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Англо-русский биологический словарь - low


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Перевод с английского языка low на русский


1) небольшой, недостаточный

2) низкий, невысокий

3) мычание, рёв; мычать, реветь

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См. в других словарях

  visibility плохая видимость; LOW tide малая вода; отлив LOW temperature низкая температура LOW supply недостаточное снабжение; LOW spirits подавленность, уныние; LOW shoe amer. полуботинок, туфля LOW season noun мертвый сезон LOW relief барельеф LOW pulse слабый пульс; LOW whisper тихий шепот LOW wages низкая заработная плата; LOW ground низменность, низина LOW German нижненемецкий язык LOW gear низшая, первая передача LOW dutch нижненемецкий язык LOW crowned с низкой тульей LOW Countries Нидерланды, Бельгия и Люксембург LOW comedy комедия, граничащая с фарсом LOW comedian комик-буфф LOW Church направление в англиканской церкви с евангелическим уклоном (противоп. High Church) LOW I  1. noun мычание  2. v. мычать II  1. adj.  1) низкий, невысокий; - low tide - low water  2) слабый; подавленный; пониженный; - low pulse - low visibility - low spirits - feel low - bring low  3) низкого происхождения  4) небольшой, недостаточный; to be in low circumstances - быть в стесненных обстоятельствах - low wages  5) с глубоким вырезом, с большим декольте (о платье)  6) скудный, непитательный (о диете); истощенный, опустошенный (о запасах, кошельке); - low supply - in low supply  7) тихий, негромкий (о голосе); низкий (о ноте); - low whisper  8) biol. низший; невысокоразвитой  9) вульгарный, грубый; низкий, подлый; непристойный; -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. самый низкий уровень to reach a new low —- снова (еще больше) упасть (о ценах и т. п.) the pound reached an all-time low —- курс фунта упал до небывало низкого уровня 2. обыкн. pl. низина 3. метеор. область низкого барометрического давления; циклон 4. карт. младший козырь 5. фоска (игральная карта от двойки до десятки) 6. спорт. самый маленький счет 7. авт. первая, низшая скорость 8. низкий, невысокий low wall —- низкая стена low range of hills —- невысокий ряд холмов low forehead —- низкий лоб low latitudes —- геогр. низкие широты low pressure —- низкое давление low frequency —- рад. тлв. низкая частота low polymer —- хим. низший полимер low trajectory —- воен. настильная (отлогая) траектория (полета снаряда) low head —- малый напор воды low cover —- подрост, нижний ярус (в лесу) low gear —- авт. низшая (первая) передача of (a) low stature —- невысокого роста the moon was low in the sky —- луна стояла низко над горизонтом the glass is low —- ртуть в барометре опустилась (низко) 9. низкий, низменный trees growing in low, shady places —- деревья, растущие в низких тенистых местах 10. низкий, ниже обычного или желаемого уровня low price —- низкая цена low attendance —- плохая посещаемость low level of employment —- низкий уровень занятости, большая безработица low visibility —- плохая (слабая,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) небольшой, недостаточный 2) низкий, невысокий 3) мычание, рёв; мычать, реветь ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) низкая точка 2) низкая цифра 3) низкая цена • - low end - low income - low prices 2. прил. 1) низкий, незначительный 2) недостаточный, скудный - low money income 3. нареч. по низкой цене - buy low LOW 1. сущ. 1) общ. низкая точка 2) общ. низкая цифра 3) фин. низкая цена 4) бирж. самый низкий (о цене ценной бумаги или товара за год или за весь период котировки) Syn: historic low See: quotation 2. прил. 1) общ. низкий, незначительный 2) общ. недостаточный, скудный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) малоэтажный 2) меженный 3) незначительный 4) низкий 5) низко- 6) низкорасположенный 7) низкорослый 8) пониженный 9) слабый level of low waters — геол. горизонт меженных вод, горизонт низких вод switch laser Q to a low value — выключать добротность лазера very low frequency antenna — антенна диапазона СДВ - extremely low frequencies - low accuracy - low alloy - low binding - low distortion - low estimate - low heat value - low latitudes - low level - low light - low relative precision - low sensitivity - low speed - low statistic - low vacuum - low visibility - low water level - low water line - low water - low wing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (см. тж cyclone) циклон; область пониженного атмосферного давления; (барическая) депрессия - central low - coastal low - cutoff low - double-centered low - migratory low - secondary low - semipermanent low ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 of less than average height; not high or tall or reaching far up (a low wall). 2 a situated close to ground or sea level etc.; not elevated in position (low altitude). b (of the sun) near the horizon. c (of latitude) near the equator. 3 of or in humble rank or position (of low birth). 4 of small or less than normal amount or extent or intensity (low price; low temperature; low in calories). 5 small or reduced in quantity (stocks are low). 6 coming below the normal level (a dress with a low neck). 7 a dejected; lacking vigour (feeling low; in low spirits). b poorly nourished; indicative of poor nutrition. 8 (of a sound) not shrill or loud or high-pitched. 9 not exalted or sublime; commonplace. 10 unfavourable (a low opinion). 11 abject, mean, vulgar (low cunning; low slang). 12 (in compar.) situated on less high land or to the south. 13 (of a geographical period) earlier. --n. 1 a low or the lowest level or number (the dollar has reached a new low). 2 an area of low pressure. --adv. 1 in or to a low position or state. 2 in a low tone (speak low). 3 (of a sound) at or to a low pitch. Phrases and idioms low-born of humble birth. Low Church the section of the Church of England giving a low place to ritual, priestly authority, and the sacraments. low-class of low quality or social class. low comedy that in which the subject and the treatment border on farce. Low Countries the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg. low-cut (of a dress etc.) made with a low neckline. low-down adj. abject, mean, dishonourable. --n. colloq. (usu. foll. by on) the relevant information (about). lowest common denominator, multiple see DENOMINATOR, MULTIPLE. low frequency (in radio) 30-300 kilohertz. low gear see GEAR. Low German see GERMAN. low-grade of low quality or strength. low-key lacking intensity or prominence; restrained. Low Latin medieval and later forms of Latin. low-level Computing (of a programming language) close in form to machine language. low-loader a lorry with a low floor and no sides, for heavy loads. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Sir David Alexander Cecil 1891-1963 British cartoonist LOW  I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English loowen, from Old English hlowan; akin to Old High German hluoen to moo, Latin calare to call, summon, Greek kalein  Date: before 12th century moo  II. noun  Date: 1549 the deep sustained sound characteristic especially of a cow  III. adjective  (~er; ~est)  Etymology: Middle English lah, ~, from Old Norse lagr; akin to Middle High German l?ge ~, flat; probably akin to Old English licgan to lie  Date: 12th century  1.  a. having a small upward extension or elevation a ~ wall  b. situated or passing little above a reference line, point, or plane ~ bridges  c.  (1) having a ~-cut neckline  (2) not extending as high as the ankle ~ oxfords  2.  a. situated or passing be~ the normal level, surface, or base of measurement, or the mean elevation ~ ground  b. marking a nadir or bottom the ~ point of his career  3. dead — used as a predicate adjective with lay laid the enemy ~  4.  a. not loud ; soft  b. flat 8a  c. characterized by being toward the bottom of the range of pitch attainable (as by an instrument)  5.  a. being near the equator ~ northern latitudes  b. being near the horizon  6. socially or economically humble in character or status a person of ~ birth  7.  a. lacking strength, health, or vitality ; weak, prostrate very ~ with pneumonia  b. lacking spirit or vivacity ; depressed a ~ frame of mind  8.  a. of lesser degree, size, or amount than average or ordinary ~ energy  b.  (1) small in number or amount  (2) substandard, inadequate a ~ level of employment a ~ income group  (3) cheap ~ prices  (4) short, depleted oil is in ~ supply  c. of lesser position, rank, or order  9. falling short of some standard: as  a. lacking dignity or elevation a ~ style of writing  b. morally reprehensible ; base a ~ trick  c. coarse, vulgar ~ language  10.  a. not advanced in complexity, development, or elaboration ~ organisms  b....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (lower, lowest, lows) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is low measures only a short distance from the bottom to the top, or from the ground to the top. ...the low garden wall that separated the front garden from next door... She put it down on the low table... The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building. ADJ 2. If something is low, it is close to the ground, to sea level, or to the bottom of something. He bumped his head on the low beams... It was late afternoon and the sun was low in the sky... They saw a government war plane make a series of low-level bombing raids. ADJ 3. When a river is low, it contains less water than usual. ...pumps that guarantee a constant depth of water even when the supplying river is low. ? high ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 4. You can use low to indicate that something is small in amount or that it is at the bottom of a particular scale. You can use phrases such as in the low 80s to indicate that a number or level is less than 85 but not as little as 80. British casualties remained remarkably low... They are still having to live on very low incomes... The temperature’s in the low 40s. ? high ADJ 5. Low is used to describe people who are not considered to be very important because they are near the bottom of a particular scale or system. She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of ‘legal adviser’. ? high ADJ: usu ADJ n 6. If something reaches a low of a particular amount or degree, that is the smallest it has ever been. Eventually my weight stabilised at seven and a half stone after dropping to a low of five and a half stone... The dollar fell to a new low. ? high N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of amount 7. If you drive or ride a bicycle in a low gear, you use a gear, usually first or second, which gives you the most control over your car or bicycle when travelling slowly. She selected a low gear and started down the track carefully. ? high ADJ 8. If the quality or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT HIGH« a) having a top that is not far above the ground  (He jumped over the low wall. | a long low building) b) at a point that is not far above the ground  (low clouds | Put the books on the lowest shelf.) c) below the usual height  (a low bridge | The river is low for this time of year.) 2 »SMALL AMOUNT« a) small, or smaller than usual, in amount, value etc  (The price of oil is at its lowest for 10 years. | families existing on very low incomes | low-cost/low-budget etc)  (There's a desperate need for good low-cost housing.) b) low in having less than the usual amount of a substance or chemical  (food that is low in calories | low-fat/low-salt etc)  (I only smoke low-tar cigarettes. | low-alcohol beer) c) in the low 20s/50s etc a number, temperature etc in the low 20s etc is around 21, 22, or 23, but no higher  (Daytime temperature will be in the low 30s) 3 »BELOW USUAL LEVEL« small, or smaller than usual, in level or degree  (In this sort of investment, the risks are fairly low. | Morale has been low since the latest round of job-cuts. | low-risk/low-priority etc)  (a low-security prison) 4 »STANDARDS/QUALITY« below an acceptable or usual level or quality  (Their safety standards seem to be pretty low. | Cost-cutting has led to a lower quality of service.) 5 »SUPPLY« a supply of something that is low is nearly finished  (be/get/run low (on))  (We're running low on coffee. | Stocks are getting low.) 6 »SOUND« a low voice, sound etc is quiet or deep  (I heard a low moaning noise. | The volume is too low - turn it up. | a low whisper) 7 »LIGHT« a light that is low is not bright  (low romantic lighting in a restaurant) 8 »HEAT« if you cook something on a low heat or in a low oven, you cook it using only a small amount of heat 9 »BATTERY« a battery that is low does not have much power left in it 10 »CLOTHES« a low dress, blouse etc does not cover your neck and the top of your chest 11 »UNHAPPY« unhappy and without much hope for the future  (She's still feeling pretty low about failing that...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NYSE symbols Lowes Companies, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: LAY LOW, LIE LOW. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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