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Англо-русский биологический словарь - motor


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Перевод с английского языка motor на русский


1) двигательный мускул

2) двигательный нерв

3) двигательный

4) движущий

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) двигатель; мотор  2) автомобиль  3) моторная лодка (тж. motor boat)  4) anat. двигательный мускул; двигательный нерв  2. adj.  1) моторный, двигательный  2) автомобильный; - motor show  3. v.  1) ехать на автомобиле  2) везти на автомобиле MOTOR boat моторная лодка; моторный катер MOTOR bus автобус MOTOR cycle мотоцикл MOTOR ship теплоход MOTOR show выставка автомобилей ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. двигатель, мотор jet motor —- реактивный двигатель solar motor —- двигатель, работающий от солнечной батареи 2. электромотор, электродвигатель (также electric motor) 3. авто (также motor car) 4. автотранспорт (также motor transport) 5. моторка (также motor boat) 6. анат. двигательный мускул; двигательный нерв (также motor nerve) 7. pl. ам. бирж. жарг. акции автомобильных компаний 8. движущий; двигательный 9. моторный, автомобильный motor cycle —- мотовелосипед, мопед the motor industry —- автомобильная промышленность a motor magazine —- журнал для автомобилистов 10. физиол. моторный, двигательный motor nerve —- двигательный нерв motor activity —- двигательная активность 11. ехать, ездить на автомобиле to motor to London —- поехать на автомобиле в Лондон 12. везти на автомобиле to motor smb. home —- отвезти кого-л. домой на автомобиле ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) двигательный мускул 2) двигательный нерв 3) двигательный 4) движущий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) машиностр. двигатель 2) двигательный 3) картерный 4) мотор 5) моторный 6) технический alternating current motor — электродвигатель переменнего тока control rocket motor — рулевой ракетный двигатель guided-vane hydraulic motor — лопастной гидромотор induction motor drive — асинхронный привод main propulsion motor — гребной электродвигатель motor road oiler — автогудронатор motor vehicle lubrication — тех. автосмазка motor vehicle tire — машиностр. автошина phonic drum motor — колесо фоническое production motor vehicle — пущенный в производство автомобиль repulsion induction motor — репульсионный электродвигатель rocket motor case — корпус ракетного двигателя rotary hydraulic motor — роторный гидромотор rotary-plunger hydraulic motor — радиально-поршневой гидромотор solid-propellant rocket motor — пороховой ракетный двигатель steerable rocket motor — поворотный ракетный двигатель step motor drive — шаговый электропривод swash-plate hydraulic motor — аксиально-поршневой гидромотор totally enclosed motor — закрытый электродвигатель traction motor circuit — цепь тяговых двигателей wound-rotor induction motor — двигатель с фазным ротором - air motor - azimuth-drive motor - bipolar motor - built-in motor - capacitor-start motor - commutator motor - commutatorless motor - differential motor - direct-current motor - endshield-mounted motor - explosion-proof motor - flange-mounted motor - flywheel motor - fractional-hp motor - gas-tight motor - hydraulic motor - hysteresis motor -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (электро)двигатель – antenna release motor – apogeum motor – dc servo motor – frame-sweep motor – integrating motor – line-sweep motor – loading motor – magnetic-stepping motor – phonic motor – run motor – selsyn motor – stepper motor – telescope drive motor – timing motor – videohead motor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  мотор, двигатель, электродвигатель (compressed-)air motor - пневматический двигатель electric motor pneumatic motor universal motor variable speed motor ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) двигатель, проф. мотор 2) электродвигатель 3) автомобиль - abutment motor - ac motor - ac converter-fed motor - ac electronic motor - across-the-line motor - actuating motor - acyclic motor - adjustable-constant speed motor - adjustable-speed motor - adjustable varying-speed motor - air motor - all-watt motor - appliance motor - arch induction motor - armature-controlled motor - asynchronous motor - autosyn motor - autosynchronous motor - auxiliary motor - axial piston motor - axial-piston air motor - axle-hung motor - azimuth torque motor - barring motor - bipolar motor - booster motor - boost motor - brake motor - brushless motor - brushless dc linear motor - built-in motor - cage motor - capacitor motor - capacitor-start motor - capacitor-start-and-capacitor-run motor - changeable-pole motor - change-pole motor - change-speed motor - commutator motor - commutatorless motor - compensated induction motor - compensated motor - compensated linear induction motor - compound-wound motor - compound motor - concatenated motor - condenacr motor - constant-current motor - constant displacement motor - constant-speed motor - constant-voltage motor - control motor - crane motor - cranking motor - crowd motor - crystal-controlled motor - current-displacement motor - cylindrical-rotor motor - dc motor - dc electronic motor - dc torque motor - deep bar motor - differential motor - digital motor - double-armature motor - double-commutator motor - double-deck induction motor - double-side linear motor - double-speed motor - double-squirrel cage motor - doubly-fed motor - downhole motor - drag-cup induction motor - drag-cup motor - dripproof motor - drive motor - driving motor - drooping speed motor - drum-wound motor - dual-voltage motor - dustproof motor - efficient motor - electric motor - electric controlling motor - electric downhole motor - electric starting motor - electrohydraulic pulse motor - electronically commutated brush-less dc motor - electrostatic motor - enclosed fan-cooled motor - enclosed...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thing that imparts motion. 2 a machine (esp. one using electricity or internal combustion) supplying motive power for a vehicle etc. or for some other device with moving parts. 3 Brit. = motor car. 4 (attrib.) a giving, imparting, or producing motion. b driven by a motor (motor-mower). c of or for motor vehicles. d Anat. relating to muscular movement or the nerves activating it. --v.intr. & tr. Brit. go or convey in a motor vehicle. Phrases and idioms motor area the part of the frontal lobe of the brain associated with the initiation of muscular action. motor bicycle a motor cycle or moped. motor bike colloq. = motor cycle. motor boat a motor-driven boat. motor car Brit. see CAR 1. motor cycle a two-wheeled motor-driven road vehicle without pedal propulsion. motor cyclist a rider of a motor cycle. motor mouth US sl. a person who talks incessantly and trivially. motor nerve a nerve carrying impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle. motor scooter see SCOOTER. motor vehicle a road vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine. Derivatives motorial adj. (in sense 4a of n.). motory adj. (in sense 4a of n.). Etymology: L, = mover (as MOVE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin, from movere to move  Date: 1586  1. one that imparts motion; specifically prime mover  2. any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: as  a. a small compact engine  b. internal combustion engine; especially a gasoline engine  c. a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy  3. ~ vehicle; especially automobile  • ~dom noun  • ~less adjective  II. adjective  Date: 1824  1.  a. causing or imparting motion  b. of, relating to, or being a ~ neuron or a nerve containing ~ neurons ~ fiber  c. of, relating to, concerned with, or involving muscular movement ~ areas of the brain  2.  a. equipped with or driven by a ~  b. of, relating to, or involving an automobile  c. designed for ~ vehicles or ~ists  III. verb  Date: 1896  intransitive verb  1. to travel by automobile ; drive  2. to move or proceed at a vigorous steady pace ~ed down the field for a touchdown  transitive verb to transport by automobile ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (motors) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The motor in a machine, vehicle, or boat is the part that uses electricity or fuel to produce movement, so that the machine, vehicle, or boat can work. She got in and started the motor. = engine N-COUNT 2. Motor vehicles and boats have a petrol or diesel engine. Theft of motor vehicles is up by 15.9%. ADJ: ADJ n 3. Motor is used to describe activities relating to vehicles such as cars and buses. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use automotive, automobile) ...the future of the British motor industry... He worked as a motor mechanic. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Some people refer to a car as a motor. (BRIT INFORMAL) N-COUNT 5. see also motoring, outboard motor ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the part of a machine that makes it work or move, by changing power, especially electrical power, into movement  (The lawn-mower is powered by a small motor. | We had to replace the starter motor in the car's engine.) 2 BrE informal a car  (That's a nice motor you've got, Dave.) ~2 adj only before noun 1 especially BrE connected with cars or other vehicles with engines  (a motor accident | the motor industry | motor insurance) 2 using power provided by an engine  (a motor scooter) 3 technical related to a nerve that makes a muscle move  (impaired motor function) ~3 v BrE old-fashioned to travel by car  (Bertie is motoring down from London this weekend.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1447, from L. motor "mover," from movere "to move." From 15c. as "controller, prime mover" (in reference to God); sense of "agent or force that produces mechanical motion" is first recorded 1664; that of "machine that supplies motive power" is from 1856. Motor-car is from 1895; motorist is from 1896. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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