryotic mostly photosynthetic organisms typically lacking locomotive movement or obvious nervous or sensory organs and possessing cellulose cell walls  2.  a. the land, buildings, machinery, apparatus, and fixtures employed in carrying on a trade or an industrial business  b. a factory or workshop for the manufacture of a particular product; also power ~  c. the total facilities available for production or service  d. the buildings and other physical equipment of an institution  3. an act of ~ing  4. something or someone ~ed  • ~like adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (plants, planting, planted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A plant is a living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots. Water each plant as often as required. ...exotic plants. N-COUNT see also bedding plant, pot plant, rubber plant 2. When you plant a seed, plant, or young tree, you put it into the ground so that it will grow there. He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables. VERB: V n • planting Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water. N-UNCOUNT 3. When someone plants land with a particular type of plant or crop, they put plants, seeds, or young trees into the land to grow them there. They plan to plant the area with grass and trees... Recently much of their energy has gone into planting a large vegetable garden. ...newly planted fields. VERB: V n with n, V n, V-ed 4. A plant is a factory or a place where power is produced. ...Ford’s British car assembly plants... The plant provides forty per cent of the country’s electricity. N-COUNT 5. Plant is large machinery that is used in industrial processes. ...investment in plant and equipment. = machinery N-UNCOUNT 6. If you plant something somewhere, you put it there firmly. She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly. ...with his enormous feet planted heavily apart. VERB: V n adv/prep, V-ed adv/prep 7. To plant something such as a bomb means to hide it somewhere so that it explodes or works there. So far no one has admitted planting the bomb. VERB: V n 8. If something such as a weapon or drugs is planted on someone, it is put among their possessions or in their house so that they will be wrongly accused of a crime. He claimed that the drugs had been planted to incriminate him. VERB: oft passive, be V-ed 9. If an organization plants someone somewhere, they send that person there so that they can get information or watch someone secretly. Journalists informed police...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  firm name abbr. Piedmont Landscaping And Naturescaping Training ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. plante, from L. planta "sprout, shoot, cutting," perhaps from *plantare "to drive in with the feet, push into the ground with the feet," from planta "sole of the foot." The verb, "put in the ground to grow," is O.E. plantian. Most extended usages are from the verbal sense. Sense of a building "planted" or begun for an industrial process is first attested 1789. Slang meaning "a spy" is first recorded 1812. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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