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Англо-русский биологический словарь - pattern


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Перевод с английского языка pattern на русский


1) структура, конфигурация

2) особенность, характер

3) паттерн, образ жизни; манера поведения

4) узор, рисунок

5) тип, способ

pattern of activitypattern of depositionbanding patternbehavior patterncleavage patternconsummatory patternconvolutional patterndistributional patternexpressive patternfemale patternfixed action patterngene patternhooded patternimmune patternimmunoelectrophoretic patterninherited behavior patternslabeling patternlocomotor patternmotor patternrestriction fragment patternspatio-temporal patterntwo-dimensional peptide patternvegetation patternwing pattern

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См. в других словарях

  of trade структура или характер торговли, система торговых связей PATTERN of life образ жизни; PATTERN  1. noun  1) образец, пример  2) модель, шаблон  3) образчик  4) выкройка; to take a pattern of - скопировать; снять выкройку с чего-л.  5) рисунок, узор (на материи и т.п.)  6) система, структура; - pattern of life - pattern of trade  7) стиль, характер (литературного произведения и т.п.)  8) amer. отрез, купон на платье  9) metal. модель (для литья)  10) attr. образцовый, примерный Syn: see prototype  2. v.  1) делать по образцу, копировать (after, on, upon); The railway system was patterned after the successful plan used in other countries.  2) украшать узором; I want a wallpaper patterned with roses.  3) rare следовать примеру; Mary has always patterned herself on her mother. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. образец, пример patterns for pottery —- образцы для гончарного производства made to pattern —- изготовленные по образцу of a standard pattern —- установленного образца a pattern of manliness —- образец мужчины an army trained after a western pattern —- армия, обученная по западному образцу to set the pattern —- служить примером (образцом) she is a pattern of all the virtues —- она образец добродетели to follow the pattern of one's parents —- следовать примеру своих родителей to take a pattern by smb. —- брать пример (с кого-либо) I'd like to take a pattern of it —- я хотел бы скопировать это 2. спец. образец, шаблон 3. спец. форма, модель weather pattern —- метеор. модель, тип погоды 4. схема, диаграмма the illness is not following its usual pattern —- болезнь протекает необычно 5. выкройка paper patterns —- бумажные выкройки, лекала to take a pattern of a dress —- снять выкройку с платья, скопировать платье 6. образчик assorted patterns —- подобранные образцы a bunch of patterns (of cloth) —- пачка образчиков (материи) 7. образ (жизни и т. п.); манера (поведения и т. п.) a behaviour pattern —- модель (характер) поведения (в социологии) a speech pattern —- речевая модель cultural patterns —- характерные особенности культуры a pattern of thoughts —- образ мыслей pattern of trade —- характер торговли; структура торговли Stevenson's pattern —- стилистические особенности...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) образец, пример 2) характер 3) структура, конфигурация 4) кодограмма 5) конкретный набор - area pattern of trade - behaviour pattern - economic pattern - family pattern - investment pattern - made to pattern - pattern of age composition - pattern of behaviour - pattern of calculation - pattern of change - pattern of choice - pattern of consumption - pattern of demand - pattern of diversification - pattern of financial assets - pattern of growth - pattern of information - pattern of investments - pattern of payment - pattern of prices - pattern of production - pattern of purchases - pattern of requirements - pattern of results - pattern of structuring - pattern of trade - pattern of use - price pattern - production pattern - set the pattern - standard pattern 2. гл. копировать Syn: copy PATTERN образец; модель; схема; структура; манера; характер – patterns of ownership – pattern of thought – pattern of trade – behavioural pattern – competitive pattern – construction pattern – cultural pattern – registered pattern – sales pattern – search pattern of document – social pattern – visual pattern – X-ray pattern ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) диаграмма 2) закон 3) картина 4) конфигурация 5) копировать 6) круг 7) лекало 8) метал. модель 9) облик 10) образец 11) последовательность сигналов 12) растр 13) рисунок 14) система 15) скопировать 16) следовать образцу 17) строение 18) структура 19) схема 20) трафарет 21) трафаретный 22) узор 23) фактура 24) форма 25) характеристика 26) черты 27) шаблон 28) эталон boarded parquet pattern — паркет в корзинку cast against pattern — отливать по литейной модели cast against a pattern — отливать по модели design casting pattern — конструировать литейную модель dowel casting pattern — соединять литейную модель на шипах facsimile test pattern — факсимильная испытательная таблица field emission pattern — автоэмиссионная картина field strength pattern — диаграмма напряженности поля ground echo pattern — характеристика отражений от почвы herring-bone parquet pattern — паркет в елку Laue diffraction pattern — физ. лауэграмма, рентгенограмма Лауэ maximum risk pattern — образец наибольшего риска pattern of successes and failures — распределение удачных и неудачных исходов radiation field pattern — диаграмма излучения по полю spiral growth pattern — спираль роста streamline flow pattern — машиностр. спектр аэродинамический X-ray diffraction pattern — дифракционная рентгеновская - Mach-line pattern - absense of pattern - admissible pattern - block pattern - casting pattern -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) рисунок; образец 2) схема, диаграмма (направленности антенны) 3) конфигурация 4) растр 5) изображение – acceptance pattern – bar-test pattern – Bayliss pattern – beam pattern – bit pattern – call-routing pattern – cardioid pattern – cartographic pattern – chevron pattern – cancellation pattern – code pattern – connection pattern – constrained pattern – contact pattern – copolar pattern pattern – correlation pattern – cosine pattern – decreasing sidelobe pattern – direction pattern – directional-response pattern – electronic-test pattern – elliptical pattern – equiripple pattern – equisidelobe pattern – error pattern – error-detection pattern – eye pattern – fan-shaped vertical pattern – far-field radiation pattern – free-excitation element pattern – free-space radiation pattern – illumination pattern – intensity pattern – interference pattern – line pattern – moirpattern – multiplicative pattern – null-constrained pattern – one-way pattern – pancake pattern – polarization pattern – potential pattern – pulse pattern – radiation pattern – real pattern – resolution pattern – routing pattern – scan pattern – space pattern – spatial-frequency pattern – spurious pattern – subject pattern – test pattern – two-way pattern – uncorrelated fading pattern – unipolarized pattern – volumetric pattern – wavy pattern – wedge pattern – wiring pattern ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  узор, рисунок слепок шаблон; модель; трафарет образец база (опорная плита) колонны или стойки pattern of fenestration pattern of place air pattern air flow pattern basic drill pattern blast pattern brick pattern column grid pattern crack pattern cross blow air pattern demand pattern drainage pattern drop pattern enclose pattern flow pattern gridiron pattern imprinted pattern laying pattern load pattern neighborhood pattern random pattern serrated pattern set pattern spoke-ring pattern straight pattern stress pattern surface pattern turbulence pattern ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) рисунок; изображение; узор; картина; рельеф формировать рисунок или изображение 2) образ 3) образец; модель; шаблон; трафарет 4) лекало 5) метал. форма 6) моделировать; копировать 7) вчт. графический шаблон 8) мн. ч. аппликации (в ЦМД ЗУ) 9) характеристика 10) конфигурация; строение; структура 11) кристаллическая решётка 12) схема; диаграмма 13) сетка (размещения скважин) 14) диаграмма направленности (антенны) 15) рентгенограмма 16) схема (сейсмической) группы; (сейсмическая) группа; расстановка в (сейсмической) группе 17) последовательность (импульсов) 18) код; кодовая комбинация 19) тлв испытательная таблица; испытательное изображение 20) промежуточный оригинал (фотошаблона) 21) швейн. отрез; купон - pattern of end or side crops - pattern of measuring instrument - pattern of wear - abrasion pattern - acoustic pattern - aerial search pattern - air traffic pattern - annular drainage pattern - antenna pattern - approach traffic pattern - approved pattern - arborescent pattern - azimuth pattern - back-reflection Laue pattern - backscattering pattern - bar test pattern - bar pattern - basic pattern - beam pattern - behavioral pattern - bidirectional pattern - bit pattern - blasthole pattern - block pattern - bubble patterns - buckle pattern - camera-scanning pattern - cardioid pattern - casting pattern - centrifugal drainage pattern - charge pattern - charging pattern - checkerboard pattern - chip pattern - circuit pattern - circular pattern - circulation pattern - circumferential rib tread pattern - code pattern -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a repeated decorative design on wallpaper, cloth, a carpet, etc. 2 a regular or logical form, order, or arrangement of parts (behaviour pattern; the pattern of one's daily life). 3 a model or design, e.g. of a garment, from which copies can be made. 4 an example of excellence; an ideal; a model (a pattern of elegance). 5 a wooden or metal figure from which a mould is made for a casting. 6 a sample (of cloth, wallpaper, etc.). 7 the marks made by shots, bombs, etc. on a target or target area. 8 a random combination of shapes or colours. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by after, on) model (a thing) on a design etc. 2 decorate with a pattern. Phrases and idioms pattern bombing bombing over a large area, not on a single target. Etymology: ME patron (see PATRON): differentiated in sense and spelling since the 16th-17th c. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English patron, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin patronus  Date: 14th century  1. a form or model proposed for imitation ; exemplar  2. something designed or used as a model for making things a dressmaker's ~  3. an artistic, musical, literary, or mechanical design or form  4. a natural or chance configuration frost ~s the ~ of events  5. a length of fabric sufficient for an article (as of clothing)  6.  a. the distribution of shrapnel, bombs on a target, or shot from a shotgun  b. the grouping made on a target by bullets  7. a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics of a person, group, or institution a behavior ~ spending ~s  8.  a. the flight path prescribed for an airplane that is coming in for a landing  b. a prescribed route to be followed by a pass receiver in football  9. test ~  10. a discernible coherent system based on the intended interrelationship of component parts foreign policy ~s  11. frequent or widespread incidence a ~ of dissent a ~ of violence  Synonyms: see model  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: circa 1586  transitive verb  1. dialect chiefly England  a. match  b. imitate  2. to make, adapt, or fashion according to a ~  3. to furnish, adorn, or mark with a design  intransitive verb to form a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (patterns) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A pattern is the repeated or regular way in which something happens or is done. All three attacks followed the same pattern... A change in the pattern of his breathing became apparent. N-COUNT: oft the N of n 2. A pattern is an arrangement of lines or shapes, especially a design in which the same shape is repeated at regular intervals over a surface. ...a golden robe embroidered with red and purple thread stitched into a pattern of flames. N-COUNT 3. A pattern is a diagram or shape that you can use as a guide when you are making something such as a model or a piece of clothing. ...cutting out a pattern for trousers... N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »OF EVENTS« the regular way in which something happens, develops, or is done  (Watch for changes in her breathing pattern. | a strange pattern of events | follow a set pattern (=always happen or develop in the same fixed way))  (Romantic novels tend to follow a set pattern.) 2 »DESIGN« a) a regularly repeated arrangement of shapes, colours, or lines on a surface usually intended as decoration  (a cotton dress with a flowery pattern | tracing an intricate pattern in the sand) b) a regularly repeated arrangement of sounds or words  (A sonnet has a fixed rhyming pattern.) 3 »EXAMPLE« usually singular) a thing, form, or person that is an example to copy  (set a pattern (for) (=become a pattern))  (a successful course that set a pattern for the training of all new employees) 4 »MAKING THINGS« a shape used as a guide for making something, especially a thin piece of paper used when cutting material to make clothing  (a dress pattern) 5 »CHOOSING« a small piece of cloth, paper etc that shows what a larger piece will look like; sample1 ~2 v be patterned on to be designed or made in a way that is copied from something else  (a planned economy patterned on the Stalinist model) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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