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Англо-русский биологический словарь - nut


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areca nutAustralian nutbladder nutBrazil nutbutter nutcandle nutChile nutcream nutearth nutground nutLambert nutmankett nutoil nutpalm nutpili nutpine nutpoison nutQueensland nutSaint-Antony's nutsapucaia nutSardian nutSawara nutwater nutwing nut

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  гайка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  out smth. обмозговать что-л. NUT  1. noun  1) орех  2) coll. голова; to be off ones nut - спятить  3) чудак; сумасброд  4) pl.; coll. дурачок, псих  5) sl. фат, щеголь  6) pl. мелкий уголь  7) tech. гайка; муфта a hard nut to crack -  а) крепкий орешек; не по зубам; трудная задача;  б) трудный человек nuts! coll. - великолепно! to be nuts coll. - очень нравиться; доставлять большое удовольствие, радость to be (dead) nuts on coll. -  а) очень любить;  б) знать как свои пять пальцев; быть в чем-л. большим знатоком, мастером not for nuts - ни за что  2. v.  1) собирать орехи; to go nutting - отправиться по орехи  2) sl. шевелить мозгами; - nut out smth. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. орех shelled nuts —- очищенные орехи, орехи без скорлупы 2. бот. семянка 3. крепкий орешек a tough nut to crack —- трудная задача; крепкий орешек 4. сл. голова, башка; "котелок" you get this in your nut! —- заруби себе на носу! to be off one's nut —- спятить, рехнуться to work one's nut —- шевелить мозгами 5. сл. псих, чокнутый a prodigiously talented nut —- талантливейший, но неуравновешенный человек 6. помешавшийся (на чем-л.) a golf nut —- человек, помешавшийся на гольфе 7. сл. франт, щеголь; молодец to be a nut at smth. —- отлично играть, грести 8. сл. прелесть, чудо; "что надо" 9. ам. пончик 10. тех. гайка; муфта cap nut —- колпачковая гайка nut runner —- гайковерт nut wrench —- гаечный ключ 11. мелкий уголь 12. сердцевина, ядро the nut of smb.'s argument —- самая суть чьих-л. доводов 13. полигр. полукруглая шпация nut dash, nut rule —- тире на полукруглую 14. сл. взятка полицейскому (из-за мелкого правонарушения); откуп (от штрафа) Id: nut college —- ам. сл. сумасшедший дом, психиатричка, "психушка" Id: for nuts —- нисколько Id: to do one's nut(s) —- сл. беситься (от злости, нетерпения) Id: she cannot sew for nuts —- она совсем не умеет шить Id: time to leave our nuts aside —- время юношеских забав прошло, пора стать взрослыми Id: he who would eat the nut must first crack the shell —- посл. без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  орех – areca nut – Australian nut – bladder nut – Brazil nut – butter nut – candle nut – cream nut – earth nut – ground nut – Lambert nut – mankett nut – oil nut – palm nut – pili nut – pine nut – poison nut – Queensland nut – Saint-Antony's nut – sapucaia nut – Sardian nut – Sawara nut – water nut – wing nut ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) общ. орех See: 2) тех. гайка See: hardware goods 3) эк. (общий объем средств, необходимы для запуска нового проекта (как правило, в индустрии развлечений, СМИ и т. п.) или для поддержания его работоспособности) 4) полигр. полукруглая шпация (установка горизонтального пробела, равного по ширине половине буквы "m" ("м") (т. е. половине самой широкой буквы алфавита)) NUT обр., эк. тр., брит. сокр. от National Union of Teachers ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  гайка adjusting nut anchor nut back nut black nut conical nut eye nut left-handed nut lifting nut lock nut right and left nut right-handed nut ring nut self-locking nut setting nut spring nut wing nut ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) гайка 2) "орешек", мелкий уголь - adjusting nut - anchor nut - back nut - ball nut - bearing retaining nut - black nut - blind nut - bright nut - butterfly nut - cap nut - capstan nut - captive nut - castellated nut - check nut - circular nut - clamping nut - clamp nut - clasp nut - coke nut - collar nut - conical nut - connecting nut - countergunk nut - coupling nut - cover nut - crank starting nut - dome nut - domed nut - double nut - eared nut - eye nut - fastening nut - fast-tension nut - female-swivel nut - finished nut - flanged nut - flat nut - fly nut - gland nut - grip nut - grommet nut - half-bright nut - half-rough nut - hand nut - hexagonal nut - hexal nut - hexagon nut - hex nut - horned nut - insert nut - jam nut - jamb nut - joint nut - knock-off nut - knurled nut - lead nut - left-handed nut - lock nut - loose nut - modified thread nut - packing nut - pinch nut - plain nut - punched nut - retaining nut - right-and-left nut - right-handed nut - ring nut - rough nut - round nut - rounded corners nut - safety nut - sealing nut - self-locking nut - semibright semifinished nut - semibright nut - serrated face nut - sliding nut - slit nut - slotted nut - spanner nut - split nut - spring nut - square nut - taper nut - thick nut - thin nut - thumb nut - turn-buckle nut - union nut - winged nut - wing nut ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. b this kernel. 2 a pod containing hard seeds. 3 a small usu. square or hexagonal flat piece of metal or other material with a threaded hole through it for screwing on the end of a bolt to secure it. 4 sl. a person's head. 5 sl. a a crazy or eccentric person. b an obsessive enthusiast or devotee (a health-food nut). 6 a small lump of coal, butter, etc. 7 a a device fitted to the bow of a violin for adjusting its tension. b the fixed ridge on the neck of a stringed instrument over which the strings pass. 8 (in pl.) coarse sl. the testicles. --v.intr. (nutted, nutting) seek or gather nuts (go nutting). Phrases and idioms do one's nut sl. be extremely angry or agitated. for nuts colloq. even tolerably well (cannot sing for nuts). nut cutlet a cutlet-shaped portion of meat-substitute, made from nuts etc. nut-house sl. a mental home or hospital. nut-oil an oil obtained from hazelnuts and walnuts and used in paints and varnishes. nuts and bolts colloq. the practical details. nut-tree any tree bearing nuts, esp. a hazel. off one's nut sl. crazy. Derivatives nutlike adj. Etymology: OE hnutu f. Gmc NUT abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Teachers. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, note, from Old English h~u; akin to Old High German nuz ~ and perhaps to Latin nux ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a hard-shelled dry fruit or seed with a separable rind or shell and interior kernel  (2) the kernel of a ~  b. a dry indehiscent one-seeded fruit with a woody pericarp  2.  a. a hard problem or undertaking  b. core, heart  3. a perforated block usually of metal that has an internal screw thread and is used on a bolt or screw for tightening or holding something  4. the ridge in a stringed instrument (as a violin) over which the strings pass on the upper end of the fingerboard  5. a small lump (as of butter)  6.  a. a foolish, eccentric, or crazy person  b. enthusiast a movie ~  7. plural nonsense — often used interjectionally  8. slang a person's head  9. usually vulgar testis  10. the amount of money that must be earned in order to break even  11. en 1  • ~like adjective  II. intransitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1604 to gather or seek ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (nuts) 1. The firm shelled fruit of some trees and bushes are called nuts. Some nuts can be eaten. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E. N-COUNT see also groundnut, hazelnut, peanut 2. A nut is a thick metal ring which you screw onto a metal rod called a bolt. Nuts and bolts are used to hold things such as pieces of machinery together. If you want to repair the wheels you just undo the four nuts. ...nuts and bolts that haven’t been tightened up. N-COUNT 3. If you describe someone as, for example, a football nut or a health nut, you mean that they are extremely enthusiastic about the thing mentioned. (INFORMAL) ...a football nut who spends thousands of pounds travelling to watch games. = fanatic N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If you are nuts about something or someone, you like them very much. (INFORMAL) She’s nuts about you. ADJ: v-link ADJ about n c darkgreen]feelings 5. If you refer to someone as a nut, you mean that they are mad. (INFORMAL) There’s some nut out there with a gun. N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If you say that someone goes nuts or is nuts, you mean that they go crazy or are very foolish. (INFORMAL) You guys are nuts... A number of the French players went nuts, completely out of control. ADJ: v-link ADJ 7. If someone goes nuts, or in British English does their nut, they become extremely angry. (INFORMAL) My father would go nuts if he saw bruises on me... We heard your sister doing her nut. PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you talk about the nuts and bolts of a subject or an activity, you are referring to the detailed practical aspects of it rather than abstract ideas about it. He’s more concerned about the nuts and bolts of location work. PHRASE: usu the PHR of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOOD« a dry brown fruit inside a hard shell, that grows on a tree  (crack a nut | a cashew nut) 2 »TOOL« a small piece of metal with a hole through the middle which is screwed onto a bolt1 (2) to fasten things together 3 »CRAZY PERSON« informal especially AmE someone who is crazy or behaves strangely  (He's kind of a nut, but I like him.) 4 a golf/opera etc nut informal someone who is very interested in golf etc  (She's a Clark Gable nut.) 5 »SEXUAL ORGAN« slang a man's testicles  (He got kicked in the nuts.) 6 the nuts and bolts of informal the practical details of a subject or job  (the nuts and bolts of the project) 7 a tough/hard nut informal someone who is difficult to deal with  (Johnny Stone was a tough nut.) 8 a hard/tough nut to crack a difficult problem or situation  (Saturday's match will be a tough nut to crack.) 9 »HEAD« BrE spoken your head or brain  (Oh come on, use your nut!) 10 be off your nut BrE spoken to be crazy  (You must be off your nut!) 11 do your nut BrE spoken to become very angry or worried  (I didn't get home till three - my Mum did her nut!) 12 sb can't ... for nuts spoken used to say that someone is completely unable to do something  (She can't sing for nuts.)  (- see also nuts1) ~2 v BrE informal to hit someone with your head; headbutt  (He just turned round and nutted me!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan law abbr. No Use Talking NYSE symbols M L Macadamia Orchards, L. P. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hnutu, from P.Gmc. *khnut-, from PIE *knu- "lump." The nut that goes onto a bolt is first recorded 1611 (used of other small mechanical pieces since M.E.). Sense of "crazy person, crank" is from 1903 (British form nutter first attested 1958), though nuts (adj.) "crazy" is from 1846, from earlier be nutts upon "be very fond of" (1785), which is possibly from nuts (n., pl.) "any source of pleasure." Sense influenced probably by metaphoric application of nut to "head" (cf. be off one's nut "be insane"). Nutty "crazy" is first attested 1898. Nuts and bolts "fundamentals" is from 1960. The nuthatch (M.E.) is so called from its habit of breaking open and eating nuts; second element is related to hack (v.) and hatchet. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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