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Англо-русский биологический словарь - net


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Перевод с английского языка net на русский


1) сеть; сетка; сетчатая структура

2) паутина

apron netbottom gill netcannon netbow netcasting netclosing netcone-shaped netdip netdrift netentangling netfixed gill netfloating gill netfloating-lead trap netfree gill netfyke netgill nethead nethoop netIuday netlift netmist netmosquito netnerve netNHR netplankton netpound netriver drift netstake netsweep netthrow nettrammel nettrap net

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См. в других словарях

  I NETwork noun сеть II National Educational Television noun национальное образовательное телевидение NET profit чистая прибыль NET I  1. noun  1) сеть; тенета  2) сетка (для волос и т.п.)  3) сети, западня  4) паутина  2. v.  1) расставлять сети (тж. перен.); ловить сетями  2) покрывать сетью; сетями  3) плести, вязать сети  4) покрывать сетью (железных дорог, радиостанций и т.п.)  5) попасть в сетку (о мяче)  6) забить (мяч, гол) II  1. adj. чистый, нетто (о весе, доходе); at 5/-n. - цена 5 шиллингов за вычетом скидки; net profit - чистая прибыль, чистый доход; - net cash - net cost - net efficiency - net load  2. noun чистый доход  3. v.  1) приносить чистый доход  2) получать чистый доход NET cash наличные деньги; наличный расчет без скидки; NET cost себестоимость; NET efficiency tech. практический коэффициент полезного действия; NET load tech. полезный груз NET noun; dim. of Antoinette, Henrietta, Janet Нет ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сеть, сети (для лова рыбы, животных); тенета; силок to catch with nets —- ловить сетями 2. сетка tennis net —- теннисная сетка to play a good game at the net —- хорошо играть у сетки (теннис) 3. хозяйственная сетка, авоська 4. спасательная сетка (пожарная и т. п.) 5. сети, западня a police net —- полицейская облава the thief escaped the police net —- вор ускользнул от (ловившей его) полиции to spread one's net for smb. —- расставить кому-л. сети to sweep everything into one's net —- прибирать к рукам все что можно to be caught in a cheat's net —- попасться в лапы (в ловушку, в сеть) мошенника 6. сетчатый материал wire net —- проволочная сетка net door —- сетчатая дверь 7. текст. тюль spotted net —- вуаль с мушками 8. паутина the spider weaves his net —- паук плетет свою паутину 9. рад. тлв. сеть radio net —- радиосеть net call signal —- позывной сигнал 10. спорт. ворота (футбол, хоккей) 11. спорт. сети (отгороженная сеткой часть крикетного поля, где тренируются игроки) to have an hour at the nets —- тренироваться в течение часа I must have a long net tomorrow —- завтра мне будет нужно потренироваться подольше 12. воен. маскировочная сеть 13. воен. сетевое заграждение 14. мат. связка 15. мат. развертка многогранника 16. ловить сетями, силками, тенетами to net fish —- ловить рыбу сетями to net birds —- ловить птиц...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сеть; сетка; сетчатая структура 2) паутина – apron net – bottom gill net – cannon net – bow net – casting net – closing net – cone-shaped net – dip net – drift net – entangling net – fixed gill net – floating gill net – floating-lead trap net – free gill net – fyke net – gill net – head net – hoop net – Iuday net – lift net – mist net – mosquito net – nerve net – NHR net – plankton net – pound net – river drift net – stake net – sweep net – throw net – trammel net – trap net ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. эк. нетто, чистые а) учет (цифра за вычетом налогов и других расходов, обязательств и т. д., т. е. сумма, уменьшенная на все относящиеся к ней вычеты) б) учет (разница между ценой продажи и ценой покупки актива, т. е. прибыль или убыток) в) торг. (окончательная сумма, которую должен будет уплатить покупатель, т. е. за вычетом скидок и т. п.) г) учет, разг., эк. (прибыль после налогообложения) Syn: net profit after taxation See: gross 2. гл. 1) эк. приносить получать чистый доход чистую прибыль The book has already netted a quarter of a million pounds. — Книга уже принесла четверть миллиона фунтов чистого дохода. See: gross 2) фин. получить остаток (в результате зачета поступлений и вычетов); провести клиринг зачет, неттинг 3. прил. 1) общ. чистый, нетто (о весе, доходе) per pound net — за фунт чистого веса net earnings — чистые поступления net cost — чистая стоимость net weight — чистый вес, вес нетто, вес без упаковки Ant: gross See: net asset value, net assets, net debt, net bonded debt, net profit, net income, net operating income, net equity, net loss, net operating loss, net book value, net capital loss, "net cash, net cash flow, net cash flow before financing, net cash flow from financing activities, net cash flow from investing activities, "net cost of purchases, "net method, net of tax, net plant and equipment 2) общ. итоговый, конечный net result effect— конечный результат 3) общ. чистый,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) короткий 2) короток 3) нетто 4) полезен 5) полезный 6) результирующий 7) сетевой 8) сетка 9) сетной 10) сеток 11) сеточный 12) сетчатый 13) сеть 14) чистый doubly logarithmic net — двойная логарифмическая сетка neatly convergent net — чисто сходящаяся сеть nerve net without circles — нервная нейронная сеть без петель sequentially bounded net — последовательно ограниченная сеть strongly convergent net — сильно сходящаяся сеть take-off net flight path — чистая траектория взлета virtually asymptotic net — виртуально асимптотическая сеть weakly convergent net — слабо сходящаяся сеть - Petri net - acyclic net - adjoint net - affine net - algebraic net - asymptotic net - basis of net - casting of net - causal net - chain net topology - chain net - clusterable net - compact net - conjugate net - conjunctive net - connected net - convergent net - correlation net - countable net - curvilinear net - delay net - disjunctive net - double-tier net machine - dyadic net - finite net - focal net - geometric net - goniometric net - harmonic net - hexagonal net - holonomic net - homaloidal net - hyperbolic net - irredundant net - isothermal net - iterative net - level net - logarithmic net - logical net - modular net - monotone net - natural net - nerve net - net amplitude - net category - net charge - net cost - net deviation - net domain - net flight path - net flow - net gain - net graph - net inaccuracy - net integrator - net list - net loss - net method - net migration - net moment - net of curves - net of polyhedral - net of rationality - net on surface - net price - net profit - net regression coefficient - net response - net revenue - net shopping bag - net tonnage - net variation - net weight - net winning - net yearly profit - neural net -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сеть – command net – communication net – compromise net – directed net – distribution net – enterprise nets – fixed-frequency net – free net – lambda net – maritime broadcast-communication net – radio net ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сеть; сетка сетчатый плести сетку; ограждать сеткой, натягивать сетку чистый, нетто base net bee-keeper's net cable net catch net flow net guard net mosquito net safety net triangulation net wire net ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сеть; 2) сетка 3) схема 4) мн. ч. трик. полотно 5) невод; сеть ловить неводом или сетью; ставить сети - air-air net - airborne radar net - base net - bottom net - box net - cargo net - channel net - circled net - compromise net - correlation net - distributed sensor net - distribution net - drag net - drift net - encircling net - entangling net - fixed net - fixed-frequency net - floating net - flow net - free net - fyke net - gill net - gravity reference net - hoop net - impounding net - keep net - logical net - neural net - neuron net - paranzella net - Petri net - protective net - purse net - radar net - radio net - Raschel curtain nets - rescue alarm net - safety net - scoop net - sewer net - sink net - stream net - subboundary net - supply net - sweep net - trap net - trawl net - tuck net - wash net - wing net - wire gauze net NET сокр. от noise equivalent temperature эквивалентная шумовая температура ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 an open-meshed fabric of cord, rope, fibre, etc. 2 a piece of net used esp. to restrain, contain, or delimit, or to catch fish or other animals. 3 a structure with net to enclose an area of ground, esp. in sport. 4 a a structure with net used in various games, esp. forming the goal in football, netball, etc., and dividing the court in tennis etc. b (often in pl.) a practice-ground in cricket, surrounded by nets. 5 a system or procedure for catching or entrapping a person or persons. 6 = NETWORK. --v. (netted, netting) 1 tr. a cover, confine, or catch with a net. b procure as with a net. 2 tr. hit (a ball) into the net, esp. of a goal. 3 intr. make netting. 4 tr. make (a purse, hammock, etc.) by knotting etc. threads together to form a net. 5 tr. fish with nets, or set nets, in (a river). 6 tr. (usu. as netted adj.) mark with a netlike pattern; reticulate. Derivatives netful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: OE net, nett 2. adj. & v. (also nett) --adj. 1 (esp. of money) remaining after all necessary deductions, or free from deductions. 2 (of a price) to be paid in full; not reducible. 3 (of a weight) excluding that of the packaging or container etc. 4 (of an effect, result, etc.) ultimate, effective. --v.tr. (netted, netting) gain or yield (a sum) as net profit. Phrases and idioms net profit the effective profit; the actual gain after working expenses have been paid. net ton see TON(1). Etymology: F net NEAT(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~t, from Old English; akin to Old High German nezzi ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an open-meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or woven together at regular intervals  b. something made of ~: as  (1) a device for catching fish, birds, or insects  (2) a fabric barricade which divides a court in half (as in tennis or volleyball) and over which a ball or shuttlecock must be hit to be in play  (3) the fabric that encloses the sides and back of the goal in various games (as soccer or hockey)  2. an entrapping device or situation caught in the ~ of suspicious circumstances  3. something resembling a ~ in reticulation (as of lines, fibers, or figures)  4.  a. a group of communications stations operating under unified control  b. ~work 4  5. often capitalized Inter~  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  • ~ty adjective  II. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1593  1. to cover or enclose with or as if with a ~  2. to catch in or as if in a ~  3. to cover with or as if with a ~work  4.  a. to hit (a ball) into the ~ for the loss of a point in a racket game  b. to hit (a ball or puck) into the goal for a score (as in hockey or soccer); also to score (a point or goal) by ~ting a ball or puck  • ~ter noun  III. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, clean, pure, from Anglo-French — more at neat  Date: 15th century  1. free from all charges or deductions: as  a. remaining after the deduction of all charges, outlay, or loss ~ earnings ~ worth — compare gross  b. excluding all tare ~ weight  2. excluding all nonessential considerations ; basic, final the ~ result ~ effect  IV. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1758  1.  a. to receive by way of profit ; clear  b. to produce by way of profit ; yield  2. to get possession of ; gain  V. noun  Date: circa 1904  1. a ~ amount, profit, weight, or price  2. the score of a golfer in a handicap match after deducting his or her handicap from the gross score  3. essence, gist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]NOUN AND VERB USES (nets, netting, netted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Net is a kind of cloth that you can see through. It is made of very fine threads woven together so that there are small equal spaces between them. N-UNCOUNT 2. A net is a piece of netting which is used as a protective covering for something, for example to protect vegetables from birds. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed. N-COUNT 3. A net is a piece of netting which is used for catching fish, insects, or animals. Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels, tending their nets. N-COUNT 4. The Net is the same as the Internet. N-SING: the N 5. If you net a fish or other animal, you catch it in a net. I’m quite happy to net a fish and then let it go... = land VERB: V n 6. In games such as tennis, the net is the piece of netting across the centre of the court which the ball has to go over. N-COUNT: usu the N in sing 7. The net on a football or hockey field is the framework with netting over it which is attached to the back of the goal. He let the ball slip through his grasp and into the net. = goal N-COUNT: usu the N in sing 8. In basketball, the net is the netting which hangs from the metal hoop. You score goals by throwing the ball through the hoop and netting. N-COUNT 9. If you net something, you manage to get it, especially by using skill. They took to the water intent on netting the ?250,000 reward offered for conclusive proof of the monster’s existence. VERB: V n 10. If you net a particular amount of money, you gain it as profit after all expenses have been paid. Last year he netted a cool 3 million pounds by selling his holdings... = make VERB: V n 11. see also netting, safety net 12. If you cast your net wider, you look for or consider a greater variety of things. The security forces are casting their net wider. PHRASE: V and N inflect 13. If criminals slip through the net, they avoid being caught by...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a piece of material consisting of strings, threads, or wires woven across each other with regular spaces in between, used, for example, for catching fish, protecting vegetables etc  (a fishing net) 2 the net a) a long net used in games such as tennis that the players must hit the ball over b) a net forming an enclosure at the back of the goal in football, hockey etc  (Cole slammed the ball into the back of the net.) 3 very thin material made from fine threads woven together with very small spaces between  (net curtains) 4 a bag made of net on the end of a stick used for catching butterflies (butterfly (1)) etc 5 a communications or computer network 6 the Net technical the Internet; a system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information  (- see also cast your net wide cast1 (18), hairnet, safety net) ~2 v netted, netting 1 to catch a fish in a net  (We netted three fish in under an hour.) 2 especially AmE to earn a particular amount of money as a profit after tax has been paid  (I was netting around $64,000 a year.) 3 informal to hit or kick the ball into the net in sport 4 to succeed in getting something by using your skill  (a company that has netted several large contracts) ~3 also nett BrE adj only before noun 1 a net amount of money is the amount that remains after everything has been taken away from it  (net profit (=profit after tax, rent etc are paid))  (He took 50% of the net revenue.)  (- compare gross1 (1)) 2 net weight the weight of something without its container  (2lb/500g etc net)  (jars of coffee weighing 450 grams net) 3 net result (of) the final result of something  (The net result of this policy was even worse inflation.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Neuro Emotional Technique physiol. abbr. National Emphysema Treatment U.S. gov. abbr. Natural Environment Training U.S. gov. abbr. National Electrotechnical Training U.S. gov. abbr. National Educational Television mil. abbr. New Equipment Training mil. abbr. Not Earlier Than univ. abbr. Nurse Entrance Test univ. abbr. National Educational Television funny abbr. Nuts! Everything's Taken adult abbr. Nitwit Endless Trades SMS abbr. Not Entirely True gen. comp. abbr. Null End Tag file ext. abbr. Network Configuration/ Information file perf. arts abbr. Non Equity Theater media abbr. National Educational Television non-prof. org. abbr. National Environmental Trust educ. abbr. Never Ever Try educ. abbr. National Educational Television religion abbr. National Evangelization Teams religion abbr. Neighborhood Evangelism Training religion abbr. New Evangelism Technologies law abbr. Narcotics Eradication Team gen. bus. abbr. No Earlier Than NYSE symbols North European Oil Realty Trust account. abbr. Nursing Enterance Test dom. name abbr. Major Network support centers ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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