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Англо-русский биологический словарь - matter


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вещество; материя

detrital matterdry matterforeign mattergray matterinanimate matterinorganic matterliving matternonliving matterorganic matterorganized matterprecellular mattervegetable matterwhite matter

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  of opinion спорный вопрос MATTER of concernment важное дело MATTER of course noun дело естественное, само собой разумеющееся; ясное дело MATTER of fact noun реальная действительность; as a matter of fact -  а) фактически, на самом деле;  б) в сущности; собственно говоря MATTER of indifference незначительное, несерьезное дело; пустяк MATTER  1. noun  1) вещество  2) philos. материя  3) материал  4) сущность; содержание; form and matter - форма и содержание  5) предмет (обсуждения и т.п.)  6) вопрос, дело; it is a matter of common knowledge - это общеизвестно; a matter of dispute - предмет спора, спорный вопрос; a matter of life and death - вопрос жизни и смерти, жизненно важный вопрос; it is a matter of a few hours (days, weeks, etc.) - это дело нескольких часов (дней, недель и т.п.); a matter of taste (habit, etc.) - дело вкуса (привычки и т.п.); money matters - денежные дела; as matters stand - при существующем положении (дел); whats the matter? - в чем дело?, что случилось?; whats the matter with you? - что с вами?  7) повод (of, for)  8) med. гной  9) typ. рукопись; оригинал in the matter of... - что касается... for that matter, for the matter of that - что касается этого; в этом отношении; коли на то пошло no matter - безразлично; все равно, неважно no matter what - несмотря ни на что; что бы ни было Syn: see topic  2. v.  1) иметь значение; it doesnt matter - это не имеет значения;...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. вещество; материал radioactive matter —- радиоактивное вещество colouring matter —- красящее вещество, краситель grey matter —- серое вещество головного мозга; разг. ум matter in suspension —- вещество, находящееся во взвешенном состоянии 2. гной 3. филос. материя the indestructibility of matter —- неуничтожимость материи victory of mind over matter —- победа духа над плотью 4. материал (содержащийся в книге, статье и т. п.) there is not much reading matter in this illustrated weekly —- в этом иллюстрированном еженедельнике не так много материала для чтения the book contains much useless matter —- в книге много бесполезного материала (бесполезных вещей) 5. содержание (книги и т. п.) form and matter —- форма и содержание the matter in your article is interesting but the style is deplorable —- содержание вашей статьи интересно, но форма изложения никуда не годится 6. сущность, предмет (обсуждения, дискуссии, судебного разбирательства) matter of dispute —- предмет спора to provide matter for discussion —- дать тему для обсуждения (разговоров); явиться темой обсуждения (разговоров) the matter in hand —- вопрос, который обсуждается 7. дело, вопрос business matters —- дела, деловый вопросы a private matter —- личное дело, личный вопрос money matters —- денежные дела small matter —- пустяки (it is) no laughing matter —- (это) не шуточное дело that...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  вещество; материя – detrital matter – dry matter – foreign matter – gray matter – inanimate matter – inorganic matter – living matter – nonliving matter – organic matter – organized matter – precellular matter – vegetable matter – white matter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) дело 2) вопрос 3) повод 4) основание • - arrange matters - business matters - disciplinary matter - evidential matter - matter of business - matter of form - matter of law - money matters - new matter - on the matter - subject matter MATTER 1) предмет, объект 2) вещество 3) материал 4) сущность, содержание 5) вопрос; дело 6) набранный текст – matter at issue – matter in controversy – matter in dispute – no matter how – additional matter – advertising matter – back matter – body matter – chief matter – deceptive matter – descriptive matter – end matter – formal matter – infringement matter – inventive subject matter – license matter – new matter – nondisclosed subject matter – nonobvious subject matter – nonstatutory subject matter – object matter – obvious subject matter – patent matter – patentable subject matter – printed matter – scientific matter – subject matter – type matter – unsupported matter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вещественность 2) вещество 3) дело 4) иметь значение 5) материал 6) материя 7) содержание 8) сущность a matter of taste — дело вкуса as the matter of fact — ведь be a matter of — стоить coloring matter for foodstuffs — пищевой краситель it does not matter — это не имеет значения law of conservation of matter — закон сохранения материи mineral matter of fuel — минеральная часть топлива no matter how small — сколь бы мало ни было state of aggregation of matter — агрегатное состояние вещества suspension of matter in gas — энерг. газовзвесь, газовзвеси trivial subject matter — мелкотемье - agglutinating matter - body matter - coloring matter - dark matter - degenerate matter - diffuse matter - fatty matter - foreign matter - front matter - incrusting matter - insoluble matter - interplanetary matter - interstellar matter - living matter - no matter where - nuclear matter - parent matter - printed matter - saponifiable matter - solar matter - solid matter - state of matter - superconducting matter - suspended matter - type matter - unsaponifiable matter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вещество, материал; материя acid-insoluble matter dissolved organic matter floating matter nonvolatile matter organic matter particulate matter suspended matters toxic matters volatile matters ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) материя 2) вещество; материал 3) полигр. набор 4) рукопись; оригинал - ash-free matter - biodegradable matter - body matter - coal-volatile matter - colored matter - coloring matter - combustible matter - complex matter - dead matter - decomposable organic matter - display matter - dry matter - foreign matter - fusible matter - low-volatile matter - mineral matter - particulate matter - resistant organic matter - straight matter - suspended matter - tarry matter - text matter - type matter - unsaponifiable matter - volatile matter ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit. b that which has mass and occupies space. 2 a particular substance (colouring matter). 3 (prec. by the; often foll. by with) the thing that is amiss (what is the matter?; there is something the matter with him). 4 material for thought or expression. 5 a the substance of a book, speech, etc., as distinct from its manner or form. b Logic the particular content of a proposition, as distinct from its form. 6 a thing or things of a specified kind (printed matter; reading matter). 7 an affair or situation being considered, esp. in a specified way (a serious matter; a matter for concern; the matter of your overdraft). 8 Physiol. a any substance in or discharged from the body (faecal matter; grey matter). b pus. 9 (foll. by of, for) what is or may be a good reason for (complaint, regret, etc.). 10 Printing the body of a printed work, as type or as printed sheets. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by to) be of importance; have significance (it does not matter to me when it happened). 2 secrete or discharge pus. Phrases and idioms as a matter of fact in reality (esp. to correct a falsehood or misunderstanding). for that matter (or for the matter of that) 1 as far as that is concerned. 2 and indeed also. in the matter of as regards. a matter of 1 approximately (for a matter of 40 years). 2 a thing that relates to, depends on, or is determined by (a matter of habit; only a matter of time before they agree). a matter of course see COURSE. a matter of fact 1 what belongs to the sphere of fact as distinct from opinion etc. 2 Law the part of a judicial inquiry concerned with the truth of alleged facts (see also MATTER-OF-FACT). a matter of form a mere routine. a matter of law Law the part of a judicial inquiry concerned with the interpretation of the law. a matter of record see RECORD. no matter 1 (foll. by when, how, etc.) regardless of (will do it no matter what the consequences). 2 it is of no importance. what is the matter with surely there is no objection to. what...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English matere, from Anglo-French, from Latin materia ~, physical substance, from mater  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a subject under consideration  b. a subject of disagreement or litigation  c. plural the events or circumstances of a particular situation  d. the subject or substance of a discourse or writing  e. something of an indicated kind or having to do with an indicated field or situation this is a serious ~ as a ~ of policy ~s of faith  f. something to be proved in law  g. obsolete sensible or serious material as distinguished from nonsense or drollery  h.  (1) obsolete reason, cause  (2) a source especially of feeling or emotion  i. problem, difficulty  2.  a. the substance of which a physical object is composed  b. material substance that occupies space, has mass, and is composed predominantly of atoms consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, that constitutes the observable universe, and that is interconvertible with energy  c. a material substance of a particular kind or for a particular purpose vegetable ~  d.  (1) material (as feces or urine) discharged from the living body  (2) material discharged by suppuration ; pus  3.  a. the indeterminate subject of reality; especially the element in the universe that undergoes formation and alteration  b. the formless substratum of all things which exists only potentially and upon which form acts to produce realities  4. a more or less definite amount or quantity cooks in a ~ of minutes  5. something written or printed  6. mail  7. Christian Science the illusion that the objects perceived by the physical senses have the reality of substance  II. intransitive verb  Date: 1530  1. to form or discharge pus ; suppurate ~ing wound  2. to be of importance ; signify ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (matters, mattering, mattered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A matter is a task, situation, or event which you have to deal with or think about, especially one that involves problems. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter... Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete... Don’t you think this is now a matter for the police?... Business matters drew him to Paris. = affair N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. You use matters to refer to the situation you are talking about, especially when something is affecting the situation in some way. If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters... If it would facilitate matters, I would be happy to come to New York... Matters took an unexpected turn. N-PLURAL: no det 3. If you say that a situation is a matter of a particular thing, you mean that that is the most important thing to be done or considered when you are involved in the situation or explaining it. History is always a matter of interpretation... Jack had attended these meetings as a matter of routine for years. = question N-SING: a N of n/-ing 4. Printed matter consists of books, newspapers, and other texts that are printed. Reading matter consists of things that are suitable for reading, such as books and newspapers. ...the Government’s plans to levy VAT on printed matter. ...a rich variety of reading matter. N-UNCOUNT: supp N 5. Matter is the physical part of the universe consisting of solids, liquids, and gases. A proton is an elementary particle of matter. N-UNCOUNT 6. You use matter to refer to a particular type of substance. ...waste matter from industries. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 7. You use matter in expressions such as ‘What’s the matter?’ or ‘Is anything the matter?’ when you think that someone has a problem and you want to know what it is. Carole, what’s the matter? You don’t seem happy... She told him there was...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n SUBJECT/SITUATION 1 a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with  (You do realize this is a serious matter, don't you? | He wasn't particularly interested in financial matters. | a matter of importance/concern/regret etc (=a subject that is important, that people worry about etc))  (Wilson always consulted Landers on matters of importance. | The King's mental state was becoming a matter of concern.) be a matter for (=be something that a particular person or group should deal with)  (If he was murdered, it's a matter for the police. | the heart/crux of the matter (=the most important part of a situation))  (The report didn't get to the heart of the matter. | raise the matter with (=discuss a subject with someone))  (Have you raised the matter with your union representative? | let the matter rest/drop (=decide to stop worrying about something))  (I'm prepared to let the whole matter drop if he apologizes. | the matter at/in hand (=the thing that you should be dealing with now))  (Could we please concentrate on the matter in hand?) 2 subject matter the subject that is discussed or shown in a book, film, article etc  (Because of its adult subject matter, the film is not suitable for under-16s.) 3 it's no small/laughing matter used to say that something must be treated seriously  (He ended up with a broken pelvis, which is no laughing matter, I can tell you.) 4 that's the end of the matter/let that be an end to the matter spoken used to tell someone that you do not want to talk about something any more  (We will not let you date until you're 16, and that's the end of the matter.) 5 be a different matter also be quite another matter especially BrE used to say that one situation or problem is much more serious than another  (Having the occasional drink is one thing, but being drunk every night is quite another matter.) 6 matters plural a situation that you are in or have been describing  (Maybe some of these suggestions will help to improve matters. | not help matters spoken (=make a situation worse))...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from Anglo-Norm. matere, from L. materia "substance from which something is made," also "hard inner wood of a tree," from mater "origin, source, mother." The verb meaning "to be of importance or consequence" is from 1581. Matter of fact originally a legal term, "that portion of an enquiry concerned with the truth or falsehood of alleged facts," opposed to matter of law. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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