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Англо-русский биологический словарь - must


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Перевод с английского языка must на русский


1) плесень; покрываться плесенью

2) виноградное сусло

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  I v.; modal  1) долженствование, обязанность: I must go home - я должен идти домой; you must do as you are told - вы должны делать так, как вам говорят; if you must, you must - если надо, так надо; what must be, will be - чему суждено случиться, того не миновать  2) необходимость: one must eat to live - нужно есть, чтобы жить  3) уверенность, очевидность: you must be aware of this - вы, конечно, знаете об этом; you must have heard about it - вы, должно быть, об этом слышали  4) запрещение (в отриц. форме): you must not go there - вам нельзя ходить туда  5) непредвиденную случайность: just as I was getting better what must I do but break my leg - и надо же мне было сломать себе ногу как раз тогда, когда я начал поправляться I must away - я должен ехать II noun coll. настоятельная необходимость; требование; it is a rigid must - это обязательно нужно сделать III noun плесень IV noun муст, виноградное сусло V noun период охоты (у самцов слонов и верблюдов) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. необходимость, насущная потребность a raincoat is an absolute must —- плащ совершенно необходим 2. то, что необходимо увидеть, прочесть и т. п. I want to see the film; they say it's a must —- я хочу посмотреть этот фильм; говорят, что пропустить его - грех this book is a must —- непременно нужно прочитать эту книгу 3. выражает: 4. долженствование, долг, необходимость we must obey the laws —- мы должны подчиняться законам I must go —- мне нужно (я должен) уйти you mustn't do that —- ты не должен этого делать if you must, you must —- нужно, значит нужно must you go so soon? - Yes, unfortunately I must —- неужели вам надо так рано (уже) уходить? - К сожалению, да this plant must have continued attention —- это растение требует непрерывного ухода we must see what can be done about it —- нужно подумать, что можно предпринять why must you be always meddling? —- и чего вы вечно вмешиваетесь в чужие дела? you must know that it is not true —- вам следует (нужно) знать, что это неправда; должен сказать вам, что это неправда I must away —- уст. мне нужно ехать (уходить), я должен уйти 5. увещевание, убедительную просьбу, настойчивый совет I must ask you not to do that any more —- я вас очень прошу больше этого не делать I must ask you to retract that —- я прошу вас взять эти слова обратно you simply must visit the exhibition —- вам обязательно надо пойти...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) плесень; покрываться плесенью 2) виноградное сусло ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  должен one must observe the rules — следует соблюдать правила - must be ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  муст, свежеотжатое сусло mustard: nitrogen must азотистый иприт (мутаген) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v.aux. (3rd sing. present must; past had to or in indirect speech must) (foll. by infin., or absol.) 1 a be obliged to (you must go to school; must we leave now?; said he must go; I must away). Usage The negative (i.e. lack of obligation) is expressed by not have to or need not; must not denotes positive forbidding, as in you must not smoke. b in ironic questions (must you slam the door?). 2 be certain to (we must win in the end; you must be her sister; he must be mad; they must have left by now; seemed as if the roof must blow off). 3 ought to (we must see what can be done; it must be said that). 4 expressing insistence (I must ask you to leave). 5 (foll. by not + infin.) a not be permitted to, be forbidden to (you must not smoke). b ought not; need not (you mustn't think he's angry; you must not worry). c expressing insistence that something should not be done (they must not be told). 6 (as past or historic present) expressing the perversity of destiny (what must I do but break my leg). --n. colloq. a thing that cannot or should not be overlooked or missed (if you go to London St Paul's is a must). Phrases and idioms I must say often iron. I cannot refrain from saying (I must say he made a good attempt; a fine way to behave, I must say). must needs see NEEDS. Etymology: OE moste past of mot may 2. n. grape-juice before fermentation is complete. Etymology: OE f. L mustum neut. of mustus new 3. n. mustiness, mould. Etymology: back-form. f. MUSTY 4. adj. & n. (also musth) --adj. (of a male elephant or camel) in a state of frenzy. --n. this state. Etymology: Urdu f. Pers. mast intoxicated ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (present & past all persons ~)  Etymology: Middle English moste, from Old English moste, past indicative & subjunctive of motan to be allowed to, have to; akin to Old High German muozan to be allowed to, have to  Date: before 12th century  verbal auxiliary  1.  a. be commanded or requested to you ~ stop  b. be urged to ; ought by all means to you ~ read that book  2. be compelled by physical necessity to one ~ eat to live ; be required by immediate or future need or purpose to we ~ hurry to catch the bus  3.  a. be obliged to ; be compelled by social considerations to I ~ say you're looking well  b. be required by law, custom, or moral conscience to we ~ obey the rules  c. be determined to if you ~ go at least wait for me  d. be unreasonably or perversely compelled to why ~ you argue  4. be logically inferred or supposed to it ~ be time  5. be compelled by fate or by natural law to what ~ be will be  6. was or were presumably certain to ; was or were bound to if he did it she ~ have known  7. dialect may, shall — used chiefly in questions  intransitive verb archaic to be obliged to go I ~ to Coventry — Shakespeare  II. noun  Date: 1616  1. an imperative need or duty ; requirement  2. an indispensable item ; essential exercise is a ~  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin ~um  Date: before 12th century the expressed juice of fruit and especially grapes before and during fermentation; also the pulp and skins of the crushed grapes  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English (Scots) moist, from Middle French ~, alteration of musc musk  Date: 15th century  1. musk  2. mold, ~iness ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (musts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use must to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something to happen. You use must not or mustn’t to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something not to happen. What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well... The doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk... MODAL 2. You use must to indicate that it is necessary for something to happen, usually because of a rule or law. Candidates must satisfy the general conditions for admission... Equipment must be supervised if children are in the house. MODAL 3. You use must to indicate that you are fairly sure that something is the case. At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees... I’m sure he must feel he has lost a close family friend, because I know I do... I must have been a bore. MODAL 4. You use must, or must have with a past participle, to indicate that you believe that something is the case, because of the available evidence. ‘You must be Emma,’ said the visitor... Miss Holloway had a weak heart. She must have had a heart attack... MODAL 5. If you say that one thing must have happened in order for something else to happen, you mean that it is necessary for the first thing to have happened before the second thing can happen. In order to take that job, you must have left another job... MODAL 6. You use must to express your intention to do something. I must be getting back... I must telephone my parents... He told the Prime Minister that he felt he must now leave. MODAL 7. You use must to make suggestions or invitations very forcefully. You must see a doctor, Frederick... You must see the painting Paul has given me as a wedding present... MODAL 8. You use must in remarks and comments where you are expressing sympathy. This must be a very difficult job for you... MODAL 9. You use must in conversation in expressions...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 modal verb (negative short form mustn't) 1 (past usually had to) to have to do something because the situation forces you, because of a rule or law, or because you feel that you should  (All passengers must wear seat belts. | You mustn't tell anyone about this - it's a secret. | I don't really want to make the appointment, but I suppose I must. | Under no circumstances must any member of staff socialize with the patients. | Apologize? Must I? It was all her own fault. | I must admit/say etc)  (I must admit, I was surprised when he passed his driving test first time.)  (- compare have3) 2 (past usually must have) used when you are guessing that something is true or that something has happened because there seems to be no other possibility  (Sam must be nearly 90 years old now. | Buying roses? It must be love. | He must have been drunk to say that. | There must have been ten of them, all hiding in my attic.) 3 a) used to suggest that someone does something, especially because you think they will enjoy it very much or you think it is a very good idea  (You must go and see the new Spielberg movie, the special effects are amazing.) b) used when you want to do something and hope to do it soon  (We must come over and try out that new barbecue of yours.) 4 if you must used to tell someone that they are allowed to do something but that you do not approve or agree with it  ("Can I borrow your car, Mum?" "If you must." | if you must do sth)  (If you must smoke, do it outside please.) 5 you must be joking used when you think someone's suggestion is silly or stupid  (-2000 for that old car? You must be joking!) ~2 n 1 a must something that you must do or must have  (Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.) 2 the liquid from which wine is made; grape juice ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Multi-Mission UHF SATCOM Terminal ocean sc. abbr. Manned Undersea Science and Technology ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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