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Англо-русский биологический словарь - part


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Перевод с английского языка part на русский


часть, доля; компонент; деталь

mouth part

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  company with прекратить связь, знакомство с кем-л. PART  1. noun  1) часть, доля; for the most part - большей частью; in part - частично, частью; ones part in a conversation - чье-л. высказывание в разговоре; Respect is a very important part of any relationship. Use turpentine and oil, two parts to one.  2) часть (книги), том, серия, выпуск  3) rare группа, фракция; I was a part of the team.  4) часть тела, член, орган; the (privy) parts - половые органы; It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot.  5) участие, доля в работе; обязанность, дело; - take part - have part it was not my part to interfere - не мое было дело вмешиваться; to do ones part - (с)делать свое дело; If only he could conceal his part in the accident.  6) роль; - play a part - act a part He offered her a large part in the play.  7) сторона (в споре и т.п.); for my part - с моей стороны, что касается меня; on the part of smb. - с чьей-л. стороны; - take the part of smb. - take part with smb.  8) pl. края, местность; in foreign parts - в чужих краях; in these parts - в этих местах, здесь; in all parts of the world - повсюду в мире, во всем мире  9) деталь, часть; spare parts for military equipment; This engine has only got three moving parts.  10) pl.; obs. способности; a man of (good) parts - способный человек  11) amer. пробор (в волосах)  12) gram. - part of speech - part of sentence  13) mus. партия, голос  14) archit. 1/30 часть модуля part and parcel - составная/неотъемлемая часть to have neither part nor lot in smth. - не иметь ничего общего с чем-л. in...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. часть, доля parts of a fraction —- доли дроби the greater part of the population —- большая часть населения in the early part of the week —- в начале недели in part —- частично, частью to pay in parts —- платить по частям to contribute in part to smth. —- частично способствовать чему-либо the best part of a week —- большая часть недели during the early of the war —- в начале войны the best part of a bottle of wine —- добрая половина бутылки вина five parts of the whole —- пять частей от целого in the hot part of the day —- в жаркое время дня part of the house is to let —- сдается часть дома it is a part of his functions —- это входит в его функции it is no part of my intentions —- это не входит в мои намерения in a greater part due to smth. —- в значительной степени обязан чему-либо the most part —- большая часть for the most part —- большей частью the best part of smth. —- добрая половина чего-либо to form a constituent part of smth. —- являться составной частью чего-либо a corporate part of our own life —- неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни to constitute a part of —- составлять часть чего-либо, являться компонентом чего-либо to devote a part of one's time to smth., smb. —- посвятить часть своего времени чему-либо, кому-либо English forms a part of the regular curriculum —- английский язык входит в учебную программу he recieved part of his education in England —- он некоторое время обучался в Англии the trip will occupy the better part of the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  часть, доля; компонент; деталь – mouth part ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. descriptive part of specification – for the most part – to act the part – part of claim – part of specification – constituent part – distinctive part of claim – material part – resting part – text part of specification PART 1. сущ. 1) часть, доля 2) экземпляр (переводного векселя) 3) сторона 4) участие 5) роль, значение • - all-or-any part - be part of - component part - constitute a part of - delivery in part - fabricated parts - in part - integral part - part and parcel - part of contract - part payment - part performance - part time workers - part with - replacement part - take part in smth. 2. гл. 1) разделять(ся), отделять(ся) 2) отдавать 3) расставаться - part with the possession of goods ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) деталь 2) доля 3) неполный 4) отделить 5) отделять 6) отчасти 7) разделить 8) разделять 9) разрезать на части 10) роль 11) участок 12) частица 13) частично 14) часть absolutely continuous part — абсолютно непрерывная часть address part of instruction — адресная часть команды be a part of — входить в состав for the most part — большей частью, по большей части fractional part of number — дробная часть числа indexing part of instruction — модифицируемая часть команды integral part of number — целая часть числа part wears out of true — деталь имеет выработку play a part in — играть роль play part of — фигурировать precision to one part per million — точность до одной миллионной stagnant part of number — мантисса числа to within one part in n — с точностью до 1/n - airborne part - aliquant part - aliquot part - antiperiodic part - bearing part - change part - component part - continuous part - critical part - detachable part - discontinuous part - elementary part - essential part - exponent part - finished part - finishing part - finite part - fit part - fore part - fractional part - homogeneous part - hundredth part - imaginary part - insoluble part - integer part - integral part - irrational part - isolated part - leading part - linear part - load-bearing part - load-carrying part - local part - location part - logarithmic part - logic of part - make-up part - male part - minor part - negative part - nonpoint part - nontrivial part - one-point part - operation part - orthogonal part - oversize part - positive part - primitive part - principal part - prominent part - proper part - purchased part - quasinilpotent part - radical part - real part - rear part - regular part - reject...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) часть; доля 2) деталь, узел 3) абонент 4) подсистема – address part – encrypted-message part – hearable-cable part – message part – message-transfer part – printed compartment part – telephone user part – user part – user-data part ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  часть, доля разделять, отделять компонент, элемент; деталь; узел parts of construction works parts of rope parts of structure accessory part building part closing parts constituent parts defective parts dividing parts driving parts embedded parts enclosing parts fixed part of the crane interchangeable parts live derricking part machine parts mortar part of the mix repair parts spare parts structural parts subsurface parts of building trimming parts ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  I 1) часть; доля 2) отделять(ся); разделять(ся); расчленять 3) компонент; элемент 4) деталь 5) узел 6) вчт. совокупность, сегмент (в языке Ада) - parts of triangle - accepted part - actuated part - address part - assembly defective part - basic part - bearing part - blank part - bottom part - case-shaped part - change part - chucked part - chuck part - clamped part - common parts - completed part - complex part - component part - conductive part - critical part - current part - 2D part - 3D part - discrete part - egg-box palletized part - electronic part - embedded parts - exchange cylinder cam part - exponent part - exterior part - fabricated parts - facsimile part - failed part - family-related parts - faulty part - female part - finished part - fixed part - former part - fractional part - function part - functional part - half-done part - hand-fed parts - high-load part - high-precision part - imaginary part - incoming part - integral part - interchangeable parts - intolerance part - linear part - load-bearing part - locating part - location part - machined part - makeup part - male part - master part - mating part - mating docking part - milled part - minor part - miscellaneous part - multiple parts - multiple-diameter part - NC machine part - negative real part - non-FMS part - nonrotational part - odd-shaped part - one-of-a-kind parts - open tolerance part - operation operator part - operation part - out-of-tolerance part - oversize part - pallet-fixtured part - prefabricated part - prefab part - pressed part - pressurized fuselage part - primary part - prismatic part - protective stock part - prototype part - purchased part - quality-checked part - real part - rejected part - removable part - repair part - replacement part - rotary part - rough part - routing part - sample part - scalar part - scored part - sealing part - semicompleted part - shaft part - single-diameter part - spare part - stationary part - stepped part - stress relieved...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., v., & adv. --n. 1 some but not all of a thing or number of things. 2 an essential member or constituent of anything (part of the family; a large part of the job). 3 a component of a machine etc. (spare parts; needs a new part). 4 a a portion of a human or animal body. b (in pl.) = private parts. 5 a division of a book, broadcast serial, etc., esp. as much as is issued or broadcast at one time. 6 each of several equal portions of a whole (the recipe has 3 parts sugar to 2 parts flour). 7 a a portion allotted; a share. b a person's share in an action or enterprise (will have no part in it). c one's duty (was not my part to interfere). 8 a a character assigned to an actor on stage. b the words spoken by an actor on stage. c a copy of these. 9 Mus. a melody or other constituent of harmony assigned to a particular voice or instrument. 10 each of the sides in an agreement or dispute. 11 (in pl.) a region or district (am not from these parts). 12 (in pl.) abilities (a man of many parts). 13 US = PARTING 2. --v. 1 tr. & intr. divide or separate into parts (the crowd parted to let them through). 2 intr. a leave one another's company (they parted the best of friends). b (foll. by from) say goodbye to. 3 tr. cause to separate (they fought hard and had to be parted). 4 intr. (foll. by with) give up possession of; hand over. 5 tr. separate (the hair of the head on either side of the parting) with a comb. --adv. to some extent; partly (is part iron and part wood; a lie that is part truth). Phrases and idioms for the most part see MOST. for one's part as far as one is concerned. in part (or parts) to some extent; partly. look the part appear suitable for a role. on the part of on the behalf or initiative of (no objection on my part). part and parcel (usu. foll. by of) an essential part. part company see COMPANY. part-exchange n. a transaction in which goods are given as part of the payment for other goods, with the balance in money. --v.tr. give (goods) in such a transaction. part of speech n. each of the categories to which words are...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Old English, both from Latin ~-, pars; perhaps akin to Latin parare to prepare — more at pare  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole  (2) an essential portion or integral element  b. one of several or many equal units of which something is composed or into which it is divisible ; an amount equal to another amount mix one ~ of the powder with three ~s of water  c.  (1) an exact divisor of a quantity ; aliquot  (2) ~ial fraction  d. one of the constituent elements of a plant or animal body: as  (1) organ, member  (2) plural private ~s  e. a division of a literary work  f.  (1) a vocal or instrumental line or melody in concerted music or in harmony  (2) a ~icular voice or instrument in concerted music; also the score for it  g. a constituent member of a machine or other apparatus; also a spare ~  2. something falling to one in a division or apportionment ; share wanted no ~ of the proposal  3. one's share or allotted task (as in an action) ; duty one must do one's ~  4. one of the opposing sides in a conflict or dispute  5. a general area of indefinite boundaries — usually used in plural you're not from around these ~s took off for ~s unknown  6. a function or course of action performed  7.  a. an actor's lines in a play  b. the role of a character in a play  8. a constituent of character or capacity ; talent a man of many ~s  9. the line where the hair is ~ed Synonyms:  ~, portion, piece, member, division, section, segment, fragment mean something less than the whole. ~ is a general term appropriate when indefiniteness is required they ran only ~ of the way. portion implies an assigned or allotted ~ cut the pie into six portions. piece applies to a separate or detached ~ of a whole a puzzle with 500 pieces. member suggests one of the functional units composing a body a structural...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]NOUN USES, QUANTIFIER USES, AND PHRASES (parts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 18 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. A part of something is one of the pieces, sections, or elements that it consists of. I like that part of Cape Town... Respect is a very important part of any relationship. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A part for a machine or vehicle is one of the smaller pieces that is used to make it. ...spare parts for military equipment... = component N-COUNT 3. Part of something is some of it. It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot... Mum and he were able to walk part of the way together... QUANT: QUANT of sing-n/n-uncount 4. If you say that something is part one thing, part another, you mean that it is to some extent the first thing and to some extent the second thing. The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator... = half ADV: ADV n, ADV adj 5. You can use part when you are talking about the proportions of substances in a mixture. For example, if you are told to use five parts water to one part paint, the mixture should contain five times as much water as paint. Use turpentine and linseed oil, three parts to two. N-COUNT 6. A part in a play or film is one of the roles in it which an actor or actress can perform. Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing... He was just right for the part. = role N-COUNT 7. Your part in something that happens is your involvement in it. If only he could conceal his part in the accident... = involvement N-SING: poss N in n 8. If something or someone is part of a group or organization, they belong to it or are included in it. I was a part of the team and wanted to remain a part of the team. N-UNCOUNT: also a N, N of n 9. The part in someone’s hair is the line running from the front to the back of their head where their hair lies in different...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PIECE OF« a piece of something such as an object, area, event, or period of time + of  (The front part of the car was badly damaged. | In parts of Canada, French is the first language. | What part of America do you come from? | I only saw the first part of the programme.) be (a) part of  (Falling over is part of learning how to ski. | late/early part)  (She spent the early part of her life in Belfast. | best/worst part)  (The best part of the holiday was the trip to the Islands. | hard/easy part)  (Getting dad to agree will be the hard part.) 2 »MACHINE/OBJECT« one of the separate pieces that something such as a machine, object etc is made of  (I've glued it back together, but this part won't fit properly. | They send you the parts and you build it yourself. | spare part (=kept for when a part breaks, needs replacing etc)) 3 »NOT ALL« some but not all of a particular thing or group of things + of  (Part of the castle was destroyed in the fire.) in parts  (The film is very violent in parts. | (only) part of the story/problem/explanation etc)  (Poor working conditions are only part of the problem.) 4 play a part a) if something plays a part in something, it is one of the several causes that make it happen or be successful + in  (This innovation has played a part in the company's success.) play a big/important part in  (Besides dieting, exercising plays an important part in losing weight.) b) to perform the actions, words etc of a particular character in a play, film etc  (play the part of)  (Kenneth Brannagh played the part of Henry V.) c) to be involved in something  (Britain should play its full part in these negotiations.) 5 take part to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc together with other people + in  (About 400 students took part in the protest. | She wanted to take part but she was too ill.) take an active/leading part  (At college I took an active part in student politics.) 6 the best/better part of nearly all of something  (We waited for the best part of an hour.) 7 a good/large part...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Pressure Alignment Rotation And Tread mil. abbr. Part Analysis And Requirements Tracking gen. bus. abbr. Planning Of Activities Resources And Technology ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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