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Англо-русский биологический словарь - map


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Перевод с английского языка map на русский



assay mapchromosome mapcomplementation mapcontour map of protein surfacecortical motor mapfate mapgenetic mapidiotope mapisohyetal maplarge-scale restriction maplinkage mapmetabolic mappeptide mapphysical maprainfall maprestriction mapsequence mapserologically derived mapsoil mapvegetation map

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  • карта• отображать ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  out составлять план, планировать; to map out ones time распределять свое время MAP  1. noun  1) карта (географическая или звездного неба)  2) rare план - off the map - on the map to put on the map прославить, сделать известным to put oneself on the map  а) появиться;  б) выдвинуться  2. v. наносить на карту, чертить карту; производить съемку местности - map out MAP range mil. горизонтальная дальность (по карте) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. карта (географическая или звездного неба) geological map —- геологическая карта skeleton map —- контурная карта; немая карта road map —- карта дорог an up-to-date map —- современная (новая) карта map course —- курс по карте; курс, проложенный по карте map data —- данные карты map distance —- расстояние по карте; горизонтальная дальность по карте; заложение map firing —- воен. стрельба с подготовкой данных по карте map reading —- чтение карты map reference —- ссылка на карту; координаты по карте map scale —- масштаб карты map section —- картографическое отделение, картографическая секция map sheet —- топ. лист карты map study —- изучение карты map symbol —- топ. условный знак, условное обозначение a map of the heavens —- астрономическая карта a map of the world —- карта мира to read a map —- читать карту to follow a map —- двигаться по карте to blow up a map —- топ. увеличивать карту to relieve a map —- топ. поднимать карту, делать карту рельефной to have an eye for a map —- разг. уметь пользоваться картой (читать карту) to plot smth. on a map —- наносить что-л. на карту to set a map —- ориентировать карту the scale of this map is an inch to the mile —- масштаб этой карты миля в дюйме 2. план a map of Moscow —- план Москвы 3. биол. генетическая карта 4. мат. отображение 5. физ. портрет (движения) Id: off the map —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  карта – assay map – chromosome map – complementation map – contour map of protein surface – cortical motor map – fate map – genetic map – idiotope map – isohyetal map – large-scale restriction map – linkage map – metabolic map – peptide map – physical map – rainfall map – restriction map – sequence map – serologically derived map – soil map – vegetation map ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. картодиаграмма, картограмма MAP торг. сокр. от Modified American Plan MAP 1) карта; план 2) отображать – off the map – on a map – on the map – map out – patent citation map ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  регистрировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) картографировать 2) карта 3) картировать 4) ландкарта 5) отображать 6) отображение 7) план almost bicubic rooted map — почти бикубическая корневая карта degree of rational map — степень рационального отбражения fill in a map — вести карту left-hand edge of map sheet — западная зарамочная часть matrix of bilinear map — матрица билинейного отображения matrix of linear map — матрица линейного отображения plot on a map — наносить на карту right-hand edge of map sheet — восточная зарамочная часть strict exterior map — строгая внешняя карта strict interior map — строгая внутренняя карта trace of a map — след отображения - Karnaugh map - action of map - attaching map - bedding map - blank map - bunch map analysis - bundle map - cadastral map - colored map - commodity map - contoured map - cubic map - depth-to-water map - equivariant map - excision map - fiber map - fibre map - filling-in map - general map - gnomic map - gravity map - group of map - highway map - identification map - inclusion map - indifference map - involutory map - ladder map - large-scale map - major map - manifold map - map biholomorphically - map color theorem - map coloring - map details - map dimension - map into itself - map into - map margin - map mode - map of bundles - map of formations - map of game - map of graph - map onto itself - map onto - map paper - map projector - map symbols - map the services - orthographic map - outline map - planar map - principal map - probability map - profile map - reflexible map - regular map - relief map - rooted map - schematic map - set a map - shrinking map - smooth-delineation map - stable map germ - statistical map - stratigraphic map - surface-conductivity map - topographic map - trace of map -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) карта 2) таблица 3) схема – bathymetrical map – 3d map – geomorphological map – harness map – hypsometrical map – orderwire map – traffic-circulation map ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  карта map plotted to a scale of 1 in 500 anaglyph map base map cadastral map circulation map contour map design temperature map domestic map engineering map engineering geological map flood control map geological map landscape map Ordnance Survey map planimetric map seismic risk map sketch map traffic-circulation map underground map ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) карта картографировать, составлять карту 2) таблица 3) матем. отображение, соответствие отображать, устанавливать соответствие 4) вчт. карта распределения, карта отображения (напр. памяти) 5) вчт. преобразование (данных из одной формы в другую) преобразовывать (данные из одной формы в другую) 6) многомерная регулировочная характеристика (двигателя) - map of water table - absolute topography map - aerial map - aerological map - airborne photogeological map - airborne phototectonic map - airway strip map - allocation map - bathymetrical map - bit map - chromosome map - cleavage map - climatic map - composite map - conformal map - coordinate map - cosmogeological map - deletion map - discrete error map - drainage map - 3-D surface map - ecological map - emission map - engine fuel map - engine map - excess material map - facsimile map - failure map - fail map - field development map - flow pattern map - fuel consumption map - genetic map - genetic linkage map - geochemical map - geological map - geophysical map - historical weather map - hydrogeological map - hydrogeologic map - ice-conditions map - ice map - inputted surface map - isoceraunic map - isohyetal map - isopercental map - Karnaugh map - linkage map - measured surface map - memory map - meteorological map - mineral map - natural-hazard map - network topology map - orderwire map - page bit map - plan-position indicator map - prognostic map - radar map - rainfall map - relative topography map - restriction map - runoff map - satellite map - satellite data map - sea-ice map - sea-surface temperature map - sketch map - space photogeological map - space phototectonic map - surface map - synoptic map - tectonic map - temperature-anomaly map - thermal map - upper-air map - ventilation map - water-resources...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a usu. flat representation of the earth's surface, or part of it, showing physical features, cities, etc. (cf. GLOBE). b a diagrammatic representation of a route etc. (drew a map of the journey). 2 a two-dimensional representation of the stars, the heavens, etc., or of the surface of a planet, the moon, etc. 3 a diagram showing the arrangement or components of a thing. 4 sl. the face. --v.tr. (mapped, mapping) 1 represent (a country etc.) on a map. 2 Math. associate each element of (a set) with one element of another set. Phrases and idioms map out arrange in detail; plan (a course of conduct etc.). off the map colloq. 1 of no account; obsolete. 2 very distant. on the map colloq. prominent, important. wipe off the map colloq. obliterate. Derivatives mapless adj. mappable adj. mapper n. Etymology: L mappa napkin: in med.L mappa (mundi) map (of the world) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Medieval Latin ~pa, from Latin, napkin, towel  Date: 1527  1.  a. a representation usually on a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area  b. a representation of the celestial sphere or a part of it  2. something that represents with a clarity suggestive of a ~ the Freudian ~ of the mind — Harold Bloom  3. the arrangement of genes on a chromosome — called also genetic ~  4. function 5a  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1586  transitive verb  1.  a. to make a ~ of ~ the surface of the moon  b. to delineate as if on a ~ sorrow was ~ped on her face  c. to make a survey of for or as if for the purpose of making a ~  d. to assign (as a set or element) in a mathematical or exact correspondence ~ a set onto itself ~ picture elements to video memory  2. to plan in detail — often used with out ~ out a program  3. to locate (a gene) on a chromosome  intransitive verb  1. of a gene to be located  2. to be assigned in a relation or connection the major problems confronting humankind…do not ~ well onto the traditional disciplines — P. W. Porter  • ~pable adjective  • ~per noun MAP  biographical name Walter circa 1140-circa 1209 English writer MAP  abbreviation modified American plan ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (maps, mapping, mapped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A map is a drawing of a particular area such as a city, a country, or a continent, showing its main features as they would appear if you looked at them from above. He unfolded the map and set it on the floor... Have you got a map of the city centre? N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. To map an area means to make a map of it. ...a spacecraft which is using radar to map the surface of Venus. VERB: V n 3. If you say that someone or something put a person, thing, or place on the map, you approve of the fact that they made it become well-known and important. ...the attempts of the Edinburgh Festival’s organisers to put C.P. Taylor firmly on the map... PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]approval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a drawing of an area of country showing rivers, roads, mountains, towns etc, or of a whole country or several countries  (According to the map we should turn left.) + of  (a map of the world) a street/road map  (a street map of Istanbul | read a map (=understand the information it gives)) 2 put sth on the map to make a place famous, so that everyone knows it and talks about it  (It was the Olympic Games that really put Seoul on the map.) 3 off the map informal a long way from towns or places where many people go  (- see also wipe sth off the map wipe1 (8)) ~2 v mapped, mapping 1 to make a map of a particular area  (Scientists have mapped the surface of the moon.) 2 to discover or show the shape and arrangement of something  (to map the part of the brain responsible for perception) map sth out phr v to plan something carefully  (They had mapped out a demanding schedule for us.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Medical Assistance Program lab. abbr. Master Amino Acid Pattern physiol. abbr. Managing Anxiety And Panic st. & loc. abbr. Montana Advocacy Program U.S. gov. abbr. Modified American Plan transport. abbr. Missed Approach Point transport. abbr. Military Airport Plan mil. abbr. Materiel Acquisition Plan (or Process mil. abbr. Materials Allocation Plan mil. abbr. Manufacturing Automation Protocol mil. abbr. Modern Aids to Planning mil. abbr. Military Assistance Program mil. abbr. Management Action Plan mil. abbr. Making Action Plans 3-let. lang. abbr. Austronesian (Other) ocean sc. abbr. Model Aviculture Program univ. abbr. Major Area Paper univ. abbr. Measures Of Academic Progress electron. abbr. Manufacturing Automation Protocol funny abbr. Mad About Pern farm. abbr. Agriculture gen. comp. abbr. Marketspace Agent Protocol gen. comp. abbr. Maintenance Analysis Procedure gen. comp. abbr. Manufacturing Automation Protocol telec. abbr. Mobile Application Part file ext. abbr. Color palette (colormap intensities and indices) file ext. abbr. Network map (AccView) file ext. abbr. Linker map file file ext. abbr. Geographical map (Atlas MapMaker) file ext. abbr. Format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher) media abbr. Media Awareness Project non-prof. org. abbr. Media Access Project non-prof. org. abbr. Musicians Assistance Program educ. abbr. Missouri Assessment Program educ. abbr. Music, Art, Physical Education sport abbr. Most Active Player law abbr. Mandatory Advising For Probation law abbr. Mobile Armored Police gen. bus. abbr. Minimum Advertised Pricing firm name abbr. Metro Agro Plex firm name abbr. Melbourne Ascending Photographers firm name abbr. Manchester Area Psychogeographic account. abbr. Management of an Accounting Practice account. abbr. Minimum Advertised Price AMEX symbols Maine Public Service Company ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: PUT ON THE MAP. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1527, shortened from M.E. mapemounde (c.1380), from M.Fr., from M.L. mappamundi "map of the world," first element from L. mappa "napkin, cloth" (on which maps were drawn). The verb map is first attested 1586. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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