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Англо-русский биологический словарь - limit


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Перевод с английского языка limit на русский


1) предел, граница

2) биом. лимит, предельное значение

acceptance limitsage limitaltitudinal limitbordering limitsclass limitconfidence limitscontrol limitsfiducial limitspain limitrejection limit

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) граница, предел; to go beyond the limit - перейти границы; - superior limit - inferior limit - set the limit - go the limit - to the limit  2) tech. предельный размер, допуск  3) tech. интервал значений  4) leg. срок давности - off limits Syn: see boundary  2. v.  1) ограничивать; ставить предел (to); Payments are limited to 10% each month  2) служить границей, пределом ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. граница, предел; рубеж age limit —- возрастной предел superior limit —- максимум (максимальный срок, максимальное количество и т. п.) inferior limit —- минимум (минимальный срок, минимальное количество и т. п.) speed limit —- авт. предельная скорость limit of elasticity —- предел упругости limit of exploitation —- воен. рубеж развития успеха within limits —- в определенных пределах (рамках), умеренно, в пределах возможности without limit —- неограниченно, в любом размере, в любой степени to the limit —- ам. максимально, предельно to set a limit to smth. —- устанавливать предел чему-л., ограничивать что-л.; обуздывать что-л.; положить конец чему-л. to know the limits of smb's abilities —- знать на что кто-л. способен (что в пределах чьих-л. способностей) his greed knows no limits —- его жадность не знает (не имеет) пределов 2. pl. пределы within the limits of the city —- в пределах (в черте) города 3. территория, зона (тюрьмы, лагеря) 4. воен. район, разрешенный для посещения военнослужащими to be off limits (to smb.) —- закрытый для посещения (кем-л.) 5. (the limit) разг. что-л. невыносимое; кто-л. невыносимый that's the limit! —- это уж слишком!, это переходит все границы! she is the limit! —- она невыносима! to go the limit —- ам. не знать меры, переходить все границы 6. (the limit) ам. сл. половое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) предел, граница 2) биом. лимит, предельное значение – acceptance limits – age limit – altitudinal limit – bordering limits – class limit – confidence limits – control limits – fiducial limits – pain limit – rejection limit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) граница 2) предел 3) норма 4) предельная цена 5) лимит • - age limit - assign a limit - at limit - be bound to a limit - be within limits - buy limit order - contract limit - credit limit - debt limit - exceed the limit - exercise limit - fix a limit - go beyond the limit - limit competition - limit of credit - limits of the permitted fluctuations of the foreign exchange rate - position limit - price limit - time limit - to the limit Syn: margin, measure, bound, line, point 2. гл. ограничивать, лимитировать - limit the expense Syn: restrict, bound, confine LIMIT – to limit competition – to limit patentability – limits of the invention ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) граница 2) допредельный 3) допуск 4) лимитировать 5) лимитный 6) ограничивать absolute limit of error — предел абсолютной погрешности absolutely translative limit — абсолютно транслятивный предел almost significant limit — почти значимый предел approximate confidence limit — приближенный доверительный предел beyond limit — сверх предела central confidence limit — центральный доверительный предел central limit problem — центральная предельная проблема complete solvation limit — граница полной сольватации converse limit theorem — обратная предельная теорема double limit function — функция двойного предела family of limit laws — т. вер. семейство предельных законов function with angular limit — функция с угловым пределом functor of inverse limit — функтор обратного предела greatest lower limit — наибольший нижний предел; наибольшая верхняя граница highly significant limit — высокозначимый предел increase without limit — неограниченно возрастать inductive limit space — индуктивное предельное пространство infinitesimally small limit — бесконечно малый предел least upper limit — наименьший верхний предел; наименьшая верхняя граница limit approached from the left — предел при стремлении переменной к точке слева limit approached from the right — предел при стремлении переменной к точке справа limit circle case — случай предельного круга limit...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  предел; ограничение; ограничивать – limits of interference – distortion limit – lower-range limit – output limit – quantum detection limit – radio-frequency interference limits – Shannon limit – transmission limit – upper-range limit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  предел, граница ограничивать beyond the proportional limit setting design limits to limit access to stipulate limits of stress within the elastic limit limits of acceptability limits of accuracy in building work limit of backwater limit of proportionality limit of structural usefulness limit of the ultimate strength acceptable tolerance limits Atterberg limit consistency limits contract limit creep limit deflection limits design limits elastic limit endurance limit explosive limits failure limit fatigue limit flammable limits harshness limit harshness limit of sand content Johnson's proportional limit liquid limit lower limit for load-carrying capacity lower explosive limit lower flammable limit permissible contaminant limit plastic limit proportional limit proportional elastic limit shrinkage limit strength limit stress limit tolerance limits upper limit for load-carrying capacity upper flammable limit vibration limit working load limit ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) предел; граница; порог устанавливать предел; ограничивать 2) габарит 3) допуск 4) мн. ч. интервал значений limit from the left — предел слева; limit from the right — предел справа; to exceed forward center of gravity limit — возд. превышать переднюю максимально допустимую центровку; to fall outside clearance limits — не вписываться в габарит; to fall within clearance limits — вписываться в габарит; to pass to the limit — переходить к пределу limit of accuracy — предел точности limit of adhesion — предел сцепления limit of drilling mud temperature stability — предельная (теоретическая) термостойкость бурового раствора limit of elasticity — предел упругости limit of error — предел погрешности limit of function — предел функции limit of "in" — предел втягивания (руки робота) limit of liquidity — граница текучести (глинистых грунтов) limit of "out" — предел выдвижения (руки робота) limit of plasticity — предел пластичности, граница раскатывания (глинистых грунтов) limit of predictability — метео предел предсказуемости limit of proportionality — сопр. предел пропорциональности limit of sensibility — предел (порог) чувствительности limit of stability — граница устойчивости limit of superheat — предельный перегрев (при вскипании жидкости) limit of "swing" — предел качания (руки робота) - age limit - allowable time limit - alternating bending stress fatigue limit - audibility...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a point, line, or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass. 2 (often in pl.) the boundary of an area. 3 the greatest or smallest amount permissible or possible (upper limit; lower limit). 4 Math. a quantity which a function or sum of a series can be made to approach as closely as desired. --v.tr. (limited, limiting) 1 set or serve as a limit to. 2 (foll. by to) restrict. Phrases and idioms be the limit colloq. be intolerable or extremely irritating. off limits US out of bounds. within limits moderately; with some degree of freedom. without limit with no restriction. Derivatives limitable adj. limitative adj. limiter n. Etymology: ME f. L limes limitis boundary, frontier ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, from Latin ~-, limes boundary  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something that bounds, restrains, or confines  b. the utmost extent  2.  a. a geographic or political boundary  b. plural the place enclosed within a boundary ; bounds  3. ~ation  4. a determining feature or differentia in logic  5. a prescribed maximum or minimum amount, quantity, or number: as  a. the maximum quantity of game or fish that may be taken legally in a specified period  b. a maximum established for a gambling bet, raise, or payoff  6.  a. a number whose numerical difference from a mathematical function is arbitrarily small for all values of the independent variables that are sufficiently close to but not equal to given prescribed numbers or that are sufficiently large positively or negatively  b. a number that for an infinite sequence of numbers is such that ultimately each of the remaining terms of the sequence differs from this number by less than any given positive amount  7. something that is exasperating or intolerable  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  • ~lessness noun  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1. to assign certain ~s to ; prescribe reserved the right to ~ use of the land  2.  a. to restrict the bounds or ~s of the specialist can no longer ~ himself to his specialty  b. to curtail or reduce in quantity or extent we must ~ the power of aggressors  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, restrict, circumscribe, confine mean to set bounds for. ~ implies setting a point or line (as in time, space, speed, or degree) beyond which something cannot or is not permitted to go visits are ~ed to 30 minutes. restrict suggests a narrowing or tightening or restraining within or as if within an encircling boundary laws intended to restrict the freedom of the press. circumscribe stresses a restriction on all sides and by clearly defined boundaries the work of the investigating committee was carefully circumscribed. confine suggests severe...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (limits, limiting, limited) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A limit is the greatest amount, extent, or degree of something that is possible. Her love for him was being tested to its limits... There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 2. A limit of a particular kind is the largest or smallest amount of something such as time or money that is allowed because of a rule, law, or decision. The three month time limit will be up in mid-June... The economic affairs minister announced limits on petrol sales. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. The limit of an area is its boundary or edge. ...the city limits of Baghdad. N-COUNT: with supp 4. The limits of a situation are the facts involved in it which make only some actions or results possible. She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget... He outlined the limits of British power. N-PLURAL: usu N of n 5. If you limit something, you prevent it from becoming greater than a particular amount or degree. He limited payments on the country’s foreign debt... The view was that the economy would grow by 2.25 per cent. This would limit unemployment to around 2.5 million. = restrict VERB: V n, V n to n 6. If you limit yourself to something, or if someone or something limits you, the number of things that you have or do is reduced. It is now accepted that men should limit themselves to 20 units of alcohol a week... Voters cut councillors’ pay and limited them to one staff member each. VERB: V pron-refl to n/-ing, V n to n/-ing, also V pron-refl • limiting The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting. ADJ 7. If something is limited to a particular place or group of people, it exists only in that place, or is had or done only by that group. The protests were not limited to New York... Entry to this prize draw is limited to UK residents. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n/-ing, be V-ed to n/-ing 8. see also age limit,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »GREATEST AMOUNT ALLOWED« the greatest amount, number, speed etc that is allowed  (a 55 mph speed limit) + to/on  (Is there any limit to the amount of time we have? | set a limit (on))  (attempts to set limits on consumer waste | lower/upper limit (=lowest or highest point something is allowed to reach))  (an upper limit for pollution levels) 2 »GREATEST AMOUNT POSSIBLE« also limits the greatest possible amount of something that can exist or be obtained + of  (the limits of human knowledge) to the limit  (Our finances are already stretched to the limit. | there is no limit (to))  (There's no limit to what you can do if you try.) 3 »PLACE« the furthest point or edge of a place, that must not be passed  (The public is not allowed within a 2-mile limit of the missile site.) 4 within limits within the time, level, amount etc considered acceptable  (You can come and go when you want - within limits.) 5 know your limits informal to know what you are good at doing and what you are not good at  (I know my limits. I'm not an administrator.) 6 have your limits informal to have a set of ideas about what is reasonable to do, and to not accept behaviour that does not follow those ideas  (You cannot smoke pot in this house. Even I have my limits!) 7 there are limits! spoken used to express shock or disapproval of someone's behaviour  (- see also the sky's the limit sky (3)) 8 be the limit spoken to be so annoying that you upset someone  (Have you lost your glasses again? You really are the limit!) 9 be over the limit to have drunk more alcohol than is legal or safe for driving 10 off limits especially AmE beyond the area where someone is allowed to go  (That area of beach was off limits to us `city kids'.) ~2 v 1 to stop an amount or number from increasing beyond a particular point  (a decision to limit imports of foreign cars | limit sth to)  (Seating is limited to 500.) 2 to stop someone from using as much of something as they want or from behaving in the way they want  (Obviously I'm limited by my pension...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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