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Англо-русский биологический словарь - particular


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Перевод с английского языка particular на русский


1) особый, частный, специфический; определённый

2) индивидуальный, отдельный

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  goals конкретные цели PARTICULAR  1. adj.  1) специфический, особый, особенный  2) индивидуальный, частный, отдельный; - particular goals  3) особый, исключительный; заслуживающий особого внимания; it is of no particular importance - особой важности это не представляет; he is a particular friend of mine - он мой близкий друг; for no particular reason - без особого основания; - particular qualities  4) подробный, детальный, обстоятельный  5) тщательный; to be particular in ones speech - тщательно подбирать выражения; очень следить за своей речью  6) разборчивый, привередливый; particular about what (particular as to what) one eats - разборчивый в еде  2. noun  1) частность; подробность, деталь; - in particular - go into particulars  2) pl. подробный отчет; to give all the particulars - давать подробный отчет - London particular PARTICULAR qualities особенности ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. частность, подробность, деталь minute particulars —- мельчайшие детали minor particulars —- несущественные подробности alike in every particular —- похожи во всех отношениях to be superior in every particular —- превоходить во всех отношениях to execute smb.'s order in every particular —- точно выполнить чей-либо приказ to go into particulars —- вдаваться в подробности 2. подробный отчет to give (all the) particulars of —- давать подробный отчет persons interested may obtain full particulars from... —- заинтересованные лица могут получить полную информацию от... 3. разг. близкий друг, любимец 4. разг. характерная особенность; нечто излюбленное a glass of one's particular —- стаканчик любимого вина Id: in particular —- в особенности, в частности Id: I remember one scene in particular —- я особенно запомнил одну сцену Id: a London particular —- лондонский туман Id: to ride one's particular —- сесть на своего (любимого) конька Id: I am going nowhere in particular —- я иду без всякой цели; я просто гуляю 5. особый, особенный; специфический a particular case —- особый случай take this particular pencil —- возьмите именно этот карандаш in this particular case —- в данном случае why did you choose this particular subject? —- почему вы выбрали именно этот предмет? at this particular time —- именно в это время to do smth. in a particular way —- делать что-нибудь особым образом what particular book it was he did...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) особый, частный, специфический; определённый 2) индивидуальный, отдельный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. частность, деталь - in particular - particular case 2. прил. 1) особый, особенный 2) частный 3) тщательный 4) подробный, детальный 5) требовательный 6) данный Syn: given, present PARTICULAR CASE частный случай ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) деталь 2) конкретный 3) особенный 4) особый 5) подробность 6) частность 7) частный leading particular case — ведущий частный случай - in particular - particular enunciation - particular integral - particular proposition - particular solution - particular value ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 relating to or considered as one thing or person as distinct from others; individual (in this particular instance). 2 more than is usual; special, noteworthy (took particular trouble). 3 scrupulously exact; fastidious. 4 detailed (a full and particular account). 5 Logic (of a proposition) in which something is asserted of some but not all of a class (opp. UNIVERSAL). --n. 1 a detail; an item. 2 (in pl.) points of information; a detailed account. Phrases and idioms in particular especially, specifically. Etymology: ME f. OF particuler f. L particularis (as PARTICLE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English particuler, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin ~is, from Latin particula small part  Date: 14th century  1. of, relating to, or being a single person or thing the ~ person I had in mind  2. obsolete partial  3. of, relating to, or concerned with details gave us a very ~ account of the trip  4.  a. distinctive among other examples or cases of the same general category ; notably unusual suffered from measles of ~ severity  b. being one unit or element among others ~ incidents in a story  5.  a. denoting an individual member or subclass in logic  b. affirming or denying a predicate to a part of the subject — used of a proposition in logic “some men are wise” is a ~ affirmative  6.  a. concerned over or attentive to details ; meticulous a very ~ gardener  b. nice in taste ; fastidious  c. hard to please ; exacting  Synonyms: see circumstantial, special  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. archaic a separate part of a whole  2.  a. an individual fact, point, circumstance, or detail a hero in every ~ — Ron Fimrite  b. a specific item or detail of information — usually used in plural wanted to know all the ~s of the incident bill of ~s  3.  a. an individual or a specific subclass (as in logic) falling under some general concept or term  b. a ~ proposition in logic  Synonyms: see item ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use particular to emphasize that you are talking about one thing or one kind of thing rather than other similar ones. I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer... I have to know exactly why it is I’m doing a particular job. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 2. If a person or thing has a particular quality or possession, it is distinct and belongs only to them. I have a particular responsibility to ensure I make the right decision... ADJ: ADJ n 3. You can use particular to emphasize that something is greater or more intense than usual. Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 4. If you say that someone is particular, you mean that they choose things and do things very carefully, and are not easily satisfied. Ted was very particular about the colors he used. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ about n 5. see also particulars 6. You use in particular to indicate that what you are saying applies especially to one thing or person. The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying... Why should he notice her car in particular?... = particularly PHRASE: PHR with cl/group 7. You use nothing in particular or nobody in particular to mean nothing or nobody important or special. Drew made some remarks to nobody in particular and said goodbye. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun a particular thing or person is the one that you are talking about, and not any other  (Fred hasn't seen that particular film. | We expect budget pressures in this particular area.) 2 special or important enough to mention separately  (You should pay particular attention to spelling. | There was nothing of particular interest in the letter. | Is there any particular thing that's worrying you?) 3 very careful about choosing exactly what you like and not easily satisfied + abou  (Marty's very particular about his food.) 4 I'm not particular spoken used to say that you do not care what is decided + what/how/where etc  (I'm not particular how you do it, as long as it gets done.) 5 formal giving exact details  (She gave us a full and particular account of what had happened.) ~2 n 1 in particular especially  (It was a good concert - I enjoyed the last song in particular. | anything/anyone in particular)  (Was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about? | nothing/no one in particular)  ("What did you want?" "Oh, nothing in particular.") 2 particulars the facts and details + of  (I am not familiar with the particulars of the case.) sb's particulars (=details such as their name, address, profession etc) 3 in every particular/in all particulars formal in every detail  (The documents were identical in almost every particular.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1387, from O.Fr. particuler, from L.L. particularis "of a part," from L. particula "particle." Original sense survives in particulars "small details;" sense of "precise, exacting" first recorded 1814. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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