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Англо-русский биологический словарь - movement


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Перевод с английского языка movement на русский


1) движение; телодвижение

2) переселение, кочёвка

anaphase movementassociated movementscardiopneumatic movementscircular movementcomfort movementsexpressive movementfood-procuring movementformative movementinduced movementintention movementkinetic movementmorphogenetic movementnastic movementorienting movementparadoxic movementpurposive movementpursuit eye movementreflex movementrelaxed movementrespiratory movementrolling movementsaccadic eye movementsignal movementskilled movementssleeping movementsstomatal movementsswallowing movementtorsion movementvermicular movementvoluntary movement

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) движение, перемещение, передвижение  2) движение (общественное)  3) переезд, переселение  4) жест, телодвижение  5) ход (механизма)  6) развитие действия, динамика (литературного произведения)  7) comm. изменение; оживление; upward (downward) movement - повышение (понижение) цен  8) mus. темп; ритм  9) часть музыкального произведения  10) med. действие кишечника ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. движение; перемещение, передвижение there was a general movement toward the door —- все направились (двинулись) к двери 2. воен. передвижение; переброска; марш movement away from the enemy —- отход назад, отступление movement to contact —- сближение с противником, подход к противнику stealth of movement —- скрытность передвижения 3. ход механизма (часов) 4. жест, телодвижение a movement of impatience —- нетерпеливый жест (-ое движение) to lie without movement —- лежать без движения (неподвижно) to study smb.'s movements —- изучать чьи-л. жесты (движения, чью-л. походку) 5. pl. осанка; выправка; манера держаться her movements were easy and dignified —- она держалась свободно и с достоинством 6. воен. прием, маневр (в строевой подготовке) 7. переезд, переселение 8. pl. действия; поведение to study smb.'s movements —- следить за кем-л. (обыкн. за преступником) 9. движение, (общественная) деятельность popular movement —- народное движение youth movement —- молодежное движение peace movement —- движение за мир, движение сторонников мира the movement to abolish child labour —- движение за отмену детского труда to be in the movement —- быть в центре событий, принимать участие в общественной жизни 10. течение, направление (литературное и т. п.) a movement for realism in art —- движение за реализм в искусстве 11. лит....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) движение; телодвижение 2) переселение, кочёвка – anaphase movement – associated movements – cardiopneumatic movements – circular movement – comfort movements – expressive movement – food-procuring movement – formative movement – induced movement – intention movement – kinetic movement – morphogenetic movement – nastic movement – orienting movement – paradoxic movement – purposive movement – pursuit eye movement – reflex movement – relaxed movement – respiratory movement – rolling movement – saccadic eye movement – signal movement – skilled movements – sleeping movements – stomatal movements – swallowing movement – torsion movement – vermicular movement – voluntary movement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  движение, течение MOVEMENT сущ. 1) движение 2) перемещение, передвижение 3) действия 4) поведение 5) деятельность (общественная) 6) течение, направление 7) оживление (на рынке) 8) изменение в ценах • - adverse movement - be in the movement - bull movement - capital movement - clandestine movement of capital - continuous movement - currency movement - fluctuation movement of personnel - horizontal price movement - labour movement - long-term capital movement - movement in the market - movement of funds - national liberation movement - net capital movement - peace movement - popular movement - population movement - price movement - price movements - rationalization movement - short-term capital movement - strike movement - trade union movement - upward movement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) движение 2) машиностр. механика 3) тех. орган подвижный 4) передвижение 5) передвижка 6) перемещение 7) следование 8) телодвижение 9) ход 10) элемент подвижный outlying switch-and-lock movement — ж.-д. привод нецентрализованной стрелки secular slow movement — вековое медленное изменение - Geneva movement - backward movement - carriage movement - center of movement - circulatory movement - compact movement - covered movement - cyclic movement - harmonic cam movement - helicoidal movement - horocyclic movement - movement downward - movement pickup - movement upward - oscillatory movement - periodic movement - rail movement - relative movement - reverse movement - rotatory movement - suspension movement - translational movement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  движение; перемещение movements caused by changes in temperature air movement differential movement free movement high-rate-of-strain movements joint movement lateral movement linear movement low-rate-of-strain movements machine movements mass movement moisture movement moisture-change movements reciprocal movement rotary movement seismic movement short movements shuttle movement translational movement up-and-down movement ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) движение 2) перемещение 3) подача (рабочего органа) 4) движущиеся детали кинематической цепи 5) ход (механизма) - angular movement - anticyclone movement - axial movement - bathymetric movement - beater movement - bed movement - bed-load movement - bulk-liquid movement - cam claw movement - cardioid film movement - carriage movement - claw movement - claw movement with double claw - claw intermittent movement - conflicting movement - continuous movement - continuous path X and Z movement - coordinated movement - cross-feed movement - cut presser shog movement - cutting movement - cyclone movement - demand movement - downward movement - dual pilot-pin registered movement - eccentric-type movement - environmental movement - facing movement - feeding movement - forward-rearward movement - frame-by-frame movement - free movement - fuel movement - Geneva movement - Geneva movement with link accelerator - humping movement - ice movement - in-feed movement - intermittent film movement - inward movement - lateral movement - lengthwise movement - loop intermittent movement - maltese-cross movement - needle space movement - onshore-offshore movement - opening movement - operator's manual movement - oscillatory movement - outward movement - pan movement - pin movement - pivoting movement - position movement - pull-down movement - rail movement - reciprocal movement - register pin movement - resilient flexing movement - reversing movement - rolling-loop intermittent movement - rotational movement - sheet movement - shog movement - shunting movement - skew tape movement - sluggish movement - star and cam movement - stiff movement - strata movement - swinging movement - switch movement - thermal movement - turning movement - unclamping movement - upward movement - van-stroke movement ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or an instance of moving or being moved. 2 a the moving parts of a mechanism (esp. a clock or watch). b a particular group of these. 3 a a body of persons with a common object (the peace movement). b a campaign undertaken by such a body. 4 (usu. in pl.) a person's activities and whereabouts, esp. at a particular time. 5 Mus. a principal division of a longer musical work, self-sufficient in terms of key, tempo, structure, etc. 6 the progressive development of a poem, story, etc. 7 motion of the bowels. 8 a an activity in a market for some commodity. b a rise or fall in price. 9 a mental impulse. 10 a development of position by a military force or unit. Etymology: ME f. OF f. med.L movimentum (as MOVE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) the act or process of moving; especially change of place or position or posture  (2) a particular instance or manner of moving  b.  (1) a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit ; maneuver  (2) the advance of a military unit  c. action, activity — usually used in plural  2.  a. tendency, trend detected a ~ toward fairer pricing  b. a series of organized activities working toward an objective; also an organized effort to promote or attain an end the civil rights ~  3. the moving parts of a mechanism that transmit a definite motion  4.  a. motion 7  b. the rhythmic character or quality of a musical composition  c. a distinct structural unit or division having its own key, rhythmic structure, and themes and forming part of an extended musical composition  d. particular rhythmic flow of language ; cadence  5.  a. the quality (as in a painting or sculpture) of representing or suggesting motion  b. the vibrant quality in literature that comes from elements that constantly hold a reader's interest (as a quickly moving action-filled plot)  6.  a. an act of voiding the bowels  b. matter expelled from the bowels at one passage ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »GROUP« a group of people who share the same ideas or beliefs and work together to achieve a particular aim  (the civil rights movement | The nationalist movement did not have widespread support.) 2 »MOVING« a) a change in the place or position of something or someone  (reports of troop movement in the area) b) an act of moving your body, or the way someone moves their body  (the dancer's graceful movements) 3 »CHANGE DEVELOPMENT« a) a change that brings progress or improvement in a situation  (There's been no movement in the dispute since Thursday.) b) a gradual change or development in people's attitudes or behaviour  (a growing movement among consumers away from buying processed foods) 4 sb's movements all of a person's activities over a certain period  (Police are trying to trace Carter's movements over the last hours.) 5 »MUSIC« one of the main parts into which a piece of music is divided, especially in a symphony 6 »CLOCK/WATCH« the moving parts of a piece of machinery, especially a clock or watch 7 »BODY WASTE« formal an act of getting rid of waste matter from the bowels (bowel (1)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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