Англо-русский биологический словарь - method
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Перевод с английского языка method на русский
метод, способ; методика
method of applicationmethod of clarificationmethod of controllingmethod of fitting constantsmethod of least squaresmethod of maximum likelihoodmethod of mlmethod of nearest neighbor base frequenciesmethod of plaque-forming cellsmethod of positive stainingmethod of sedimentation of gradient interphasemethod of serial dilutionadsorption-elution methodagar block methodagar diffusion methodaging methodageing methodanalytical disk methodantibody-mediated methodanticomplement methodaveraging methodbacto-stripe methodbleaching methodblocking methodbridge-insulator methodbubble-counting methodbubbling methodcapture-mark-recapture methodcascade immunization methodcell entrapment methodcentrifugal latex agglutination methodchloramine-T methodclass-capture methodcoated-tube methodcolorimetric methodcompetitive protein binding methodcountercurrent distribution methoddark field methoddenuded quadrate methoddescriptive methoddialysis equilibrium methoddiffusion-in-gel methoddilution methoddisk assay methoddistance methoddouble-antibody methoddrop plate methoddry method of inseminationdye-binding methoddye dilution methodelectric field jump methodenrichment methodflow immunofluorescence methodfluidized cell suspension methodfreeze-etch methodfreeze-thaw methodfreezing-drying methodgelatin sedimentation methodgel-diffusion methodGram's methodgraphical methodhapten help methodHurvell's hot phenol-water methodimmersion methodimmune complex depletion methodimmune transfer methodimmunoenzyme methodimmunofluorescence methodimmunoprecipitation methodimmunotoxin methodimmunoturbidimetric methodIndian-ink methodisomorphous replacement methodisotope dilution methodKing methodKjeldahl methodlatex agglutination methodlayer methodleast squares methodlight-and-dark-bottle methodlimited reagent methodslimiting dilution methodline-intercept methodline-interception methodloop closing methodLowry methodmanipulation-exploration methodmicro-Kjeldahl methodmicroplating methodMonte Carlo methodmoving average methodmutual information methodnearest-neighbor methodone-sample methodpaired comparison methodpaper-disk methodpaper-disk plate methodpH-static methodplaque counting methodplaque inhibition methodplasmometric methodplate methodplate count methodplate culture methodpoint contact methodpoint frame methodpolarization optical methodpouch methodpressure jump methodprimer-extension methodpriming methodprofile methodquadrate methodradiocarbon methodrandom point frames methodrandom primer methodreconstruction methodReed-Muench methodremoval methodroll-bottle methodroll immunoblot methodroll-tube methodrosette methodRussian method of inseminationsandwich methodselective oxidation methodsemicontinuous methodserial dilution methodshallow pan methodsilver methodsingle factor methodsize-filtration methodsolid-phase methodsolvent-jump methodsolvent-jump relaxation methodspatial exclusion methodspectrophotometric methodspinner-culture methodspiral gradient endpoint methodsquare-foot methodsteel point methodstopped flow methodstripping film methodsucrose gap methodsurface culture methodsweep-net methodtemperature-float methodtemperature-jump methodtrial-and-error methodup-and-down methodvariable radius plotless methodvariate-difference methodvelveteen replication methodvoltage-clamp methodweighted pair-group methodwheel point methodwithin-group dispersion method
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1 | 2255 | |
2 | 1799 | |
3 | 1630 | |
4 | 1355 | |
5 | 630 | |
6 | 598 | |
7 | 536 | |
8 | 510 | |
9 | 477 | |
10 | 436 | |
11 | 428 | |
12 | 404 | |
13 | 398 | |
14 | 394 | |
15 | 382 | |
16 | 365 | |
17 | 362 | |
18 | 343 | |
19 | 326 | |
20 | 314 |