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Англо-русский биологический словарь - medium


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Перевод с английского языка medium на русский


1) средство; способ

2) среда

3) середина; средний

acellular mediumaffixative mediumagar mediumagar overlay mediumartificial mediumassay mediumbasal mediumbile mediumbiphasic mediumblood mediumbrain culture mediumbroth mediumcell-conditioned mediumcell-free mediumcell maintenance mediumchemically undefined mediumclearing mediumcomplete mediumconditioned mediumcontrast mediumcontrolled mediumconventional mediumcounting mediumculture mediumCzapek's mediumdeficient mediumdefined mediumdehydrated mediumdialyzed mediumdifferential mediumdisplacement mediumdouble-strength mediumdye mediumegg mediumegg culture mediumembedding mediumenrichment mediumexternal mediumfermentation mediumfilter mediumfluid mediumgel mediumgelatin mediumgermination mediumglucose-malt-sprout mediumglycerol egg mediumgrowth mediumhandling mediumHAT mediumhigh-growth enhancement mediumHT mediumincubating mediuminfiltrating mediumliquid mediumliver mediummaintenance mediummeat mediumminimal nutritional mediummounting mediumnatural mediumnormal-strength mediumnutrient mediumnutritional mediumpeptone mediumplain mediumplating mediumpotato mediumprotein-free mediumreplacement mediumselective mediumsemisolid mediumsemisynthetic mediumserum-free mediumserum-starved mediumserum-supplemented mediumsoil-water mediumsolid mediumsteeping mediumstock mediumsupporting mediumsurrounding mediumsynthetic mediumtest mediumvitamin-deficient medium

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun; pl. -s dia  1) средство, способ; through/by the medium of... - через посредство..; - medium of circulation - mass media  2) середина, промежуточная ступень; - happy medium  3) обстановка, условия (жизни)  4) phys. среда  5) агент, посредник  6) медиум (у спиритов)  7) paint. растворитель (краски)  2. adj.  1) средний; промежуточный; medium wave radio - волна средней длины (от 100 до 800 метров)  2) умеренный  3) mil. среднекалиберный MEDIUM tank средний танк MEDIUM of circulation деньги, средство обращения; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. средство; способ, путь advertising medium, a medium for advertising —- средство рекламирования circulating medium, a medium of circulating —- обращающиеся деньги; средство обращения; монета в обращении a medium of exchange —- средство международных расчетов; средство обмена radio is a medium of communication —- радио - это средство связи theatre, films, television are all media forming public opinion —- театр, кино и телевидение являются средствами формирования общественного мнения by (through) the medium of smth. —- через посредство чего-л., посредством чего-л. through the medium of the press —- посредством печати, через печать by this medium —- этим (таким) путем (способом) 2. материал (используемый в искусстве) the sculptor's favorite medium is marble —- любимый материал этого скульптора - мрамор, этот скульптор любит работать в мраморе this artist's medium is watercolors —- этот художник работает (пишет, рисует) акварелью 3. средство выражения artist's medium —- средство выражения художника poetry is his medium —- он выражает свои мысли средствами поэзии; поэзия является для него средством самовыражения he writes stories but the theatre is his favorite medium —- он пишет рассказы, но его любимой формой являются пьесы 4. физ. среда continuous medium —- физ. сплошная среда reflecting medium —- отражающая среда culture medium —- бакт. питательная...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) средство; способ 2) среда 3) середина; средний – acellular medium – affixative medium – agar medium – agar overlay medium – artificial medium – assay medium – basal medium – bile medium – biphasic medium – blood medium – brain culture medium – broth medium – cell-conditioned medium – cell-free medium – cell maintenance medium – chemically undefined medium – clearing medium – complete medium – conditioned medium – contrast medium – controlled medium – conventional medium – counting medium – culture medium – Czapek's medium – deficient medium – defined medium – dehydrated medium – dialyzed medium – differential medium – displacement medium – double-strength medium – dye medium – egg medium – embedding medium – enrichment medium – external medium – fermentation medium – filter medium – fluid medium – gel medium – gelatin medium – germination medium – glucose-malt-sprout medium – glycerol egg medium – growth medium – handling medium – HAT medium – high-growth enhancement medium – HT medium – incubating medium – infiltrating medium – liquid medium – liver medium – maintenance medium – meat medium – minimal nutritional medium – mounting medium – natural medium – normal-strength medium – nutrient medium – peptone medium – plain medium – plating medium – potato medium – protein-free medium – replacement medium – selective medium – semisolid medium – semisynthetic medium – serum-free medium – serum-supplemented medium – soil-water medium – solid medium – steeping medium – stock medium – supporting medium – surrounding medium – synthetic medium – test medium – vitamin-deficient medium ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. средство, способ, путь 2) общ. середина, промежуточная ступень 3) общ. агент, посредник 4) общ. посредничество 5) фин., брит. =medium-dated gilt 2. прил. 1) общ. средний, промежуточный 2) общ. умеренный MEDIUM 1. прил. 1) средний 2) промежуточный 3) умеренный • - a medium of exchange - medium term 2. сущ.; мн. ч. - media 1) середина 2) промежуточная ступень 3) средство, способ 4) посредничество 5) посредник 6) агент 7) носитель информации - advertising medium - circulating medium - mass communication media - medium of exchange - sell through the medium of - social medium - the leading medium for international payments - visual media Syn: agency, instrument, device, means MEDIUM (pl media) 1) средство; способ; материал; среда 2) середина; средний; умеренный 3) посредник; посредничество 4) pl см. mass media – media buying – communication medium – coupling medium – information medium – mass media – moving media – reference media – tangible medium of expression – visual media ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) материал 2) компьют. носитель информации 3) посредствующее звено 4) способ 5) среда 6) средний 7) средство effective medium approach — метод эффективного пространства infinite medium problem — задача о прохождении частиц через бесконечную среду medium high-frequency waves — промежуточные волны medium relative precision — средняя относительная точность medium scale integration — средняя степень интеграции spherically symmetric medium — сферически симметричная Среда turbidity of a medium — мутность среды - anisotropic medium - aqueous medium - arc-extinguishable medium - corrosive medium - dense medium - disperse medium - dispersive medium - filter medium - gyrotropic medium - hardening medium - hereditary medium - infinite medium - inhomogeneous medium - input medium - intervening medium - isolation medium - loss-free medium - lossy medium - medium frequencies - medium irreducible - medium loaded - medium loading - medium sand - medium shot - medium term - medium vacuum - medium waves - output medium - ponderable medium - random medium - rare medium - recording medium - reducing medium - reflecting medium - shielding medium - springing medium - stratified medium - tumbling medium - unbounded medium ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) носитель (информации) 2) среда – bounded transmission medium – carrier medium – conducting medium – dielectric medium – fiber-optic communication medium – gain medium – gas-optic medium – information medium – light medium – lossy medium – machine-readable medium – magnetic medium – magnetooptic medium – network medium – optical medium – passive broadcast medium – physical medium – propagation medium – record medium – removable medium – reversible medium – storage medium – transmission medium – unbounded medium – uniform medium ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  среда; вещество, материя; материал окружающая среда плёнкообразующее вещество средство, способ среднее число, среднее значение cooling medium dispersing medium filter medium heating medium heat transfer medium jointing medium loose medium working medium ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) среднее число 2) среднее [промежуточное] значение средний, промежуточный 3) окружающая среда; атмосфера 4) среда; вещество; материал 5) средство; способ 6) плёнкообразующее вещество (краски или эмали) 7) носитель (информации) 8) канал [среда] передачи (информации) 9) средний слой гофрированного картона 10) бтх питательная среда - medium of film - medium of video - absorbing medium - absorption recording medium - acidic medium - acid medium - active medium - actuating medium - alkaline medium - ambient medium - anisotropic medium - aqueous flooding medium - arc-extinguishing medium - arc-quenching medium - basal medium - base medium - basic medium - birefringent medium - blank medium - bubble medium - carrier medium - color medium - communication medium - conducting medium - control medium - controlled medium - cooling medium - cultural medium - data medium - delay medium - dense medium - depth filter medium - dielectric medium - diffusing medium - dipolar medium - dispersion medium - dissipative medium - ducting medium - edge filter medium - elastic medium - electrooptic medium - emitting medium - empty medium - energy transmission medium - engraved foil medium - etching medium - expanding medium - fading medium - ferromagnetic medium - filtering medium - filter medium - fine medium - finishing medium - flight recording medium - fluid medium - fluidized medium - freezing medium - growth medium - guide medium - guiding medium - heat medium - heat-absorbing medium - heat-carrying medium - heat-conducting medium - heat-eliminating medium - heating medium - heat sink medium - heat-transfer medium - heterogeneous medium - homogeneous medium - horizontally layered medium - incubating medium - information medium - insulating medium - intermediate heat medium - isotropic medium - laser active...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. (pl. media or mediums) 1 the middle quality, degree, etc. between extremes (find a happy medium). 2 the means by which something is communicated (the medium of sound; the medium of television). 3 the intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses etc. (light passing from one medium into another). 4 Biol. the physical environment or conditions of growth, storage, or transport of a living organism (the shape of a fish is ideal for its fluid medium; growing mould on the surface of a medium). 5 an agency or means of doing something (the medium through which money is raised). 6 the material or form used by an artist, composer, etc. (language as an artistic medium). 7 the liquid (e.g. oil or gel) with which pigments are mixed for use in painting. 8 (pl. mediums) a person claiming to be in contact with the spirits of the dead and to communicate between the dead and the living. --adj. 1 between two qualities, degrees, etc. 2 average; moderate (of medium height). Phrases and idioms medium bowler Cricket a bowler who bowls at a medium pace. medium dry (of sherry, wine, etc.) having a flavour intermediate between dry and sweet. medium frequency a radio frequency between 300 kHz and 3 MHz. medium of circulation something that serves as an instrument of commercial transactions, e.g. coin. medium-range (of an aircraft, missile, etc.) able to travel a medium distance. medium wave a radio wave of medium frequency. Derivatives mediumism n. (in sense 8 of n.). mediumistic adj. (in sense 8 of n.). mediumship n. (in sense 8 of n.). Etymology: L, = middle, neut. of medius ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s or media)  Etymology: Latin, from neuter of medius middle — more at mid  Date: 1593  1.  a. something in a middle position  b. a middle condition or degree ; mean  2. a means of effecting or conveying something: as  a.  (1) a substance regarded as the means of transmission of a force or effect  (2) a surrounding or enveloping substance  (3) the tenuous material (as gas and dust) in space that exists outside large agglomerations of matter (as stars) interstellar ~  b. plural usually media  (1) a channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment — compare mass ~  (2) a publication or broadcast that carries advertising  (3) a mode of artistic expression or communication  (4) something (as a magnetic disk) on which information may be stored  c. go-between, intermediary  d. plural ~s an individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits  e. material or technical means of artistic expression  3.  a. a condition or environment in which something may function or flourish  b. plural media  (1) a nutrient system for the artificial cultivation of cells or organisms and especially bacteria  (2) a fluid or solid in which organic structures are placed (as for preservation or mounting)  c. a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter  Usage: see media  II. adjective  Date: 1711 intermediate in quantity, quality, position, size, or degree ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (mediums, media) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: The plural of the noun can be either 'mediums' or 'media' for meanings 4 and 5. The form 'mediums' is the plural for meaning 6. 1. If something is of medium size, it is neither large nor small, but approximately half way between the two. A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours... He was of medium height with blond hair and light blue eyes. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. You use medium to describe something which is average in degree or amount, or approximately half way along a scale between two extremes. Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine. ...a sweetish, medium-strength beer. ADJ: usu ADJ n • Medium is also an adverb. Cook under a medium-hot grill. ADV: ADV adj 3. If something is of a medium colour, it is neither light nor dark, but approximately half way between the two. Andrea has medium brown hair, grey eyes and very pale skin... COMB in COLOUR 4. A medium is a way or means of expressing your ideas or of communicating with people. In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education... But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium. N-COUNT 5. A medium is a substance or material which is used for a particular purpose or in order to produce a particular effect. Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body... Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint. N-COUNT 6. A medium is a person who claims to be able to contact and speak to people who are dead, and to pass messages between them and people who are still alive. N-COUNT 7. see also media 8. If you strike or find a happy medium between two extreme and opposite courses of action, you find a sensible way of behaving that is somewhere between the two extremes. I still aim to strike a happy medium between producing football that’s worth...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 of middle size between large and small, of middle height between tall and short etc  (What size do you want - large, medium, or small? | medium sized/medium size)  (a medium-sized onion | of medium height/length/build etc)  (She's of medium height. | The man is of medium build and is in his late 20s. | hair of medium length | medium to large)  (medium to large companies | medium heat/oven (=at a temperature that is warm but not too high or low))  (Bake in a medium oven for 25 minutes.) 2 medium brown/blue etc a colour which is neither light nor dark  (His jacket's a medium brown colour.) ~2 n plural media or mediums 1 a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers, television etc  (Politicians prefer to use the medium of television.)  (- see also media) 2 a way of expressing your ideas, especially as a writer or an artist + for  (the novel as a medium for satire | the visual media) 3 medium of instruction a language that is used for teaching  (English is still the main medium of instruction in Nigeria.) 4 medium of exchange money or other ways of paying for things 5 technical a substance or material in which things grow or exist 6 technical a substance through which a force travels  (- see also magnetic media, happy medium happy (7)) ~3 n plural mediums someone who claims to have the power to receive messages from the spirits of the dead ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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