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Англо-русский биологический словарь - milk


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breast milkfirst milklitmus milk

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См. в других словарях

  yield надой молока MILK  1. noun  1) молоко  2) bot. млечный сок, латекс  3) obs. молоки  4) attr. молочный the milk of human kindness - добросердечие, симпатия, доброта (часто ирон.) milk for babes - несложная книга, статья и т.п. milk and honey - молочные реки, кисельные берега  2. v.  1) доить  2) давать молоко (о скоте)  3) извлекать выгоду (из чего-либо); эксплуатировать  4) coll. перехватывать (телеграфные, телефонные сообщения) to milk the bull/ram - ждать от козла молока Syn: see rob MILK and water noun  1) разбавленное молоко  2) бессодержательный разговор; бессодержательная книга; вода MILK farm молочная ферма MILK tank truck молочная автоцистерна MILK tanker молоковоз MILK-AND-WATER girl = кисейная барышня MILK-AND-WATER adj.  1) безвкусный, водянистый; слабый, пустой  2) безвольный, бесхарактерный; безликий; - milk-and-water girl ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. молоко mother's milk —- материнское молоко evaporated milk —- сгущенное молоко без сахара milk foods —- молочная пища milk shake —- молочный коктейль milk pudding —- молочный пудинг milk chocolate —- молочный шоколад 2. млечный сок, латекс 3. с-х. молочная спелость (зерна) Id: the milk of human kindness —- сострадание, мягкосердечие, доброта Id: milk for babies —- что-л. легкое для понимания; простая, несложная книга, статья Id: milk and roses —- кровь с молоком Id: the milk in the cocoa-nut —- задача, загвоздка; объяснение непонятного факта (обстоятельства) Id: milk and honey —- изобилие Id: land flowing with milk and honey —- библ. страна, текущая млеком и медом; страна изобилия, земля обетованная Id: to come home with the milk —- возвращаться домой на рассвете Id: the milk is spilled —- дела уже не поправить Id: spilt milk —- что-л. непоправимое Id: it is no use crying over spilt milk —- слезами горю не поможешь; потерянного не воротишь 4. доить 5. давать молоко (о скоте) the cows are milking well —- коровы хорошо доятся 6. извлекать выгоду (из чего-л.); эксплуатировать (что-л.), "доить" (кого-л.) to milk the market (the street) —- ам. ком. жарг. успешно спекулировать ценными бумагами; наживаться на мелких конкурентах they milked him of all his cash —- они вытянули из него все деньги he refused to be milked by the newspapermen —- он отказался...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  молоко До 60-х гг. XX в. стандартным считалось гомогенизированное молоко с 3,5-процентным содержанием жира. Ныне более популярно обезжиренное молоко skim(med) milk. Выпускается рядом фирм, в том числе "Борденс" Borden, Inc., "Формоуст" Foremost/McKesson Inc., "Джерсимэйд" Jersey Maid Milk Products Co., "Надсен дэйри продактс" Knudsen Dairy Products и "Беатрис фудс" Beatrice Foods Co.. Рекламная компания поддержки производителей проводится под лозунгом "А молоко есть?" "Got Milk?" и при помощи "молочных усов" Milk Mustache campaign - фотографий знаменитостей со следами молока на губах. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  молоко – breast milk – first milk – litmus milk ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) доить 2) молоко 3) сдаивать milk standardizing vat — ванна для нормализации молока preserved milk products — молочные консервы propeller milk meter — пропеллерный молокомер rinse milk cans — ополаскивать молочные фляги - dried milk - lime milk - milk agar - milk can - milk carton - milk curdles - milk hose - milk room - milk sampler - milk sieve - milk tank - saccharate milk ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  milk of lime monkey milk ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) молоко 2) молочко (косметическое) - cleansing milk - face milk - lime milk - litmus milk - moisturizing milk - skin protection milk - sunscreen milk - tanning milk ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an opaque white fluid secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young. 2 the milk of cows, goats, or sheep as food. 3 the milklike juice of plants, e.g. in the coconut. 4 a milklike preparation of herbs, drugs, etc. --v.tr. 1 draw milk from (a cow, ewe, goat, etc.). 2 a exploit (a person) esp. financially. b get all possible advantage from (a situation). 3 extract sap, venom, etc. from. 4 sl. tap (telegraph or telephone wires etc.). Phrases and idioms cry over spilt milk lament an irremediable loss or error. in milk secreting milk. milk and honey abundant means of prosperity. milk and water a feeble or insipid or mawkish discourse or sentiment. milk bar a snack bar selling milk drinks and other refreshments. milk chocolate chocolate for eating, made with milk. milk float Brit. a small usu. electric vehicle used in delivering milk. milk-leg a painful swelling, esp. of the legs, after childbirth. milk-loaf a loaf of bread made with milk. milk of human kindness kindness regarded as natural to humanity. Milk of Magnesia Brit. propr. a white suspension of magnesium hydroxide usu. in water as an antacid or laxative. milk of sulphur the amorphous powder of sulphur formed by precipitation. milk-powder milk dehydrated by evaporation. milk pudding a pudding of rice, sago, tapioca, etc., baked with milk in a dish. milk round 1 a fixed route on which milk is delivered regularly. 2 a regular trip or tour involving calls at several places. milk run a routine expedition or service journey. milk shake a drink of milk, flavouring, etc., mixed by shaking or whisking. milk sugar lactose. milk tooth a temporary tooth in young mammals. milk-vetch any leguminous yellow-flowered plant of the genus Astragalus. milk-white white like milk. Derivatives milker n. Etymology: OE milc, milcian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English meolc, milc; akin to Old High German miluh ~, Old English melcan to ~ — more at emulsion  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of females for the nourishment of their young; especially cow's ~ used as a food by humans  b. lactation cows in ~  2. a liquid resembling ~ in appearance: as  a. the latex of a plant  b. the juice of a coconut composed of liquid endosperm  c. the contents of an unripe kernel of grain  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to draw ~ from the breasts or udder of  (2) obsolete suckle 2  b. to draw (~) from the breast or udder  c. suckle 1 — used of domestic animals  2. to draw something from as if by ~ing: as  a. to induce (a snake) to eject venom  b. to draw or coerce profit or advantage from illicitly or to an extreme degree ; exploit ~ the joke for all it's worth  intransitive verb to draw or yield ~  III. adjective  Date: 14th century giving ~; specifically bred or suitable primarily for ~ production ~ cows MILK  geographical name river 625 miles (1006 kilometers) Canada & United States in Alberta & Montana flowing SE into Missouri River ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (milks, milking, milked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Milk is the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and some other animals, which people drink and use to make butter, cheese, and yoghurt. He popped out to buy a pint of milk. ...basic foods such as meat, bread and milk. N-UNCOUNT 2. If someone milks a cow or goat, they get milk from it, using either their hands or a machine. Farm-workers milked cows by hand. VERB: V n 3. Milk is the white liquid produced by women to feed their babies. Milk from the mother’s breast is a perfect food for the human baby. N-UNCOUNT 4. Liquid products for cleaning your skin or making it softer are sometimes referred to as milks. ...sales of cleansing milks, creams and gels. = lotion N-MASS 5. If you say that someone milks something, you mean that they get as much benefit or profit as they can from it, without caring about the effects this has on other people. A few people tried to milk the insurance companies... The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle. VERB: V n, V n from n c darkgreen]disapproval 6. see also coconut milk, condensed milk, evaporated milk, skimmed milk ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a white liquid produced by cows or goats that is drunk by people  (a bottle of milk | Would you like some milk in your tea?) 2 a white liquid produced by female animals and women for feeding their babies 3 a liquid or juice produced by certain plants, especially the coconut (1) 4 the milk of human kindness literary ordinary kindness and sympathy for other people  (- see also evaporated milk, skimmed milk, cry over spilt milk cry1 (5), land of milk and honey land1 (8)) ~2 v 1 to take milk from a cow or goat 2 informal to get as much money or as many advantages as you can from a situation, in a very determined and sometimes dishonest way  (milk sb for sth)  (Their landlord regularly milks them for extra money by claiming for damage to his property. | milk sth for all it is worth)  (Reporters were milking Nixon's resignation for all it was worth.) 3 to take the poison from a snake ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Say Yes Foods, Inc. chat abbr. Moments Of Intimacy Love And Kinship ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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