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Англо-русский биологический словарь - passage


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Перевод с английского языка passage на русский


1) анат. проход, проток

2) перенос (напр. генов)

3) перелёт (птиц)

4) микр. пассаж; пассирование; пересев

passage of bloodpassage of strainsbile passagebiliary passageblind passagecontinued serial passageegg passagelacrimal passagerepeated passageserial passagesingle passagesuccessive passagetransplacental passagewater passage

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См. в других словарях

  of arms стычка, столкновение PASSAGE days naut. дни, проведенные в море PASSAGE boat паром PASSAGE at arms стычка, столкновение PASSAGE I  1. noun  1) прохождение; проход, проезд, переход  2) переезд; рейс (морской или воздушный); поездка (по морю); - rough passage - book ones passage - pay ones passage - take ones passage  3) перелет (птиц); - bird of passage  4) путь, дорога, проход, перевал, переправа  5) коридор, пассаж; галерея; передняя  6) вход, выход; право прохода; no passage - проезд закрыт, прохода нет (надпись); he was refused a passage - его не пропустили  7) ход, течение (событий, времени)  8) переход, превращение  9) проведение, утверждение (закона)  10) происшествие, событие, эпизод  11) pl. разговор; стычка; to have stormy passages with smb. - иметь крупный разговор с кем-л.  12) место, отрывок (из книги и т.п.)  13) mus. пассаж  14) attr. - passage days - passage of arms - passage at arms  2. v. совершать переезд; пересекать (море, канал и т.п.) II v.  1) принимать вправо или влево, двигаться боком (о лошади или всаднике)  2) заставлять (лошадь) принимать вправо или влево Syn: see part ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. прохождение; проход, ход; переход; проезд the passage of vehicles —- рпоезд автомобилей the passage of the herrings —- ход сельди the passage of the shuttle —- ход челнока the old bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles —- старый мост не так прочен, чтобы по нему могли ездить тяжелые грузовики 2. перелет (птиц) a bird of passage —- перелетная птица; перекати-поле (о человеке) 3. тех. доступ, ход to allow for air passage —- обеспечить доступ воздуха 4. переезд, рейс; поездка по морю или на самолете rough passage —- тяжелый перелет; переход по бурному морю; трудное плавание 5. плата за проезд (на пароходе, самолете); прово на проезд free passage —- бесплатный проезд (по морю, по воздуху) to book one's passage —- взять билет на пароход to work one's passage —- отработать свой проезд на пароходе can you give me a passage in your boat? —- вы не можете перевезти меня? he was too poor to afford the passage —- он был слишком беден, чтобы оплатить дорогу 6. путь, дорога; проход (через что-либо) a passage through a thicket —- проход через чащу to force a passage through a crowd —- прокладывать (себе) путь через толпу 7. перевал; переправа these mountains have few passages —- перевалов в этих горах мало 8. коридор, передняя outdoor passage —- спорт. коридор для выплывания the wind sent a dismal note through the long passages —- в длинных коридорах...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) анат. проход, проток 2) перенос (напр. генов) 3) перелёт (птиц) 4) микр. пассаж; пассирование; пересев – passage of blood – passage of strains – bile passage – blind passage – continued serial passage – egg passage – lacrimal passage – repeated passage – serial passage – single passage – successive passage – transplacental passage – water passage ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) принятие; прохождение через законодательный орган 2) место, отрывок (из книги, статьи) – introductory passage PASSAGE сущ. 1) проход, проезд 2) путь 3) рейс 4) парл. принятие (закона) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) канал 2) отверстие 3) переход 4) проезд 5) пропускание 6) протекание 7) проходная 8) прохождение 9) распространение 10) ход asymptotic passage theorem — теорема об асимптотическом поведении переходных вероятностей passage to the limit — предельный переход pressure equalizing passage — канал для уравнения давления right passage point — проходимая справа точка time of aphelion passage — время прохождения через афелий - air passage - blade passage - first passage - free passage - nozzle passage - passage of signal - passage point - passage time - valve passage ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  коридор внутри здания узкий проход (вблизи или между зданиями); проезд (между зданиями) passage to the limit air passage cross passage roller passage steam passage valve passage ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) коридор; проход 2) прохождение, проход 3) водовод; канал; водоток 4) судоходный канал 5) канал; отверстие 6) матем. переход 7) проход зоны (в кристаллографии) 8) вчт. прогон (программы) 9) мелющая система (схемы помола) 10) пассаж, перенос (клеток, вируса) passage to tne limit — переход к пределу, предельный переход - passage of cyclone - air passage - blade passage - blind passage - coarse-pitcn passage - conveying passage - discharge passage - drain passage - entrance passage - fine-pitch passage - firing passage - flow passage - frontal passage - helium coolant passage - log passage - lubricating passage - oil passage - oil return passage - pantograph passage - peripheral passage - pitch lock passage - pressure passage - program passage - signal passage - siphon passage - suction passage - underground passage - water passage ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 the process or means of passing; transit. 2 = PASSAGEWAY. 3 the liberty or right to pass through. 4 a the right of conveyance as a passenger by sea or air. b a journey by sea or air. 5 a transition from one state to another. 6 a a short extract from a book etc. b a section of a piece of music. 7 the passing of a bill etc. into law. 8 (in pl.) an interchange of words etc. 9 Anat. a duct etc. in the body. Phrases and idioms passage of (or at) arms a fight or dispute. work one's passage earn a right (orig. of passage) by working for it. Etymology: ME f. OF (as PASS(1)) 2. v. 1 intr. (of a horse or rider) move sideways, by the pressure of the rein on the horse's neck and of the rider's leg on the opposite side. 2 tr. make (a horse) do this. Etymology: F passager, earlier pass{eacute}ger f. It. passeggiare to walk, pace f. passeggio walk f. L passus PACE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a way of exit or entrance ; a road, path, channel, or course by which something passes  b. a corridor or lobby giving access to the different rooms or parts of a building or apartment  2.  a. the action or process of passing from one place, condition, or stage to another  b. death 1a  c. a continuous movement or flow the ~ of time  3.  a.  (1) a specific act of traveling or passing especially by sea or air  (2) a privilege of conveyance as a passenger ; accommodations  b. the passing of a legislative measure or law ; enactment  4. a right, liberty, or permission to pass  5.  a. something that happens or is done ; incident  b. something that takes place between two persons mutually  6.  a. a usually brief portion of a written work or speech that is relevant to a point under discussion or noteworthy for content or style  b. a phrase or short section of a musical composition  c. a detail of a work of art (as a painting)  7. the act or action of passing something or undergoing a passing  8. incubation of a pathogen (as a virus) in culture, a living organism, or a developing egg  II. verb  (~d; passaging)  Date: 1824  intransitive verb to go past or across ; cross  transitive verb to subject to ~ ~d a virus ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (passages) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A passage is a long narrow space with walls or fences on both sides, which connects one place or room with another. Harry stepped into the passage and closed the door behind him. = passageway, corridor N-COUNT 2. A passage in a book, speech, or piece of music is a section of it that you are considering separately from the rest. He reads a passage from Milton. ...the passage in which Blake spoke of the world of imagination... = excerpt, extract N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. A passage is a long narrow hole or tube in your body, which air or liquid can pass along. ...blocked nasal passages. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. A passage through a crowd of people or things is an empty space that allows you to move through them. He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets... = way N-COUNT: oft N through n 5. The passage of someone or something is their movement from one place to another. Germany had not requested Franco’s consent for the passage of troops through Spain... N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 6. The passage of someone or something is their progress from one situation or one stage in their development to another. ...the passage from school to college. = transition N-UNCOUNT: usu N from/to n, oft with poss 7. The passage of a period of time is its passing. An asset that increases in value with the passage of time. = passing N-SING: the N of n 8. A passage is a journey by ship. We’d arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Swansea. = crossing N-COUNT 9. If you are granted passage through a country or area of land, you are given permission to go through it. Mr Thomas would be given safe passage to and from Jaffna... N-UNCOUNT: oft N prep ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »IN A BUILDING« a long narrow way with walls on either side which connects one room or place to another; corridor (1)  (Vaughan's room is just along the passage. | an underground passage) 2 »A WAY THROUGH« a way through something + through  (We forced a passage through the crowd.) 3 »FROM A BOOK ETC« a short part of a book, poem, speech, piece of music etc 4 »OF A LAW« the process of getting a bill through a parliament or Congress so that it can become law + through  (The bill was amended several times during its passage through Congress.) 5 »MOVEMENT« formal the action of going across, over, along etc something  (The bridge isn't strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.) 6 the passage of time the passing of time  (With the passage of time, things began to look more hopeful.) 7 »INSIDE A BODY« a tube in your body that air or liquid can pass through  (nasal passages) 8 »JOURNEY« the cost of a journey on a ship  (My parents couldn't afford the passage to America.) work your passage (=pay for a journey by working on the ship)  (- see also rite of passage rite (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1225, from O.Fr. passage, from passer "to go by" (see pass (v.)). Originally "a road, passage," meaning "corridor in a building" first recorded 1611. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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