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Англо-русский биологический словарь - phase


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Перевод с английского языка phase на русский


фаза; период; стадия

coupling phasecritical phasedeclining phasedestructive phaseearing phaseeclipse phaseeffector phaseejection phaseeruptive phaseexponential phasegrowth phaseinduction phaseinhibitory phaseisometric phaselag phaselatent phaselog phaselogarithmic phaseparadoxical phaseprodromal phaseproduction phaserecognition phaserecruitment phaserelaxation phaserespiratory phaseresting phaserising phasesensitization phaseshutdown phasesolid phasesphygmic phasestationary growth phasetillering phasetransition phasevegetative phase

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  out постепенно прекращать, свертывать (производство, выпуск и т.д.); The makers have decided to phase out the production of this car. This course will be phased out and will not be offered to new students. PHASE  1. noun  1) фаза , стадия, период; этап; ступень развития, фазис  2) аспект, сторона; a phase of the subject - сторона вопроса  3) geol. фация; разновидность  4) phys., chem. фаза  2. v. фазировать - phase down - phase out PHASE down постепенно сокращать; свёртывать; to phase down air operations постепенно сокращать воздушные операции ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. фаза, стадия, период; этап; ступень развития, фазис full phase —- полная фаза (Луны) phases of an illness —- стадия болезни to enter upon a new phase —- вступить в новую стадию, открыть новую страницу the youthful phase —- период молодости a phase of history —- исторический период phase of the attack —- воен. этап наступления boost phase —- ав. участок полета с ускорителем launching phase —- реакт. стартовый период; участок разгона 2. аспект; сторона the most attractive phase of her character —- самая привлекательная сторона ее характера the moral phase of the problem —- моральный аспект этой проблемы 3. геол. фация, разновидность (минерала) 4. физ. хим. фаза Id: to be in phase with smth. —- совпадать с чем-л. Id: to be in phase with smb. —- жить с кем-л. душа в душу Id: to be out of phase with smb. —- не сходиться с кем-л. 5. спец. фазировать 6. осуществлять постепенный переход to phase new methods —- постепенно вводить новые методы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  фаза; период; стадия – coupling phase – critical phase – declining phase – destructive phase – earing phase – eclipse phase – effector phase – ejection phase – eruptive phase – exponential phase – growth phase – induction phase – inhibitory phase – isometric phase – lag phase – latent phase – log phase – paradoxical phase – prodromal phase – production phase – recognition phase – recruitment phase – relaxation phase – respiratory phase – resting phase – rising phase – sensitization phase – shutdown phase – solid phase – sphygmic phase – stationary growth phase – tillering phase – transition phase – vegetative phase ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  осуществлять постепенный переход – to phase down – to phase in – to phase out PHASE 1. сущ. фаза - phase down - phase in - phase of contraction - phase out 2. гл. осуществлять постоянный переход ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) период 2) стадия 3) фаза 4) фазировать 5) фазис 6) фазовый automatic phase regulation — регулировка фазы автоматическая conception phase of IC design — проработка логической структуры ИС first-order phase transition — физ. переход фазовый первого рода integral in phase space — интеграл по фазовому пространству liquid phase sintering — жидкофазное спекание method of phase integrals — метод фазовых интегралов method of stationary phase — метод стационарной фазы phase (space) integral — интеграл по фазовому пространству, фазовый интеграл phase conjugate laser — лазер с обращением волнового фронта phase of a project — очередь строительства phase plane method — метод фазовой плоскости phase retardation in reflection — потеря фазы при отражении phase separation point — физ. критическая точка расслаивания phase shift keying — радио манипуляция сдвигом фазы phase space cell — ячейка фазового пространства phase transformation number — физ. критерий фазового превращения principle of stationary phase — принцип стационарной фазы pure phase hologram — чистофазовая голограмма relative phase modulation — радио модуляция нагрузки фазовая относительная relative phase telegraphy — связь телеграфия фазовая относительная second-order phase transition — физ. переход фазовый второго рода stationary phase method — метод стационарной фазы - asymptotic phase - boundary phase - change of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  стадия; фаза – clock phase – code phase – color phase – data phase – differential phase – envelope phase – initial phase – instantaneous phase – negative picture phase – quiescent phase – signal phase – sweep phase – total phase ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  фаза, этап, стадия; период; ступень развития bidding and negotiating phase building phase construction phase construction documents phase design development phase disperse phase gaseous phase liquid phase negotiation phase schematic design phase solid phase ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) фаза 2) стадия; ступень; этап 3) эл. провод (линии) 4) эл. фазовый угол 5) фазировать 6) временной сдвиг (кода) in phase — (находящийся) в фазе, совпадающий по фазе, синфазный; out of phase — (находящийся) не в фазе, не совпадающий по фазе, несинфазный; to bring in phase — согласовывать по фазе; фазировать; to phase in — 1. включать синфазно 2. вводить в эксплуатацию 3. внедрять в производство; to phase out — 1. включать противофазно 2. снимать с эксплуатации 3. снимать с производства - phase of state - acceptance phase - acid phase - allocation phase - alloy phase - approach phase - aqueous phase - assemble phase - balanced phase - blowdown phase - boundary phase - bundled phase - burst phase - canted phase - carbide phase - carrier phase - chroma phase - clock phase - code phase - compile phase - continuous phase - cooling phase - crystalline phase - crystal phase - crystallization phase - cubic phase - dead phase - design phase - detrimental phase - differential phase - discontinuous phase - disordered phase - dispersed phase - double support phase - entrained phase - envelope phase - execute phase - external phase - faulted phase - fault-free phase - faulty phase - feeding phase - gaseous phase - gas phase - glacial phase - glass phase - glassy phase - hard phase - healthy phase - heating phase - ice phase - implementation phase - initial phase - installation and checkout phase - instantaneous phase - interfacial phase - intermediate phase - internal phase - lag phase - lagging phase - leading phase - liquid phase - liquid droplet phase - locking phase - low-temperature phase - mid-log phase - nematic phase - nitride phase - object phase - onset phase of monsoon - operation phase - operation and maintenance phase -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a distinct period or stage in a process of change or development. 2 each of the aspects of the moon or a planet, according to the amount of its illumination, esp. the new moon, the first quarter, the last quarter, and the full moon. 3 Physics a stage in a periodically recurring sequence, esp. of alternating electric currents or light vibrations. 4 a difficult or unhappy period, esp. in adolescence. 5 a genetic or seasonal variety of an animal's coloration etc. 6 Chem. a distinct and homogeneous form of matter separated by its surface from other forms. --v.tr. carry out (a programme etc.) in phases or stages. Phrases and idioms in phase having the same phase at the same time. out of phase not in phase. phase in (or out) bring gradually into (or out of) use. phase rule Chem. a rule relating numbers of phases, constituents, and degrees of freedom. three-phase (of an electric generator, motor, etc.) designed to supply or use simultaneously three separate alternating currents of the same voltage, but with phases differing by a third of a period. Derivatives phasic adj. Etymology: F phase & f. earlier phasis f. Gk phasis appearance f. phaino phan- show ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: New Latin phasis, from Greek, appearance of a star, ~ of the moon, from phainein to show (middle voice, to appear) — more at fancy  Date: circa 1750  1. a particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes ~s of the moon  2.  a. a distinguishable part in a course, development, or cycle the early ~s of her career  b. an aspect or part (as of a problem) under consideration  3. the point or stage in a period of uniform circular motion, harmonic motion, or the periodic changes of any magnitude varying according to a simple harmonic law to which the rotation, oscillation, or variation has advanced from its standard position or assumed instant of starting  4. a homogeneous, physically distinct, and mechanically separable portion of matter present in a nonhomogeneous physicochemical system  5. an individual or subgroup distinguishably different in appearance or behavior from the norm of the group to which it belongs; also the distinguishing peculiarity  • phasic adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; phasing)  Date: 1904  1. to adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition  2. to conduct or carry out by planned ~s  3. to introduce in stages — usually used with in ~ in new models ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (phases, phasing, phased) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A phase is a particular stage in a process or in the gradual development of something. This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project... The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase... Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat. N-COUNT 2. If an action or change is phased over a period of time, it is done in stages. The redundancies will be phased over two years. ...a phased withdrawal of American forces from the Philippines. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 3. If two things are out of phase with each other, they are not working or happening together as they should. If two things are in phase, they are working or occurring together as they should. The Skills Programme is out of phase with the rest of the curriculum. PHRASE: usu PHR after v, v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a part of a process of development or growth  (a transitional phase before democratic elections are held)  (- compare stage1 (1)) 2 in phase/out of phase (with) BrE working together in a way that produces the right effect, or not working together in this way  (The traffic lights were out of phase with each other.) 3 one of a fixed number of changes in the appearance of the moon or a planet when it is seen from the Earth ~2 v to make something happen gradually in a planned way  (a phased withdrawal of military forces)  ( @phase in phase sth in phr v to introduce something such as a new law, rule etc gradually  (The government is going to phase in the new pension system over the next five years.) @phase out phase sth out phr v to gradually stop using or providing something  (Leaded gas was phased out in the 1970s.) @ ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Peers Helping All Students Equally religion abbr. Patient Holy Anointed Sanctified Entirely ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1812, "phase of the moon," formed as a sing. from Mod.L. phases, pl. of phasis, from Gk. phasis "appearance," from phainein "to show." Non-lunar application is first attested 1841. The verb is 1938, from the noun. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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