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Англо-русский биологический словарь - major


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sergeant major

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  I noun майор II  1. adj.  1) больший, более важный  2) старший  3) главный; - major fores - major reconstruction - major league  4) mus. мажорный  2. noun  1) совершеннолетний  2) logic главная посылка (в силлогизме)  3) amer. профилирующая дисциплина (в колледже)  3. v. amer. специализироваться по какому-л. предмету (в колледже) (in); Are you majoring in English Literature? MAJOR key мажорный тон MAJOR league sport высшая лига MAJOR reconstruction коренная перестройка; MAJOR fores mil. главные силы; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. майор 2. юр. совершеннолетний 3. лог. большая посылка (силлогизма) 4. муз. мажор 5. ам. главный, основной предмет специализации (в колледже) history is his major —- его основной предмет - история, он специализируется по истории 6. ам. спорт. команда высшей лиги 7. обыкн. pl. большая нефтяная компания 8. больший, более важный, значительный major question —- главный вопрос major drawback —- основной недостаток our major artist —- наш наиболее значительный (крупный) художник of major importance —- имеющий весьма существенное значение of major interest —- представляющий исключительный интерес major industries —- основные отрасли промышленности major war criminals —- главные военные преступники theirs is a major undertaking —- они предприняли крупную операцию 9. главный; крупный major part (portion) —- большая часть major road —- главная дорога major success —- крупный успех major advances in science —- крупные, значительные успехи в науке he made a major contribution to science —- он внес крупный вклад в науку major action —- воен. крупная операция; мед. серьезная операция major caliber —- мор. главный калибр; тяжелые орудия major casualties —- воен. большие (тяжелые) потери major forces —- воен. главные силы 10. относящийся к большинству major opinion —- мнение большинства 11. старший...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  образ. специализация Основной предмет, в котором специализируется студент в колледже или университете, выбирается на четвертом курсе (году обучения), непосредственно перед получением степени бакалавра bachelor. В высших учебных заведениях США предлагается свыше 1000 специальностей. Тж. concentration program Ср. minor MAJOR майор Воинское звание между капитаном Captain и подполковником Lieutenant Colonel в Сухопутных войсках, ВВС и морской пехоте ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  – sergeant major ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) главный 2) основной 3) большой 4) более важный 5) крупный • - major attribute - major modification - major nature - major portion - vis major ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) более важный 2) больший 3) большой 4) главный 5) мажорный 6) основной 7) сквозной 8) старший major axis of an ellipse — большая ось эллипса major clock cycle — сквозной такт работы ЭВМ - Ursa Major - illicit major - major air route - major algorithm - major arc - major axis - major cause - major clique - major contributor - major diameter - major insulation - major lobe - major map - major premise - major segment - major semiaxis - major station - major term - major total ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 important, large, serious, significant (a major road; a major war; the major consideration must be their health). 2 (of an operation) serious or life-threatening. 3 Mus. a (of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the third and fourth, and seventh and eighth degrees. b (of an interval) greater by a semitone than a minor interval (major third). c (of a key) based on a major scale, tending to produce a bright or joyful effect (D major). 4 of full age. 5 Brit. (appended to a surname, esp. in public schools) the elder of two brothers or the first to enter the school (Smith major). 6 Logic a (of a term) occurring in the predicate or conclusion of a syllogism. b (of a premiss) containing a major term. --n. 1 Mil. a an army officer next below lieutenant-colonel and above captain. b an officer in charge of a section of band instruments (drum major; pipe major). 2 a person of full age. 3 US a a student's special subject or course. b a student specializing in a specified subject (a philosophy major). 4 Logic a major term or premiss. --v.intr. (foll. by in) US study or qualify in a subject (majored in theology). Phrases and idioms major axis the axis of a conic, passing through its foci. major-general an officer next below a lieutenant-general. major league US a league of major importance in baseball etc. major part (often foll. by of) the majority. major piece Chess a rook or queen. major planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune. major prophet Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, or Daniel. major suit Bridge spades or hearts. Derivatives majorship n. Etymology: ME f. L, compar. of magnus great ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name John 1943- British prime minister (1990-97) MAJOR  I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English maiour, from Latin ~, comparative of magnus great, large — more at much  Date: 15th century  1. greater in dignity, rank, importance, or interest one of the ~ poets  2. greater in number, quantity, or extent the ~ part of his work  3. having attained ~ity  4.  a. notable or conspicuous in effect or scope ; considerable a ~ improvement  b. prominent or significant in size, amount, or degree earned some ~ cash  5. involving grave risk ; serious a ~ illness  6. of or relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization  7.  a. having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth degrees ~ scale  b. based on a ~ scale ~ key  c. equivalent to the distance between the keynote and another tone (except the fourth and fifth) of a ~ scale ~ third  d. having a ~ third above the root ~ triad  II. noun  Date: 1616  1. a person who has attained ~ity  2.  a. one that is superior in rank, importance, size, or performance economic power of the oil ~s  b. a ~ musical interval, scale, key, or mode  3. a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps ranking above a captain and below a lieutenant colonel  4.  a. an academic subject chosen as a field of specialization  b. a student specializing in such a field a history ~  5. plural ~ league baseball — used with the  6. any of several high-level tournaments in professional golf  III. intransitive verb  Date: 1913 to pursue an academic ~ ~ed in English ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (majors, majoring, majored) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use major when you want to describe something that is more important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation. The major factor in the decision to stay or to leave was usually professional... Drug abuse has long been a major problem for the authorities there... Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease. = key, crucial ADJ: ADJ n 2. A major is an officer who is one rank above captain in the British army or the United States army, air force, or marines. ...Major Alan Bulman. N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 3. At a university or college in the United States, a student’s major is the main subject that they are studying. English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language. N-COUNT: oft poss N 4. At a university or college in the United States, if a student is, for example, a geology major, geology is the main subject they are studying. She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma. N-COUNT: n N 5. If a student at a university or college in the United States majors in a particular subject, that subject is the main one they study. He majored in finance at Claremont Men’s College in California. VERB: V in n 6. In music, a major scale is one in which the third note is two tones higher than the first. ...Mozart’s Symphony No 35 in D Major. ? minor ADJ: n ADJ, ADJ n 7. A major is a large or important company. (BUSINESS) Oil majors need not fear being unable to sell their crude. N-COUNT: oft n N 8. The majors are groups of professional sports teams that compete against each other, especially in American baseball. (mainly AM) I knew what I could do in the minor leagues, I just wanted a chance to prove myself in the majors. N-PLURAL: the N 9. A major is an important sporting competition, especially in golf or tennis. Sarazen became the first golfer to win all four majors. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 usually before noun very large or important, when compared to other things or people of a similar kind  (There are two major political parties in the US. | Mahler's music was a major influence on the young composer. | one of the major causes of cancer)  (- opposite minor1 (1)) 2 usually before noun having very serious or worrying results  (The loss of Cantona through injury was a major setback for the team. | major problem)  (This could create major traffic problems.) 3 AmE spoken very important  (This is major? You got me out of bed for this?) 4 a major key (key1 (4)) is based on a musical scale in which there are semitones between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth notes  (a symphony in D major)  (- compare minor1 (2)) ~2 n 1 an officer of middle rank in the British or US army or marines, or in the US airforce  (- see also drum major) 2 especially AmE the main subject that a student studies at college or university  (Her major is history.)  (- compare minor2 (2)) 3 AmE someone studying a particular subject as their main subject at college or university  (She's a history major.) 4 the majors the Major Leagues  (- compare minor league) ~3 v major in sth phr v especially AmE to study something as your main subject at college or university  (He's majoring in Political Science.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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