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Англо-русский биологический словарь - paper


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absorbent paperbibulous paperDBM paperDEAE paperdiazotized paperdiazotized aminobensyloxymethyl paperexploration paperfilter paperindicator paperlitmus paperreagent paper

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   1. noun  1) бумага; - correspondence paper - ruled paper - section paper - rotogravure paper - on paper  2) газета; I might get a paper in the village. You cant believe everything you read in the paper.  3) научный доклад; статья; диссертация; - working paper He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires.  4) экзаменационный билет  5) письменная работа; She finished the exam paper.  6) бумажный пакет; a paper of needles - пакетик иголок  7) collect. векселя, банкноты, кредитные бумаги; бумажные деньги  8) документ; a new government paper on European policy  9) pl. личные или служебные документы; to send in ones papers - подать в отставку; first papers amer. - первые документы, подаваемые уроженцем другой страны, ходатайствующим о принятии в гражданство США; After her death, her papers were deposited at the library.  10) pl. папильотки  11) coll. пропуск, контрамарка  12) coll. контрамарочник(и) Syn: see composition  2. adj.  1) бумажный; - paper money - papercurrency - paper work  2) существующий только на бумаге; They expressed deep mistrust of the paper promises. We are looking for people who have experience rather than paper qualification.  3) газетный; - paper war - paper warfare  4) тонкий как бумага  3. v.  1) завертывать в бумагу  2) оклеивать обоями, бумагой; We have papered this room in softest grey. Paint wont cover the mark on the wall, we shall have to paper over it.  3) coll. заполнять театр контрамарочниками - paper over PAPER clip noun скрепка для бумаг PAPER girl noun разносчик газет...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. бумага brown paper —- оберточная бумага music paper —- нотная бумага section paper —- миллиметровка on paper —- написанный, напечатанный I'd rather see it on paper —- я бы хотел, чтобы это было изложено в письменной форме on paper —- теоретический; фиктивный an army on paper —- фиктивная армия to commit to paper —- записывать to put pen to paper —- приняться за письмо, писать this plan is only good on paper —- этот план хорош лишь на бумаге 2. лист бумаги blank paper —- чистый лист бумаги 3. пакет paper of sandwiches —- пакет с бутербродами half a paper of flour —- полпакета муки 4. листок (с чем-либо) a paper of needles —- пакетик иголок a paper of fasteners —- упаковка кнопок 5. документ working paper —- рабочий документ you've already signed this paper? —- вы уже подписали этот документ? 6. личные или служебные документы clerk of the Papers —- заведующий канцелярией Суда королевской скамьи officer's papers —- документы офицера ship's papers —- судовые документы to send in one's papers —- подать в отставку 7. собир. бумажные деньги, бумажные денежные знаки, банкноты, кредитные билеты 8. собир. векселя paper is as good as ready money —- вексель - все равно, что наличные деньги 9. газета, журнал Sunday paper —- воскресная газета fashion paper —- модный журнал it is in the paper —- это напечатано в газете to make the papers —- попасть в газеты,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  бумага – absorbent paper – DBM paper – DEAE paper – diazotized paper – diazotized aminobensyloxymethyl paper – exploration paper – filter paper – indicator paper – litmus paper – reagent paper ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) потр. бумага (материал для письма, печатания, рисования и других целей, изготавливаемый из тряпичной, древесной и другой массы); лист бумаги brown ruled paper — оберточная линованная бумага section paper — миллиметровка cigarette paper — папиросная бумага 2) эк. документ; официальная бумага working paper — рабочий документ You've already signed this paper? — Вы уже подписали этот документ? Syn: "document 3) мн., эк. бумажные деньги, бумажные денежные знаки, банкноты 4) фин., банк. (коммерческая) бумага (обобщающее название для различных краткосрочных долговых инструментов, таких как долговые расписки, переводные векселя и т. д.) Syn: commercial paper See: "acceptable paper, commodity paper, direct paper, "eligible paper, eurocommercial paper, negotiable paper, paper credit, commercial bill, promissory note, bill, bill of exchange 5) СМИ газета to make the papers — попасть в газеты, вызвать сенсацию, прославиться Sunday paper — воскресная газета Syn: newspaper 6) общ. научный доклад; статья; диссертация to read to present one's paper — делать доклад 7) а) обр. экзаменационный билет б) обр. письменная работа 8) потр. обои to paste to cover with paper — наклеивать обои 9) а) общ., разг. контрамарка (в театр и т. п.) б) общ., разг. контрамарочник PAPER 1. сущ. 1) потр. бумага (материал для письма, печатания, рисования и других...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бумага 2) бумажные деньги 3) бумажный 4) работа 5) статья asbestos insulating paper — электроизоляционная бумага bottle packing paper — бутылочная бумага calender bowl paper — каландровая бумага coordinate cross-section paper — клетчатая бумага; миллиметровая бумага copper printing paper — бумага для глубокой печати cross direction paper — бумага поперечной резки diazotype tracing paper — диазотипная калька duplicating stencil paper — ротаторная пленка extremal probability paper — вероятностная бумага для распределения экстремальных значений fine abrasive paper — бумага стеклянная мелкая grain long paper — долевая бумага half-normal probability paper — вероятностная бумага для полунормального распределения heavy kraft paper — машиностр. бумага кабельная high-ash content paper — высокозольная бумага logarithmic probability paper — вероятностная бумага для логарифмически нормального распределения low-ash content paper — малозольная бумага machine direction paper — бумага продольной резки machine finish of paper — машинная гладкость бумаги metallized paper capacitor — металлобумажный конденсатор ordinary cross-section paper — обычная миллиметровка paper cross direction — поперечное направление бумаги paper felt side — верхняя сторона бумаги paper machine direction — машинное направление бумаги paper master plate — бумажная формная пластина paper...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  бумага – electronic paper – printout paper – recording paper – thermal paper ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  бумага abrasive paper asbestos paper asphalt paper building paper butter paper concreting paper construction paper electrical insulating paper ferro-prussiate paper garnet paper glass paper glass reinforced waterproof paper kraft paper polyethylene coated craft paper profile paper red litmus paper tar paper waterproof paper waterproof building paper waterproof sheathing paper ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) бумага 2) (бумажные) обои 3) газета 4) фотобумага 5) (научный) доклад; статья 6) документ 7) оклеивать бумагой или обоями 8) обёртывать бумагой; упаковывать в бумагу - abrasive paper - absorbent paper - acid-free paper - acidproof paper - active paper - adhesive paper - airmail paper - album paper - alkaliproof paper - all-rag paper - all-wood paper - animal-sized paper - anticorrosive paper - antiseptic paper - antitarnish paper - armature paper - art paper - asbestos paper - ashless filter paper - asphalt paper - asphalt-laminated kraft paper - atlas paper - backing paper - bag paper - bakelized paper - bank-note paper - bark paper - base paper - bast paper - bible paper - binder's paper - black-and-white paper - blade-coated paper - bleached paper - blotting paper - blueprint paper - blue paper - board paper - body paper - bond paper - book paper - bookend paper - book-printing paper - Braille paper - Bristol paper - broken paper - bromide paper - brush-coated paper - building paper - cable paper - calendered paper - calf paper - calking paper - cap paper - capacitor paper - carbon paper - carbonless paper - chalk overlay paper - chart paper - cheque paper - chlorobromide paper - chromatographic paper - coated paper - coated one-side paper - coated two-side paper - coding paper - color paper - common paper - concreting paper - condenser paper - conditioned paper - conducting paper - contact paper - continuous paper - converting paper - coordinate paper - copying paper - copy paper - corrugated paper - cotton rag paper - cover paper - crocus paper - cross-section paper - cut-sized paper - cylinder-dried paper - daily paper - design paper - detail paper - developing-out paper - developing paper - diagram paper - dial paper - diazo-type paper - diazo paper - dielectric paper - drafting paper - drawing paper - drying paper - dull paper - duplicator paper - electrical insulating paper - electrosensitive paper - embossed...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing or drawing or printing on, or as wrapping material etc. 2 (attrib.) a made of or using paper. b flimsy like paper. 3 = NEWSPAPER. 4 a a document printed on paper. b (in pl.) documents attesting identity or credentials. c (in pl.) documents belonging to a person or relating to a matter. 5 Commerce a negotiable documents, e.g. bills of exchange. b (attrib.) recorded on paper though not existing (paper profits). 6 a a set of questions to be answered at one session in an examination. b the written answers to these. 7 = WALLPAPER. 8 an essay or dissertation, esp. one read to a learned society or published in a learned journal. 9 a piece of paper, esp. as a wrapper etc. 10 Theatr. sl. free tickets or the people admitted by them (the house is full of paper). --v.tr. 1 apply paper to, esp. decorate (a wall etc.) with wallpaper. 2 (foll. by over) a cover (a hole or blemish) with paper. b disguise or try to hide (a fault etc.). 3 Theatr. sl. fill (a theatre) by giving free passes. Phrases and idioms on paper 1 in writing. 2 in theory; to judge from written or printed evidence. paper-boy (or -girl) a boy or girl who delivers or sells newspapers. paper-chase a cross-country run in which the runners follow a trail marked by torn-up paper. paper-clip a clip of bent wire or of plastic for holding several sheets of paper together. paper-hanger a person who decorates with wallpaper, esp. professionally. paper-knife a blunt knife for opening letters etc. paper-mill a mill in which paper is made. paper money money in the form of banknotes. paper mulberry a small Asiatic tree, Broussonetia papyrifera, of the mulberry family, whose bark is used for making paper and cloth. paper nautilus see NAUTILUS 2. paper round 1 a job of regularly delivering newspapers. 2 a route taken doing this. paper tape Computing tape made of paper, esp. that on which data or instructions are represented by means of holes punched in it, for...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English papir, from Anglo-French, from Latin papyrus papyrus, ~, from Greek papyros papyrus  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a felted sheet of usually vegetable fibers laid down on a fine screen from a water suspension  (2) a similar sheet of other material (as plastic)  b. a piece of ~  2.  a. a piece of ~ containing a written or printed statement ; document pedigree ~s  b. a piece of ~ containing writing or print  c. a formal written composition often designed for publication and often intended to be read aloud presented a scholarly ~ at the meeting  d. a piece of written schoolwork  3. a ~ container or wrapper  4. news~  5. the negotiable notes or instruments of commerce  6. wall~  7. tickets; especially free passes  8. ~back  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1594  transitive verb  1. archaic to put down or describe in writing  2. to fold or enclose in ~  3. to cover or line with ~; especially to apply wall~ to  4. to fill by giving out free passes ~ the theater for opening night  5. to cover (an area) with advertising bills, circulars, or posters  intransitive verb to hang wall~  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: 1594  1.  a. made of ~, cardboard, or papier-mache a ~ bag  b. ~y  2. of or relating to clerical work or written communication  3. existing only in theory ; nominal a ~ blockade  4. admitted by free passes a ~ audience  5. finished with a crisp smooth surface similar to that of ~ ~ taffeta ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (papers, papering, papered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Paper is a material that you write on or wrap things with. The pages of this book are made of paper. He wrote his name down on a piece of paper for me... She sat at the table with pen and paper. ...a sheet of pretty wrapping paper. ...a paper bag. N-UNCOUNT 2. A paper is a newspaper. I’ll cook and you read the paper. N-COUNT 3. You can refer to newspapers in general as the paper or the papers. You can’t believe everything you read in the paper... N-COUNT: the N 4. Your papers are sheets of paper with writing or information on them, which you might keep in a safe place at home. Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence. N-PLURAL: usu with poss 5. Your papers are official documents, for example your passport or identity card, which prove who you are or which give you official permission to do something. They have arrested four people who were trying to leave the country with forged papers. = identification N-PLURAL: usu poss N 6. A paper is a long, formal piece of writing about an academic subject. He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires. N-COUNT 7. A paper is an essay written by a student. (mainly AM) ...the ten common errors that appear most frequently in student papers. N-COUNT see also term paper 8. A paper is a part of a written examination in which you answer a number of questions in a particular period of time. We sat each paper in the Hall... N-COUNT 9. A paper prepared by a government or a committee is a report on a question they have been considering or a set of proposals for changes in the law. ...a new government paper on European policy. N-COUNT see also Green Paper, White Paper 10. Paper agreements, qualifications, or profits are ones that are stated by official documents to exist, although they may not really be effective or useful. We’re looking for people who have experience rather than...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR WRITING ON« material in the form of thin sheets that is used for writing on, wrapping things etc  (a piece of paper | wrapped in brown paper | writing/wrapping/drawing paper)  (sheets of writing paper) 2 »NEWSPAPER« a newspaper  (Have you seen today's paper? | Why don't you put an ad in the local paper? | daily/evening/Sunday paper)  (The story was all over the Sunday papers.) 3 »DOCUMENTS/LETTERS« papers plural a) pieces of paper with writing on them that you use in your work, at meetings etc  (I left some important papers in my briefcase.) b) documents and letters concerning someone's private or public life  (I found this photograph among his private papers.) c) official documents such as your passport, identity card etc  (After checking our papers, the border guards let us through.)  (- see also White Paper, green paper, order paper) 4 on paper a) if you put ideas or information on paper, you write them down  (As soon as you have an idea, get it down on paper so you don't forget it.) b) if something seems true on paper, it seems to be true as an idea, but may not be true in a real situation  (It's a nice idea on paper, but you'll never get it to work.) 5 »EXAMINATION« a) BrE a set of printed questions used as an examination in a particular subject  (an exam paper | history/French etc paper)  (The history paper was really easy.) b) the answers that have been written to these questions  (I have a stack of papers to mark.) 6 »ABOUT A SUBJECT« a) a piece of writing or a talk by someone who has made a study of a particular subject  (a scientific paper | give a paper on (=give a talk about))  (Professor Usborne gave a paper on recent developments in the field of cognitive psychology. | working paper (=an official document that makes suggestions about a subject or problem)) b) especially AmE a piece of writing that is done as part of a course at school or university + on  (I have a paper to write on the Civil War.) 7 »FOR WALLS« paper for covering and decorating the walls of a room; wallpaper...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1364, from Anglo-Fr. paper, from O.Fr. papier, from L. papyrus "paper" (see papyrus). As shortened form of newspaper, first attested 1642. Paper chase is British slang from 1932. Paper tiger (1952) translates Chinese tsuh lao fu, popularized by Mao Zedong. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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