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Англо-русский биологический словарь - lime


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Перевод с английского языка lime на русский


1) известь

2) бот. лайм настоящий (Citrus aurantifolia)

3) липа (Tilia)

common limedesert limefinger limelarge-leaved limemindora limemyrtle limenative limepot limerangpur limesmall-leaved limeSpanish limesweet lime

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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) известь; - burnt - slaked lime  2) птичий клей (обыкн. bird lime)  2. v.  1) белить известью  2) скреплять/удобрять известью  3) намазывать (ветки дерева) птичьим клеем  4) fig. поймать, завлечь II noun bot. лайм настоящий (разновидность лимона) III noun липа ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. известь burnt (quick, unslaked) lime —- негашеная известь slaked (drowned, dead) lime —- гашеная известь lime application —- с-х. известкование (почвы) lime slaking (hydration) —- гашение извести 2. скреплять известью 3. белить известью 4. удобрять известью 5. смазывать птичьим клеем (ветки деревьев) для приманивания птиц, ловить птиц 6. поймать, приманить (жениха и т. п.) 7. кож. дело золить 8. бот. липа (Tilia gen.) lime bast —- липовая кора, луб; лыко 9. бот. лайм настоящий (Citrus aurantifolia) 10. плод лайма lime juice —- сок лайма, лаймовый сок ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  лайм Цитрусовое растение типа лимона, светло-зеленого цвета; сок лайма широко используется в США как добавка к коктейлям и в кулинарии. Родина растения - Индия. В США выращивается промышленным образом на юге Флориды и в Южной Калифорнии ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) известь 2) бот. лайм настоящий (Citrus aurantifolia) 3) липа (Tilia) – common lime – desert lime – finger lime – large-leaved lime – mindora lime – myrtle lime – native lime – pot lime – rangpur lime – small-leaved lime – Spanish lime – sweet lime ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) заизвестковать 2) известковый 3) известковый строительный 4) известь 5) кальциевый 6) каустизационный 7) лайм 8) лиметта 9) лиметтовый 10) силикатный 11) шламовой lime rock tower — энерг. колонна с известняком lime slaking apparatus — аппарат гашения извести - burned lime - combined lime - common lime - construction lime - fodder lime - hydrated lime - lean lime - lime a mould - lime blast - lime boil - lime brush - lime cyanamide - lime decrepitates - lime faience - lime glass - lime injection - lime liquor - lime milk - lime mortar - lime paste - lime plaster - lime plumpness - lime round - lime slag - lime sludge - lime splitting - lime water - lime yard - lump lime - manuring lime - pulverized lime - pure lime - rich lime - slake lime - slaked lime - soda lime ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  известь air-setting lime anhydrous lime autoclaved lime builder's lime burnt and ground lime dry hydrated lime fat lime high-calcium lime hydrated lime hydraulic lime lean lime meager lime nonhydraulic lime nonslaked lime quick-hardening lime rich lime slaked lime water lime ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) известь белить известью 2) обрабатывать известью to slake lime — гасить известь; to slake lime into lime putty — гасить известь в тесто; to slake lime to hydrated condition — гасить известь в пушонку - air-hardening lime - air-slaked lime - anhydrous lime - building lime - burned lime - burnt lime - calcium lime - caustic lime - chloride lime - common lime - dry hydrated lime - fat lime - finish lime - high-calcium lime - hydrated lime - hydraulic lime - killed lime - lean lime - lump lime - lump-graded lime - mason's lime - meager lime - quick-hardening lime - quick-slaking lime - rich lime - selenitic lime - slaked lime - slow-slaking lime - unslaked lime - water lime - white lime ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 (in full quicklime) a white caustic alkaline substance (calcium oxide) obtained by heating limestone and used for making mortar or as a fertilizer or bleach etc. 2 = BIRDLIME. --v.tr. 1 treat (wood, skins, land, etc.) with lime. 2 archaic catch (a bird etc.) with birdlime. Phrases and idioms lime water an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide used esp. to detect the presence of carbon dioxide. Derivatives limeless adj. limy adj. (limier, limiest). Etymology: OE lim f. Gmc, rel. to LOAM 2. n. 1 a a round citrus fruit like a lemon but greener, smaller, and more acid. b the tree, Citrus aurantifolia, bearing this. 2 (in full lime-juice) the juice of limes as a drink and formerly esp. as a cure for scurvy. 3 (in full lime-green) a pale green colour like a lime. Etymology: F f. mod.Prov. limo, Sp. lima f. Arab. lima: cf. LEMON 3. n. 1 (in full lime-tree) any ornamental tree of the genus Tilia, esp. T. europaea with heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow blossom. Also called LINDEN. 2 the wood of this. Etymology: alt. of line = OE lind = LINDEN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lim; akin to Old High German lim bird~, Latin limus mud, s~, and perhaps to Latin linere to smear  Date: before 12th century  1. bird~  2.  a. a caustic highly infusible solid that consists of calcium oxide often together with magnesium oxide, that is obtained by calcining forms of calcium carbonate (as shells or ~stone), and that is used in building (as in mortar and plaster) and in agriculture — called also quick~  b. a dry white powder consisting essentially of calcium hydroxide that is made by treating quick~ with water  c. calcium carbonate of ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; liming)  Date: 13th century  1. to smear with a sticky substance (as bird~)  2. to entangle with or as if with bird~  3. to treat or cover with ~ ~ the lawn in the spring  III. adjective  Date: 15th century of, relating to, or containing ~ or ~stone  IV. noun  Etymology: alteration of Middle English lind, from Old English; akin to Old High German linta linden  Date: 1625 a linden tree; especially linden 1a  V. noun  Etymology: Middle French, from Spanish lima, from Arabic lima, lim  Date: 1583  1. the small globose yellowish green fruit of a widely cultivated spiny tropical Asian citrus tree (Citrus aurantifolia) with a usually acid juicy pulp used as a flavoring agent and as a source of vitamin C  2. a tree that bears ~s LIMEADE  noun  Date: 1892 a beverage of sweetened lime juice mixed with plain or carbonated water ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (limes) 1. A lime is a green fruit that tastes like a lemon. Limes grow on trees in tropical countries. ...peeled slices of lime... Add a few drops of lime juice. N-VAR 2. A lime is a large tree with pale green leaves. It is often planted in parks in towns and cities. ...dilapidated avenues of limes. N-COUNT 3. Lime is a substance containing calcium. It is found in soil and water. If your soil is very acid, add lime. N-UNCOUNT • Lime is also a combining form. ...lime-rich sand. ...old lime-stained baths. COMB in ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a small juicy green fruit with a sour taste, or the tree this grows on 2 a tree with pleasant-smelling yellow flowers; linden 3 a white substance obtained by burning limestone, used for making cement, marking sports fields etc; quicklime  (- see also birdlime) ~2 v technical to add lime to soil to control acid ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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